def _setup():
    global magic, spark_controller, shell, ipython_display

    magic = RemoteSparkMagics(shell=None, widget=MagicMock()) = shell = MagicMock()
    magic.ipython_display = ipython_display = MagicMock()
    magic.spark_controller = spark_controller = MagicMock()
 def __init__(self, shell, data=None, widget=None):
     super(DataprocMagics, self).__init__(shell, data)
     self.ip =
     self.db = self.ip.db
     self.endpoints = {}
     _restore_endpoints_and_sessions(self.db, self.ipython_display,
                                     self.spark_controller, self.endpoints)
     session_id_to_name = dict([
         (, name) for name, session in  self.spark_controller.get_managed_clients().items()
     self.db['autorestore/' + 'session_id_to_name'] = session_id_to_name
     if len(self.endpoints) == 0:
         self.endpoints = None
     dataproc_widget = ControllerWidget(self.spark_controller, IpyWidgetFactory(),
                                        self.ipython_display, self.db, self.endpoints)
     widget = MagicsControllerWidget(self.spark_controller, IpyWidgetFactory(),
                                     self.ipython_display, self.endpoints)
     if self.endpoints is None:
         self.endpoints = {}
     self.manage_dataproc_widget = dataproc_widget
     self.__remotesparkmagics = RemoteSparkMagics(shell, widget)
     self.__remotesparkmagics.spark_controller = self.spark_controller
     self.__remotesparkmagics.ipython_display = self.ipython_display
class DataprocMagics(SparkMagicBase):

    def __init__(self, shell, data=None, widget=None):
        super(DataprocMagics, self).__init__(shell, data)
        self.ip =
        self.db = self.ip.db
        self.endpoints = {}
        _restore_endpoints_and_sessions(self.db, self.ipython_display,
                                        self.spark_controller, self.endpoints)
        session_id_to_name = dict([
            (, name) for name, session in  self.spark_controller.get_managed_clients().items()
        self.db['autorestore/' + 'session_id_to_name'] = session_id_to_name
        if len(self.endpoints) == 0:
            self.endpoints = None
        dataproc_widget = ControllerWidget(self.spark_controller, IpyWidgetFactory(),
                                           self.ipython_display, self.db, self.endpoints)
        widget = MagicsControllerWidget(self.spark_controller, IpyWidgetFactory(),
                                        self.ipython_display, self.endpoints)
        if self.endpoints is None:
            self.endpoints = {}
        self.manage_dataproc_widget = dataproc_widget
        self.__remotesparkmagics = RemoteSparkMagics(shell, widget)
        self.__remotesparkmagics.spark_controller = self.spark_controller
        self.__remotesparkmagics.ipython_display = self.ipython_display

    def manage_dataproc(self, _line, _local_ns=None):
        """Magic that returns a widget for managing Spark endpoints and sessions for Dataproc."""
        self.manage_dataproc_widget = ControllerWidget(
            self.spark_controller, IpyWidgetFactory(), self.ipython_display, self.db, self.endpoints
        return self.manage_dataproc_widget

    @argument("-c", "--context", type=str, default=CONTEXT_NAME_SPARK,
              help="Context to use: '{}' for spark and '{}' for sql queries. "\
              "Default is '{}'.".format(CONTEXT_NAME_SPARK, CONTEXT_NAME_SQL, CONTEXT_NAME_SPARK))
    @argument("-s", "--session", type=str, default=None,
              help="The name of the Livy session to use.")
    @argument("-o", "--output", type=str, default=None,
              help="If present, output when using SQL queries will be stored in this variable.")
    @argument("-q", "--quiet", type=bool, default=False, nargs="?", const=True,
              help="Do not display visualizations on SQL queries")
    @argument("-m", "--samplemethod", type=str, default=None,
              help="Sample method for SQL queries: either take or sample")
    @argument("-n", "--maxrows", type=int, default=None, help="Maximum number of rows that will "\
              "be pulled back from the server for SQL queries")
    @argument("-r", "--samplefraction", type=float, default=None,
              help="Sample fraction for sampling from SQL queries")
    @argument("-u", "--url", type=str, default=None, help="URL for Livy endpoint")
    @argument("-a", "--user", dest='user', type=str, default="",
              help="Username for HTTP access to Livy endpoint")
    @argument("-p", "--password", type=str, default="",
              help="Password for HTTP access to Livy endpoint")
    @argument("-t", "--auth", type=str, default=None,
              help="Auth type for HTTP access to Livy endpoint. [Kerberos, None, Basic]")
    @argument("-l", "--language", type=str, default=None, help="Language for Livy session; one of "\
              "{}".format(', '.join([LANG_PYTHON, LANG_SCALA, LANG_R])))
    @argument("command", type=str, default=[""], nargs="*", help="Commands to execute.")
    @argument("-k", "--skip", type=bool, default=False, nargs="?", const=True,
              help="Skip adding session if it already exists")
    @argument("-i", "--id", type=int, default=None, help="Session ID")
    @argument("-e", "--coerce", type=str, default=None, help="Whether to automatically coerce the "\
              "types (default, pass True if being explicit) of the dataframe or not (pass False)")
    @argument("-g", "--credentials", dest='account', type=str, default=None, help="Credentials "\
              "for Google authentication. [[email protected], default-credentials]")

