Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, params):

        self.init = False
        self.connected_to_atmosphere = False
        self.params = params
        natm, noc = self.params.nmod

        self.M = sp.zeros((noc, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self.N = sp.zeros((noc, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')

        self.O = sp.zeros((noc, noc, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self.C = sp.zeros((noc, noc, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')

        self.K = None
        self.W = None

        # initialization of the variables
        oceanic_wavenumbers = np.empty(noc, dtype=object)

        # Oceanic wavenumbers definition
        oms = self.params.goblocks

        for i in range(
        ):  # function type is limited to L for the moment: ocean is a closed basin
            oceanic_wavenumbers[i] = WaveNumber('L', oms[i, 1], 0, oms[i, 0],
                                                oms[i, 0] / 2., oms[i, 1])

        self.oceanic_wavenumbers = oceanic_wavenumbers

Esempio n. 2
    def connect_to_atmosphere(self, atmosphere_inner_products):
        """Connect the ocean to an atmosphere.

        atmosphere_inner_products: AtmosphericAnalyticInnerProducts
            The inner products of the atmosphere.

        self.atmosphere_inner_products = atmosphere_inner_products
        self.connected_to_atmosphere = True

        if self.stored:
            natm = atmosphere_inner_products.natm
            self._K = sp.zeros((self.noc, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
            self._W = sp.zeros((self.noc, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')

            args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(natm)]

            for arg in args_list:
                # K inner products
                self._K[arg] = self._K_comp(*arg)
                # W inner products
                self._W[arg] = self._W_comp(*arg)

            self._K = self._K.to_coo()
            self._W = self._W.to_coo()

            self.atmosphere_inner_products = None
Esempio n. 3
    def connect_to_ocean(self, ocean_basis, num_threads=None):
        """Connect the atmosphere to an ocean.

        ocean_basis: SymbolicBasis or OceanicSymbolicInnerProducts
            Basis of function of the ocean or a symbolic oceanic inner products object containing the basis.
        num_threads: int or None, optional
            Number of threads to use to compute the symbolic inner products. If `None` use all the cpus available.
            Default to `None`.
        if isinstance(ocean_basis, OceanicSymbolicInnerProducts):
            ocean_basis = ocean_basis.oceanic_basis
        self.ground_basis = None
        self.connected_to_ground = False

        self.oceanic_basis = ocean_basis
        self.connected_to_ocean = True

        if self.stored:
            if num_threads is None:
                pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
                pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_threads)

            noc = len(ocean_basis)
            self._gh = None
            self._d = sp.zeros((self.natm, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
            self._s = sp.zeros((self.natm, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')

            # d inner products
            args_list = [[(i, j), self.iip.ip_lap, (self._F(i), self._phi(j))]
                         for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(noc)]

            result =, args_list)

            for res in result:
                self._d[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

            # s inner products
            args_list = [[(i, j), self.iip.symbolic_inner_product,
                          (self._F(i), self._phi(j))] for i in range(self.natm)
                         for j in range(noc)]

            result =, args_list)

            for res in result:
                self._s[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

            self._s = self._s.to_coo()
            self._d = self._d.to_coo()

Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, params):

        self.connected_to_ocean = False
        self.params = params
        natm, noc = self.params.nmod

        if natm == 0:
            exit("*** Problem with inner products : natm==0!***")

        self.a = sp.zeros((natm, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self.c = sp.zeros((natm, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self.b = sp.zeros((natm, natm, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self.g = sp.zeros((natm, natm, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self.d = None
        self.s = None

        # initialization of the variables
        atmospheric_wavenumbers = np.empty(natm, dtype=object)

        j = -1

        # Atmospheric wavenumbers definition

        ams = self.params.ablocks

        for i in range(
        ):  # function type is limited to AKL for the moment: atmosphere is a channel

            if ams[i, 0] == 1:

                atmospheric_wavenumbers[j + 1] = WaveNumber(
                    'A', ams[i, 1], 0, 0, 0, ams[i, 1])

                atmospheric_wavenumbers[j + 2] = WaveNumber(
                    'K', ams[i, 1], ams[i, 0], 0, ams[i, 0], ams[i, 1])

                atmospheric_wavenumbers[j + 3] = WaveNumber(
                    'L', ams[i, 1], 0, ams[i, 0], ams[i, 0], ams[i, 1])

                j = j + 3


                atmospheric_wavenumbers[j + 1] = WaveNumber(
                    'K', ams[i, 1], ams[i, 0], 0, ams[i, 0], ams[i, 1])

                atmospheric_wavenumbers[j + 2] = WaveNumber(
                    'L', ams[i, 1], 0, ams[i, 0], ams[i, 0], ams[i, 1])

                j = j + 2

        self.atmospheric_wavenumbers = atmospheric_wavenumbers

Esempio n. 5
 def test_indexrandom2(self):
     M1 = sparse.zeros(shape=10)
     M1[:10] = 2
     M2 = sparse.zeros(shape=(10, 10))
     M2[:, 3] = M1
     M2[3, :] = M1
Esempio n. 6
    def connect_to_atmosphere(self, atmosphere_basis, num_threads=None):
        """Connect the ocean to an atmosphere.

