def _validate_and_retrieve_pre_config(): """ Validate whether the values in the pre-configuration file are valid :return: JSON contents """ if not os.path.exists(PRECONFIG_FILE): return with open(PRECONFIG_FILE, 'r') as pre_config: try: config = json.loads( except Exception as ex: print Interactive.boxed_message(['JSON contents could not be retrieved from file {0}.\nError message: {1}'.format(PRECONFIG_FILE, ex)]) sys.exit(1) if 'asdmanager' not in config or not isinstance(config['asdmanager'], dict): print Interactive.boxed_message(['The ASD manager pre-configuration file must contain a "asdmanager" key with a dictionary as value']) sys.exit(1) errors = [] config = config['asdmanager'] actual_keys = config.keys() expected_keys = ['api_ip', 'api_port', 'asd_ips', 'asd_start_port', 'store'] for key in actual_keys: if key not in expected_keys: errors.append('Key {0} is not supported by the ASD manager'.format(key)) if len(errors) > 0: print Interactive.boxed_message(['Errors found while verifying pre-configuration:', ' - {0}'.format('\n - '.join(errors)), '', 'Allowed keys:\n' ' - {0}'.format('\n - '.join(expected_keys))]) sys.exit(1) try: Toolbox.verify_required_params(actual_params=config, required_params={'store': (str, ['arakoon', 'etcd'], False), 'api_ip': (str, Toolbox.regex_ip, True), 'asd_ips': (list, Toolbox.regex_ip, False), 'api_port': (int, {'min': 1025, 'max': 65535}, False), 'asd_start_port': (int, {'min': 1025, 'max': 65435}, False)}) except RuntimeError as rte: print Interactive.boxed_message(['The asd-manager pre-configuration file does not contain correct information\n{0}'.format(rte)]) sys.exit(1) return config
def setup(): """ Interactive setup part for initial asd manager configuration with etcd """ print Interactive.boxed_message(['ASD Manager setup']) local_client = LocalClient() service_name = 'asd-manager' print '- Verifying distribution' if ServiceManager.has_service(service_name, local_client): print '' # Spacing print Interactive.boxed_message(['The ASD Manager is already installed.']) sys.exit(1) ipaddresses = check_output("ip a | grep 'inet ' | sed 's/\s\s*/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '/' -f 1", shell=True).strip().splitlines() ipaddresses = [found_ip.strip() for found_ip in ipaddresses if found_ip.strip() != ''] if not ipaddresses: print Interactive.boxed_message(['Could not retrieve IP information on current node']) sys.exit(1) config = None preconfig = '/opt/OpenvStorage/config/openvstorage_preconfig.json' run_interactive = True if os.path.exists(preconfig): config = {} with open(preconfig, 'r') as pre_config: try: config = json.load(pre_config) except Exception as ex: raise ValueError('JSON contents could not be retrieved from file {0}.\nErrormessage: {1}'.format(preconfig, ex)) run_interactive = 'asdmanager' not in config if run_interactive is False: asd_preconfig = config['asdmanager'] required = {'api_ip': (str, Toolbox.regex_ip), 'asd_ips': (list, Toolbox.regex_ip, False), 'api_port': (int, {'min': 1025, 'max': 65535}, False), 'asd_start_port': (int, {'min': 1025, 'max': 65435}, False)} Toolbox.verify_required_params(required_params=required, actual_params=asd_preconfig) api_ip = asd_preconfig['api_ip'] api_port = asd_preconfig.get('api_port', 8500) asd_ips = asd_preconfig.get('asd_ips', []) asd_start_port = asd_preconfig.get('asd_start_port', 8600) if api_ip not in ipaddresses: print Interactive.boxed_message(['Unknown API IP provided, please choose from: {0}'.format(', '.join(ipaddresses))]) sys.exit(1) if set(asd_ips).difference(set(ipaddresses)): print Interactive.boxed_message(['Unknown ASD IP provided, please choose from: {0}'.format(', '.join(ipaddresses))]) sys.exit(1) else: api_ip = Interactive.ask_choice(ipaddresses, 'Select the public IP address to be used for the API') api_port = Interactive.ask_integer("Select the port to be used for the API", 1025, 65535, 8500) ipaddresses.append('All') asd_ips = [] add_ips = True while add_ips: current_ips = ' - Current selected IPs: {0}'.format(asd_ips) new_asd_ip = Interactive.ask_choice(ipaddresses, 'Select an IP address or all IP addresses to be used for the ASDs{0}'.format(current_ips if len(asd_ips) > 0 else ''), default_value='All') if new_asd_ip == 'All': ipaddresses.remove('All') asd_ips = [] add_ips = False else: asd_ips.append(new_asd_ip) ipaddresses.remove(new_asd_ip) add_ips = Interactive.ask_yesno("Do you want to add another IP?") asd_start_port = Interactive.ask_integer("Select the port to be used for the ASDs", 