    def spark(self, line, cell="", local_ns=None):
        """Magic to execute spark remotely.
           This magic allows you to create a Livy Scala or Python session against a Livy endpoint.
           Every session can be used to execute either Spark code or SparkSQL code by executing
           against the SQL context in the session. When the SQL context is used, the result will
           be a Pandas dataframe of a sample of the results.

           If invoked with no subcommand, the cell will be executed against the specified session.

               Display the available Livy sessions and other configurations for sessions with None,
               Basic, or Kerberos auth.
               Add a Livy session given a session name (-s), language (-l), and endpoint
               credentials. The -k argument, if present, will skip adding this session if it already
               e.g. `%spark add -s test -l python -u -t Kerberos -a u -p -k`
               Override the livy session properties sent to Livy on session creation. All session
               creations will contain these config settings from then on.
               Expected value is a JSON key-value string to be sent as part of the Request Body
               for the POST /sessions endpoint in Livy.
               e.g. `%%spark config`
                    `{"driverMemory":"1000M", "executorCores":4}`
               Run Spark code against a session.
               e.g. `%%spark -s testsession` will execute the cell code against the testsession
               previously created
               e.g. `%%spark -s testsession -c sql` will execute the SQL code against the
               testsession previously created
               e.g. `%%spark -s testsession -c sql -o my_var` will execute the SQL code against
               the testsession previously created and store the pandas dataframe created in the
               my_var variable in the Python environment.
               Returns the logs for a given session.
               e.g. `%spark logs -s testsession` will return the logs for the testsession
               previously created
               Delete a Livy session.
               e.g. `%spark delete -s defaultlivy`
               Delete all Livy sessions created by the notebook. No arguments required.
               e.g. `%spark cleanup`
        user_input = line
        args = parse_argstring_or_throw(self.spark, user_input)
        subcommand = args.command[0].lower()
        if args.auth == "Google" and subcommand == "add":
            if args.url is None:
                    "Need to supply URL argument (e.g. -u"
            name = args.session
            language = args.language
            endpoint = Endpoint(args.url, initialize_auth(args))
            self.endpoints[args.url] = endpoint
            # convert Endpoints in self.endpoints into list of dictionaries, each storing an
            # Endpoints writeable attributes
            stored_endpoints = [
                SerializableEndpoint(endpoint).__dict__ for endpoint in self.endpoints.values()
            self.db['autorestore/' + 'stored_endpoints'] = stored_endpoints
            skip = args.skip
            properties = conf.get_session_properties(language)
            self.spark_controller.add_session(name, endpoint, skip, properties)
            # session_id_to_name dict is necessary to restore session name across notebook sessions
            # since the livy server does not store the name.
            session_id_to_name = get_session_id_to_name(self.db, self.ipython_display)
            # add session id -> name to session_id_to_name dict
            session_id_to_name[self.spark_controller.session_manager.get_session(name).id] = name
            self.db['autorestore/' + 'session_id_to_name'] = session_id_to_name
        elif subcommand == "info":
            if args.url is not None and is not None:
                endpoint = Endpoint(args.url, initialize_auth(args))
                info_sessions = self.spark_controller.get_all_sessions_endpoint_info(endpoint)
            self.__remotesparkmagics.spark(line, cell, local_ns=None)

    def _print_local_info(self):
        sessions_info = [
            "        {}".format(i) for i in self.spark_controller.get_manager_sessions_str()
        print("""Info for running Spark:
    Session configs:
""".format("\n".join(sessions_info), conf.session_configs()))