Esempio n. 1
def test_yaml_round_trip(mock_packages):
    p = ProviderIndex(spack.repo.all_package_names())

    ostream = StringIO()

    istream = StringIO(ostream.getvalue())
    q = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(istream)

    assert p == q
Esempio n. 2
def test_yaml_round_trip(mock_packages):
    p = ProviderIndex(spack.repo.all_package_names())

    ostream = StringIO()

    istream = StringIO(ostream.getvalue())
    q = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(istream)

    assert p == q
Esempio n. 3
    def test_yaml_round_trip(self):
        p = ProviderIndex(spack.repo.all_package_names())

        ostream = StringIO()

        istream = StringIO(ostream.getvalue())
        q = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(istream)

        self.assertEqual(p, q)
Esempio n. 4
class Repo(object):
    """Class representing a package repository in the filesystem.

    Each package repository must have a top-level configuration file
    called `repo.yaml`.

    Currently, `repo.yaml` this must define:

        A Python namespace where the repository's packages should live.

    def __init__(self, root, namespace=repo_namespace):
        """Instantiate a package repository from a filesystem path.

        root        The root directory of the repository.

        namespace   A super-namespace that will contain the repo-defined
                    namespace (this is generally jsut `spack.pkg`). The
                    super-namespace is Spack's way of separating repositories
                    from other python namespaces.

        # Root directory, containing _repo.yaml and package dirs
        # Allow roots to by spack-relative by starting with '$spack'
        self.root = canonicalize_path(root)

        # super-namespace for all packages in the Repo
        self.super_namespace = namespace

        # check and raise BadRepoError on fail.
        def check(condition, msg):
            if not condition:
                raise BadRepoError(msg)

        # Validate repository layout.
        self.config_file = join_path(self.root, repo_config_name)
              "No %s found in '%s'" % (repo_config_name, root))

        self.packages_path = join_path(self.root, packages_dir_name)
              "No directory '%s' found in '%s'" % (repo_config_name, root))

        # Read configuration and validate namespace
        config = self._read_config()
            'namespace' in config,
            '%s must define a namespace.' % join_path(root, repo_config_name))

        self.namespace = config['namespace']
        check(re.match(r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]+', self.namespace),
              ("Invalid namespace '%s' in repo '%s'. " %
               (self.namespace, self.root)) +
              "Namespaces must be valid python identifiers separated by '.'")

        # Set up 'full_namespace' to include the super-namespace
        if self.super_namespace:
            self.full_namespace = "%s.%s" % (self.super_namespace,
            self.full_namespace = self.namespace

        # Keep name components around for checking prefixes.
        self._names = self.full_namespace.split('.')

        # These are internal cache variables.
        self._modules = {}
        self._classes = {}
        self._instances = {}

        # list of packages that are newer than the index.
        self._needs_update = []

        # Index of virtual dependencies
        self._provider_index = None

        # Cached list of package names.
        self._all_package_names = None

        # make sure the namespace for packages in this repo exists.

        # Unique filename for cache of virtual dependency providers
        self._cache_file = 'providers/%s-index.yaml' % self.namespace

    def _create_namespace(self):
        """Create this repo's namespace module and insert it into sys.modules.

        Ensures that modules loaded via the repo have a home, and that
        we don't get runtime warnings from Python's module system.

        parent = None
        for l in range(1, len(self._names) + 1):
            ns = '.'.join(self._names[:l])

            if ns not in sys.modules:
                module = SpackNamespace(ns)
                module.__loader__ = self
                sys.modules[ns] = module

                # Ensure the namespace is an atrribute of its parent,
                # if it has not been set by something else already.
                # This ensures that we can do things like:
                #    import spack.pkg.builtin.mpich as mpich
                if parent:
                    modname = self._names[l - 1]
                    setattr(parent, modname, module)
                # no need to set up a module
                module = sys.modules[ns]

            # but keep track of the parent in this loop
            parent = module

    def real_name(self, import_name):
        """Allow users to import Spack packages using Python identifiers.

        A python identifier might map to many different Spack package
        names due to hyphen/underscore ambiguity.

        Easy example:
            num3proxy   -> 3proxy

            foo_bar -> foo_bar, foo-bar

        More ambiguous:
            foo_bar_baz -> foo_bar_baz, foo-bar-baz, foo_bar-baz, foo-bar_baz
        if import_name in self:
            return import_name

        options = possible_spack_module_names(import_name)
        for name in options:
            if name in self:
                return name
        return None

    def is_prefix(self, fullname):
        """True if fullname is a prefix of this Repo's namespace."""
        parts = fullname.split('.')
        return self._names[:len(parts)] == parts

    def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
        """Python find_module import hook.

