def read(self,interval_secs,voice) : while True : if get("read_sw").on : line = self.nextline() speak.say(line,voice) print line time.sleep(float(interval_secs))
def __init__(self): speak.say("Word Document. Give the name of the file: ") filename = raw_input() if '.docx' not in filename: filename = filename + '.docx' self.filename = filename try: self.doc = Document(filename) except: try: #If new file self.filename = os.path.join("word", self.filename) self.doc = Document() self.saveAsDoc() except: speak.say( 'The document cannot be created due to some error.Try to use any other document name!' ) self.exit() self.para = self.doc.add_paragraph('') # kb = threading.Thread(target=self.listenKeyboard) # kb.start()
def main(): get_mail() speak.say('recent.wav') speak.say('subject.wav') speak.say('send.wav') speak.say('content.wav') speak.say('finish.wav')
def add_project(project_count): if (project_count==0): project_header=document.add_paragraph().add_run("Projects",style="HeadingStyle") say("Enter Project Name and Details") project_title_info=input("Project Name:") project_details_info=input("Project Details:") projects=document.add_paragraph() project_title=projects.add_run(project_title_info) project_title_font=project_title.font project_title_font.size=Pt(12) project_title_font.bold=True'Segoe UI Historic' project_details=projects.add_run(" : " +project_details_info) project_details_font=project_details.font project_details_font.size=Pt(12)'Segoe UI Historic' project_count+=1 if(project_count>=1): option=input("Wanna Add More(y/n):") if option=='y' or option=='yes': add_project(1) else: pass
def __init__(self, file, password=''): try: # creating a pdf file object self.pdfFileObj = open(file, 'rb') # creating a pdf reader object self.pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(self.pdfFileObj) #decrypting password if password != '': self.pdfReader.decrypt(password) except: speak.say('Unable to open the file') os._exit(1) #line no. self._line = 0 #page no. self._page = 0 # creating a page object self.pageObj = self.pdfReader.getPage(self._page) # extracting text from page self.lines = self.pageObj.extractText().splitlines() #Lock self.lock = threading.Lock() #Initially pause is on #Pause button self.pause_key = 0 kb = threading.Thread(target=self.listenKeyboard) kb.start()
def repeat(self): self.lock.acquire() speak.say('Repeating') self.article -= 1 if (self.article < 0): self.article = 0 self.lock.release()
def follow(min_proximity,interval_secs,voice) : """ this does a simple follow of a route in serial order of the waypoints this detects 2 transitions: 1. arrival - coming from a distance > proximity to within proximity action - say arrival and the text 2. departure - changing from a distance < proximity to a distance > proximity action - say new waypoint and distance start away from every waypoint anticipate problem with bouncing in and out at the periphery so make arrival proximity and departure proximity different """ inside = True while True : if get("follow_sw").on : route = get("route") current_wp = route.current_waypoint distance = current_wp.distance("km") if not inside and distance < min_proximity * 0.8 : # arrival text = "You are arriving at " + + ". " + current_wp.text speak.say(text,voice) inside = True print(text) elif inside and distance > min_proximity : # departure # move to next waypoint route.put() # update next_wp = route.current_waypoint inside = False text = "Your next waypoint is " + + " which is " + str(round(next_wp.distance("km"),1))+ " km away." speak.say(text,voice) print(text) time.sleep(interval_secs)
def speak(self, text): self.lock.acquire() if (len(text) == 0): speak.say('None') else: speak.say(text) self.lock.release()
def resume(self): #Wait until pause is not false try: # Get articles self.articles = self.headlines(categories[self.category_code]) while self.article < len(self.articles): #if on first article of category,then tell category if self.article == 0: self.speak(categories[self.category_code] + ' news') a = self.article if (self.article == a): self.speak('Title ' + self.articles[self.article]['title'].encode( 'ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')) if (self.article == a): self.speak('Desciption ' + self.articles[self.article]['description']. encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')) self.article += 1 self.category_code = (self.category_code + 1) % 7 #self.resume() except: speak.say("Some error") return
