Esempio n. 1
def make_random_fam_3_gate(levels, gate_name, gate_factory):
    """Creates a random family 3 gate using gate_factory.
    A family 3 gate takes in two inputs, at least one of which is from the level
    directly above it.

        levels: a list of lists of gates, one corresponding to each level
            already created in the circuit.
        gate_name: the name which the new gate will have.
        gate_factory: the method used to generate the new gate.
    W = len(levels[0])
    assert(all(len(level) == W for level in levels))
    # make sure that we have at least two possible inputs:
    assert(W * len(levels) > 1)
    # find the first input among the circuit objects in the ultimate level:
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, W - 1)
    input1 = levels[-1][input1_index]
    # find the second input among all available circuit objects:
    input2_index = sr.randint(0, (len(levels) * W) - 1)
    while input2_index == input1_index:
        input2_index = sr.randint(0, (len(levels) * W) - 1)
    input2_inp_index = input2_index % W
    input2_level_index = len(levels) - ((input2_index -
                                        input2_inp_index) / W) - 1
    input2_inp_index = input2_index % W
    input2 = levels[input2_level_index][input2_inp_index]
    # create the gate:
    inputs = [input1, input2]
    negations = [sr.randbit() for neg_ind in xrange(2)]
    return gate_factory(gate_name, inputs, negations)
Esempio n. 2
def make_random_one_inp_and_const_int_gate(L, ultimate_level,
                                           penultimate_level, gate_name,
                                           circuit, gate_factory):
    """creates a random gate with one input and a constant that is an integer.
    # This gate requires one input; at least one input should be available.
    assert (len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 0)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    const = sr.randint(0, L - 1)
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, const, circuit)
Esempio n. 3
    def generate_pdf(self, min, max, ind_vars):
        street_name = \
            super(AddressDistribution, self).generate_pdf(min, max, ind_vars)
        house_number = spar_random.randint(1, 500)

        return_me = str(house_number) + " " + street_name

        if (spar_random.randint(0, 100) <= self.PERCENT_LIVING_IN_APT):
            apt_number = spar_random.randint(1, self.HIGHEST_APT_NUMBER)
            return_me += ", APT " + str(apt_number)

        return return_me
Esempio n. 4
 def generate_double_range(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
     Generate double sided range queries
     delta = self.upper_bound - self.zero_utc
     delta = delta.total_seconds()
     min_limit = int(minim * delta)
     max_limit = int(maxim * delta)
     range = spar_random.randint(min_limit, max_limit)
     lower = spar_random.randint(1, delta - range)
     upper = lower + range
     return (lower, upper)
Esempio n. 5
    def generate(self, ind_vars={}):
        Returns a random item that relects the distribution of add calls.

        The first time this is called it calls __counts_to_cdf to
        convert __counts to data structures that are more efficient
        for random number generation. The data structures are as
        follows: __total is the total number of times add() was
        called. __values[] is an array of the *distinct* values that
        were passed to add(). __cum_counts is a running sum of the
        number of observations that correspond to __values. So
        __cum_counts[0] is the number of times __values[0] was passed
        to add(). __cum_counts[1] is the number of times either
        __values[0] or __values[1] was passed to add() and so on.

        To quickly generate values with the right distribution we
        generate a random number in [min*__total, max*__total]. Where
        min and max are the cdf values we wish to generate between 
        (normalized to be between 0 and 1). We then do a binary
        search to find the first index in __cum_counts that is >= the
        generated value. If we then return the corresponding value
        from __values we will generate from the right distribution.

