Esempio n. 1
def _compute_codes(X, D, sc_mode, W, lambda1, lambda2, 
                         n_jobs, pos_coef, **args):
    """ Deprecated for very-large datasets! Use sparse_decode instead.
    X = np.asfortranarray(X)
    D = np.asfortranarray(D)
    gram = None
    cov = None
    if W is None:
        gram =, D) 
        gram = np.asfortranarray(gram)
        cov  =, X)  
        cov  = np.asfortranarray(cov)
    if sc_mode in [0, 1, 2]:
        if W is None:
            A = spams.lasso(X , D, gram, cov, lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2,
                            numThreads=n_jobs, mode=sc_mode, pos=pos_coef)
            A = spams.lassoWeighted(X , D, W, lambda1=lambda1,mode=sc_mode, 
                                    pos=pos_coef, numThreads=n_jobs)
        L        = lambda1 if sc_mode == 3 else None
        eps      = lambda1 if sc_mode == 4 else None
        lambda_1 = lambda1 if sc_mode == 5 else None
        A = spams.omp(X, D, L, eps, lambda_1, numThreads=n_jobs)
    return A.toarray()
Esempio n. 2
 def learn_sparse_coeffs(self, matrix, D, params, weighting=None):
     if weighting is not None:
         alphas = spams.lassoWeighted(matrix, D=D, W=weighting, **params)
         alphas = spams.lasso(matrix, D=D, **params)'Alphas shape and sparsity:\t{}\t{:.4f}'.format(alphas.shape, 100*alphas.nnz/
     return alphas
Esempio n. 3
    def solve(self, A, y, x0, as_signs):

        #print 'dense_solver: y.shape=',y.shape
        #print 'dense_solver: A.shape=',A.shape
        fy = np.asfortranarray(y.reshape(len(y), 1))
        fA = np.asfortranarray(A)
        #print 'fy.shape=',fy.shape
        #print 'fA.shape=',fA.shape
        if not self.positive:
            xnew = spams.lasso(fy, fA, mode=2, lambda1=self.lambda1, lambda2=self.lambda2)
            W = np.ones(len(x0))
            params = {'lambda1':self.lambda1, 'pos':True}
            xnew = spams.lassoWeighted(fy, fA, W, **params)

        xnew = np.array(xnew.todense()).reshape(x0.shape)

        #print 'dense_solver: xnew.shape=',xnew.shape

        return xnew
Esempio n. 4
def test_lassoWeighted():
    print("test lasso weighted")
# Decomposition of a large number of signals
# data generation
    X = np.asfortranarray(np.random.normal(size=(64,10000)))
    X = np.asfortranarray(X / np.tile(np.sqrt((X*X).sum(axis=0)),(X.shape[0],1)),dtype= myfloat)
    D = np.asfortranarray(np.random.normal(size=(64,256)))
    D = np.asfortranarray(D / np.tile(np.sqrt((D*D).sum(axis=0)),(D.shape[0],1)),dtype= myfloat)
    param = { 'L' : 20,
        'lambda1' : 0.15, 'numThreads' : 8, 'mode' : spams.PENALTY}
    W = np.asfortranarray(np.random.random(size = (D.shape[1],X.shape[1])),dtype= myfloat)
    tic = time.time()
    alpha = spams.lassoWeighted(X,D,W,**param)
    tac = time.time()
    t = tac - tic
    print("%f signals processed per second\n" %(float(X.shape[1]) / t))

    return None