def main(): logging.basicConfig(filename=absolute_path + '/sf_abm_mp.log', level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger('main')'{} \n\n'.format( t_start = time.time() ### Read initial graph #global g_igraph #g_igraph = igraph.Graph.Read_Pickle(absolute_path+'/../data_repo/data/sf/network_graph.pkl') global g g = interface.readgraph( bytes(absolute_path + '/../data_repo/data/sf/network_sparse.mtx', encoding='utf-8')) for day in [1]: for hour in range(9, 10):'*************** DY{} HR{} ***************'.format( day, hour)) t0 = time.time() edge_volume = one_step(day, hour) t1 = time.time()'DY{}_HR{}: running time {}'.format( day, hour, t1 - t0)) ### Update graph # volume_array = np.zeros(g.ecount()) # volume_array[list(edge_volume.keys())] = np.array(list(edge_volume.values()))*400 ### 400 is the factor to scale Uber/Lyft trip # to total car trip # in SF. #['volume'] = volume_array #'DY{}_HR{}: max link volume {}'.format(day, hour, max(volume_array))) #['t_new'] = fft_array*(1.2+0.78*(volume_array/capacity_array)**4) ### BPR and (colak, 2015) #['weight'] =['t_new'] #write_geojson(g, day, hour) t_end = time.time()'total run time is {} seconds \n\n\n\n\n'.format(t_end - t_start))
def network(network_file_edges=None, network_file_nodes=None, simulation_outputs=None, cf_files=[], scen_nm=''): logger = logging.getLogger("bk_evac") links_df0 = pd.read_csv(work_dir + network_file_edges) links_df0 = gpd.GeoDataFrame( links_df0, crs='epsg:4326', geometry=links_df0['geometry'].map(loads)) #.to_crs(3857) ### lane assumptions ### leave to OSM specified values for motorway and trunk links_df0['lanes'] = np.where( links_df0['type'].isin([ 'primary', 'primary_link', 'secondary', 'secondary_link', 'tertiary', 'tertiary_link' ]), 2, links_df0['lanes']) links_df0['lanes'] = np.where( links_df0['type'].isin(['residential', 'unclassified']), 1, links_df0['lanes']) ### speed assumptions links_df0['maxmph'] = np.where( links_df0['type'].isin(['primary', 'primary_link']), 55, links_df0['maxmph']) links_df0['maxmph'] = np.where( links_df0['type'].isin( ['secondary', 'secondary_link', 'tertiary', 'tertiary_link']), 25, links_df0['maxmph']) links_df0['maxmph'] = np.where( links_df0['type'].isin(['residential', 'unclassified']), 25 * 0.8, links_df0['maxmph']) if len(cf_files) > 0: ### read counterflow links cf_links = [] for cf_file in cf_files: cf_link_df = pd.read_csv(work_dir + cf_file) cf_links.append(cf_link_df) cf_links_df = pd.concat(cf_links) ### along counterflow direction cf_links_id = cf_links_df.loc[cf_links_df['along'] == 1, 'edge_id_igraph'] links_df0['lanes'] = np.where( links_df0['edge_id_igraph'].isin(cf_links_id), links_df0['lanes'] * 2, links_df0['lanes']) ### opposite counterflow direction opcf_links_id = cf_links_df.loc[cf_links_df['along'] == 0, 'edge_id_igraph'] links_df0['lanes'] = np.where( links_df0['edge_id_igraph'].isin(opcf_links_id), 0, links_df0['lanes']) links_df0['maxmph'] = np.where( links_df0['edge_id_igraph'].isin(opcf_links_id), 0.0000001, links_df0['maxmph']) links_df0['fft'] = links_df0['length'] / links_df0['maxmph'] * 2.237 links_df0['capacity'] = 1900 * links_df0['lanes'] links_df0 = links_df0[[ 'edge_id_igraph', 'start_igraph', 'end_igraph', 'lanes', 'capacity', 'maxmph', 'fft', 'length', 'geometry' ]] links_df0.to_csv(scratch_dir + simulation_outputs + '/modified_network_edges_{}.csv'.format(scen_nm), index=False) # sys.exit(0) nodes_df0 = pd.read_csv(work_dir + network_file_nodes) nodes_df0 = gpd.GeoDataFrame( nodes_df0, crs='epsg:4326', geometry=[Point(xy) for xy in zip(nodes_df0['lon'], nodes_df0['lat']) ]) #.to_crs(3857) nodes_df0['x'] = nodes_df0['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.x) nodes_df0['y'] = nodes_df0['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.y) ### Convert to mtx wgh = links_df0['fft'] row = links_df0['start_igraph'] col = links_df0['end_igraph'] assert max( np.max(row) + 1, np.max(col) + 1 ) == nodes_df0.shape[ 0], 'nodes and links dimension do not match, row {}, col {}, nodes {}'.format( np.max(row), np.max(col), nodes_df0.shape[0]) g_coo = ssparse.coo_matrix((wgh, (row, col)), shape=(nodes_df0.shape[0], nodes_df0.shape[0]))"({}, {}), {}".format(g_coo.shape[0], g_coo.shape[1], len( sio.mmwrite( scratch_dir + simulation_outputs + '/network_sparse_{}.mtx'.format(scen_nm), g_coo) # g_coo = sio.mmread(absolute_path+'/outputs/network_sparse.mtx'.format(folder)) g = interface.readgraph( bytes(scratch_dir + simulation_outputs + '/network_sparse_{}.mtx'.format(scen_nm), encoding='utf-8')) ### Create link and node objects nodes = [] links = [] for row in nodes_df0.itertuples(): real_node = Node(getattr(row, 'node_id_igraph'), getattr(row, 'x'), getattr(row, 'y'), 'real', getattr(row, 'node_osmid')) virtual_node = real_node.create_virtual_node() virtual_link = real_node.create_virtual_link() nodes.append(real_node) nodes.append(virtual_node) links.append(virtual_link) for row in links_df0.itertuples(): real_link = Link(getattr(row, 'edge_id_igraph'), getattr(row, 'lanes'), getattr(row, 'length'), getattr(row, 'fft'), getattr(row, 'capacity'), 'real', getattr(row, 'start_igraph'), getattr(row, 'end_igraph'), getattr(row, 'geometry')) links.append(real_link) return g, nodes, links
import sys import scipy.sparse import as sio import numpy as np import time import os sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/bz247') from sp import interface absolute_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) graph_file = absolute_path + '/../0_network/data/sf/network_sparse.mtx' ### Time the PQ print('########### Priority Queue SP #############') g_pq = interface.readgraph(bytes(graph_file, encoding='utf-8')) ta0 = time.time() try: sp_pq = g_pq.dijkstra(1, 20) except: print('route not found') ta1 = time.time() route_pq = sp_pq.route(20) ta2 = time.time() path_pq = [vertex[1] for vertex in route_pq] ta3 = time.time() print('PQ: distance 1020-->20: ', sp_pq.distance(20)) print( 'PQ: total time {}, dijkstra() {}, route() {}, vertex list {}, \n'.format( ta3 - ta0, ta1 - ta0, ta2 - ta1, ta3 - ta2))