def add_awards(award_count): if (award_count==0): award_header=document.add_paragraph().add_run("Awards",style="HeadingStyle") say("Mention about your awards") competition_info=input("Competition Name:") winning_info=input("Position:") awards=document.add_paragraph() competition=awards.add_run(competition_info) competition_font=competition.font competition_font.size=Pt(12) competition_font.bold=True'Segoe UI Historic' winning=awards.add_run(" : " +winning_info) winning_font=winning.font winning_font.size=Pt(12)'Segoe UI Historic' award_count+=1 if(award_count>=1): option=input("Wanna Add More(y/n):") if option=='y' or option=='yes': add_awards(1) else: pass
def resume(self): #Wait until pause is not false try: if (self._page >= self.total_pages): speak.say('We reached the end of file') self.exit() # creating a page object self.pageObj = self.pdfReader.getPage(self._page) # extracting text from page self.lines = self.pageObj.extractText().splitlines() if len(self.lines) == 0: speak.say('Unable to detect the content') while self._line < len(self.lines): #if on first line of page,then tell page number if self._line == 0: self.lock.acquire() speak.say( n2w.num2words(self._page + 1, to='ordinal') + ' page') self.lock.release() self.lock.acquire() speak.say(self.lines[self._line].encode( 'ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')) self._line += 1 self.lock.release() self._page += 1 self._line = 0 self.resume() except Exception as e: print(e) speak.say("Some error") return
def visit(item): action = item.getAttribute("action") if action == "": text = item.getAttribute("title") else: text = eval(action) speak.say(text) print(text)
def googleSearch(self): from google import google as web speak.say("Enter keywords to search") keyWords = raw_input() data = {'name': keyWords,'link': ''} self.createHistory(data) self.googleData =,1) print "End loading search"
def skip(self): self.lock.acquire() speak.say('Moving to next Category') self.article = 0 self.category_code = (self.category_code + 1) % 7 # Get articles self.articles = self.headlines(categories[self.category_code]) self.lock.release()
def rewind(self): self.lock.acquire() speak.say('Rewinding') self.article -= 10 if (self.article < 0): self.article = 0 self.category_code = (self.category_code - 1 + 7) % 7 self.lock.release()
def create_directory(path, name): list2 = [] for x in os.listdir(path): if (x == name): speak.say("Folder name already exist. Please choose another name") return 0 os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, name)) return 1
def visit(item) : action = item.getAttribute('action') if action == "" : text = item.getAttribute('title') else : text = eval(action) speak.say(text) print text
def search_first_para(self): speak.say("Enter the word to search in paragraphs: ") word = raw_input() word = re.compile(word, re.I) for paras in self.doc.paragraphs: if is not None: return paras return None
def visit(item): action = item.getAttribute('action') if action == "": text = item.getAttribute('title') else: text = eval(action) speak.say(text) print(text)
def read(self): speak.say('Press 1 for bookmark and 2 for history') ch = int(raw_input()) if ch == 1: self.accessBookmark() elif ch == 2: self.accessHistory() else: speak.say('Invalid Choice! Exiting Bookmark or History Reading Task')
def visit(item) : action = item.getAttribute('action') if action == "" : text = item.getAttribute('title') else : text = eval(action) say_text = speak.expand(text,Weather.substitutes) print text speak.say(say_text)
def addPicture(self): speak.say( "Enter the name of the Picture (with extension i.e. .png or .jpeg): " ) pic_name = raw_input() pic_name = os.path.join("image", pic_name) speak.say("Enter the picture width in inches: ") pic_width = float(raw_input()) pic = self.doc.add_picture(pic_name, width=Inches(pic_width)) self.saveAsDoc()
def createBookmark(self): b = {} b["name"] ='ascii','ignore').decode('ascii') b["url"] ='ascii','ignore').decode('ascii') b["created at"] = str( with open(os.path.join("browser",'bookmarks.txt'), 'a+') as f: json.dump(b, f, ensure_ascii=False) f.write('\n') f.close() speak.say('Bookmark added')
def visit(item) : action = item.getAttribute('action') if action == "" : text = item.getAttribute('title') else : text = eval(action) if text is not None : mtext = speak.expand(text,speak.tracker_substitutes) speak.say(mtext,c.menu_voice,c.menu_speed) print (text)