        atmosphere_basis: SymbolicBasis or AtmosphericSymbolicInnerProducts
            Basis of function of the atmosphere or a symbolic atmospheric inner products object containing the basis.
        num_threads: int or None, optional
            Number of threads to use to compute the symbolic inner products. If `None` use all the cpus available.
            Default to `None`.

        if isinstance(atmosphere_basis, AtmosphericSymbolicInnerProducts):
            atmosphere_basis = atmosphere_basis.atmospheric_basis
        self.atmospheric_basis = atmosphere_basis
        self.connected_to_atmosphere = True

        if self.stored:
            if num_threads is None:
                pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
                pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_threads)
            natm = len(atmosphere_basis)
            self._K = sp.zeros((self.noc, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
            self._W = sp.zeros((self.noc, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')

            # K inner products
            l = [[(i, j), self.iip.ip_lap, (self._phi(i), self._F(j))]
                 for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(natm)]

            result =, l)

            for res in result:
                self._K[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

            # W inner products
            l = [[(i, j), self.iip.symbolic_inner_product,
                  (self._phi(i), self._F(j))] for i in range(self.noc)
                 for j in range(natm)]

            result =, l)

            for res in result:
                self._W[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

            self._K = self._K.to_coo()
            self._W = self._W.to_coo()

Esempio n. 7
    def connect_to_ground(self, ground_inner_products):
        """Connect the atmosphere to the ground.

        ground_inner_products: GroundAnalyticInnerProducts
            The inner products of the ground.

        self.ocean_inner_products = None
        self.connected_to_ocean = False
        self.ground_inner_products = ground_inner_products
        self.connected_to_ground = True

        if self.stored:
            ngr = ground_inner_products.ngr
            self._s = sp.zeros((self.natm, ngr), dtype=float, format='dok')
            args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(ngr)]

            # s inner products
            for arg in args_list:
                self._s[arg] = self._s_comp(*arg)

            self._s = self._s.to_coo()

        # ensure that the ocean is connected as well
        if not ground_inner_products.connected_to_atmosphere:

        if self.stored:
            self.ground_inner_products = None
Esempio n. 8
    def compute_inner_products(self, num_threads=None):
        """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once.

        num_threads: int or None, optional
            Number of threads to use to compute the symbolic inner products. If `None` use all the cpus available.
            Default to `None`.

        self._U = sp.zeros((self.ngr, self.ngr), dtype=float, format='dok')

        if num_threads is None:
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_threads)

        # U inner products
        l = [[(i, j), self.ip.symbolic_inner_product,
              (self._phi(i), self._phi(j))] for i in range(self.ngr)
             for j in range(self.ngr)]
        result =, l)

        for res in result:
            self._U[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

Esempio n. 9
def empty_mask(mask_shape, dtype):
    Return an empty sparse mask

    Improve readability
    return sparse.zeros(mask_shape, dtype=dtype)
Esempio n. 10
def masks():
    input_masks = [
        lambda: np.ones((128, 128)),
        lambda: sparse.zeros((128, 128)),
        lambda: np.ones((128, 128)),
        lambda: sp.csr_matrix(((1,), ((64,), (64,))), shape=(128, 128), dtype=np.float32),
        lambda: gradient_x(128, 128, dtype=np.float32),
    return MaskContainer(mask_factories=input_masks, dtype=np.float32)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_indexrandom1(self):
     M1 = sparse.zeros(shape=(10, 10, 10))
     M1[:10:2, 5, 0:10:3] = 2
     M1[:10:2, 5, 5:10:2] = 3
     M2 = np.zeros(shape=(10, 10, 10))
     M2[:10:2, 5, 0:10:3] = 2
     M2[:10:2, 5, 5:10:2] = 3
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(M1.to_numpy(), M2))
Esempio n. 12
    def compute_inner_products(self):
        """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once."""
        self._U = sp.zeros((self.ngr, self.ngr), dtype=float, format='dok')

        args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.ngr) for j in range(self.ngr)]

        for arg in args_list:
            # U inner products
            self._U[arg] = self._U_comp(*arg)

        self._U = self._U.to_coo()
Esempio n. 13
def test_mask_patch_sparse():
    for i in range(REPEATS):
        print(f"Loop number {i}")
        num_nav_dims = np.random.choice([1, 2, 3])
        num_sig_dims = np.random.choice([2, 3])

        nav_dims = tuple(np.random.randint(low=8, high=16, size=num_nav_dims))
        sig_dims = tuple(np.random.randint(low=8, high=16, size=num_sig_dims))

        # The mask-based correction is performed as float64 since it creates
        # numerical instabilities otherwise
        data = gradient_data(nav_dims, sig_dims).astype(np.float64)

        gain_map = (np.random.random(sig_dims) + 1).astype(np.float64)
        dark_image = np.random.random(sig_dims).astype(np.float64)

        exclude = exclude_pixels(sig_dims=sig_dims, num_excluded=3)

        damaged_data = data.copy()
        damaged_data /= gain_map
        damaged_data += dark_image
        damaged_data[(Ellipsis, *exclude)] = 1e24

        print("Nav dims: ", nav_dims)
        print("Sig dims:", sig_dims)
        print("Exclude: ", exclude)

        masks = sparse.DOK(sparse.zeros((20, ) + sig_dims, dtype=np.float64))
        indices = [
            np.random.randint(low=0, high=s, size=s // 2)
            for s in (20, ) + sig_dims
        for tup in zip(*indices):
            masks[tup] = 1
        masks = masks.to_coo()

        data_flat = data.reshape((,
        damaged_flat = damaged_data.reshape(

        correct_dot =,
        corrected_masks = detector.correct_dot_masks(masks, gain_map, exclude)
        assert is_sparse(corrected_masks)

        reconstructed_dot =\
  , corrected_masks.reshape((-1,\
            -, corrected_masks.reshape((-1,

