def __mul__(left, right):  # lgtm[py/not-named-self] pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        Overloaded ``*`` operator

        :arg left: left multiplicand
        :arg right: right multiplicand
        :return: product
        :raises: ValueError

        - ``X * Y`` compounds the twists ``X`` and ``Y``
        - ``X * s`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``
        - ``s * X`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``

        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================
             Multiplicands                   Product
        ------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
           left      right                 type                 operation
        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================
        Twist2    Twist2                Twist2               product of exponentials
        Twist2    scalar                Twist2               element-wise product
        scalar    Twist2                Twist2               element-wise product
        Twist2    SE2                   Twist2               exponential x SE2
        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================

        .. note::

            #. scalar x Twist is handled by ``__rmul__``
            #. scalar multiplication is commutative but the result is not a group
            operation so the result will be a matrix
            #. Any other input combinations result in a ValueError.

            For pose composition the ``left`` and ``right`` operands may be a sequence

        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
        len(left)   len(right)   len     operation
        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
         1          1             1    ``prod = left * right``
         1          M             M    ``prod[i] = left * right[i]``
         N          1             M    ``prod[i] = left[i] * right``
         M          M             M    ``prod[i] = left[i] * right[i]``
        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
        if isinstance(right, Twist2):
            # twist composition -> Twist
            return Twist2(
                    lambda x, y: base.trlog2(base.trexp2(x) @ base.trexp2(y),
        elif isinstance(right, SE2):
            # twist * SE2 -> SE2
            return SE2(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: base.trexp2(x) @ y),
        elif base.isscalar(right):
            # return Twist(left.S * right)
            return Twist2(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: x * y))
            raise ValueError('Twist2 *, incorrect right operand')
 def _import(self, value, check=True):
     if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and self.isvalid(value, check=check):
         if value.shape == (3, 3):
             # it's an se(2)
             return base.vexa(value)
         elif value.shape == (3, ):
             # it's a twist vector
             return value
     elif base.ishom2(value, check=check):
         return base.trlog2(value, twist=True, check=False)
     raise TypeError('bad type passed')
Esempio n. 3
    def prod(self):
        """ Compound array of twists
        % is a twist representing the product (composition) of the
        successive elements of TW (1xN), an array of Twists.
        See also, Twist3.mtimes.
        twprod = base.trexp2([0])

        for tw in[1:]:
            twprod = twprod @ base.trexp2(tw)
        return Twist2(base.trlog2(twprod, twist=True))
Esempio n. 4
    def log(self, twist=False):
        Logarithm of pose (superclass method)

        :return: logarithm :rtype: numpy.ndarray :raises: ValueError

        An efficient closed-form solution of the matrix logarithm.

        =====  ======  ===============================
        Input         Output
        -----  ---------------------------------------
        Pose   Shape   Structure
        =====  ======  ===============================
        SO2    (2,2)   skew-symmetric SE2    (3,3)   augmented skew-symmetric
        SO3    (3,3)   skew-symmetric SE3    (4,4)   augmented skew-symmetric
        =====  ======  ===============================


            >>> x = SE3.Rx(0.3)
            >>> y = x.log()
            >>> y
            array([[ 0. , -0. ,  0. ,  0. ],
                   [ 0. ,  0. , -0.3,  0. ],
                   [-0. ,  0.3,  0. ,  0. ],
                   [ 0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ]])

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms2d.trlog2`,

        :SymPy: not supported
        if self.N == 2:
            log = [tr.trlog2(x, twist=twist) for x in]
            log = [tr.trlog(x, twist=twist) for x in]
        if len(log) == 1:
            return log[0]
            return log
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, arg=None, w=None, check=True):
        Construct a new 2D Twist object
        :type a: 2-element array-like
        :return: 2D prismatic twist
        :rtype: Twist2 instance

        - ``Twist2(R)`` is a 2D Twist object representing the SO(2) rotation expressed as 
          a 2x2 matrix.
        - ``Twist2(T)`` is a 2D Twist object representing the SE(2) rigid-body motion expressed as 
          a 3x3 matrix.
        - ``Twist2(X)`` if X is an SO2 instance then create a 2D Twist object representing the SO(2) rotation,
          and if X is an SE2 instance then create a 2D Twist object representing the SE(2) motion
        - ``Twist2(V)`` is a  2D Twist object specified directly by a 3-element array-like comprising the
          moment vector (1 element) and direction vector (2 elements).

        super().__init__()  # enable UserList superpowers

        if arg is None:
   = [np.r_[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ]]

        elif isinstance(arg, Twist2):
            # clone it
   = [np.r_[arg.v, arg.w]]

        elif argcheck.isvector(arg, 3):
            s = argcheck.getvector(arg)
   = [s]

        elif argcheck.isvector(arg, 2) and argcheck.isvector(w, 1):
            v = argcheck.getvector(arg)
            w = argcheck.getvector(w)
   = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif isinstance(arg, SE2):
            S = tr.trlog2(arg.A)  # use closed form for SE(2)

            skw, v = tr.tr2rt(S)
            w = tr.vex(skw)
   = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif Twist2.isvalid(arg):
            # it's an augmented skew matrix, unpack it
            skw, v = tr.tr2rt(arg)
            w = tr.vex(skw)
   = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif isinstance(arg, list):
            # construct from a list

            if isinstance(arg[0], np.ndarray):
                # possibly a list of numpy arrays
                if check:
                    assert all(
                        map(lambda x: Twist2.isvalid(x), arg)
                    ), 'all elements of list must have valid shape and value for the class'
       = arg
            elif type(arg[0]) == type(self):
                # possibly a list of objects of same type
                assert all(
                    map(lambda x: type(x) == type(self),
                        arg)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
       = [x.S for x in arg]
            elif type(arg[0]) == list:
                # possibly a list of 3-lists
                assert all(
                    map(lambda x: isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 3,
                        arg)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
       = [np.r_[x] for x in arg]
                raise ValueError('bad list argument to constructor')

            raise ValueError('bad argument to constructor')