def visit(item): action = item.getAttribute('action') if action == "": text = item.getAttribute('title') else: text = eval(action) if text is not None: mtext = speak.expand(text, speak.tracker_substitutes) speak.say(mtext, c.menu_voice, c.menu_speed) print(text)
def open_MyPc(): list = get_drives() for l in list: print(l) speak.say(l) drive = input() if is_valid_path(drive): return drive else: speak.say("Enter correct drive") return 0
def playPlaylist(self): speak.say("Press y to play the song") for file in self.autoPlaylist: f = file[0:len(file) - 4] speak.say("Do you want to listen {0}".format(f)) r = raw_input() if r == 'y': m = music() else: pass
def say(self): #os.system("say {0}".format(line)) while True: if len(self.buffer): line = self.buffer.pop() while self.pause_key: pass if len(line): self.lock.acquire() speak.say(line) self.lock.release()
def enterText(self): speak.say("Enter the text: ") lines = [] while True: line = raw_input() if line: lines.append(line) else: break text = '\n'.join(lines) return text
def add_experience(experience_count): if (experience_count==0): experience_header=document.add_paragraph().add_run("Experience",style="HeadingStyle") say("Name of the Company") company_info=input("Company Name:") experience=document.add_paragraph() company=experience.add_run(company_info) company_font=company.font company_font.bold=True company_font.size=Pt(15)'Segoe UI Historic' spacing = experience.add_run() spacing.add_break(WD_BREAK.LINE) say("Your Role in the company") role_info=input("Role:") role=experience.add_run(role_info) spacing = experience.add_run() spacing.add_break(WD_BREAK.LINE) say("How long") time_period_info=input("Time Period:") time_period=experience.add_run(time_period_info) experience_count+=1 if(experience_count>=1): say("Wanna Add one more") option=input("Wanna Add More(y/n):") if option=='y' or option=='yes': add_experience(1) else: pass
def jump(self): #Clear the input flush while msvcrt.kbhit(): msvcrt.getch() self.lock.acquire() speak.say('Tell me the para number to jump on?') self._para = int(raw_input()) - 1 if (self._para < 0): self._para = 0 if (self._para > self.total_paras): self._para = self.total_paras - 1 if (self._para >= self.total_paras): speak.say('We reached the end of file') self.exit() self._line = 0 #if on first line of para,then tell para number if self._line == 0: speak.say(n2w.num2words(self._para + 1, to='ordinal') + 'para') # creating a para object self.paraObj = self.paragraphs[self._para] # extracting text from para self.lines = self.paraObj.text.splitlines() if len(self.lines) == 0: speak.say('Unable to detect the content') self.lock.release()
def __init__(self): speak.say("Welcome to Web Browsing") self.url = "" self.googleData = None self.buffer = ["Press f to google search", "Press r to listen bookmark or history"] #Pause self.pause_key = 0 #Initially pause is off #Lock self.lock = threading.Lock() kb = threading.Thread(target=self.listenKeyboard) #sp = threading.Thread(target=self.say) google = threading.Thread(target=self.googleSearchSpeak) kb.start() #sp.start() google.start() self.say()
def scanFace(): flag = "1" camera = picamera.PiCamera() camera.resolution = (320, 240) output = np.empty((240, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8) print("Loading known face image(s)") # obama_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("abhi.jpg") # obama_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(obama_image)[0] # npar=np.frombuffer(obama_face_encoding) #'test3.npy',npar) # d = np.load('test3.npy') # Initialize some variables face_locations = [] face_encodings = [] dataset = [] nameset = [] loadDataset(dataset, nameset) print("Please face the camera") say("Please face the camera") scannedName = "#" while flag == "1": #checkLock() # Grab a single frame of video from the RPi camera as a numpy array camera.capture(output, format="rgb") # Find all the faces and face encodings in the current frame of video face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(output) # print("Found {} faces in image.".format(len(face_locations))) face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings( output, face_locations) # Loop over each face found in the frame to see if it's someone we know. for face_encoding in face_encodings: # See if the face is a match for the known face(s) match = face_recognition.compare_faces(dataset, face_encoding) for name, status in zip(nameset, match): if status == True: scannedName = name break if scannedName != '#': print(scannedName) flag = "0" break camera.close() say(scannedName) return scannedName