        Returns this Repo if it can load the module; None if not.
        if self.is_prefix(fullname):
            return self

        namespace, dot, module_name = fullname.rpartition('.')
        if namespace == self.full_namespace:
            if self.real_name(module_name):
                return self

        return None

    def load_module(self, fullname):
        """Python importer load hook.

        Tries to load the module; raises an ImportError if it can't.
        if fullname in sys.modules:
            return sys.modules[fullname]

        namespace, dot, module_name = fullname.rpartition('.')

        if self.is_prefix(fullname):
            module = SpackNamespace(fullname)

        elif namespace == self.full_namespace:
            real_name = self.real_name(module_name)
            if not real_name:
                raise ImportError("No module %s in %s" % (module_name, self))
            module = self._get_pkg_module(real_name)

            raise ImportError("No module %s in %s" % (fullname, self))

        module.__loader__ = self
        sys.modules[fullname] = module
        if namespace != fullname:
            parent = sys.modules[namespace]
            if not hasattr(parent, module_name):
                setattr(parent, module_name, module)

        return module

    def _read_config(self):
        """Check for a YAML config file in this db's root directory."""
            with open(self.config_file) as reponame_file:
                yaml_data = yaml.load(reponame_file)

                if (not yaml_data or 'repo' not in yaml_data
                        or not isinstance(yaml_data['repo'], dict)):
                    tty.die("Invalid %s in repository %s" %
                            (repo_config_name, self.root))

                return yaml_data['repo']

        except IOError:
            tty.die("Error reading %s when opening %s" %
                    (self.config_file, self.root))

    def get(self, spec, new=False):
        if spec.virtual:
            raise UnknownPackageError(

        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace:
            raise UnknownPackageError(
                "Repository %s does not contain package %s" %
                (self.namespace, spec.fullname))

        key = hash(spec)
        if new or key not in self._instances:
            package_class = self.get_pkg_class(
                copy = spec.copy()  # defensive copy.  Package owns its spec.
                self._instances[key] = package_class(copy)
            except Exception:
                if spack.debug:
                raise FailedConstructorError(spec.fullname, *sys.exc_info())

        return self._instances[key]

    def dump_provenance(self, spec, path):
        """Dump provenance information for a spec to a particular path.

           This dumps the package file and any associated patch files.
           Raises UnknownPackageError if not found.
        # Some preliminary checks.
        if spec.virtual:
            raise UnknownPackageError(

        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace:
            raise UnknownPackageError(
                "Repository %s does not contain package %s." %
                (self.namespace, spec.fullname))

        # Install any patch files needed by packages.
        for spec, patches in spec.package.patches.items():
            for patch in patches:
                if patch.path:
                    if os.path.exists(patch.path):
                        install(patch.path, path)
                        tty.warn("Patch file did not exist: %s" % patch.path)

        # Install the file itself.
        install(self.filename_for_package_name(spec), path)

    def purge(self):
        """Clear entire package instance cache."""

    def _update_provider_index(self):
        # Check modification dates of all packages

        def read():
            with open(self.index_file) as f:
                self._provider_index = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(f)

        # Read the old ProviderIndex, or make a new one.
        key = self._cache_file
        index_existed = spack.misc_cache.init_entry(key)
        if index_existed and not self._needs_update:
            with spack.misc_cache.read_transaction(key) as f:
                self._provider_index = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(f)
            with spack.misc_cache.write_transaction(key) as (old, new):
                if old:
                    self._provider_index = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(old)
                    self._provider_index = ProviderIndex()

                for pkg_name in self._needs_update:
                    namespaced_name = '%s.%s' % (self.namespace, pkg_name)


    def provider_index(self):
        """A provider index with names *specific* to this repo."""
        if self._provider_index is None:
        return self._provider_index

    def providers_for(self, vpkg_spec):
        providers = self.provider_index.providers_for(vpkg_spec)
        if not providers:
            raise UnknownPackageError(
        return providers

    def extensions_for(self, extendee_spec):
        return [p for p in self.all_packages() if p.extends(extendee_spec)]

    def _check_namespace(self, spec):
        """Check that the spec's namespace is the same as this repository's."""
        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace:
            raise UnknownNamespaceError(spec.namespace)

    def dirname_for_package_name(self, spec):
        """Get the directory name for a particular package.  This is the
           directory that contains its file."""
        return join_path(self.packages_path,

    def filename_for_package_name(self, spec):
        """Get the filename for the module we should load for a particular
           package.  Packages for a Repo live in

           This will return a proper path even if the
           package doesn't exist yet, so callers will need to ensure
           the package exists before importing.
        pkg_dir = self.dirname_for_package_name(
        return join_path(pkg_dir, package_file_name)

    def _fast_package_check(self):
        """List packages in the repo and check whether index is up to date.