        if self.__counts is not None:
            assert (self.__counts is None)

        assert self.__total > 0
        x = spar_random.randint(1, self.__total)
        idx = bisect.bisect_left(self.__cum_counts, x)
        return self.__values[idx]
Esempio n. 6
 def generate(self, ind_vars=None):
     Returns a random item that relects the distribution of add
     x = spar_random.randint(0, self.__randint_bound)
     return self._added_items[x]
Esempio n. 7
 def generate_less_than(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
     Generate less than queries
     delta = self.upper_bound - self.zero_utc
     delta = delta.total_seconds()
     return spar_random.randint(delta * minim, delta * maxim)
Esempio n. 8
 def __format_value(self, age):
     assert age < 140
     assert age >= 0
     dob = self.curr_year - age
     dob_obj =, 01, 01)
     fraction = spar_random.randint(0, 365)
     dob_obj = dob_obj - datetime.timedelta(fraction)
     return dob_obj
Esempio n. 9
 def generate_greater_than(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
     Generate greater than queries
     delta = self.upper_bound - self.zero_utc
     delta = delta.total_seconds()
     return int(delta - spar_random.randint((delta * minim) /
                                            2.0, (delta * maxim) / 2.0))
Esempio n. 10
    def generate(self, *args):
        Returns a random social-security number, as a string, in
        format DDDDDDDDD. That is, it will match the regular
        expression \d{9}.  Excluded Area Numbers are excluded (000,
        666, and 900-999) but other than that, it is a random
        number. There is no guarantee that the number is unique.
        area_number = 0
        while self._forbidden_area_number(area_number):
            area_number = spar_random.randint(0, 899)
        group_number = spar_random.randint(0, 99)
        serial_number = spar_random.randint(0, 9999)

        ssn_string = '%03d%02d%04d' % (area_number, group_number,
        return ssn_string
Esempio n. 11
 def generate(self, *args):
     Generates a random fingerprint (character string) of some
     length chosen randomly from the range of valid lengths.
     fp_length = spar_random.randint(self.MIN_FINGERPRINT_SIZE,
     return_me = spar_random.bytes(fp_length)
     return bytearray(return_me)
Esempio n. 12
 def generate_less_than(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
     age = self.age_dist.generate_greater_than(minim, maxim, **kwargs)
     assert age < 140
     assert age >= 0
     dob = self.curr_year - age
     dob_obj =, 01, 01)
     fraction = spar_random.randint(int(365 * minim), int(365 * maxim))
     dob_obj = dob_obj - datetime.timedelta(fraction)
     return dob_obj
Esempio n. 13
def make_random_two_inp_gate(L, ultimate_level, penultimate_level, gate_name,
                             circuit, gate_factory):
    """creates a random gate with two inputs."""
    # This gate requires two inputs; at least two inputs should be available.
    assert (len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 1)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    input2_index = sr.randint(0,
                              len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) - 1)
    while input2_index == input1_index:
        input2_index = sr.randint(
            len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) - 1)
    if input2_index < len(ultimate_level):
        input2 = ultimate_level[input2_index]
        input2 = penultimate_level[input2_index - len(ultimate_level)]
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, input2, circuit)
Esempio n. 14
    def generate_double_range(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
        assert maxim >= minim and maxim <= 1 and minim >= 0
        if self.__counts is not None:
            assert (self.__counts is None)

        assert self.__total > 0
        max_limit = math.ceil(maxim * self.__total)
        min_limit = math.floor(max(1, self.__total * minim))
        range = spar_random.randint(min_limit, max_limit)
        weight_lower = spar_random.randint(1, max(1, self.__total - range))
        weight_upper = weight_lower + range
        id_lower = bisect.bisect_left(self.__sorted_counts, weight_lower)
        id_upper = bisect.bisect_left(self.__sorted_counts, weight_upper)
        if id_upper == len(self.__sorted_counts):
            id_upper -= 1
        return (self.__sorted_values[id_lower], self.__sorted_values[id_upper])
Esempio n. 15
    def generate(self, *args):

        # Get the bit-length
        bit_length = spar_random.randint(0, 64)
        # Now, skep it a bit toward shorter numbers
        if bit_length == 64:
            if spar_random.randint(1, 5000) != 1:
                bit_length = spar_random.randint(0, 63)