Esempio n. 14
    def connect_to_ocean(self, ocean_inner_products):
        """Connect the atmosphere to an ocean.

        ocean_inner_products: OceanicInnerProducts
            The inner products of the ocean.

        natm, noc = self.params.nmod

        self.d = sp.zeros((natm, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self.s = sp.zeros((natm, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')


        # ensure that the ocean is connected as well
        if not ocean_inner_products.connected_to_atmosphere:

        self.connected_to_ocean = True
Esempio n. 15
    def compute_inner_products(self):
        """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once."""

        self._a = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._u = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._c = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._b = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm, self.natm),
        self._g = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm, self.natm),

        args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.natm)
                     for j in range(self.natm)]

        for arg in args_list:
            # a inner products
            self._a[arg] = self._a_comp(*arg)
            # u inner products
            self._u[arg] = self._u_comp(*arg)
            # c inner products
            self._c[arg] = self._c_comp(*arg)

        args_list = [(i, j, k) for i in range(self.natm)
                     for j in range(self.natm) for k in range(self.natm)]

        for arg in args_list:
            # g inner products
            val = self._g_comp(*arg)
            self._g[arg] = val
            # b inner products
            self._b[arg] = val * self._a[arg[-1], arg[-1]]

        self._a = self._a.to_coo()
        self._u = self._u.to_coo()
        self._c = self._c.to_coo()
        self._g = self._g.to_coo()
        self._b = self._b.to_coo()
Esempio n. 16
    def compute_inner_products(self):
        """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once."""

        self._M = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._U = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._N = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._O = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc, self.noc),
        self._C = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc, self.noc),

        args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(self.noc)]

        for arg in args_list:
            # M inner products
            self._M[arg] = self._M_comp(*arg)
            # U inner products
            self._U[arg] = self._U_comp(*arg)
            # N inner products
            self._N[arg] = self._N_comp(*arg)

        args_list = [(i, j, k) for i in range(self.noc)
                     for j in range(self.noc) for k in range(self.noc)]

        for arg in args_list:
            # O inner products
            val = self._O_comp(*arg)
            self._O[arg] = val
            # C inner products
            self._C[arg] = val * self._M[arg[-1], arg[-1]]

        self._M = self._M.to_coo()
        self._U = self._U.to_coo()
        self._N = self._N.to_coo()
        self._O = self._O.to_coo()
        self._C = self._C.to_coo()
Esempio n. 17
    def connect_to_atmosphere(self, atmosphere_inner_products):
        """Connect the ocean to an atmosphere.

        atmosphere_inner_products: AtmosphericInnerProducts
            The inner products of the atmosphere.

        natm, noc = self.params.nmod

        self.K = sp.zeros((noc, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self.W = sp.zeros((noc, natm), dtype=float, format='dok')

        if atmosphere_inner_products.s is None:
            atmosphere_inner_products.s = sp.zeros((natm, noc),


        self.connected_to_atmosphere = True
Esempio n. 18
    def connect_to_ocean(self, ocean_inner_products):
        """Connect the atmosphere to an ocean.

        ocean_inner_products: OceanicInnerAnalyticProducts
            The inner products of the ocean.

        self.ground_inner_products = None
        self.connected_to_ground = False
        self.ocean_inner_products = ocean_inner_products
        self.connected_to_ocean = True

        if self.stored:
            noc = ocean_inner_products.noc
            self._s = sp.zeros((self.natm, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
            self._d = sp.zeros((self.natm, noc), dtype=float, format='dok')

            args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(noc)]

            for arg in args_list:
                # s inner products
                self._s[arg] = self._s_comp(*arg)
                # d inner products
                self._d[arg] = self._d_comp(*arg)

            self._s = self._s.to_coo()
            self._d = self._d.to_coo()

        # ensure that the ocean is connected as well
        if not ocean_inner_products.connected_to_atmosphere:

        if self.stored:
            self.ocean_inner_products = None
Esempio n. 19
 def test_zeros(self):
     M1 = sparse.zeros(shape=(30, 30))
     M2 = np.zeros((30, 30))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(M1.to_numpy(), M2))
     self.assertEqual(M1.T.shape[0], 0)
Esempio n. 20
    def compute_tensor(self):
        """Routine to compute the tensor."""

        if self.params is None:

        if self.atmospheric_inner_products is None and self.oceanic_inner_products is None \
                and self.ground_inner_products is None:

        aips = self.atmospheric_inner_products
        par = self.params
        atp = par.atemperature_params
        ap = par.atmospheric_params
        op = par.oceanic_params
        scp = par.scale_params
        gp = par.ground_params
        namod = par.nmod[0]
        ngomod = par.nmod[1]
        ndim = par.ndim

        bips = None
        if self.oceanic_inner_products is not None:
            bips = self.oceanic_inner_products
            ocean = True
            ocean = False

        if self.ground_inner_products is not None:
            bips = self.ground_inner_products
            ground_temp = True
            ground_temp = False