        Both of these opreations require checking all ``
        files so we do them at the same time.  We list the repo
        directory and look at files, and we compare the
        index modification date with the ost recently modified package
        file, storing the result.

        The implementation here should try to minimize filesystem
        calls.  At the moment, it is O(number of packages) and makes
        about one stat call per package.  This is resonably fast, and
        avoids actually importing packages in Spack, which is slow.

        if self._all_package_names is None:
            self._all_package_names = []

            # Get index modification time.
            index_mtime = spack.misc_cache.mtime(self._cache_file)

            for pkg_name in os.listdir(self.packages_path):
                # Skip non-directories in the package root.
                pkg_dir = join_path(self.packages_path, pkg_name)

                # Warn about invalid names that look like packages.
                if not valid_module_name(pkg_name):
                    msg = ("Skipping package at %s. "
                           "'%s' is not a valid Spack module name.")
                    tty.warn(msg % (pkg_dir, pkg_name))

                # construct the file name from the directory
                pkg_file = join_path(self.packages_path, pkg_name,

                # Use stat here to avoid lots of calls to the filesystem.
                    sinfo = os.stat(pkg_file)
                except OSError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                        # No file here.
                    elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
                        tty.warn("Can't read package file %s." % pkg_file)
                    raise e

                # if it's not a file, skip it.
                if stat.S_ISDIR(sinfo.st_mode):

                # All checks passed.  Add it to the list.

                # record the package if it is newer than the index.
                if sinfo.st_mtime > index_mtime:


        return self._all_package_names

    def all_package_names(self):
        """Returns a sorted list of all package names in the Repo."""
        return self._all_package_names

    def all_packages(self):
        """Iterator over all packages in the repository.

        Use this with care, because loading packages is slow.

        for name in self.all_package_names():
            yield self.get(name)

    def exists(self, pkg_name):
        """Whether a package with the supplied name exists."""
        if self._all_package_names:
            # This does a binary search in the sorted list.
            idx = bisect_left(self.all_package_names(), pkg_name)
            return (idx < len(self._all_package_names)
                    and self._all_package_names[idx] == pkg_name)

        # If we haven't generated the full package list, don't.
        # Just check whether the file exists.
        filename = self.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name)
        return os.path.exists(filename)

    def is_virtual(self, pkg_name):
        """True if the package with this name is virtual, False otherwise."""
        return self.provider_index.contains(pkg_name)

    def _get_pkg_module(self, pkg_name):
        """Create a module for a particular package.

        This caches the module within this Repo *instance*.  It does
        *not* add it to ``sys.modules``.  So, you can construct
        multiple Repos for testing and ensure that the module will be
        loaded once per repo.

        if pkg_name not in self._modules:
            file_path = self.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name)

            if not os.path.exists(file_path):
                raise UnknownPackageError(pkg_name, self)

            if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
                tty.die("Something's wrong. '%s' is not a file!" % file_path)

            if not os.access(file_path, os.R_OK):
                tty.die("Cannot read '%s'!" % file_path)

            # e.g., spack.pkg.builtin.mpich
            fullname = "%s.%s" % (self.full_namespace, pkg_name)

            module = imp.load_source(fullname, file_path)
            module.__package__ = self.full_namespace
            module.__loader__ = self
            self._modules[pkg_name] = module

        return self._modules[pkg_name]

    def get_pkg_class(self, pkg_name):
        """Get the class for the package out of its module.

        First loads (or fetches from cache) a module for the
        package. Then extracts the package class from the module
        according to Spack's naming convention.
        namespace, _, pkg_name = pkg_name.rpartition('.')
        if namespace and (namespace != self.namespace):
            raise InvalidNamespaceError('Invalid namespace for %s repo: %s' %
                                        (self.namespace, namespace))

        class_name = mod_to_class(pkg_name)
        module = self._get_pkg_module(pkg_name)

        cls = getattr(module, class_name)
        if not inspect.isclass(cls):
            tty.die("%s.%s is not a class" % (pkg_name, class_name))

        return cls

    def __str__(self):
        return "[Repo '%s' at '%s']" % (self.namespace, self.root)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __contains__(self, pkg_name):
        return self.exists(pkg_name)
Esempio n. 5
class Repo(object):
    """Class representing a package repository in the filesystem.

