Esempio n. 1
 def testBinary(self):
     This tests the ability to open a file and correctly read the attributes and 
     variables as well as properly reshape the arrays and remove unused dimensions.
     # Open 2D file:
     f = gitm.GitmBin(
         os.path.join(self.pth, 'data', 'pybats_test', 'gitm_2D.bin'))
     # Check some critical attributes/values:
     self.assertEqual(self.nVars, f.attrs['nVars'])
     self.assertEqual(self.nLat, f.attrs['nLat'])
     self.assertEqual(self.vers, f.attrs['version'])
     self.assertEqual(self.time, f['time'])
     self.assertEqual(self.shape, f['Longitude'].shape)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(self.lat1, f['Latitude'][0, -1], 6)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-1 * self.lat1, f['Latitude'][0, 0], 6)
Esempio n. 2
def load_multiple_gitm_bin(filelist, magfile=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Loads a list of GITM binary files into their own GitmBin data structures.
    The list may be an ascii file containing a list of files or a list object.
    A list of the data structures is returned.  A 3DION or 3DMAG file may
    be specified for the entire list using the keyword arguement "magfile".

    filelist = python list of file names or an ASCII file containing a list
               of filenames
    magfile = 3DMAG or 3DION file (default=None)
    # import local packages
    from os import path
    outlist = list()

    if type(filelist) == str:
        func_name = "load_multiple_gitm_bin"
        fsize = path.getsize(filelist)

        if(fsize > 2.0e9):
            print func_name,"ERROR: File list size [",(fsize*1e-9),"GB > 2 GB]"
            return outlist
        elif(fsize == 0.0):
            print func_name, "ERROR: empty file list [", filelist, "]"
            return outlist

        # Read in the list of files
        f = open(filelist, "r")
        namelist = f.readlines()
        namelist = filelist

    for name in namelist:
        name = string.strip(name)
        outlist.append(gitm.GitmBin(name, magfile=magfile))

        if outlist[-1].attrs['nAlt'] > 1:

Esempio n. 3
def quickplot(infile, outfile, min, max, backfile):
    Takes file name, infile, and creates a PNG plot thing.  Yeah.

    # Import shit.  I needed a lot of shit this time.
    import numpy as np
    from spacepy.pybats import gitm
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from import get_cmap
    from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter

    # Convert lat lon from rad to degrees.
    p = 180.0 / np.pi

    f = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 7))  #make a fig.
    ax = f.add_subplot(111)  #make an ax.

    # Open file.
    a = gitm.GitmBin(infile)

    t = a['Temperature'][:, :, :]
    sz = t.shape
    c = sz[0] / 2.0

    IsNotDiff = re.match(r'none', backfile)
    if IsNotDiff:
        diff = np.log10(a['Rho'][c, :, :])
        base = gitm.GitmBin(backfile)
        diff = 100 * (a['Rho'][c, :, :] -
                      base['Rho'][c, :, :]) / base['Rho'][c, :, :]
        diff[diff > max] = max
        diff[diff < min] = min

    # Create the contour for an altitude slice and call it 'cnt'.
    # The 61 is the number of contours; you could use a vector of values to set
    # levels manually if you wish.  get_cmap accepts any of the color map names
    # from the colormap demo pic from the Matplotlib gallery; adding '_r'
    # reverses the colormap.

    u = a['V!Dn!N (north)'][c, :, :]
    v = a['V!Dn!N (up)'][c, :, :]

    x = a['Latitude'][c, :, :] * p * 111.0
    y = a['Altitude'][c, :, :] / 1000.0

    if (min > -1.0e31 and max < 1.0e32):
        lev = (np.arange(61)) / 60.0 * (max - min) + min
        cnt = ax.contourf(x, y, diff, 61, cmap=get_cmap('RdBu_r'), levels=lev)
        cnt = ax.contourf(x, y, diff, 61, cmap=get_cmap('RdBu_r'))

    # Configure axis.
    ax.set_xlabel('Latitude (in km)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Altitude (km)')
    if IsNotDiff:
        ax.set_title(r'Rho at longitude=%5.2f$^{\circ}$' %
                     (a['Longitude'][c, 0, 0] * p))
        ax.set_title(r'Pecent Diff of Rho at longitude=%5.2f$^{\circ}$' %
                     (a['Longitude'][c, 0, 0] * p))

    f.suptitle('File=%s' % (a.attrs['file']))

    q = plt.quiver(x, y, u, v, angles='xy', scale=5000, color='b')

    # Add a colorbar and set the tick format to exponential notation.
    cb = plt.colorbar(cnt)
    cb.formatter = FormatStrFormatter('%7.2E')

    # Add the quivers.
    #ax.quiver(a['Longitude'][:,:,0]*p, p*a['Latitude'][:,:,0],
    #          a['V!Dn!N (east)'][:,:,0],a['V!Dn!N (north)'][:,:,0])

    if outfile[-4] != '.png':
        outfile += '.png'

    # Draw to screen.
    if plt.isinteractive():
        plt.draw()  #In interactive mode, you just "draw".
    # W/o interactive mode, "show" stops the user from typing more
    # at the terminal until plots are drawn.
Esempio n. 4
Note that as pybats.gitm is more developed, a plot like this should be made
using syntax like,
>>>a.add_alt_slice(0, 'Rho', add_cbar=True)
That's how most pybats stuff works right now.

# Import shit.  I needed a lot of shit this time.  
import numpy as np
from spacepy.pybats import gitm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import get_cmap
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter

# Open file.

# Make contour of rho at lowest altitude (index 0).
# Convert lat lon from rad to degrees.
f=plt.figure() #make a fig.
ax=f.add_subplot(111) #make an ax.

# Create the contour for an altitude slice and call it 'cnt' (no jokes, please.)
# The '61' is the number of contours; you could use a vector of values to set
# levels manually if you wish.  get_cmap accepts any of the color map names
# from the colormap demo pic from the Matplotlib gallery; adding '_r' 
# reverses the colormap.
                 a['Rho'][:,:,0], 61, cmap=get_cmap('Spectral_r'))