        # 0-th tensor component is an empty matrix
        tensor = sp.zeros((ndim+1, ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64, format='dok')
        jacobian_tensor = sp.zeros((ndim+1, ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64, format='dok')

        # constructing some derived matrices
        if aips is not None:
            a_inv = np.zeros((namod, namod))
            for i in range(namod):
                for j in range(namod):
                    a_inv[i, j] = aips.a(i, j)
            a_inv = np.linalg.inv(a_inv)

            a_theta = np.zeros((namod, namod))
            for i in range(namod):
                for j in range(namod):
                    a_theta[i, j] = ap.sig0 * aips.a(i, j) - aips.u(i, j)
            a_theta = np.linalg.inv(a_theta)

        if bips is not None:
            U_inv = np.zeros((ngomod, ngomod))
            for i in range(ngomod):
                for j in range(ngomod):
                    U_inv[i, j] = bips.U(i, j)
            U_inv = np.linalg.inv(U_inv)

            if ocean:
                M_psio = np.zeros((ngomod, ngomod))
                for i in range(ngomod):
                    for j in range(ngomod):
                        M_psio[i, j] = bips.M(i, j) + par.G * bips.U(i, j)
                M_psio = np.linalg.inv(M_psio)


        if bips is not None:
            go = bips.stored
            go = True

        if aips.stored and go:
            # psi_a part
            for i in range(1, namod + 1):
                t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                for j in range(1, namod + 1):

                    val = a_inv[(i - 1), :] @ aips._c[:, (j - 1)]
                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] -= val * scp.beta

                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] -= (ap.kd * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))) / 2
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] = (ap.kd * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))) / 2

                    if gp is not None:
                        if is not None:
                            if gp.orographic_basis == "atmospheric":
                                oro = a_inv[(i - 1), :] @ aips._g[:, (j - 1), :] @
                                oro = a_inv[(i - 1), :] @ aips._gh[:, (j - 1), :] @
                            t[self._psi_a(j), 0] -= oro / 2
                            t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += oro / 2

                    for k in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = a_inv[(i - 1), :] @ aips._b[:, (j - 1), (k - 1)]
                        t[self._psi_a(j), self._psi_a(k)] = - val
                        t[self._theta_a(j), self._theta_a(k)] = - val
                if ocean:
                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        val = a_inv[(i - 1), :] @ aips._d[:, (j - 1)]
                        t[self._psi_o(j), 0] += val * ap.kd / 2

                t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                tensor[self._psi_a(i)] = t
                jacobian_tensor[self._psi_a(i)] = t + t.T

            # theta_a part
            for i in range(1, namod + 1):
                t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                if par.Cpa is not None:
                    t[0, 0] -= a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._u @ par.Cpa

                if atp.hd is not None and atp.thetas is not None:
                    val = - a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._u @ atp.thetas
                    t[0, 0] += val * atp.hd

                for j in range(1, namod + 1):

                    val = a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._a[:, (j - 1)]
                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] += val * ap.kd * ap.sig0 / 2
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] -= val * (ap.kd / 2 + 2 * ap.kdp) * ap.sig0

                    val = - a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._c[:, (j - 1)]
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * scp.beta * ap.sig0

                    val = a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._u[:, (j - 1)]
                    if par.LSBpa is not None and par.Lpa is not None:
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * (par.LSBpa + * par.Lpa)
                    if atp.hd is not None:
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * atp.hd

                    if gp is not None:
                        if is not None:
                            if gp.orographic_basis == "atmospheric":
                                oro = a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._g[:, (j - 1), :] @
                                oro = a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._gh[:, (j - 1), :] @
                            t[self._theta_a(j), 0] -= ap.sig0 * oro / 2
                            t[self._psi_a(j), 0] += ap.sig0 * oro / 2

                    for k in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._b[:, (j - 1), (k - 1)]
                        t[self._psi_a(j), self._theta_a(k)] = - val * ap.sig0
                        t[self._theta_a(j), self._psi_a(k)] = - val * ap.sig0

                        val = a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._g[:, (j - 1), (k - 1)]
                        t[self._psi_a(j), self._theta_a(k)] += val

                if ocean:
                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        val = - a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._d[:, (j - 1)]
                        t[self._psi_o(j), 0] += val * ap.sig0 * ap.kd / 2

                        if par.LSBpgo is not None and par.Lpa is not None:
                            val = - a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._s[:, (j - 1)]
                            t[self._deltaT_o(j), 0] += val * (par.LSBpgo + par.Lpa / 2)

                if ground_temp:
                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        if par.LSBpgo is not None and par.Lpa is not None:
                            val = - a_theta[(i - 1), :] @ aips._s[:, (j - 1)]
                            t[self._deltaT_g(j), 0] += val * (par.LSBpgo + par.Lpa / 2)

                t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                tensor[self._theta_a(i)] = t
                jacobian_tensor[self._theta_a(i)] = t + t.T

            if ocean:
                # psi_o part
                for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                    t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                    for j in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = M_psio[(i - 1), :] @ bips._K[:, (j - 1)] * op.d
                        t[self._psi_a(j), 0] += val
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] -= val

                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        val = - M_psio[(i - 1), :] @ bips._N[:, (j - 1)]
                        t[self._psi_o(j), 0] += val * scp.beta