    Each package repository must have a top-level configuration file
    called `repo.yaml`.

    Currently, `repo.yaml` this must define:

        A Python namespace where the repository's packages should live.


    def __init__(self, root, namespace=repo_namespace):
        """Instantiate a package repository from a filesystem path.

        root        The root directory of the repository.

        namespace   A super-namespace that will contain the repo-defined
                    namespace (this is generally jsut `spack.pkg`). The
                    super-namespace is Spack's way of separating repositories
                    from other python namespaces.

        # Root directory, containing _repo.yaml and package dirs
        # Allow roots to by spack-relative by starting with '$spack'
        self.root = canonicalize_path(root)

        # super-namespace for all packages in the Repo
        self.super_namespace = namespace

        # check and raise BadRepoError on fail.
        def check(condition, msg):
            if not condition:
                raise BadRepoError(msg)

        # Validate repository layout.
        self.config_file = join_path(self.root, repo_config_name)
              "No %s found in '%s'" % (repo_config_name, root))

        self.packages_path = join_path(self.root, packages_dir_name)
              "No directory '%s' found in '%s'" % (repo_config_name, root))

        # Read configuration and validate namespace
        config = self._read_config()
        check('namespace' in config, '%s must define a namespace.'
              % join_path(root, repo_config_name))

        self.namespace = config['namespace']
        check(re.match(r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]+', self.namespace),
              ("Invalid namespace '%s' in repo '%s'. "
               % (self.namespace, self.root)) +
              "Namespaces must be valid python identifiers separated by '.'")

        # Set up 'full_namespace' to include the super-namespace
        if self.super_namespace:
            self.full_namespace = "%s.%s" % (
                self.super_namespace, self.namespace)
            self.full_namespace = self.namespace

        # Keep name components around for checking prefixes.
        self._names = self.full_namespace.split('.')

        # These are internal cache variables.
        self._modules = {}
        self._classes = {}
        self._instances = {}

        # list of packages that are newer than the index.
        self._needs_update = []

        # Index of virtual dependencies
        self._provider_index = None

        # Cached list of package names.
        self._all_package_names = None

        # make sure the namespace for packages in this repo exists.

        # Unique filename for cache of virtual dependency providers
        self._cache_file = 'providers/%s-index.yaml' % self.namespace

    def _create_namespace(self):
        """Create this repo's namespace module and insert it into sys.modules.

        Ensures that modules loaded via the repo have a home, and that
        we don't get runtime warnings from Python's module system.

        parent = None
        for l in range(1, len(self._names) + 1):
            ns = '.'.join(self._names[:l])

            if ns not in sys.modules:
                module = SpackNamespace(ns)
                module.__loader__ = self
                sys.modules[ns] = module

                # Ensure the namespace is an atrribute of its parent,
                # if it has not been set by something else already.
                # This ensures that we can do things like:
                #    import spack.pkg.builtin.mpich as mpich
                if parent:
                    modname = self._names[l - 1]
                    setattr(parent, modname, module)
                # no need to set up a module
                module = sys.modules[ns]

            # but keep track of the parent in this loop
            parent = module

    def real_name(self, import_name):
        """Allow users to import Spack packages using Python identifiers.

        A python identifier might map to many different Spack package
        names due to hyphen/underscore ambiguity.

        Easy example:
            num3proxy   -> 3proxy

            foo_bar -> foo_bar, foo-bar

        More ambiguous:
            foo_bar_baz -> foo_bar_baz, foo-bar-baz, foo_bar-baz, foo-bar_baz
        if import_name in self:
            return import_name

        options = possible_spack_module_names(import_name)
        for name in options:
            if name in self:
                return name
        return None

    def is_prefix(self, fullname):
        """True if fullname is a prefix of this Repo's namespace."""
        parts = fullname.split('.')
        return self._names[:len(parts)] == parts

    def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
        """Python find_module import hook.