        # Generate a random int of that bit-length
        if bit_length == 0:
            return 0
            return_me = 1
            random_bits = bit_length - 1
            for _ in xrange(random_bits):
                return_me *= 2
                return_me += spar_random.randbit()
            return return_me
Esempio n. 16
 def generate_less_than(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
     Generate ssn less than queries
     self.__total = 898999999.0
     max_limit = math.ceil(maxim * self.__total)
     min_limit = math.floor(max(1, self.__total * minim))
     ssn_value = spar_random.randint(min_limit, max_limit)
     ssn_string = '%09d' % (ssn_value + 10**6)
     return ssn_string
Esempio n. 17
 def generate_double_range(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
     Generate address double sided range queries
     house_number = spar_random.randint(1, 500)
     (street_name_low, street_name_up) = \
         super(AddressDistribution, self).generate_double_range(minim, maxim, **kwargs)
     return_me_low = str(house_number) + " " + street_name_low
     return_me_up = str(house_number) + " " + street_name_up + ', APT 20'
     return (return_me_low, return_me_up)
Esempio n. 18
    def generate_double_range(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
        db_size = kwargs['db_size']
        (age_low, age_upper) = self.age_dist.generate_double_range(
            minim, maxim, **kwargs)
        assert age_low <= age_upper
        if age_low == age_upper:
            dob = self.curr_year - age_low
            dob_obj_low =, 01, 01)
            fraction = spar_random.randint(1, int(min(365, maxim * db_size)))
            dob_obj_up = dob_obj_low + datetime.timedelta(fraction)
            dob_up = self.curr_year - age_low
            dob_low = self.curr_year - age_upper
            dob_obj_low =, 01, 01)
            dob_obj_up =, 01, 01)
            fraction = spar_random.randint(int(365 * minim), int(365 * maxim))
            dob_obj_up = dob_obj_up + datetime.timedelta(fraction)

        return (dob_obj_low, dob_obj_up)
Esempio n. 19
 def balance(self, desired_output):
     """Changes the negations on the inputs of this gate so that the gate
     yeilds the bit desired_output."""
     assert(desired_output == True or desired_output == False)
     current_eval = self.evaluate()
     # if the gate does not currently evaluate to the desired_output, tweak
     # the negations in such a way as to force it to evaluate to the
     # desired_output. This can be done by flipping a single negation:
     inp_ind = sr.randint(0, self.get_num_inputs() - 1)
Esempio n. 20
def make_random_one_inp_and_const_inp_gate(L, ultimate_level,
                                           penultimate_level, gate_name,
                                           circuit, gate_factory):
    """creates a random gate with one input and a constant that is an input
    # This gate requires one input; at least one input should be available.
    assert (len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 0)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    const = ci.Input([ib.IBMBatch([sr.randbit() for inp_ind in xrange(L)])])
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, const, circuit)
Esempio n. 21
def make_random_two_inp_and_const_inp_gate(L, ultimate_level,
                                           penultimate_level, gate_name,
                                           circuit, gate_factory):
    """creats a random gate with two inputs and a constant that is an input
    # This gate requires two inputs; at least two inputs should be available.
    assert (len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 1)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    input2_index = sr.randint(0,
                              len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) - 1)
    while input2_index == input1_index:
        input2_index = sr.randint(
            len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) - 1)
    if input2_index < len(ultimate_level):
        input2 = ultimate_level[input2_index]
        input2 = penultimate_level[input2_index - len(ultimate_level)]
    const = ci.Input([ib.IBMBatch([sr.randbit() for inp_ind in xrange(L)])])
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, input2, const, circuit)
Esempio n. 22
 def test_regress(self):
     NUM_INPUTS = 2
     NUM_DATAPOINTS = sr.randint(5, 1000)
     NUM_TRIALS = 2
     for trial_num in xrange(NUM_TRIALS):
         A = float(sr.randint(1, 100))
         B = float(sr.randint(1, 5))
         C = float(sr.randint(1, 100))
         inputs = [[
             sr.randint(1, 200) for data_point in xrange(NUM_DATAPOINTS)
         ] for inp in xrange(NUM_INPUTS)]
         outputs = [
                  for inp in xrange(NUM_INPUTS)], A, B, C) + sr.random()
             for data_point in xrange(NUM_DATAPOINTS)
         function_guess = regression.regress(
         test_inputs = [sr.randint(1, 100) for inp in xrange(NUM_INPUTS)]
                 function_guess.function(test_inputs) -
                 FUNCTION_TO_REGRESS_TEMPLATE(test_inputs, A, B, C)) <
         rsquared = function_guess.get_rsquared(inputs, outputs)
         self.assertTrue(rsquared > .8)
Esempio n. 23
 def generate_double_range(self, minim, maxim, **kwargs):
     Generate ssn double sided range queries
     self.__total = 899999999.0
     max_limit = math.ceil(maxim * self.__total)
     min_limit = math.floor(max(1, self.__total * minim))
     range = max_limit - min_limit
     ssn_lower = spar_random.randint(1, self.__total - range)
     ssn_upper = ssn_lower + range
     ssn_string_lower = '%09d' % ssn_lower
     ssn_string_upper = '%09d' % ssn_upper
     return (ssn_string_lower, ssn_string_upper)
Esempio n. 24
    def generate(self, *args):
        Returns a random identifier which has not been returned by
        this object before. Heed class-level documentation about
        degenerate behavior as the supply of possible return-values
        shrinks over time.  Sends a warning to the logging module when
        half or more of the numbers are used up.