                        val = - M_psio[(i - 1), :] @ bips._M[:, (j - 1)]
                        t[self._psi_o(j), 0] += val * (op.r + op.d)

                        for k in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            t[self._psi_o(j), self._psi_o(k)] -= M_psio[(i - 1), :] @ bips._C[:, (j - 1), (k - 1)]

                    t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                    tensor[self._psi_o(i)] = t
                    jacobian_tensor[self._psi_o(i)] = t + t.T

                # deltaT_o part
                for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                    t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)
                    t[0, 0] += bips._W[(i - 1), :] @ np.array(par.Cpgo, dtype=np.float64)  # problem with sparse matmul and object dtype

                    for j in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = U_inv[(i - 1), :] @ bips._W[:, (j - 1)]
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * (2 * * par.Lpgo + par.sbpa)

                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        t[self._deltaT_o(j), 0] = - (par.Lpgo + par.sbpgo) * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))

                        for k in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            t[self._psi_o(j), self._deltaT_o(k)] -= U_inv[(i - 1), :] @ bips._O[:, (j - 1), (k - 1)]

                    t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                    tensor[self._deltaT_o(i)] = t
                    jacobian_tensor[self._deltaT_o(i)] = t + t.T

            # deltaT_g part
            if ground_temp:
                for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                    t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)
                    t[0, 0] += bips._W[(i - 1), :] @ np.array(par.Cpgo, dtype=np.float64)

                    for j in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = U_inv[(i - 1), :] @ bips._W[:, (j - 1)]
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * (2 * * par.Lpgo + par.sbpa)

                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        t[self._deltaT_g(j), 0] = - (par.Lpgo + par.sbpgo) * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))

                    t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                    tensor[self._deltaT_g(i)] = t
                    jacobian_tensor[self._deltaT_g(i)] = t + t.T

            self.tensor = tensor.to_coo()
            self.jacobian_tensor = jacobian_tensor.to_coo()
            # psi_a part
            for i in range(1, namod + 1):
                t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                for j in range(1, namod + 1):

                    val = 0
                    for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val -= a_inv[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.c((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] += val * scp.beta

                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] -= (ap.kd * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))) / 2
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] = (ap.kd * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))) / 2

                    if gp is not None:
                        if is not None:
                            oro = 0
                            if gp.orographic_basis == "atmospheric":
                                for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                                    for k in range(1, namod + 1):
                                        oro += a_inv[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.g((jj - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)) *[(k - 1)]
                                for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                                    for k in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                                        oro += a_inv[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)) *[(k - 1)]
                            t[self._psi_a(j), 0] -= oro / 2
                            t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += oro / 2

                    for k in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                            val += a_inv[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.b((jj - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1))
                        t[self._psi_a(j), self._psi_a(k)] = - val
                        t[self._theta_a(j), self._theta_a(k)] = - val
                if ocean:
                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                            val += a_inv[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.d((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                        t[self._psi_o(j), 0] += val * ap.kd / 2

                t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                tensor[self._psi_a(i)] = t
                jacobian_tensor[self._psi_a(i)] = t + t.T

            # theta_a part
            for i in range(1, namod + 1):
                t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                if par.Cpa is not None:
                    for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                        for kk in range(1, namod + 1):
                            t[0, 0] -= a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.u((jj - 1), (kk - 1)) * par.Cpa[kk - 1]

                if atp.hd is not None and atp.thetas is not None:
                    val = 0
                    for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                        for kk in range(1, namod + 1):
                            val -= a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.u((jj - 1), (kk - 1)) * atp.thetas[(kk - 1)]
                    t[0, 0] += val * atp.hd

                for j in range(1, namod + 1):

                    val = 0
                    for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val += a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.a((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] += val * ap.kd * ap.sig0 / 2

                    val = 0
                    for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val -= a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.c((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * scp.beta * ap.sig0

                    val = 0
                    for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val -= a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.a((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * (ap.kd / 2 + 2 * ap.kdp) * ap.sig0

                    if par.LSBpa is not None and par.Lpa is not None:
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                            val += a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.u((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * (par.LSBpa + * par.Lpa)

                    if atp.hd is not None:
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                            val += a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.u((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * atp.hd

                    if gp is not None:
                        if is not None:
                            oro = 0
                            if gp.orographic_basis == "atmospheric":
                                for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                                    for k in range(1, namod + 1):
                                        oro += a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.g((jj - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)) *[(k - 1)]
                                for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                                    for k in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                                        oro += a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)) *[(k - 1)]
                            t[self._theta_a(j), 0] -= ap.sig0 * oro / 2
                            t[self._psi_a(j), 0] += ap.sig0 * oro / 2

                    for k in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                            val += a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.b((jj - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1))
                        t[self._psi_a(j), self._theta_a(k)] = - val * ap.sig0
                        t[self._theta_a(j), self._psi_a(k)] = - val * ap.sig0

                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                            val += a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.g((jj - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1))

                        t[self._psi_a(j), self._theta_a(k)] += val

                if ocean:
                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                            val -= a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.d((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                        t[self._psi_o(j), 0] += val * ap.sig0 * ap.kd / 2