        Returns this Repo if it can load the module; None if not.
        if self.is_prefix(fullname):
            return self

        namespace, dot, module_name = fullname.rpartition('.')
        if namespace == self.full_namespace:
            if self.real_name(module_name):
                return self

        return None

    def load_module(self, fullname):
        """Python importer load hook.

        Tries to load the module; raises an ImportError if it can't.
        if fullname in sys.modules:
            return sys.modules[fullname]

        namespace, dot, module_name = fullname.rpartition('.')

        if self.is_prefix(fullname):
            module = SpackNamespace(fullname)

        elif namespace == self.full_namespace:
            real_name = self.real_name(module_name)
            if not real_name:
                raise ImportError("No module %s in %s" % (module_name, self))
            module = self._get_pkg_module(real_name)

            raise ImportError("No module %s in %s" % (fullname, self))

        module.__loader__ = self
        sys.modules[fullname] = module
        if namespace != fullname:
            parent = sys.modules[namespace]
            if not hasattr(parent, module_name):
                setattr(parent, module_name, module)

        return module

    def _read_config(self):
        """Check for a YAML config file in this db's root directory."""
            with open(self.config_file) as reponame_file:
                yaml_data = yaml.load(reponame_file)

                if (not yaml_data or 'repo' not in yaml_data or
                        not isinstance(yaml_data['repo'], dict)):
                    tty.die("Invalid %s in repository %s" % (
                        repo_config_name, self.root))

                return yaml_data['repo']

        except exceptions.IOError:
            tty.die("Error reading %s when opening %s"
                    % (self.config_file, self.root))

    def get(self, spec, new=False):
        if spec.virtual:
            raise UnknownPackageError(

        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace:
            raise UnknownPackageError(
                "Repository %s does not contain package %s"
                % (self.namespace, spec.fullname))

        key = hash(spec)
        if new or key not in self._instances:
            package_class = self.get_pkg_class(
                copy = spec.copy()  # defensive copy.  Package owns its spec.
                self._instances[key] = package_class(copy)
            except Exception:
                if spack.debug:
                raise FailedConstructorError(spec.fullname, *sys.exc_info())

        return self._instances[key]

    def dump_provenance(self, spec, path):
        """Dump provenance information for a spec to a particular path.

           This dumps the package file and any associated patch files.
           Raises UnknownPackageError if not found.
        # Some preliminary checks.
        if spec.virtual:
            raise UnknownPackageError(

        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace:
            raise UnknownPackageError(
                "Repository %s does not contain package %s."
                % (self.namespace, spec.fullname))

        # Install any patch files needed by packages.
        for spec, patches in spec.package.patches.items():
            for patch in patches:
                if patch.path:
                    if os.path.exists(patch.path):
                        install(patch.path, path)
                        tty.warn("Patch file did not exist: %s" % patch.path)

        # Install the file itself.
        install(self.filename_for_package_name(spec), path)

    def purge(self):
        """Clear entire package instance cache."""

    def _update_provider_index(self):
        # Check modification dates of all packages

        def read():
            with open(self.index_file) as f:
                self._provider_index = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(f)

        # Read the old ProviderIndex, or make a new one.
        key = self._cache_file
        index_existed = spack.misc_cache.init_entry(key)
        if index_existed and not self._needs_update:
            with spack.misc_cache.read_transaction(key) as f:
                self._provider_index = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(f)
            with spack.misc_cache.write_transaction(key) as (old, new):
                if old:
                    self._provider_index = ProviderIndex.from_yaml(old)
                    self._provider_index = ProviderIndex()

                for pkg_name in self._needs_update:
                    namespaced_name = '%s.%s' % (self.namespace, pkg_name)


    def provider_index(self):
        """A provider index with names *specific* to this repo."""
        if self._provider_index is None:
        return self._provider_index

    def providers_for(self, vpkg_spec):
        providers = self.provider_index.providers_for(vpkg_spec)
        if not providers:
            raise UnknownPackageError(
        return providers

    def extensions_for(self, extendee_spec):
        return [p for p in self.all_packages() if p.extends(extendee_spec)]

    def _check_namespace(self, spec):
        """Check that the spec's namespace is the same as this repository's."""
        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace:
            raise UnknownNamespaceError(spec.namespace)

    def dirname_for_package_name(self, spec):
        """Get the directory name for a particular package.  This is the
           directory that contains its file."""
        return join_path(self.packages_path,

    def filename_for_package_name(self, spec):
        """Get the filename for the module we should load for a particular
           package.  Packages for a Repo live in

           This will return a proper path even if the
           package doesn't exist yet, so callers will need to ensure
           the package exists before importing.
        pkg_dir = self.dirname_for_package_name(
        return join_path(pkg_dir, package_file_name)

    def _fast_package_check(self):
        """List packages in the repo and check whether index is up to date.