        candidate = spar_random.randint(0, self._upper_bound)
        while candidate in self._returned:
            candidate = spar_random.randint(0, self._upper_bound)


        # Start warning when less than half of values remain--
        # performance will start to get slow!
        if self.percent_remaining < 0.5:
            logging.warning("RandIntWithoutReplacement object now "\
                            "half exhaused (less than half of possible "\
                            "outputs remain.) Performance will start to "\
        return candidate
Esempio n. 25
    def generate_greater_than(self, record_set_size, db_size):
        '''Returns a single value which is the lower bound of a randomly
         generated range'''
        #find the nearest bit_length that has a count close to record_set_size
        cum_count = 0
        density = self.__bucket_density(db_size)
        bit_length = None
        for b in xrange(64, 0, -1):
            cum_count += density[b] * ((2**b) - (2**(b - 1)))
            #either it is close enough or the count has gotten
            #bigger than the record_set_size and we need to stop
            if self.__close_enough(cum_count,record_set_size)\
               or cum_count > record_set_size:
                bit_length = b
        #this checks to see for the case where the record_set_size is
        #somewhere in the bitlength but the granularity is too fine so we
        #need for further refine where we are generating our random range
        if bit_length is None:
            raise FooInputs

        if not self.__close_enough(cum_count, record_set_size):
            records_in_range = record_set_size
            for b in xrange(64, bit_length, -1):
                records_in_range -= self.__prob_b(b) * db_size
            records_in_range = self.__prob_b(
                bit_length) * db_size - records_in_range
            range = int(records_in_range * (2**bit_length-2**(bit_length-1)) / \
            range = 0

        #Generate random value of that length
        if bit_length == 0:
            return 1
            b = bit_length
            #generate a random start offset that is less than the size of the bucket
            #minus the randomly generated range. We only generate half of this value
            #randomly and then multiply by 2 because randint cannot handle values
            #large than 2**63
            random_start_half = spar_random.randint(
                1, (2**b - 2**(b - 1) - range) / 2)
            random_start = random_start_half * 2
            #add that offset to the lower end of the bucket as well as the range value
            return random_start + 2**(b - 1) + range
Esempio n. 26
 def generate_pdf(self, minim, maxim, *ind_vars):
     Returns a value with the given record set size (expressed as a 
     percentage of database size), can be db_size agnostic becuase 
     min and max are normalized
     record_set_min = minim * 10**9
     record_set_max = maxim * 10**9
     bit_len = None
     for b in xrange(65):
         expected = self.__prob_b(b) * 10**9 / (2**b - 2**(b - 1))
         if expected >= record_set_min and expected <= record_set_max:
             bit_len = b
     if bit_len is None:
         return 0
     value = spar_random.randint(2**(bit_len - 1), 2**(bit_len) - 1)
     return value
Esempio n. 27
    def _dob_to_last_updated(self, dob):
        dob_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(dob, self.midnight)