                        if par.LSBpgo is not None and par.Lpa is not None:
                            val = 0
                            for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                                val -= a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.s((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                            t[self._deltaT_o(j), 0] += val * (par.LSBpgo + par.Lpa / 2)

                if ground_temp:
                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        if par.LSBpgo is not None and par.Lpa is not None:
                            val = 0
                            for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                                val -= a_theta[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * aips.s((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                            t[self._deltaT_g(j), 0] += val * (par.LSBpgo + par.Lpa / 2)

                t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                tensor[self._theta_a(i)] = t
                jacobian_tensor[self._theta_a(i)] = t + t.T

            if ocean:
                # psi_o part
                for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                    t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                    for j in range(1, namod + 1):
                        for jj in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            val = M_psio[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * bips.K((jj - 1), (j - 1)) * op.d
                            t[self._psi_a(j), 0] += val
                            t[self._theta_a(j), 0] -= val

                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            val -= M_psio[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * bips.N((i - 1), (j - 1))
                        t[self._psi_o(j), 0] += val * scp.beta
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            val -= M_psio[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * bips.M((i - 1), (j - 1))
                        t[self._psi_o(j), 0] += val * (op.r + op.d)

                        for k in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            for jj in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                                t[self._psi_o(j), self._psi_o(k)] -= M_psio[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * bips.C((jj - 1), (j - 1),
                                                                                                        (k - 1))

                    t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                    tensor[self._psi_o(i)] = t
                    jacobian_tensor[self._psi_o(i)] = t + t.T

                # deltaT_o part
                for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                    t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)
                    for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                        t[0, 0] += bips.W((i - 1), (jj - 1)) * par.Cpgo[(jj - 1)]

                    for j in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            val += U_inv[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * bips.W((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * (2 * * par.Lpgo + par.sbpa)

                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        t[self._deltaT_o(j), 0] = - (par.Lpgo + par.sbpgo) * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))

                        for k in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            for jj in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                                t[self._psi_o(j), self._deltaT_o(k)] -= U_inv[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * bips.O((jj - 1), (j - 1),
                                                                                                          (k - 1))

                    t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                    tensor[self._deltaT_o(i)] = t
                    jacobian_tensor[self._deltaT_o(i)] = t + t.T

            # deltaT_g part
            if ground_temp:
                for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                    t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)
                    for jj in range(1, namod + 1):
                        t[0, 0] += bips.W[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * par.Cpgo[(jj - 1)]

                    for j in range(1, namod + 1):
                        val = 0
                        for jj in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                            val += U_inv[(i - 1), (jj - 1)] * bips.W((jj - 1), (j - 1))
                        t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += val * (2 * * par.Lpgo + par.sbpa)

                    for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        t[self._deltaT_g(j), 0] = - (par.Lpgo + par.sbpgo) * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))

                    t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                    tensor[self._deltaT_g(i)] = t
                    jacobian_tensor[self._deltaT_g(i)] = t + t.T

            self.tensor = tensor.to_coo()
            self.jacobian_tensor = jacobian_tensor.to_coo()
Esempio n. 21
    def compute_inner_products(self, num_threads=None):
        """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once.

        num_threads: int or None, optional
            Number of threads to use to compute the symbolic inner products. If `None` use all the cpus available.
            Default to `None`.

        self._M = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._U = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._N = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._O = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc, self.noc),
        self._C = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc, self.noc),

        if num_threads is None:
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_threads)

        # N inner products
        l = [[(i, j), self.ip.ip_diff_x, (self._phi(i), self._phi(j))]
             for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(self.noc)]
        result =, l)

        for res in result:
            self._N[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        # M inner products
        l = [[(i, j), self.ip.ip_lap, (self._phi(i), self._phi(j))]
             for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(self.noc)]
        result =, l)

        for res in result:
            self._M[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        # U inner products
        l = [[(i, j), self.ip.symbolic_inner_product,
              (self._phi(i), self._phi(j))] for i in range(self.noc)
             for j in range(self.noc)]
        result =, l)

        for res in result:
            self._U[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        # O inner products
        l = [[(i, j, k), self.ip.ip_jac,
              (self._phi(i), self._phi(j), self._phi(k))]
             for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(self.noc)
             for k in range(self.noc)]

        result =, l)

        for res in result:
            self._O[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        # C inner products
        l = [[(i, j, k), self.ip.ip_jac_lap,
              (self._phi(i), self._phi(j), self._phi(k))]
             for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(self.noc)
             for k in range(self.noc)]

        result =, l)

        for res in result:
            self._C[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        self._M = self._M.to_coo()
        self._U = self._U.to_coo()
        self._N = self._N.to_coo()
        self._O = self._O.to_coo()
        self._C = self._C.to_coo()

Esempio n. 22
    def compute_inner_products(self, num_threads=None):
        """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once.

        num_threads: int or None, optional
            Number of threads to use to compute the symbolic inner products. If `None` use all the cpus available.
            Default to `None`.

        self._a = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._u = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._c = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok')
        self._b = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm, self.natm),
        self._g = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm, self.natm),

        if num_threads is None:
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_threads)

