def geomag_lat(alt, start_time, conv_module): ''' Calculates the geomagnetic lattitude data at the given alt (altitude) and start_time. This function uses either Spacepy or aacgmv2 to convert between geographic and geomagnetic coordinates. The moduel used to convert coordinates can be selected by setting the conv_module. Make sure to use all lowercase for converting module. Keep in mind SpacePy for some reason is not able to use 2020 data. ''' arr = np.zeros((181, 360)) geo_lat = np.zeros((5, 360)) for j in range(360): for i in range(181): # Altitude is given in meters but Spacepy uses kilometers. coordinates = coords.Coords([alt / 1000, i - 90, j - 180], \ 'GEO', 'sph') # For some reason, 2020 data could not be used. if conv_module == 'spacepy': coordinates.ticks = Ticktock(['2019-07-17T17:51:15'], 'ISO') arr[i][j] = coordinates.convert('MAG', 'sph').lati elif conv_module == 'aacgmv2': arr[i][j] = (np.array(aacgmv2.get_aacgm_coord(i - 90, j - 180,\ int(alt / 1000), start_time)))[0] else: print("Error: coordinate conversion module is invalid.\n\ Please choose between:\n spacepy\n aacgmv2\n\ Please use all lowercase.") exit() for j in range(360): for i in range(5): geo_lat[i, j] = closest(arr[:, j], 30 * i - 60) - 90 return geo_lat
def calc_Lvals(year): counts_file = "/home/wyatt/Documents/SAMPEX/bounce/correlation/data/accepted_" + str( year) + ".csv" times = pd.read_csv(counts_file, header=None, names=["Burst", "Time"], usecols=[0, 1]) times['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(times['Time']) times = times.set_index('Burst') irb_L_list = [] samp_L_list = [] indices = times.index.drop_duplicates() for ind in indices: print(ind) start = times.loc[ind].iloc[0]["Time"] end = times.loc[ind].iloc[-1]["Time"] dataObj = sp.OrbitData(date=start) orbitInfo = dataObj.read_time_range( pd.to_datetime(start), pd.to_datetime(end), parameters=['GEI_X', 'GEI_Y', 'GEI_Z', 'L_Shell']) X = (orbitInfo['GEI_X'].to_numpy() / Re)[0] Y = (orbitInfo['GEI_Y'].to_numpy() / Re)[0] Z = (orbitInfo['GEI_Z'].to_numpy() / Re)[0] position = np.array([X, Y, Z]) ticks = Ticktock(start) coords = spc.Coords(position, 'GEI', 'car') irb_Lstar = irb.get_Lstar(ticks, coords, extMag=magField) irb_Lstar = irb_Lstar['Lm'][0] samp_Lstar = orbitInfo['L_Shell'].to_numpy()[0] irb_L_list.append(irb_Lstar[0]) samp_L_list.append(samp_Lstar) return irb_L_list, samp_L_list
def test_coords(self): """Coords should create and do simple conversions""" np.testing.assert_equal([1,1], self.cvals.x) np.testing.assert_equal([2,2], self.cvals.y) np.testing.assert_equal([4,2], self.cvals.z) self.cvals.ticks = Ticktock(['2002-02-02T12:00:00', '2002-02-02T12:00:00'], 'ISO') # add ticktock newcoord = self.cvals.convert('GSM', 'sph')
def _bounce_period(self, times, energy=1): """ calculates electron bounce period at edge of loss cone energy in MeV """ start = times[0] end = times[-1] dataObj = sp.OrbitData(date=start) orbitInfo = dataObj.read_time_range( pd.to_datetime(start), pd.to_datetime(end), parameters=['GEI_X', 'GEI_Y', 'GEI_Z', 'L_Shell', 'GEO_Lat']) X = (orbitInfo['GEI_X'].to_numpy() / self.Re)[0] Y = (orbitInfo['GEI_Y'].to_numpy() / self.Re)[0] Z = (orbitInfo['GEI_Z'].to_numpy() / self.Re)[0] position = np.array([X, Y, Z]) ticks = Ticktock(times[0]) coords = spc.Coords(position, 'GEI', 'car') #something bad is happening with IRBEM, the L values are crazy for a lot of #these places, so for now I'll use sampex's provided L vals Lstar = irb.get_Lstar(ticks, coords, extMag='0') Lstar = abs(Lstar['Lm'][0]) # Lstar = orbitInfo['L_Shell'].to_numpy()[0] self.Lstar = Lstar loss_cone = self._find_loss_cone(coords, ticks) #in degrees period = 5.62 * 10**(-2) * Lstar / np.sqrt(energy) * ( 1 - .43 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(loss_cone))) return period[0]
def geotomag(lat,lon,alt,plot_date): #call with altitude in kilometers and lat/lon in degrees Re=6371.0 #mean Earth radius in kilometers #setup the geographic coordinate object with altitude in earth radii cvals = coord.Coords([np.float(alt+Re)/Re, np.float(lat), np.float(lon)], 'GEO', 'sph',['Re','deg','deg']) #set time epoch for coordinates: cvals.ticks=Ticktock([plot_date.isoformat()], 'ISO') #return the magnetic coords in the same units as the geographic: return cvals.convert('MAG','sph')
