Esempio n. 1
    def _binop(left, right, op):
        out = []
        if isinstance(right, Image):
            # Image OP Image
            if left.numimages == right.numimages:
                # two sequences of equal length
                for x, y in zip(left._imlist, right._imlist):
                    out.append(op(x, y))
            elif left.numimages == 1:
                # singleton OP sequence
                for y in right._imlist:
                    out.append(op(left.image, y))
            elif right.numimages == 1:
                # sequence OP singleton
                for x in left._imlist:
                    out.append(op(x, right.image))
                raise ValueError('cannot perform binary operation \
                    on sequences of unequal length')
        elif isscalar(right):
            # Image OP scalar
            for x in left._imlist:
                out.append(op(x, right))
            raise ValueError('right operand can only be scalar or Image')

        return Image(out)
Esempio n. 2
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Twist3.exp Convert twist to homogeneous transformation

        TW.exp is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist (SE2 or SE3).

        TW.exp(THETA) as above but with a rotation of THETA about the Twist3.

        - For the second form the twist must, if rotational, have a unit rotational component.

        See also Twist3.T, trexp, trexp2.

        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = base.getunit(theta, units)

        if base.isscalar(theta):
            return SE2(base.trexp2(self.S * theta))
            return SE2([base.trexp2(self.S * t) for t in theta])
Esempio n. 3
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Exponentiate a twist

        :param theta: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None
        :type theta: TYPE, optional
        :param units: DESCRIPTION, defaults to 'rad'
        :type units: TYPE, optional
        :return: DESCRIPTION
        :rtype: TYPE

        TW.exp is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist (SE2 or SE3).

        TW.exp(THETA) as above but with a rotation of THETA about the Twist3.

        - For the second form the twist must, if rotational, have a unit rotational component.

        See also Twist3.T, trexp, trexp2.

        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = base.getunit(theta, units)

        if base.isscalar(theta):
            return SE3(base.trexp(self.S * theta))
            return SE3([base.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta])
    def __mul__(left, right):  # lgtm[py/not-named-self] pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        Overloaded ``*`` operator

        :arg left: left multiplicand
        :arg right: right multiplicand
        :return: product
        :raises: ValueError

        - ``X * Y`` compounds the twists ``X`` and ``Y``
        - ``X * s`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``
        - ``s * X`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``

        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================
             Multiplicands                   Product
        ------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
           left      right                 type                 operation
        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================
        Twist2    Twist2                Twist2               product of exponentials
        Twist2    scalar                Twist2               element-wise product
        scalar    Twist2                Twist2               element-wise product
        Twist2    SE2                   Twist2               exponential x SE2
        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================

        .. note::

            #. scalar x Twist is handled by ``__rmul__``
            #. scalar multiplication is commutative but the result is not a group
            operation so the result will be a matrix
            #. Any other input combinations result in a ValueError.

            For pose composition the ``left`` and ``right`` operands may be a sequence

        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
        len(left)   len(right)   len     operation
        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
         1          1             1    ``prod = left * right``
         1          M             M    ``prod[i] = left * right[i]``
         N          1             M    ``prod[i] = left[i] * right``
         M          M             M    ``prod[i] = left[i] * right[i]``
        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
        if isinstance(right, Twist2):
            # twist composition -> Twist
            return Twist2(
                    lambda x, y: base.trlog2(base.trexp2(x) @ base.trexp2(y),
        elif isinstance(right, SE2):
            # twist * SE2 -> SE2
            return SE2(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: base.trexp2(x) @ y),
        elif base.isscalar(right):
            # return Twist(left.S * right)
            return Twist2(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: x * y))
            raise ValueError('Twist2 *, incorrect right operand')
Esempio n. 5
    def path(self, t=10, u=None, x0=None):
        Compute path by integration (superclass method)

        :param t: [description], defaults to None
        :type t: [type], optional
        :param u: [description], defaults to None
        :type u: [type], optional
        :param x0: initial state, defaults to (0,0,0)
        :type x0: array_like(3), optional
        :return: time vector and state history
        :rtype: (ndarray(1), ndarray(n,3))