        # a inner products
        args_list = [[(i, j), self.ip.ip_lap, (self._F(i), self._F(j))]
                     for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(self.natm)]
        result =, args_list)

        for res in result:
            self._a[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        # u inner products
        args_list = [[(i, j), self.ip.symbolic_inner_product,
                      (self._F(i), self._F(j))] for i in range(self.natm)
                     for j in range(self.natm)]
        result =, args_list)

        for res in result:
            self._u[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        # c inner products
        args_list = [[(i, j), self.ip.ip_diff_x, (self._F(i), self._F(j))]
                     for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(self.natm)]
        result =, args_list)

        for res in result:
            self._c[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        # b inner products
        args_list = [[(i, j, k), self.ip.ip_jac_lap,
                      (self._F(i), self._F(j), self._F(k))]
                     for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(self.natm)
                     for k in range(self.natm)]

        result =, args_list)

        for res in result:
            self._b[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        # g inner products
        args_list = [[(i, j, k), self.ip.ip_jac,
                      (self._F(i), self._F(j), self._F(k))]
                     for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(self.natm)
                     for k in range(self.natm)]

        result =, args_list)

        for res in result:
            self._g[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

        self._a = self._a.to_coo()
        self._u = self._u.to_coo()
        self._c = self._c.to_coo()
        self._g = self._g.to_coo()
        self._b = self._b.to_coo()

Esempio n. 23
    def connect_to_ground(self,
        """Connect the atmosphere to the ground.

        ground_basis: SymbolicBasis or GroundSymbolicInnerProducts
            Basis of function of the ground or a symbolic ground inner products object containing the basis.
        orographic_basis: str
            String to select which component basis modes to use to develop the orography in series.
            Can be either 'atmospheric' or 'ground'.
        num_threads: int or None, optional
            Number of threads to use to compute the symbolic inner products. If `None` use all the cpus available.
            Default to `None`.

        if isinstance(ground_basis, GroundSymbolicInnerProducts):
            ground_basis = ground_basis.ground_basis

        self.oceanic_basis = None
        self.connected_to_ocean = False

        self.ground_basis = ground_basis
        self.connected_to_ground = True

        if self.stored:
            if num_threads is None:
                pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
                pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_threads)

            ngr = len(ground_basis)
            if orographic_basis == "atmospheric":
                self._gh = None
                self._gh = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm, ngr),
            self._d = None
            self._s = sp.zeros((self.natm, ngr), dtype=float, format='dok')

            # s inner products
            args_list = [[(i, j), self.iip.symbolic_inner_product,
                          (self._F(i), self._phi(j))] for i in range(self.natm)
                         for j in range(ngr)]

            result =, args_list)

            for res in result:
                self._s[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

            # gh inner products
            args_list = [[(i, j, k), self.iip.ip_jac,
                          (self._F(i), self._F(j), self._phi(k))]
                         for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(self.natm)
                         for k in range(ngr)]

            result =, args_list)

            for res in result:
                self._gh[res[0]] = float(res[1].subs(self.subs).subs(

            self._s = self._s.to_coo()
            if self._gh is not None:
                self._gh = self._gh.to_coo()

Esempio n. 24
    def compute_tensor(self):
        """Routine to compute the tensor."""
        aips = self.atmospheric_inner_products
        oips = self.oceanic_inner_products
        par = self.params
        atp = par.atemperature_params
        ap = par.atmospheric_params
        op = par.oceanic_params
        scp = par.scale_params
        gp = par.ground_params
        namod = par.nmod[0]
        ngomod = par.nmod[1]
        ndim = par.ndim

        if par.gotemperature_params is not None:
            ocean = par.gotemperature_params._name == "Oceanic Temperature"
            ground_temp = par.gotemperature_params._name == "Ground Temperature"
            ocean = False
            ground_temp = False

        # 0-th tensor component is an empty matrix
        tensor = sp.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1, ndim + 1),
        jacobian_tensor = sp.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1, ndim + 1),

        ## Problem with matmul with object and DOK archi : Temporary fix until a better solution is found
        hk = np.array(, dtype=np.float)
        g = aips.g.to_coo()
        # psi_a part
        for i in range(1, namod + 1):
            t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

            for j in range(1, namod + 1):

                t[self._psi_a(j), 0] = -((aips.c[(i - 1), (j - 1)] * scp.beta) / aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)]) \
                                       - (ap.kd * _kronecker_delta((i - 1), (j - 1))) / 2

                t[self._theta_a(j), 0] = (ap.kd * _kronecker_delta(
                    (i - 1), (j - 1))) / 2

                if is not None:
                    oro = (g[(i - 1), (j - 1), :] @ hk) / (2 * aips.a[(i - 1),
                                                                      (i - 1)])
                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] -= oro
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += oro

                for k in range(1, namod + 1):
                    t[self._psi_a(j), self._psi_a(k)] = - aips.b[(i - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)] \
                                                        / aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)]

                    t[self._theta_a(j), self._theta_a(k)] = - aips.b[(i - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)] \
                                                            / aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)]
            if ocean:
                for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                    t[self._psi_o(j), 0] = ap.kd * aips.d[(i - 1), (j - 1)] / \
                                       (2 * aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)])

            t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
            tensor[self._psi_a(i)] = t
            jacobian_tensor[self._psi_a(i)] = t + t.T