def GSE2GSM(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, GSE_XYZ): # 功能:GSM坐标系->GSE坐标系 coord = Coords(GSE_XYZ, 'GSE', 'car') date_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) date_time_str = date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') coord.ticks = Ticktock(date_time_str, 'ISO') coord_new = coord.convert('GSM', 'car') GSM_XYZ =[0] return GSM_XYZ
def test_to_skycoord_with_ticks(self): self.cvals.ticks = Ticktock(['2002-02-02T12:00:00', '2002-02-02T12:00:00'], 'ISO') # add ticktock sc = self.cvals.to_skycoord() assert isinstance(sc, astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) assert == 'itrs' # Check that the data was loaded correctly sc_data ='m').value.T np.testing.assert_allclose(sc_data, * self.cvals.Re, rtol=1e-10) # Check that the time was loaded correctly np.testing.assert_allclose((sc.obstime - self.cvals.ticks.APT).to('s').value, 0)
def test_to_skycoord_with_ticks_and_conversion(self): self.cvals.ticks = Ticktock(['2002-02-02T12:00:00', '2002-02-02T12:00:00'], 'ISO') # add ticktock # Convert to a frame other than GEO before calling to_skycoord() non_geo = self.cvals.convert('GSE', 'sph') sc = non_geo.to_skycoord() assert isinstance(sc, astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) assert == 'itrs' # Check that the data converts back correctly sc_data ='m').value.T np.testing.assert_allclose(sc_data, * self.cvals.Re, rtol=1e-10) # Check that the time was loaded correctly np.testing.assert_allclose((sc.obstime - self.cvals.ticks.APT).to('s').value, 0)
def getSmOrbit(): """ reads in the x,y,z coordinates (originally in GSE) converts them to x,y,z in SM """ # df = pd.read_csv('01_Jan_2019.csv') df = pd.read_csv('oct_65_2019.csv') t = df['DefaultSC.A1ModJulian'] + 29999.5 x = df['DefaultSC.gse.X'] y = df['DefaultSC.gse.Y'] z = df['DefaultSC.gse.Z'] cvals = coord.Coords([[i, j, k] for i, j, k in zip(x, y, z)], 'GSE', 'car') # okay so the correct "ticks" are getting set cvals.ticks = Ticktock(t, 'MJD') sm = cvals.convert('SM', 'car') return sm
def ComputeLshell(inTime, c1, c2, c3, inCoordName, inCoordType): """ This function uses spacepy to compute L shell and MLT from given time and position values. It uses the IRBEM library to do the calculations. INPUTS: inTime: array: time in UTC timestamp c1: array: x, alt c2: array: y, lat c3: array: z, lon inCoordName: string: GDZ, GEO, GSM, GSE, SM, GEI, MAG, SPH, RLL inCoordType: string: car, sph OUTPUT: c1: array: Lm c2: array: Lstar c3: array: MLT """ # Start timer tic = time.perf_counter() #print("Starting ...") #pack position arrays in desired format sat_track = [[c1[i], c2[i], c3[i]] for i in range(len(c1))] #convert utc_ts to spacepy time strings @np.vectorize def ts_to_spacepystr(ts): return dt.strftime(dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(ts)), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') #perform coordinate conversion cvals = Coords(sat_track, inCoordName, inCoordType) tt = Ticktock(ts_to_spacepystr(inTime), 'ISO') qq = get_Lstar(tt, cvals) Lm = abs(np.reshape(qq['Lm'], -1)) Lstar = abs(np.reshape(qq['Lstar'], -1)) MLT = qq['MLT'] toc = time.perf_counter() print('Computed Lm,lstar,MLT in', "{:0.4f}".format(toc - tic), 'seconds for', len(inTime), ' positions.') return Lm, Lstar, MLT
ZGSE = np.zeros(1440) for igp in range(1440): # next step here is to do this all in pandas ctime = rng[ic] year = ctime.year day = dt1.timetuple()[7] # day number in year hour = ctime.hour minute = ctime.minute second = ctime.second # now apply each coordinate system cvals = coord.Coords([[GEOX[igp], GEOY[igp], GEOZ[igp]]], 'GEO', 'car') bcvals = coord.Coords( [[GEOBx[igp], GEOBy[igp], GEOBz[igp]]], 'GEO', 'car') cvals.ticks = Ticktock([ctime], 'UTC') bcvals.ticks = Ticktock([ctime], 'UTC') new_coord = cvals.convert(desired_coords[ic], 'car') newB_coord = bcvals.convert(desired_coords[ic], 'car') XGSE[igp] = new_coord.x YGSE[igp] = new_coord.y ZGSE[igp] = new_coord.z Bx[igp] = newB_coord.x By[igp] = newB_coord.y Bz[igp] = newB_coord.z # # now we have the interpolated pressures... get the Kp, L, and MLT # from HOPE Ephemeris # os.chdir('/Users/loisks/Desktop/liemohn10/loisks/EMPHEMERIS_' +