                    % XF = V.path(TF, U) is the final state of the vehicle (3x1) from the initial
            % state (0,0,0) with the control inputs U (vehicle specific).  TF is  a scalar to 
            % specify the total integration time.
            % XP = V.path(TV, U) is the trajectory of the vehicle (Nx3) from the initial
            % state (0,0,0) with the control inputs U (vehicle specific).  T is a vector (N) of 
            % times for which elements of the trajectory will be computed.
            % XP = V.path(T, U, X0) as above but specify the initial state.
            % Notes::
            % - Integration is performed using ODE45.
            % - The ODE being integrated is given by the deriv method of the vehicle object.

             # t, x = veh.path(5, u=control)
    # print(t)
        if x0 is None:
            x0 = np.zeros(3)

        def dynamics(t, x, vehicle, demand):
            u = vehicle.control(demand, x)

            return vehicle.deriv(x, u)

        if base.isscalar(t):
            t_span = (0, t)
            t_eval = np.linspace(0, t, 100)
        elif isinstance(t, np.ndarray):
            t_span = (t[0], t[-1])
            t_eval = t
            raise ValueError('bad time argument')
        sol = integrate.solve_ivp(dynamics,
                                  args=(self, u))

        return (sol.t, sol.y)
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Exponentiate a 3D twist

        :param theta: rotation magnitude, defaults to None
        :type theta: float, optional
        :param units: rotational units, defaults to 'rad'
        :type units: str, optional
        :return: SE(3) matrix
        :rtype: SE3 instance

        - ``X.exp()`` is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist,
        - ``X.exp(θ) as above but with a rotation of ``θ`` about the twist axis,

        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3
            >>> T = SE3(1, 2, 3) * SE3.Rx(0.3)
            >>> S = Twist3(T)
            >>> S.exp(0)
            >>> S.exp(1)

        .. notes::

            - For the second form, the twist must, if rotational, have a unit 
              rotational component.

        :seealso: :func:`spatialmath.base.trexp`
        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = base.getunit(theta, units)

        if base.isscalar(theta):
            # theta is a scalar
            return SE3(base.trexp(self.S * theta))
            # theta is a vector
            if len(self) == 1:
                return SE3([base.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta])
            elif len(self) == len(theta):
                return SE3(
                    [base.trexp(S * t) for S, t in zip(, theta)])
                raise ValueError('length of twist and theta not consistent')
Esempio n. 7
 def _format(self, l, name, ignorevalue=0, indices=None):  # noqa  # pragma nocover
     v = getattr(self, name)
     s = None
     if v is None:
     if isscalar(v) and v != ignorevalue:
         s = f"{name}={v:.3g}"
     elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
         if np.linalg.norm(v, ord=np.inf) > 0:
             if indices is not None:
                 flat = v.flatten()
                 v = np.r_[[flat[k] for k in indices]]
             s = f"{name}=[" + ", ".join([f"{x:.3g}" for x in v]) + "]"
     if s is not None:
Esempio n. 8
    def __rmul(right, left):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        Overloaded ``*`` operator

        :arg right: right multiplicand
        :arg left: left multiplicand
        :return: product
        :raises: NotImplemented

        Left-multiplication by a scalar

        - ``s * X`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``
        if base.isscalar(left):
            return Twist3(self.S * left)
            raise ValueError('twist *, incorrect left operand')
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Exponentiate a 2D twist

        :param theta: rotation magnitude, defaults to None
        :type theta: float, optional
        :param units: rotational units, defaults to 'rad'
        :type units: str, optional
        :return: SE(2) matrix
        :rtype: SE2 instance

        - ``X.exp()`` is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist,
        - ``X.exp(θ) as above but with a rotation of ``θ`` about the twist axis,

        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import SE2, Twist2
            >>> T = SE2(1, 2, 0.3)
            >>> S = Twist2(T)
            >>> S.exp(0)
            >>> S.exp(1)

        .. notes::

            - For the second form, the twist must, if rotational, have a unit 
              rotational component.