        Both of these opreations require checking all ``
        files so we do them at the same time.  We list the repo
        directory and look at files, and we compare the
        index modification date with the ost recently modified package
        file, storing the result.

        The implementation here should try to minimize filesystem
        calls.  At the moment, it is O(number of packages) and makes
        about one stat call per package.  This is resonably fast, and
        avoids actually importing packages in Spack, which is slow.

        if self._all_package_names is None:
            self._all_package_names = []

            # Get index modification time.
            index_mtime = spack.misc_cache.mtime(self._cache_file)

            for pkg_name in os.listdir(self.packages_path):
                # Skip non-directories in the package root.
                pkg_dir = join_path(self.packages_path, pkg_name)

                # Warn about invalid names that look like packages.
                if not valid_module_name(pkg_name):
                    msg = ("Skipping package at %s. "
                           "'%s' is not a valid Spack module name.")
                    tty.warn(msg % (pkg_dir, pkg_name))

                # construct the file name from the directory
                pkg_file = join_path(
                    self.packages_path, pkg_name, package_file_name)

                # Use stat here to avoid lots of calls to the filesystem.
                    sinfo = os.stat(pkg_file)
                except OSError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                        # No file here.
                    elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
                        tty.warn("Can't read package file %s." % pkg_file)
                    raise e

                # if it's not a file, skip it.
                if stat.S_ISDIR(sinfo.st_mode):

                # All checks passed.  Add it to the list.

                # record the package if it is newer than the index.
                if sinfo.st_mtime > index_mtime:


        return self._all_package_names

    def all_package_names(self):
        """Returns a sorted list of all package names in the Repo."""
        return self._all_package_names

    def all_packages(self):
        """Iterator over all packages in the repository.

        Use this with care, because loading packages is slow.

        for name in self.all_package_names():
            yield self.get(name)

    def exists(self, pkg_name):
        """Whether a package with the supplied name exists."""
        if self._all_package_names:
            # This does a binary search in the sorted list.
            idx = bisect_left(self.all_package_names(), pkg_name)
            return (idx < len(self._all_package_names) and
                    self._all_package_names[idx] == pkg_name)

        # If we haven't generated the full package list, don't.
        # Just check whether the file exists.
        filename = self.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name)
        return os.path.exists(filename)

    def is_virtual(self, pkg_name):
        """True if the package with this name is virtual, False otherwise."""
        return self.provider_index.contains(pkg_name)

    def _get_pkg_module(self, pkg_name):
        """Create a module for a particular package.

        This caches the module within this Repo *instance*.  It does
        *not* add it to ``sys.modules``.  So, you can construct
        multiple Repos for testing and ensure that the module will be
        loaded once per repo.

        if pkg_name not in self._modules:
            file_path = self.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name)

            if not os.path.exists(file_path):
                raise UnknownPackageError(pkg_name, self)

            if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
                tty.die("Something's wrong. '%s' is not a file!" % file_path)

            if not os.access(file_path, os.R_OK):
                tty.die("Cannot read '%s'!" % file_path)

            # e.g., spack.pkg.builtin.mpich
            fullname = "%s.%s" % (self.full_namespace, pkg_name)

            module = imp.load_source(fullname, file_path)
            module.__package__ = self.full_namespace
            module.__loader__ = self
            self._modules[pkg_name] = module

        return self._modules[pkg_name]

    def get_pkg_class(self, pkg_name):
        """Get the class for the package out of its module.

        First loads (or fetches from cache) a module for the
        package. Then extracts the package class from the module
        according to Spack's naming convention.
        namespace, _, pkg_name = pkg_name.rpartition('.')
        if namespace and (namespace != self.namespace):
            raise InvalidNamespaceError('Invalid namespace for %s repo: %s'
                                        % (self.namespace, namespace))

        class_name = mod_to_class(pkg_name)
        module = self._get_pkg_module(pkg_name)

        cls = getattr(module, class_name)
        if not inspect.isclass(cls):
            tty.die("%s.%s is not a class" % (pkg_name, class_name))

        return cls

    def __str__(self):
        return "[Repo '%s' at '%s']" % (self.namespace, self.root)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __contains__(self, pkg_name):
        return self.exists(pkg_name)