cols = ['Rate1', 'Rate2', 'Rate3', 'Rate4', 'GEI_X', 'GEI_Y', 'GEI_Z', 'A11', 'A21', 'A31', 'A12', 'A22', 'A32', 'A13', 'A23', 'A33'] data = pd.read_csv('/home/wyatt/Documents/SAMPEX/generated_Data/burst_Jan93.csv',header=None,index_col=0,names=cols) data2 = pd.read_csv('/home/wyatt/Documents/SAMPEX/generated_Data/burst_Feb93.csv',header=None,index_col=0,names=cols) data3 = pd.read_csv('/home/wyatt/Documents/SAMPEX/generated_Data/burst_Mar93.csv',header=None,index_col=0,names=cols) data = data.append(data2) data = data.append(data3) data = data.loc[~data.index.duplicated(keep='first')] length = len(data.index.values) times = data.index print(length) X = data['GEI_X'].to_numpy() / Re Y = data['GEI_Y'].to_numpy() / Re Z = data['GEI_Z'].to_numpy() / Re position = np.stack((X,Y,Z),axis=1) ticks = Ticktock(times) coords = spc.Coords(position,'GEI','car') #find B based on position bField = irb.get_Bfield(ticks,coords,extMag='T89') Field_GEO = bField['Bvec'] #b field comes out in xyz #convert to GEIcar, because the direction cosines take GEI to body fixed Field_GEO_coords = spc.Coords(Field_GEO,'GEO','car') Field_GEO_coords.ticks = Ticktock(times) Field_GEI = irb.coord_trans(Field_GEO_coords,'GEI','car') Field_Mag = bField['Blocal'] #rotate b to body fixed BX = Field_GEI[:,0] BY = Field_GEI[:,1] BZ = Field_GEI[:,2]
freqs = np.array([1000, 1100]) inp_w = 2.0*np.pi*freqs lats, lons, ws = np.meshgrid(inp_lats, inp_lons, inp_w) lats = lats.flatten() lons = lons.flatten() ws = ws.flatten() alts = launch_alt*np.ones_like(lats) # Create spacepy coordinate structures inp_coords = coord.Coords(zip(alts, lats, lons), 'GEO', 'sph', units=['m','deg','deg']) inp_coords.ticks = Ticktock(np.tile(ray_datenum, len(inp_coords))) # add ticks # Write ray header file (for WIPP code): # Should I really be doing this here? Feels a little sloppy but oh well # Format is: # H (index) (yr) (day of year) (sec in day) (radius) (lat) (lon) (ang. frequency) f = open(ray_header, 'w+') for ind, (pos0, w0) in enumerate(zip(, ws)): f.write('H %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n'%(ind + 1, ray_datenum.year, ray_datenum.timetuple().tm_yday, milliseconds_day*1e-3, pos0[0], pos0[1], pos0[2], w0)) # Rotate to SM cartesian coordinates inp_coords = inp_coords.convert('SM','car') N = len(inp_coords)
def Plot4Dcar(variable_name, sat_time, sat_lat, sat_lon, sat_z, result, result_units, plot_file, sat_zunits='km', plot_close=True, plot_sampling=4000): '''make a 3D heat map of result in cartesian coords, with same time-series plots''' from spacepy import coordinates as coord from spacepy.time import Ticktock from astropy.constants import R_earth #turn off interactive commands based on backend in use if mpl.get_backend() in ['agg','pdf','ps','svg','pgf','cairo']: int_off = True plt.ioff() #print('non-interactive mode ', mpl.get_backend()) else: int_off = False #print('interactive mode ', mpl.get_backend()) #Reduce number of data points for 4D plot only i, n = 0, len(sat_time) #still can't handle size representation, so no s while n > plot_sampling: i += 1 n = len(sat_time)/i if i==0: i=1 #s = 2.5**((sat_time-np.min(sat_time))/(np.max(sat_time)-np.min(sat_time))*4+1) #doesn't show #convert coordinates to cartesian, height => r in R_E, utc_ts->strings sat_track = [[(h*1000.+R_earth.value)/R_earth.value, lat, lon] \ for h, lat, lon in zip(sat_z,sat_lat,sat_lon)] @np.vectorize def ts_to_spacepystr(ts): return datetime.strftime(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') coord_ticks = ts_to_spacepystr(sat_time) #perform coordinate conversion cvals = coord.Coords(sat_track, 'GEO', 'sph', units=['Re', 'deg', 'deg']) cvals.ticks = Ticktock(coord_ticks, 'ISO') x, y, z = cvals.convert('GEO','car').data.T*R_earth.value/1000. #converts to r, lat, lon #make 4D plot, result=color fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) fig.tight_layout() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') #add size = time ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) p = ax.scatter(x[::i], y[::i], z[::i], result[::i], c=result[::i], cmap='viridis') #works! ax.set_xlabel('x_GEO [km]', labelpad=15) ax.set_ylabel('y_GEO [km]', labelpad=15) ax.set_zlabel('z_GEO [km]', labelpad=15) cbar = fig.colorbar(p, pad=0.1) #add label and units to colorbar cbar.set_label(variable_name+' ['+result_units+']', rotation=90, labelpad=25) try: #remove pre-existing file if it exists os.remove(plot_file+variable_name+'_3Dheatcar.png') except: pass plt.savefig(plot_file+variable_name+'_3Dheatcar.png') if not int_off: #only include if in interactive mode if plot_close: plt.close() #plot result, lon, lat, ilev as 'time' series fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, figsize=(10,7)) axs[0].plot(sat_time,result, 'black') axs[0].set_ylabel('Interpolated \n'+variable_name+' \n['+result_units+']', labelpad=10) axs[0].set_xticks([]) axs[1].plot(sat_time,x, 'black') axs[1].set_ylabel('x_GEO [km]', labelpad=10) axs[1].set_xticks([]) axs[2].plot(sat_time,y, 'black') axs[2].set_ylabel('y_GEO [km]', labelpad=10) axs[2].set_xticks([]) axs[3].xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%m/%d/%Y\n%H:%M:%S')) axs[3].xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axs[3].plot([datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t) for t in sat_time], z, 'black') axs[3].set_ylabel('z_GEO [km]') axs[3].set_xlabel('Satellite Time [UTC]', labelpad=10) #add datetime for x axis try: #remove pre-existing file if it exists os.remove(plot_file+variable_name+'_1Dlinescar.png') except: pass plt.savefig(plot_file+variable_name+'_1Dlinescar.png') if not int_off: #only include if in interactive mode if plot_close: plt.close() return
def ConvertCoord(inTime, c1, c2, c3, inCoord, inType, outCoord, outType): """ This function uses spacepy to convert time and position arrays from one coordinate system to another. It will correct obvious errors in the return units, but may not catch all incorrect values. INPUTS: inTime: array: time in UTC timestamp c1: array: x, lon c2: array: y, lat c3: array: z, alt inCoord: string: GDZ, GEO, GSM, GSE, SM, GEI, MAG, SPH, RLL inType: string: car, sph outCoord: string: GDZ, GEO, GSM, GSE, SM, GEI, MAG, SPH, RLL outType: string: car, sph OUTPUT: c1: array: x, alt c2: array: y, lat c3: array: z, lon units: array: [unit_c1, unit_c2, unit_c3] (for example ['km','deg','deg'] or ['R_E','R_E','R_E']) """ # Start timer tic = time.perf_counter() #print("Starting ...") #pack position arrays in desired format if inType == "sph": # Need to reorder Kamodo arrays to be consistent with spacepy sat_track = [[c3[i], c2[i], c1[i]] for i in range(len(c1))] else: sat_track = [[c1[i], c2[i], c3[i]] for i in range(len(c1))] #convert utc_ts to spacepy time strings @np.vectorize def ts_to_spacepystr(ts): return dt.strftime(dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(ts)), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') #perform coordinate conversion cvals = Coords(sat_track, inCoord, inType) tt = Ticktock(ts_to_spacepystr(inTime), 'ISO') cvals.ticks = tt newC = cvals.convert(outCoord, outType) if outType == "sph": # Need to reorder Kamodo arrays to be consistent with spacepy zz, yy, xx = else: xx, yy, zz = outUnits = newC.units if outType == "sph": # Need to reorder Kamodo arrays to be consistent with spacepy outUnits.reverse() #fix spacepy bug in returned units if outType == 'sph': #check altitude for spherical return units if max(zz) > 300.: if outUnits[2] != 'km': #print(' -changing return alt units from',outUnits[2],'to km') outUnits[2] = 'km' elif min(zz) < 100.: if outUnits[2] != 'Re': #print(' -changing return alt units from',outUnits[2],'to Re') outUnits[2] = 'Re' #else leave as it is else: #check cartesian position return units rr = np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2 + zz**2) if max(rr) > 300.: if outUnits[0] != 'km': #print(' -changing spacepy return position units from',outUnits[0],'to km') outUnits[0] = 'km' outUnits[1] = 'km' outUnits[2] = 'km' elif min(rr) < 100.: if outUnits[0] != 'Re': #print(' -changing spacepy return position units from',outUnits[0],'to Re') outUnits[0] = 'Re' outUnits[1] = 'Re' outUnits[2] = 'Re' #else leave as it is #change unit Re to R_E for recognition in Kamodo for i in range(len(outUnits)): if outUnits[i] == 'Re': outUnits[i] = 'R_E' toc = time.perf_counter() print('Converted from ', inCoord, inType, 'to:', outCoord, outType, outUnits, 'in', "{:0.4f}".format(toc - tic), 'seconds.') return xx, yy, zz, outUnits
# Some debug information (useful when adding new sats): if args.debug: print('\tCDF Variables:') print(cdf) # Perform coordinate conversion: if args.coord == sats[s]['coord']: xyz = cdf[sats[s]['var']][...] else: if args.verbose: print(f"\tRotating from {sats[s]['coord']} to {args.coord}...") xyz_file = Coords(cdf[sats[s]['var']][...], sats[s]['coord'], 'car', ticks=Ticktock(cdf[sats[s]['time']][...])) xyz = xyz_file.convert(args.coord, 'car').data # Convert to satellite orbit object: if args.verbose: print(f'\tConverting to SWMF input file...') out = SatOrbit() out['time'] = cdf[sats[s]['time']][...] out['xyz'] = xyz.transpose() # Convert units: if sats[s]['units'] == 'km': out['xyz'] /= 6371 # Add attributes to file: out.attrs['file'] = f'{s}.sat' out.attrs['coor'] = sats[s]['coord']
flashtime = dt.