        :seealso: :func:`spatialmath.base.trexp2`

        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = base.getunit(theta, units)

        if base.isscalar(theta):
            return SE2(base.trexp2(self.S * theta))
            return SE2([base.trexp2(self.S * t) for t in theta])
Esempio n. 10
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Exponentiate a 3D twist

        :param theta: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None
        :type theta: TYPE, optional
        :param units: DESCRIPTION, defaults to 'rad'
        :type units: TYPE, optional
        :return: homogeneous transformation
        :rtype: SE3

        -``X.exp()`` is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist.
        -``X.exp(θ) as above but with a rotation of ``θ`` about the twist axis.

        .. notes::

            - For the second form, the twist must, if rotational, have a unit 
              rotational component.

        See also Twist3.T, trexp, trexp2.
        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = base.getunit(theta, units)

        if base.isscalar(theta):
            # theta is a scalar
            return SE3(base.trexp(self.S * theta))
            # theta is a vector
            if len(self) == 1:
                return SE3([base.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta])
            elif len(self) == len(theta):
                return SE3(
                    [base.trexp(S * t) for S, t in zip(, theta)])
                raise ValueError('length of twist and theta not consistent')
    def __init__(self, arg=None, w=None, check=True):
        Construct a new 2D Twist object

        :type a: 2-element array-like
        :return: 2D prismatic twist
        :rtype: Twist2 instance

        - ``Twist2(R)`` is a 2D Twist object representing the SO(2) rotation expressed as 
          a 2x2 matrix.
        - ``Twist2(T)`` is a 2D Twist object representing the SE(2) rigid-body motion expressed as 
          a 3x3 matrix.
        - ``Twist2(X)`` if X is an SO2 instance then create a 2D Twist object representing the SO(2) rotation,
          and if X is an SE2 instance then create a 2D Twist object representing the SE(2) motion
        - ``Twist2(V)`` is a  2D Twist object specified directly by a 3-element array-like comprising the
          moment vector (1 element) and direction vector (2 elements).

        - **Robotics, Vision & Control**, Corke, Springer 2017.
        - **Modern Robotics, Lynch & Park**, Cambridge 2017

    .. note:: Compared to Lynch & Park this module implements twist vectors
        with the translational components first, followed by rotational
        components, ie. :math:`[\omega, \vec{v}]`.


        if w is None:
            # zero or one arguments passed
            if super().arghandler(arg, convertfrom=(SE2, ), check=check):

        elif w is not None and base.isscalar(w) and base.isvector(arg, 2):
            # Twist(v, w)
   = [np.r_[arg, w]]

        raise ValueError('bad twist value')
Esempio n. 12
    def __mul__(self, right):
        Twist3.mtimes Multiply twist by twist or scalar

        TW1 * TW2 is a new Twist representing the composition of twists TW1 and

        TW * T is an SE2 or SE3 that is the composition of the twist TW and the
        homogeneous transformation object T.

        TW * S with its twist coordinates scaled by scalar S.

        TW * T compounds a twist with an SE2/3 transformation
        left = self
        if isinstance(right, Twist2):
            # twist composition
            return Twist2(left.exp() * right.exp())
        elif base.isscalar(right):
            return Twist2(left.S * right)
            raise ValueError('twist *, incorrect right operand')
Esempio n. 13
def transl2(x, y=None):
    Create SE(2) pure translation, or extract translation from SE(2) matrix

    **Create a translational SE(2) matrix**

    :param x: translation along X-axis
    :type x: float
    :param y: translation along Y-axis
    :type y: float
    :return: SE(2) transform matrix or the translation elements of a homogeneous
        transform :rtype: ndarray(3,3)

    - ``T = transl2([X, Y])`` is an SE(2) homogeneous transform (3x3)
      representing a pure translation.
    - ``T = transl2( V )`` as above but the translation is given by a 2-element
      list, dict, or a numpy array, row or column vector.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> transl2(3, 4)
        >>> transl2([3, 4])
        >>> transl2(np.array([3, 4]))

    **Extract the translational part of an SE(2) matrix**

    :param x: SE(2) transform matrix
    :type x: ndarray(3,3)
    :return: translation elements of SE(2) matrix
    :rtype: ndarray(2)