        lower_bound = max(self.zero_utc, dob_datetime)

        delta = self.upper_bound - lower_bound

        seconds_in_delta = delta.total_seconds()

        random_seconds = spar_random.randint(0, seconds_in_delta)

        if lower_bound == self.zero_utc:
            return int(random_seconds)
            dob_delta = dob_datetime - self.zero_utc
            dob_delta_seconds = dob_delta.total_seconds()
            return int(random_seconds + dob_delta_seconds)
Esempio n. 28
    def add_single_alarmword(self, alarmword):
        Adds a single word to a random location in the text.
        Note: adds space both before and after, even if this makes a 
        double-space or a space between a word and punctuation. Used for
        adding alarmwords to text.

        assert not self._alarmwords_added, "Cannot add alarmwords more than once"

        # add the new word and stem to internal lists
        word_upper = alarmword.upper()
        stem = spar_stemming.stem_word(word_upper)

        end_first_trigram = 6
        begin_last_trigram = len(self.word_list) - 6
        insert_point = spar_random.randint(end_first_trigram,

        # Note: why do we force the insert of leading and following spaces?
        # We *could* try to do something smarter, and only insert one space
        # to keep the spacing as in natural englilsh. But we (Jon) are not
        # smart enough to get this right, and the consqeuence of getting
        # this wrogn may be inadvertantly putting two words together with no
        # space in between. This will lead to an extremely subtle bug where
        # the aggregators and the databases disagree about what words are
        # in a asentence. Putting in extra spaces, on the other hand, shouldn't
        # break anything (and is even to be expected in real human-generated
        # text.

        # Note: the order of the next loop is fragile:
        for (word, stem, upper) in [(' ', None, ' '),
                                    (alarmword, stem, word_upper),
                                    (' ', None, ' ')]:
            self.word_list.insert(insert_point, word)
            self.upper_word_list.insert(insert_point, upper)

        self._alarmwords_added = True
        self.alarmwords = [alarmword]
        self.alarmword_distances = None
Esempio n. 29
 def balance(self, desired_output):
     """Changes the negations on the inputs of this gate so that the gate
     yeilds the bit desired_output."""
     assert (desired_output == True or desired_output == False)
     current_eval = self.evaluate()
     # if the gate does not currently evaluate to the desired_output, tweak
     # the negations in such a way as to force it to evaluate to the
     # desired_output:
     if current_eval != desired_output:
         if (desired_output == False):
             # if the gate does not currently evaluate to False, we can get
             # it to do so by flipping a single negation:
             inp_ind = sr.randint(0, self.get_num_inputs() - 1)
             # Getting an AND to evaluate to True is harder; we must make
             # sure that every input evaluates to True.
             for bal_ind2 in xrange(self.get_num_inputs()):
                 if self._get_value_with_negation(bal_ind2) == False:
Esempio n. 30
 def test_balancing_randomized(self):
     Test to determine that balancing forces the desired output. Tests
     many randomized cases.
     num_tests = 100
     min_num_inputs = 2
     max_num_inputs = 20
     for test_num in xrange(num_tests):
         num_inputs = sr.randint(min_num_inputs, max_num_inputs)
         inputs = [
             sw.StealthInputWire("wire", bool(sr.randbit()))
             for input_num in xrange(num_inputs)
         negations = [
             bool(sr.randbit()) for input_num in xrange(num_inputs)
         gate = sgo.StealthOrGate("or_gate", inputs, negations)
         desired_output = bool(sr.randbit())
         self.assertEqual(gate.evaluate(), desired_output)