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) R_E = 6371e3 # Radius of earth in meters D2R = (np.pi / 180.0) # Convert to geographic coordinates for plotting: rays = [] for r in rf: tmp_coords = coord.Coords(zip(r['pos'].x, r['pos'].y, r['pos'].z), 'SM', 'car', units=['m', 'm', 'm']) tvec_datetime = [ flashtime + dt.timedelta(seconds=s) for s in r['time'] ] tmp_coords.ticks = Ticktock(tvec_datetime) # add ticks # tmp_coords = tmp_coords.convert('MAG','car') tmp_coords.sim_time = r['time'] rays.append(tmp_coords) # derp = tmp_coords[0] # derp = derp.convert('MAG','sph') # print derp # -------- 2D Plots ------------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3) # ax[0].set_aspect("equal") # ax[1].set_aspect("equal") # ax[2].set_aspect("equal")
print("output directory:",ray_out_dir) if not os.path.exists(ray_out_dir): os.mkdir(ray_out_dir) # ------ Write the ray input file --- ray_inpfile = os.path.join(project_root,"ray_inpfile.txt") f = open(ray_inpfile,'w') # --- Rotate to SM using spacepy coordinate transform --- tmp_coords = coord.Coords((inp_alt, inp_lat, inp_lon),'MAG','sph',units=['m','deg','deg']) tmp_coords.ticks = Ticktock(ray_datenum) # add ticks pos0 = tmp_coords.convert('SM','car') pos0 = np.array([1,0,1]) pos0 = pos0/np.linalg.norm(pos0) pos0*= inp_alt if launch_direction is 'field-aligned': dir0 = np.zeros(3) # Field aligned (set in raytracer) else: dir0 = np.array([pos0.x, pos0.y, pos0.z])/np.linalg.norm(pos0) # radial outward w0 = freq*2.0*np.pi # f.write('%1.15e %1.15e %1.15e %1.15e %1.15e %1.15e %1.15e\n'%(pos0.x, pos0.y, pos0.z, dir0[0], dir0[1], dir0[2], w0))
GSMarray.append([bx[i], timeseries[:, 1][i], timeseries[:, 2][i]]) timelist.append(start_time + i * timedelta(seconds=60)) i += 1 #turn the B vector and the magentometer location into spacepy Coords objects location_geo = Coords(location, 'GEO', 'sph') GSM = Coords(GSMarray, 'GSM', 'car') #turn the timelist into a spacepy Ticktock object #record the components of the B vector and generate the timelist while i < len(bx): GSMarray.append([bx[i], timeseries[:, 1][i], timeseries[:, 2][i]]) timelist.append(start_time + i * timedelta(seconds=60)) i += 1 GSM.ticks = Ticktock(timelist, 'UTC') location_geo.ticks = Ticktock(timelist, 'UTC') #convert to SM coordinate system middle_step = GSM.convert( 'GEO', 'car' ) #spacepy won't let me convert directly to SM coordinates for whatever reason SM = middle_step.convert('SM', 'car') locationSM = location_geo.convert('SM', 'car') maglon = [] #keep track of magnetic longitude i = 0 #reset counter variable #find magnetic longitude while i < len(locationSM): maglon.append(float(np.arctan2(locationSM[i].y, locationSM[i].x)))
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D #df = pd.read_csv('simpleorbit.csv') df = pd.read_csv('01_Jan_2019.csv') # df = pd.read_csv('Jan65.txt') print(df.tail()) # i THINK this is what i need to get into the regular mjd timeframe t = df['DefaultSC.A1ModJulian'] + 29999.5 #t = np.asarray(t) #print(type(t)) x = df['DefaultSC.gse.X'] y = df['DefaultSC.gse.Y'] z = df['DefaultSC.gse.Z'] cvals = coord.Coords([[i, j, k] for i, j, k in zip(x, y, z)], 'GSE', 'car') # i'm pretty sure this serves zero purpose cvals.x = x cvals.y = y cvals.z = z cvals.ticks = Ticktock(t, 'MJD') sm = cvals.convert('SM', 'car') # gsm = cvals.convert('GEO', 'car') # need to memorize how to do coordinates and time in spacepy fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot(cvals.x, cvals.y, cvals.z, label='orbit') # ax.plot(sm.x, sm.y, sm.z, label='sm orbit') # ax.plot(gsm.x, gsm.y, gsm.z, label='gsm orbit') ax.legend()
def getColorMap(filename): """ reads in a bunch of different data files and outputs the colormap """ df = pd.read_csv(filename) # df = pd.read_csv(pathname+'65_year.csv') # df = pd.read_csv(pathname+'Jan65.csv') # df = pd.read_csv(pathname+'Jan80.csv') # df = pd.read_csv(pathname+'Jul65.csv') # df = pd.read_csv(pathname+'Jul90.csv') GMAT_MJD_OFFSET = 29999.5 t = df['DefaultSC.A1ModJulian'] + GMAT_MJD_OFFSET x = df['DefaultSC.gse.X'] y = df['DefaultSC.gse.Y'] z = df['DefaultSC.gse.Z'] spacecraft = coord.Coords([[i, j, k] for i, j, k in zip(x, y, z)], 'GSE', 'car') spacecraft.ticks = Ticktock(t, 'MJD') # originally SM spacecraft = spacecraft.convert('SM', 'car') points = 10000 # this figure validates what I already expected # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') # ax.plot(spacecraft.x[:points],spacecraft.y[:points],spacecraft.z[:points]) # plt.title('SM