    - ``t = transl2(T)`` is the translational part of the SE(3) matrix ``T`` as a
      2-element NumPy array.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> T = np.array([[1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 4], [0, 0, 1]])
        >>> transl2(T)
    .. note:: This function is compatible with the MATLAB version of the Toolbox.  It
        is unusual/weird in doing two completely different things inside the one

    if base.isscalar(x) and base.isscalar(y):
        # (x, y) -> SE(2)
        t = np.r_[x, y]
    elif base.isvector(x, 2):
        # R2 -> SE(2)
        t = base.getvector(x, 2)
    elif base.ismatrix(x, (3, 3)):
        # SE(2) -> R2
        return x[:2, 2]
        raise ValueError('bad argument')

    if t.dtype != 'O':
        t = t.astype('float64')
    T = np.identity(3, dtype=t.dtype)
    T[:2, 2] = t
    return T
def gamma_decode(image, gamma):
    Gamma decoding

    :param image: input image
    :type image: ndarray(h,w) or ndarray(h,w,n)
    :param gamma: string identifying srgb, or scalar to raise the image power
    :type gamma: string or float TODO: variable input seems awkward
    :return out: gamma corrected version of image
    :rtype out: ndarray(h,w) or ndarray(h,w,n)

    - ``gamma_decode(image, gamma)`` is the image with an inverse gamma correction based
        on ``gamma`` applied.


    .. runblock:: pycon

    .. note::

        - Gamma decoding should be applied to any color image prior to
            colometric operations.
        - The exception to this is colorspace conversion using COLORSPACE
            which expects RGB images to be gamma encoded.
        - Gamma encoding is typically performed in a camera with
        - Gamma decoding is typically performed in the display with
        - For images with multiple planes the gamma correction is applied
            to all planes.
        - For images sequences the gamma correction is applied to all
        - For images of type double the pixels are assumed to be in the
            range 0 to 1.
        - For images of type int the pixels are assumed in the range 0 to
            the maximum value of their class.  Pixels are converted first to
            double, processed, then converted back to the integer class.


        - Robotics, Vision & Control, Chapter 10, P. Corke, Springer 2011.

    if not (base.isscalar(gamma) or isinstance(gamma, str)):
        raise ValueError('gamma must be string or scalar')

    if gamma == 'srgb':

        imagef = ifloat(image)

        if imagef.ndims == 2:
            # greyscale
            return _srgb_inv(imagef.image)
        elif imagef.ndims == 3:
            # multi-dimensional
            out = np.alloc(imagef.shape, dtype=imagef.dtype)
            for p in range(imagef.ndims):
                out[:, :, p] = _srgb_inv(imagef[:, :, p])
            raise ValueError('expecting 2d or 3d image')

        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.float):
            # original image was float, convert back
            return iint(out)


        # normal power law:
        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.float):
            return image**(1.0 / gamma)
            # int image
            maxg = np.float32((np.iinfo(image.dtype).max))
            return ((image.astype(np.float32) / maxg)
                    **(1 / gamma)) * maxg  # original
            # return ((image.astype(np.float32) / maxg) ** gamma) * maxg

    def _srgb_inverse(self, Rg):
        Inverse sRGB gamma correction

        :param Rg: 2D image
        :type Rg: numpy array, shape (N,M)
        :return: R
        :rtype: numpy array

        - ``_srgb_imverse(Rg)`` maps an sRGB gamma encoded image to linear
          tristimulus values.


        .. runblock:: pycon

        .. note::

            - Based on code from Pascal Getreuer 2005-2010
            - And colorspace.m from Peter Corke's Machine Vision Toolbox

        R = np.alloc(Rg.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        a = 0.0404482362771076
        i = np.where(Rg <= a)
        noti = np.where(Rg > a)
        R[i] = Rg[i] / 12.92
        R[noti] = np.real(((Rg[noti] + 0.055) / 1.055)**2.4)
        return R

    def _srgb(self, R):
        sRGB Gamma correction

        :param R: 2D image
        :type R: numpy array, shape (N,M)
        :return: Rg
        :rtype: numpy array