1025, 65435, 8600) if api_port in range(asd_start_port, asd_start_port + 100): print Interactive.boxed_message(['API port cannot be in the range of the ASD port + 100']) sys.exit(1) print '- Initializing etcd' try: alba_node_id = EtcdConfiguration.initialize(api_ip, api_port, asd_ips, asd_start_port) except: print '' # Spacing print Interactive.boxed_message(['Could not connect to Etcd.', 'Please make sure an Etcd proxy is available, pointing towards an OpenvStorage cluster.']) sys.exit(1) ServiceManager.add_service(service_name, local_client, params={'ASD_NODE_ID': alba_node_id, 'PORT_NUMBER': str(api_port)}) print '- Starting ASD manager service' try: ServiceManager.start_service(service_name, local_client) except Exception as ex: EtcdConfiguration.uninitialize(alba_node_id) print Interactive.boxed_message(['Starting asd-manager failed with error:', str(ex)]) sys.exit(1) print Interactive.boxed_message(['ASD Manager setup completed'])
def setup(): """ Interactive setup part for initial asd manager configuration """ print Interactive.boxed_message(['ASD Manager setup']) print '- Verifying distribution' local_client = LocalClient() if ServiceManager.has_service(MANAGER_SERVICE, local_client): print '' # Spacing print Interactive.boxed_message(['The ASD Manager is already installed.']) sys.exit(1) ipaddresses = check_output("ip a | grep 'inet ' | sed 's/\s\s*/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '/' -f 1", shell=True).strip().splitlines() ipaddresses = [found_ip.strip() for found_ip in ipaddresses if found_ip.strip() != ''] if not ipaddresses: print Interactive.boxed_message(['Could not retrieve IP information on current node']) sys.exit(1) config = _validate_and_retrieve_pre_config() if config is None: api_ip = Interactive.ask_choice(ipaddresses, 'Select the public IP address to be used for the API') asd_ips = [] add_ips = True api_port = Interactive.ask_integer("Select the port to be used for the API", 1025, 65535, 8500) ipaddresses.append('All') while add_ips: current_ips = ' - Current selected IPs: {0}'.format(asd_ips) new_asd_ip = Interactive.ask_choice(ipaddresses, 'Select an IP address or all IP addresses to be used for the ASDs{0}'.format(current_ips if len(asd_ips) > 0 else ''), default_value='All') if new_asd_ip == 'All': ipaddresses.remove('All') asd_ips = [] add_ips = False else: asd_ips.append(new_asd_ip) ipaddresses.remove(new_asd_ip) add_ips = Interactive.ask_yesno("Do you want to add another IP?") asd_start_port = Interactive.ask_integer("Select the port to be used for the ASDs", 1025, 65435, 8600) store = Interactive.ask_choice(['Arakoon', 'Etcd'], question='Select the configuration management system', default_value='Arakoon').lower() else: store = config.get('store', 'arakoon') api_ip = config['api_ip'] api_port = config.get('api_port', 8500) asd_ips = config.get('asd_ips', []) asd_start_port = config.get('asd_start_port', 8600) if api_ip not in ipaddresses: print Interactive.boxed_message(['Unknown API IP provided, please choose from: {0}'.format(', '.join(ipaddresses))]) sys.exit(1) if set(asd_ips).difference(set(ipaddresses)): print Interactive.boxed_message(['Unknown ASD IP provided, please choose from: {0}'.format(', '.join(ipaddresses))]) sys.exit(1) if api_port in range(asd_start_port, asd_start_port + 100): print Interactive.boxed_message(['API port cannot be in the range of the ASD port + 100']) sys.exit(1) # Make sure to always have the information stored with open(PRECONFIG_FILE, 'w') as preconfig: preconfig.write(json.dumps({'asdmanager': {'store': store, 'api_ip': api_ip, 'asd_ips': asd_ips, 'api_port': api_port, 'asd_start_port': asd_start_port}}, indent=4)) if store == 'arakoon': from import ArakoonConfiguration file_location = ArakoonConfiguration.CACC_LOCATION source_location = ArakoonConfiguration.CACC_SOURCE if not local_client.file_exists(file_location) and local_client.file_exists(source_location): # Try to copy automatically try: local_client.file_upload(file_location, source_location) except Exception: pass while not local_client.file_exists(file_location): print 'Please place a copy of the Arakoon\'s client configuration file at: {0}'.format(file_location) Interactive.ask_continue() bootstrap_location = Configuration.BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_LOCATION if not local_client.file_exists(bootstrap_location): local_client.file_create(bootstrap_location) local_client.file_write(bootstrap_location, json.dumps({'configuration_store': store}, indent=4)) try: alba_node_id = Configuration.initialize(api_ip, api_port, asd_ips, asd_start_port) except: print '' if store == 'arakoon': print Interactive.boxed_message(['Could not connect to Arakoon']) else: print Interactive.boxed_message(['Could not connect to Etcd.', 'Please make sure an Etcd proxy is available, pointing towards an OpenvStorage cluster.']) sys.exit(1) with open(Toolbox.BOOTSTRAP_FILE, 'w') as bs_file: json.dump({'node_id': alba_node_id}, bs_file) ServiceManager.add_service(MANAGER_SERVICE, local_client) ServiceManager.add_service(WATCHER_SERVICE, local_client) print '- Starting watcher service' try: ServiceManager.start_service(WATCHER_SERVICE, local_client) except Exception as ex: Configuration.uninitialize(alba_node_id) print Interactive.boxed_message(['Starting watcher failed with error:', str(ex)]) sys.exit(1) print Interactive.boxed_message(['ASD Manager setup completed'])
def remove(silent=None): """ Interactive removal part for the ASD manager :param silent: If silent == '--force-yes' no question will be asked to confirm the removal :type silent: str :return: None """ os.environ['OVS_LOGTYPE_OVERRIDE'] = 'file' print '\n' + Interactive.boxed_message(['ASD Manager removal']) ############## # VALIDATION # ############## local_client = LocalClient() if not local_client.file_exists(filename=Toolbox.BOOTSTRAP_FILE): print '\n' + Interactive.boxed_message(['The ASD Manager has already been removed']) sys.exit(1) print ' - Validating configuration file' config = _validate_and_retrieve_pre_config() if config is None or 'store' not in config: print '\n' + Interactive.boxed_message(['Cannot remove the ASD manager because not all information could be retrieved from the pre-configuration file']) sys.exit(1) print ' - Validating node ID' with open(Toolbox.BOOTSTRAP_FILE, 'r') as bs_file: try: alba_node_id = json.loads(['node_id'] except: print '\n' + Interactive.boxed_message(['JSON contents could not be retrieved from file {0}'.format(Toolbox.BOOTSTRAP_FILE)]) sys.exit(1) print ' - Validating configuration management' store = config['store'] try: Configuration.list(key='ovs') except: if store == 'arakoon': print '\n' + Interactive.boxed_message(['Could not connect to Arakoon']) else: print '\n' + Interactive.boxed_message(['Could not connect to Etcd.', 'Please make sure an Etcd proxy is available, pointing towards an OpenvStorage cluster.']) sys.exit(1) ################ # CONFIRMATION # ################ os.environ['ASD_NODE_ID'] = alba_node_id from import API print ' - Retrieving ASD information' all_asds = {} try: all_asds = API.list_asds.original() except: print ' - ERROR: Failed to retrieve the ASD information' interactive = silent != '--force-yes' if interactive is True: message = 'Are you sure you want to continue?' if len(all_asds) > 0: print '\n\n+++ ALERT +++\n' message = 'DATA LOSS possible if proceeding! Continue?' proceed = Interactive.ask_yesno(message=message, default_value=False) if proceed is False: print '\n' + Interactive.boxed_message(['Abort removal']) sys.exit(1) ########### # REMOVAL # ########### print ' - Removing from configuration management' Configuration.uninitialize(node_id=alba_node_id) if len(all_asds) > 0: print ' - Removing disks' for device_id, disk_info in API.list_disks.original().iteritems(): if disk_info['available'] is True: continue try: print ' - Retrieving ASD information for disk {0}'.format(disk_info['device']) for asd_id, asd_info in API.list_asds_disk.original(disk_id=device_id).iteritems(): print ' - Removing ASD {0}'.format(asd_id) API.asd_delete.original(disk_id=device_id, asd_id=asd_id) API.delete_disk.original(disk_id=device_id) except Exception as ex: print ' - Deleting ASDs failed: {0}'.format(ex) print ' - Removing services' for service_name in API.list_maintenance_services.original()['services']: print ' - Removing service {0}'.format(service_name) API.remove_maintenance_service.original(name=service_name) for service_name in [WATCHER_SERVICE, MANAGER_SERVICE]: if ServiceManager.has_service(name=service_name, client=local_client): print ' - Removing service {0}'.format(service_name) ServiceManager.stop_service(name=service_name, client=local_client) ServiceManager.remove_service(name=service_name, client=local_client) if store == 'arakoon': from import ArakoonConfiguration local_client.file_delete(filenames=ArakoonConfiguration.CACC_LOCATION) local_client.file_delete(filenames=Toolbox.BOOTSTRAP_FILE) print '\n' + Interactive.boxed_message(['ASD Manager removal completed'])