Orbit') # ax.set_xlabel('x') # ax.set_ylabel('y') # ax.set_zlabel('z') # # okay i've looked at a couple of orbits from the GSE point of view and # i now think that it's okay for a zero inclined orbit WRT to the earth # equator to be inclined WRT to the ecliptic, but like holy moley # these orbits are confusing sometimes. # In[3]: # goal, plot PHI on the same plot xc, yc, zc = tsyg.orbitalCuspLocation(spacecraft, t) # originally 'SM' cusp_location = coord.Coords([[i, j, k] for i, j, k in zip(xc, yc, zc)], 'SM', 'sph') # changed cusp_location.ticks = Ticktock(t, 'MJD') # cusp_location = cusp_location.convert('SM','car') # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') # if I just want to :points # ax.plot(spacecraft.x[:points],spacecraft.y[:points],spacecraft.z[:points]) # ax.plot(cusp_location.x[:points], cusp_location.y[:points],cusp_location.z[:points]) # if I want EVERYTHING # ax.plot(spacecraft.x,spacecraft.y, spacecraft.z) # ax.scatter(cusp_location.x, cusp_location.y,cusp_location.z) # plt.title('SM Orbit and Corresponding Cusp Location') # ax.set_xlabel('x') # ax.set_ylabel('y') # ax.set_zlabel('z') # ax.set_xlim3d(-earth_radius_ax, earth_radius_ax) # ax.set_ylim3d(-earth_radius_ax, earth_radius_ax) # ax.set_zlim3d(-earth_radius_ax, earth_radius_ax) # # plt.plot(cusp_location.x,cusp_location.y) # # In[4]: # plt.plot(spacecraft.x,spacecraft.z) # plt.plot(cusp_location.x,cusp_location.z) # plt.xlim([-0.5*earth_radius_ax, earth_radius_ax]) # plt.ylim([-0.5*earth_radius_ax, earth_radius_ax]) # plt.xlabel('x') # plt.ylabel('z') # plt.title('xz plane of the cusp model') # # In[5]: # the working configuration is 'SM' spacecraft_sph = spacecraft.convert('GSM', 'sph') cusp_location_sph = cusp_location.convert('GSM', 'sph') # In[6]: # making the plots points = 10000 # len(spacecraft_sph.ticks.MJD) lowBound = 0 # 156000 highBound = points # 166000 # plt.plot(spacecraft_sph.ticks.MJD[lowBound:highBound],spacecraft_sph.lati[lowBound:highBound],label='sc') # i was doing 90 - cusp location? # plt.plot(cusp_location_sph.ticks.MJD[lowBound:highBound],90-cusp_location_sph.lati[lowBound:highBound],label='cusp') # plt.legend() # plt.xlabel('mjd ticks') # plt.ylabel('sm latitude') # plt.title('mjd ticks vs sm latitude (cusp and spacecraft)') # # plt.plot(spacecraft_sph.ticks.MJD[lowBound:highBound], spacecraft_sph.long[lowBound:highBound],label='sc') # plt.plot(cusp_location_sph.ticks.MJD[lowBound:highBound],cusp_location_sph.long[lowBound:highBound],label='cusp') # # modlat = 90 - cusp_location_sph.lati modlat = cusp_location_sph.lati print("LATITUDE IN CUSP LOCATION OBJECT", modlat) # In[7]: # count it up count = [] c = 0 for satlat, cusplat, satlon, cusplon in zip(spacecraft_sph.lati, modlat, spacecraft_sph.long, cusp_location_sph.long): # 0<cusplon<180 i think i need a way to ensure that I'm looking at the dayside # bear in mind that these bounds WILL ONLY WORK in earth - sun line centered coordinate systems if abs(satlat - cusplat) <= 2 and abs( satlon - cusplon) <= 2: #earlier using 4 and 4 # right now i'm using +/- 2 deg for the latitude, # and +/- 2 deg for the longitude c += 1 count.append(c) else: count.append(c) # plt.plot(spacecraft_sph.ticks.MJD, count) # plt.xlabel('MJD tick') # plt.ylabel('cusp crossings') # plt.title('Cusp Crossings vs. MJD ticks') #plt.xlim([58700, 58800]) # print("final crossings count = ", c) # mean latitude of the cusp print("mean sm lat of cusp", 90 - sum(cusp_location_sph.lati) / len(cusp_location_sph.lati)) print("mean sm lon of cusp", sum(cusp_location_sph.long) / len(cusp_location_sph.long)) # In[8]: # lets' see if we can check the psi function before 1pm r = 1.127 psi = tsyg.getTilt(t) psi = np.asarray(psi) phic = tsyg.getPhi_c(r, psi) # plt.plot(phic) # plt.title('plot of phi_c for troubleshooting') # # show the date in UTC print("UTC date", spacecraft_sph.ticks.UTC) return c #plt.close() # NOW find the closest point and the index to the next one, point NORTH dist = [ np.sqrt((r_step[0] - b_pt[0])**2 + (r_step[1] - b_pt[1])**2 + (r_step[2] - b_pt[2])**2) for b_pt in bline_final ] dist = np.array(dist) smallest_difference_index = dist.argmin() closest_element = bline_final[smallest_difference_index] nclosest_element = bline_final[smallest_difference_index - 1] # grab mlat real quick cvals = coord.Coords([closest_element], 'SM', 'car') cvals.ticks = Ticktock([ray_datenum], 'ISO') # add ticks B_mag = cvals.convert('MAG', 'sph') mlat = B_mag.lati mlats.append(mlat) # finally, take normal Bunit = np.array(nclosest_element) - np.array(closest_element) Bunit = Bunit / np.linalg.norm(Bunit) # translate then rotate?? #d = (Bunit[0]*closest_element[0] + Bunit[1]*closest_element[1] + Bunit[2]*closest_element[2]) # another quick check -- north or south??? #fig = plt.figure() #ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') #ax.scatter(T_repackx,T_repacky,T_repackz)