        - ``_srgb(R)`` maps linear tristimulus values to an sRGB gamma encoded 


        .. runblock:: pycon

        .. note::

            - Based on code from Pascal Getreuer 2005-2010
            - And colorspace.m from Peter Corke's Machine Vision Toolbox

        Rg = np.alloc(R.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        a = 0.0031306684425005883
        b = 0.416666666666666667
        i = np.where(R <= a)
        noti = np.where(R > a)
        Rg[i] = R[i] * 12.92
        Rg[noti] = np.real(1.055 * (R[noti]**b) - 0.055)
        return Rg
def gamma_encode(image, gamma):
    Inverse gamma correction

    :param image: input image
    :type image: ndarray(h,w) or ndarray(h,w,n)
    :param gamma: string identifying srgb, or scalar to raise the image power
    :type gamma: string or float TODO: variable input seems awkward
    :return out: gamma corrected version of image
    :rtype out: ndarray(h,w) or ndarray(h,w,n)

    - ``gamma_encode(image, gamma)`` maps linear tristimulus values to a gamma encoded 


    .. runblock:: pycon

    .. note::

        - Gamma decoding should be applied to any color image prior to
            colometric operations.
        - The exception to this is colorspace conversion using COLORSPACE
            which expects RGB images to be gamma encoded.
        - Gamma encoding is typically performed in a camera with
        - Gamma decoding is typically performed in the display with
        - For images with multiple planes the gamma correction is applied
            to all planes.
        - For images sequences the gamma correction is applied to all
        - For images of type double the pixels are assumed to be in the
            range 0 to 1.
        - For images of type int the pixels are assumed in the range 0 to
            the maximum value of their class.  Pixels are converted first to
            double, processed, then converted back to the integer class.


        - Robotics, Vision & Control, Chapter 10, P. Corke, Springer 2011.

    if not (base.isscalar(gamma) or isinstance(gamma, str)):
        raise ValueError('gamma must be string or scalar')

    if gamma == 'srgb':

        imagef = ifloat(image)

        if imagef.ndims == 2:
            # greyscale
            return _srgb(imagef.image)
        elif imagef.ndims == 3:
            # multi-dimensional
            out = np.alloc(imagef.shape, dtype=imagef.dtype)
            for p in range(imagef.ndims):
                out[:, :, p] = _srgb(imagef[:, :, p])
            raise ValueError('expecting 2d or 3d image')

        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.floating):
            # original image was float, convert back
            return iint(out)

        # normal power law:
        # import code
        # code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))
        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.float):
            return image**gamma
            # int image
            maxg = np.float32((np.iinfo(image.dtype).max))
            return ((image.astype(np.float32) / maxg)**gamma) * maxg
Esempio n. 16
    def __mul__(left, right):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        Overloaded ``*`` operator

        :arg left: left multiplicand
        :arg right: right multiplicand
        :return: product
        :raises: ValueError

        Twist composition or scaling:

        - ``X * Y`` compounds the twists ``X`` and ``Y``
        - ``X * s`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``
        - ``s * X`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``

        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================
                   Multiplicands                   Product
        -------------------------------   -----------------------------------
        left       right                type                 operation
        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================
        Twist      Twist                Twist                product of exponentials
        Twist      scalar               Twist                element-wise product
        scalar     Twist                Twist                element-wise product
        Twist      SE3                  Twist                exponential x SE3
        Twist      SpatialVelocity      SpatialVelocity      adjoint product
        Twist      SpatialAcceleration  SpatialAcceleration  adjoint product
        Twist      SpatialForce         SpatialForce         adjoint product
        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================


        #. Pose is ``SO2``, ``SE2``, ``SO3`` or ``SE3`` instance
        #. N is 2 for ``SO2``, ``SE2``; 3 for ``SO3`` or ``SE3``
        #. scalar x Pose is handled by ``__rmul__``
        #. scalar multiplication is commutative but the result is not a group
           operation so the result will be a matrix
        #. Any other input combinations result in a ValueError.