        # theta_a part
        for i in range(1, namod + 1):
            t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

            if par.Cpa is not None:
                t[0, 0] = par.Cpa[i - 1] / (1 - aips.a[0, 0] * ap.sig0)

            if atp.hd is not None and atp.thetas is not None:
                t[0, 0] += atp.hd * atp.thetas[
                    (i - 1)] / (1. - ap.sig0 * aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)])

            for j in range(1, namod + 1):

                t[self._psi_a(j), 0] = (aips.a[(i - 1), (j - 1)] * ap.kd * ap.sig0) \
                                       / (-2 + 2 * aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)] * ap.sig0)

                if par.LSBpa is not None and par.Lpa is not None:
                    heat = 2. * (par.LSBpa +
                        * par.Lpa) * _kronecker_delta((i - 1),
                                                                      (j - 1))
                    heat = 0

                  0] = (-((ap.sig0 *
                           (2. * aips.c[(i - 1),
                                        (j - 1)] * scp.beta + aips.a[(i - 1),
                                                                     (j - 1)] *
                            (ap.kd + 4. * ap.kdp)))) +
                        heat) / (-2. + 2. * aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)] * ap.sig0)

                if atp.hd is not None:
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] += (atp.hd * _kronecker_delta(
                        (i - 1), (j - 1))) / (ap.sig0 * aips.a[(i - 1),
                                                               (i - 1)] - 1.)

                if is not None:
                    oro = (ap.sig0 * g[(i - 1),
                                       (j - 1), :] @ hk) / (2 * aips.a[
                                           (i - 1), (i - 1)] * ap.sig0 - 2.)
                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] -= oro
                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] += oro

                for k in range(1, namod + 1):
                    t[self._psi_a(j), self._theta_a(k)] = (aips.g[(i - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)]
                                                           - aips.b[(i - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)] * ap.sig0) / \
                                                          (-1 + aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)] * ap.sig0)

                    t[self._theta_a(j), self._psi_a(k)] = (aips.b[(i - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)] * ap.sig0) \
                                                          / (1 - aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)] * ap.sig0)

            if ocean:
                for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                    t[self._psi_o(j), 0] = ap.kd * (aips.d[(i - 1), (j - 1)] * ap.sig0) \
                                       / (2 - 2 * aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)] * ap.sig0)

                    if par.LSBpgo is not None and par.Lpa is not None:
                        t[self._deltaT_o(j), 0] = aips.s[(i - 1), (j - 1)] * (2 * par.LSBpgo + par.Lpa) \
                                              / (2 - 2 * aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)] * ap.sig0)

            if ground_temp and i <= ngomod:
                  0] = (2 * par.LSBpgo +
                        par.Lpa) / (2 - 2 * aips.a[(i - 1), (i - 1)] * ap.sig0)

            t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
            tensor[self._theta_a(i)] = t
            jacobian_tensor[self._theta_a(i)] = t + t.T

        if ocean:
            # psi_o part
            for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                for j in range(1, namod + 1):
                    t[self._psi_a(j), 0] = oips.K[(i - 1), (j - 1)] * op.d \
                                           / (oips.M[(i - 1), (i - 1)] + par.G)

                    t[self._theta_a(j), 0] = -(oips.K[(i - 1), (j - 1)]) * op.d \
                                             / (oips.M[(i - 1), (i - 1)] + par.G)

                for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                      0] = -((oips.N[(i - 1),
                                     (j - 1)] * scp.beta + oips.M[(i - 1),
                                                                  (i - 1)] *
                              (op.r + op.d) * _kronecker_delta(
                                  (i - 1),
                                  (j - 1)))) / (oips.M[(i - 1),
                                                       (i - 1)] + par.G)

                    for k in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                        t[self._psi_o(j), self._psi_o(k)] = -(oips.C[(i - 1), (j - 1), (k - 1)]) \
                                                            / (oips.M[(i - 1), (i - 1)] + par.G)

                t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                tensor[self._psi_o(i)] = t
                jacobian_tensor[self._psi_o(i)] = t + t.T

            # deltaT_o part
            ## Problem with matmul with object and DOK archi : Temporary fix until a better solution is found
            Cpgo = np.array(par.Cpgo, dtype=np.float)
            W = oips.W.to_coo()
            for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                t[0, 0] = W[(i - 1), :] @ Cpgo

                for j in range(1, namod + 1):
                      0] = oips.W[(i - 1),
                                  (j - 1)] * (2 * * par.Lpgo + par.sbpa)

                for j in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                      0] = -(par.Lpgo + par.sbpgo) * _kronecker_delta((i - 1),
                                                                      (j - 1))

                    for k in range(1, ngomod + 1):
                          self._deltaT_o(k)] = -(oips.O[(i - 1), (j - 1),
                                                        (k - 1)])

                t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                tensor[self._deltaT_o(i)] = t
                jacobian_tensor[self._deltaT_o(i)] = t + t.T

        # deltaT_g part
        if ground_temp:
            for i in range(1, ngomod + 1):

                t = np.zeros((ndim + 1, ndim + 1), dtype=np.float64)

                t[0, 0] = par.Cpgo[(i - 1)]

                t[self._theta_a(i), 0] = 2 * * par.Lpgo + par.sbpa

                t[self._deltaT_g(i), 0] = -(par.Lpgo + par.sbpgo)

                t = self.simplify_matrix(t)
                tensor[self._deltaT_g(i)] = t
                jacobian_tensor[self._deltaT_g(i)] = t + t.T

        self.tensor = tensor.to_coo()
        self.jacobian_tensor = jacobian_tensor.to_coo()
Esempio n. 25
def empty_mask(mask_shape, dtype):
    return sparse.zeros(mask_shape, dtype=dtype)