def SatelliteTrajectory(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, plot_dir='', plot_close=True, plot_sampling=5000, verbose=False): '''Retrieve and return satellite trajectory from HAPI/CDAWeb Examples of server, dataset, parameters, start, and stop are: #example parameters to get data from hapi client server = '' dataset = 'grace1' parameters = 'X_GEO,Y_GEO,Z_GEO,X_GSE,Y_GSE,Z_GSE' start = '2012-07-07T00:00:00' stop = '2012-07-08T00:00:00' #example parameters to get data from cda web server2 = '' dataset2 = 'GE_K0_MGF' parameters2 = 'IB_vector,POS' start2 = '2008-07-11T00:00:00' stop2 = '2008-07-13T00:00:00' ''' #retrieve satellite trajectory hapi = HAPI(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, verbose=verbose) satellite_dict = {'sat_time': hapi.tsarray} #choose a coordinate type from satellite data coord_type_list = [ 'GDZ', 'GEO', 'GSM', 'GSE', 'SM', 'GEI', 'MAG', 'SPH', 'RLL' ] #list allowed by spacepy coord_type = None for key in hapi.coords.keys(): if hapi.coords[key]['size'] == 3 and key in coord_type_list: coord_type = key break #stop at first coordinate that is already in grouped point format if coord_type is None: # if no coordinates are already in grouped point format for key in hapi.coords.keys(): if key in coord_type_list: coord_type = key #select first one that is allowed break #get coordinate data grouped into a list of points and list of units if hapi.coords[coord_type]['size'] == 1: x_name, y_name, z_name = hapi.coords[coord_type]['x'], hapi.coords[ coord_type]['y'], hapi.coords[coord_type]['z'] coord_data = [[x, y, z] for x, y, z in zip( hapi.variables[x_name]['data'], hapi.variables[y_name]['data'], hapi.variables[z_name]['data'])] coord_units = [ hapi.variables[name]['units'] for name in [x_name, y_name, z_name] ] coord_units = ['Re' if i == 'R_E' else i for i in coord_units] else: #assume data is already in a list of points format coord_data = hapi.variables[hapi.coords[coord_type]['x']]['data'] if hapi.variables[hapi.coords[coord_type]['x']]['units'] == 'R_E': coord_units = ['Re', 'Re', 'Re'] elif hapi.variables[hapi.coords[coord_type]['x']]['units'] == 'km': coord_units = ['km', 'km', 'km'] if 'deg' in coord_units: carsph = 'sph' else: carsph = 'car' if verbose: test = np.array(coord_data) print(test.shape, coord_type, coord_units, carsph) for i in [0, 1, 2]: print(i, min(test[:, i]), max(test[:, i])) #convert datetime objects into ISO strings for coordinate conversion @np.vectorize def dt_to_str(dt_object): return dt_object.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') coord_ticks = dt_to_str(hapi.dtarray) #convert coordinates into spherical GEO using spacepy cvals = coord.Coords(coord_data, coord_type, carsph, units=coord_units) cvals.ticks = Ticktock(coord_ticks, 'ISO') newvals = cvals.convert('GEO', 'sph') #converts to r, lat, lon if verbose: print(newvals.units) newcoord_data = if newvals.units[0] == 'km': satellite_dict['sat_height'] = newcoord_data[0] - R_earth.value / 1000. elif newvals.units[0] == 'm': satellite_dict['sat_height'] = (newcoord_data[0] - R_earth.value) / 1000. elif newvals.units[0] == 'Re': satellite_dict['sat_height'] = ( newcoord_data[0] - 1.) * R_earth.value / 1000. #convert to alt in km satellite_dict['sat_lat'], satellite_dict['sat_lon'] = newcoord_data[ 1], newcoord_data[2] + 180. satellite_units = { 'sat_time': 's', 'sat_height': 'km', 'sat_lat': 'deg', 'sat_lon': 'deg' } #collect list of coordinate variables to ignore in next step coord_list = list( np.ravel( np.array([[ hapi.coords[key]['x'], hapi.coords[key]['y'], hapi.coords[key]['z'] ] for key in hapi.coords.keys()]))) #collect other requested variables and return var_list = [key for key in hapi.variables.keys() if key not in coord_list] for item in var_list: satellite_dict[item] = hapi.variables[item]['data'] satellite_units[item] = hapi.variables[item]['units'] #generate plot if desired if plot_dir != '': if not os.path.isdir(plot_dir + 'Plots/'): os.mkdir(plot_dir + 'Plots/') FPlot.Plot4D('Time', satellite_dict['sat_time'], satellite_dict['sat_lat'], satellite_dict['sat_lon'], satellite_dict['sat_height'], satellite_dict['sat_time'], 's', plot_dir + 'Plots/SatelliteTrajectory', 'km', plot_close=plot_close, plot_sampling=plot_sampling) print(f'Attribute/Key names of return dictionary: {satellite_dict.keys()}') print(f'Units of variables are: {satellite_units}') return satellite_dict