        For pose composition the ``left`` and ``right`` operands may be a sequence

        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
        len(left)   len(right)   len     operation
        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
         1          1             1    ``prod = left * right``
         1          M             M    ``prod[i] = left * right[i]``
         N          1             M    ``prod[i] = left[i] * right``
         M          M             M    ``prod[i] = left[i] * right[i]``
        =========   ==========   ====  ================================

        # TODO TW * T compounds a twist with an SE2/3 transformation

        if isinstance(right, Twist3):
            # twist composition -> Twist
            return Twist3(
                    lambda x, y: base.trlog(base.trexp(x) @ base.trexp(y),
        elif isinstance(right, SE3):
            # twist * SE3 -> SE3
            return SE3(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: base.trexp(x) @ y),
        elif base.isscalar(right):
            # return Twist(left.S * right)
            return Twist3(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: x * y))
        elif isinstance(right, SpatialVelocity):
            return SpatialVelocity(left.Ad @ right.V)
        elif isinstance(right, SpatialAcceleration):
            return SpatialAcceleration(left.Ad @ right.V)
        elif isinstance(right, SpatialForce):
            return SpatialForce(left.Ad @ right.V)
            raise ValueError('twist *, incorrect right operand')
Esempio n. 17
 def __pow__(self, other):
     if not isscalar(other):
         raise ValueError('exponent must be a scalar')
     return Image._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x**y)
Esempio n. 18
 def __rmul(self, left):
     if base.isscalar(left):
         return Twist2(self.S * left)
         raise ValueError('twist *, incorrect left operand')
Esempio n. 19
def plot_cylinder(
    centre=(0, 0, 0),
    Plot a cylinder using matplotlib

    :param radius: radius of sphere, defaults to 1
    :type radius: float, optional
    :param height: height of cylinder in the z-direction
    :type height: float or array_like(2)
    :param resolution: number of points on circumferece, defaults to 50
    :type resolution: int, optional

    :param pose: pose of sphere, defaults to None
    :type pose: SE3, optional
    :param ax: axes to draw into, defaults to None
    :type ax: Axes3D, optional
    :param filled: draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False
    :type filled: bool, optional
    :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot_wireframe`` or ``plot_surface``

    :return: matplotlib objects
    :rtype: list of matplotlib object types

    The axis of the cylinder is parallel to the z-axis and extends from z=0
    to z=height, or z=height[0] to z=height[1].

    The cylinder can be positioned by setting ``centre``, or positioned
    and orientated by setting ``pose``.

    :seealso: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe`
    if base.isscalar(height):
        height = [0, height]

    ax = axes_logic(ax, 3)
    x = np.linspace(centre[0] - radius, centre[0] + radius, resolution)
    z = height
    X, Z = np.meshgrid(x, z)

    Y = np.sqrt(radius ** 2 - (X - centre[0]) ** 2) + centre[1]  # Pythagorean theorem

    handles = []
    handles.append(_render3D(ax, X, Y, Z, filled=filled, **kwargs))
    handles.append(_render3D(ax, X, (2 * centre[1] - Y), Z, filled=filled, **kwargs))

    if ends and kwargs.get("filled", default=False):
        floor = Circle(centre[:2], radius, **kwargs)
        pathpatch_2d_to_3d(floor, z=height[0], zdir="z")

        ceiling = Circle(centre[:2], radius, **kwargs)
        pathpatch_2d_to_3d(ceiling, z=height[1], zdir="z")

    return handles
Esempio n. 20
 def B(self, B_new):
     if isscalar(B_new):
         self._B = B_new
         raise TypeError("B must be a scalar")
Esempio n. 21
    def fdyn(self,
        Integrate forward dynamics

        :param T: integration time
        :type T: float
        :param q0: initial joint coordinates
        :type q0: array_like
        :param qd0: initial joint velocities, assumed zero if not given
        :type qd0: array_like
        :param torqfun: a function that computes torque as a function of time
        and/or state
        :type torqfun: callable
        :param targs: argumments passed to ``torqfun``
        :type targs: dict
        :type solver: name of scipy solver to use, RK45 is the default
        :param solver: str
        :type sargs: arguments passed to the solver
        :param sargs: dict
        :type dt: time step for results
        :param dt: float
        :param progress: show progress bar, default False
        :type progress: bool