def getColorMapSimple(filename): df = pd.read_csv(filename) GMAT_MJD_OFFSET = 29999.5 t = df['DefaultSC.A1ModJulian'] + GMAT_MJD_OFFSET x = df['DefaultSC.gse.X'] y = df['DefaultSC.gse.Y'] z = df['DefaultSC.gse.Z'] # adding interpolation tStart = t[0] tEnd = t[len(t) - 1] tInterval = (t[1] - t[0]) / 10 t_0 = t t = np.arange(tStart, tEnd, tInterval) x = np.interp(t, t_0, x) y = np.interp(t, t_0, y) z = np.interp(t, t_0, z) # xa = np.array(x) ya = np.array(y) za = np.array(z) print(za) ta = np.array(t) spacecraft = coord.Coords([[i, j, k] for i, j, k in zip(x, y, z)], 'GSE', 'car') spacecraft.ticks = Ticktock(t, 'MJD') spacecraft = spacecraft.convert('SM', 'car') points = 10000 # this figure validates what I already expected # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') # ax.plot(spacecraft.x[:points],spacecraft.y[:points],spacecraft.z[:points]) # plt.title('SM Orbit') # ax.set_xlabel('x') # ax.set_ylabel('y') # ax.set_zlabel('z') # # In[3]: # this is the part where I actually do it phi_0 = 0.24 psi = tsyg.getTilt(t) # dude if i made a parthenthetical error like this ill be really sad # plt.plot(spacecraft.ticks.MJD, 90 - (phi_0 + psi)) # # In[4]: r = np.sqrt(xa**2 + ya**2 + za**2) / Re print("r equals to", r) psi = np.deg2rad(psi) psi = np.array(psi) phi_0 = 0.24 alpha1 = 0.1287 alpha2 = 0.0314 phi_1 = phi_0 - (alpha1 * psi + alpha2 * psi**2) phi_c = np.rad2deg( np.arcsin( (np.sqrt(r)) / (np.sqrt(r + (1 / np.sin(phi_1))**2 - 1)))) + psi #phi = 90-(phi+psi) lat = 90 - phi_c lon = np.array(np.zeros(len(spacecraft.ticks.MJD))) print(lon) # plt.plot(t,lat) # plt.title('Cusp Latitude vs. MJD day') # plt.xlabel('MJD Day') # plt.ylabel('Cusp Lat, Deg') # # In[5]: # LATITUDE #working config SM spacecraft_sm = spacecraft.convert('GSM', 'sph') # plt.plot(spacecraft_sm.ticks.MJD, spacecraft_sm.lati) # plt.plot(spacecraft_sm.ticks.MJD, lat) # plt.title('Spacecraft Lat and Cusp Latitude vs MJD time') # # In[6]: # LONGITUDE # try to avoid using the [:points] way except for spot checking # kind of interested in a macro effect # plt.plot(spacecraft_sm.ticks.MJD, spacecraft_sm.long) # plt.plot(spacecraft_sm.ticks.MJD, lon) # plt.title('Spacecraft and Cusp Longitude vs. Time') # # In[7]: count = [] region = [] c = 0 for satlat, cusplat, satlon, cusplon in zip(spacecraft_sm.lati, lat, spacecraft_sm.long, lon): # 0<=cusplon<180 if abs(satlat - cusplat) <= 2 and abs(satlon - cusplon) <= 2: # right now i'm using +/- 2 deg for the latitude, # and +/- 2 deg for the longitude # c+=1 region.append(1) else: region.append(0) for x, x1 in zip(region, region[1:]): if x == 0 and x1 == 1: c += 1 else: pass # plt.plot(spacecraft_sm.ticks.MJD, count) # plt.xlabel('MJD tick') # plt.ylabel('cusp crossings') # plt.title('Cusp Crossings vs. MJD ticks') #plt.xlim([58700, 58800]) # print("cusp crossings", c) return c
def test_slice_with_ticks(self): self.cvals.ticks = Ticktock( ['2002-02-02T12:00:00', '2002-02-02T12:00:00'], 'ISO') expected = spc.Coords([1, 2, 4], 'GEO', 'car') np.testing.assert_equal(, self.cvals[0].data)
phi_c = getPhi_c(r) print(phi_c) plt.plot(r0, phi_c) plt.title('r vs phi_c') x, y, z = tsygCyl2Car(phi_c, r) cvals = coord.Coords([[i, j, k] for i, j, k in zip(x, y, z)], 'SM', 'car') starttime = pd.Timestamp('2019-01-01T12:00:00') endtime = pd.Timestamp('2020-01-01T12:00:00') t = np.linspace(starttime.value, endtime.value, len(x)) print("length of t", t) # just increment julian days cvals.ticks = Ticktock([58484 + i for i in range(0, 365)], 'MJD') cvals_gse = cvals.convert('GSE', 'car') cvals_geo = cvals.convert('GEO', 'car') # setting arbitrary times is something i just need to know how to do sm = getSmOrbit() # comment the next two out for the 'original' plot sm = sm.convert('GEO', 'car') cvals = cvals.convert('GEO', 'car') ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d') # ax.plot(x,y,z,label='glorious cusp vector') # make unit vectors,mainly because i only care about pointing direction ax.plot(sm.x, sm.y, sm.z, label='sm orbit') ax.plot(cvals.x, cvals.y, cvals.z, 'g', label='sm cusp vector') # ax.plot(cvals_gse.x,cvals_gse.y,cvals_gse.z,label='gse cusp vector')