        :return: robot trajectory
        :rtype: namedtuple

        - ``tg = R.fdyn(T, q)`` integrates the dynamics of the robot with zero
          input torques over the time  interval 0 to ``T`` and returns the
          trajectory as a namedtuple with elements:

            - ``t`` the time vector (M,)
            - ``q`` the joint coordinates (M,n)
            - ``qd`` the joint velocities (M,n)

        - ``tg = R.fdyn(T, q, torqfun)`` as above but the torque applied to the
          joints is given by the provided function::

                tau = function(robot, t, q, qd, **args)

          where the inputs are:

            - the robot object
            - current time
            - current joint coordinates (n,)
            - current joint velocity (n,)
            - args, optional keyword arguments can be specified, these are
              passed in from the ``targs`` kewyword argument.

          The function must return a Numpy array (n,) of joint forces/torques.


         #. to apply zero joint torque to the robot without Coulomb

                def myfunc(robot, t, q, qd):
                    return np.zeros((robot.n,))

                tg = robot.nofriction().fdyn(5, q0, myfunc)

                plt.plot(tg.t, tg.q)

            We could also use a lambda function::

                tg = robot.nofriction().fdyn(
                    5, q0, lambda r, t, q, qd: np.zeros((r.n,)))

         #. the robot is controlled by a PD controller. We first define a
            function to compute the control which has additional parameters for
            the setpoint and control gains (qstar, P, D)::

                def myfunc(robot, t, q, qd, qstar, P, D):
                    return (qstar - q) * P + qd * D  # P, D are (6,)

                targs = {'qstar': VALUE, 'P': VALUE, 'D': VALUE}
                tg = robot.fdyn(10, q0, myfunc, targs=targs) )

        Many integrators have variable step length which is problematic if we
        want to animate the result.  If ``dt`` is specified then the solver
        results are interpolated in time steps of ``dt``.


        - This function performs poorly with non-linear joint friction, such as
          Coulomb friction.  The R.nofriction() method can be used to set this
          friction to zero.
        - If the function is not specified then zero force/torque is
          applied to the manipulator joints.
        - Interpolation is performed using `ScipY integrate.ode
          - The SciPy RK45 integrator is used by default
        - Interpolation is performed using `SciPy interp1

        :seealso: :func:`DHRobot.accel`, :func:`DHRobot.nofriction`,

        n = self.n

        if not isscalar(T):
            raise ValueError('T must be a scalar')
        q0 = getvector(q0, n)
        if qd0 is None:
            qd0 = np.zeros((n, ))
            qd0 = getvector(qd0, n)
        if torqfun is not None:
            if not callable(torqfun):
                raise ValueError('torque function must be callable')
        if sargs is None:
            sargs = {}
        if targs is None:
            targs = {}

        # concatenate q and qd into the initial state vector
        x0 = np.r_[q0, qd0]

        # get user specified integrator
        scipy_integrator = integrate.__dict__[solver]

        integrator = scipy_integrator(
            lambda t, y: self._fdyn(t, y, torqfun, targs),

        # initialize list of time and states
        tlist = [0]
        xlist = [np.r_[q0, qd0]]

        if progress:

        while integrator.status == 'running':

            # step the integrator, calls _fdyn multiple times

            if integrator.status == 'failed':
                raise RuntimeError('integration completed with failed status ')

            # stash the results

            # update the progress bar
            if progress:
                _printProgressBar(integrator.t / T,

        # cleanup the progress bar
        if progress:
            print('\r' + ' ' * 90 + '\r')

        tarray = np.array(tlist)
        xarray = np.array(xlist)

        if dt is not None:
            # interpolate data to equal time steps of dt
            interp = interpolate.interp1d(tarray, xarray, axis=0)

            tnew = np.arange(0, T, dt)
            xnew = interp(tnew)
            return namedtuple('fdyn', 't q qd')(tnew, xnew[:, :n], xnew[:, n:])
            return namedtuple('fdyn', 't q qd')(tarray, xarray[:, :n],
                                                xarray[:, n:])