def repeat(self): self.lock.acquire() speak.say('Repeating') self._line -= 1 if (self._line < 0): self._line = 0 self._page -= 1 if (self._page < 0): self._page = 0 # creating a page object self.pageObj = self.pdfReader.getPage(self._page) # extracting text from page self.lines = self.pageObj.extractText().splitlines() if len(self.lines) == 0: speak.say('Unable to detect the content') self.lock.release()
def refresh(self) : page = urlopen(self.url).read().decode("UTF8") # fetch the JSON parsed_page= json.loads(page) tweets = [] for tweetj in parsed_page['results'] : tweet = tts_tweet(tweetj) if tweet.pubDate > self.last and tweet.accept() : tweet.clean() tweets.append(tweet) if len(tweets) > 0 : self.last = tweets[0].pubDate tweets.reverse() # to get them into chronological order for tweet in tweets : print(">",tweet.pubDate,":",tweet.text) speak.say(tweet.cleanText) time.sleep( self.pause_secs) time.sleep(self.refresh_secs)
def connectAuth(self): print "Connecting to server:" +self.server + " using creds ( username:"******" , password:"******")"; headers = {'X-Auth-User': self.username , 'X-Auth-Key': self.password } res = requests.get(self.server ,headers=headers) print res.json; print res.headers; if( res.status_code == say("I am successfully authenticated for cloud storage"); self.authenticated="true"; else: say("I am unable to connect to the cloud storage. I got a response code of " + str(res.status_code)); #set the local headers self.authToken=res.headers["x-auth-token"]; self.storageToken=res.headers["x-storage-token"]; self.storageUrl=res.headers["x-storage-url"]; if(self.authenticated): say("Now that I am connected I will attempt to take and upload a picture."); #try to take the picture filename = 'image' +"_%B_%d_%Y_%I%M%p"); filetype ='jpg'; store(filename,filetype); fullname = filename+'.'+filetype; myfile = open("/orbital/media/"+fullname,"rb"); data =; #now prepare to upload it to the cloud. urlPath = self.storageUrl +'/media/pictures/'+fullname #headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.authToken, 'X-Storage-Url': (self.storageUrl +'/media/pictures/myfile.jpg') ,'Content-Length': str(os.path.getsize('/orbital/media/image.jpg')) } headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.authToken } res2 = requests.put(urlPath, data=data ,headers=headers); print res2.text; print res2.headers; say("OK I tried to upload.");
import xmlutils import control from persistant import get import position substitutes = { "W":"West","N":"North","S":"South","E":"East", "km/h":"kilometers per hour","C":"Celsius","mph":"miles per hours", "kts": "knots", "Mon":"Monday","Tue":"Tuesday","Wed":"Wednesday","Thu":"Thursday","Fri":"Friday","Sat":"Saturday","Sun":"Sunday", "NNE":"Nor Nor East","NE":"Nor East","ENE":"East Nor East","ESE":"East Sow East", "SE":"Sow East" ,"SSE" :"Sow Sow East", "SSW":"Sow Sow West","SW":"Sow West","WSW":"West Sow West", "WNW":"West Nor West","NW":"Nor West","NNW":"Nor Nor West", "%":"percent" } control.Control("speed",step=10,initial=60) while True : if get("speed").on : position = get("gps") speed = round(conv.convert(position.speedOverGround,"kt","mph"),1) course = int(position.courseOverGround) points = conv.degree_to_compass_point(course) text = points + " at " + str(speed) + " mph " mtext = speak.expand(text,substitutes) speak.say(mtext) print(text) time.sleep(get("speed").value)
Switch("talk_sw") Option("talk_mode",["location","velocity","time","relative location","relative velocity","expected time of arrival"]) if c.talk_status == "off" : Switch("talk_sw").toggle() while True : if get("talk_sw").on : mode = get("talk_mode").value if mode == "location" : string = get("gps").location elif mode== "velocity" : string = get("gps").velocity elif mode == "relative location" : destination = get("route").current_waypoint string = destination.relative_location elif mode == "relative velocity" : destination = get("route").current_waypoint string = destination.relative_velocity elif mode == "expected time of arrival" : destination = get("route").current_waypoint string = destination.eta elif mode == "time" : string = date_time.say_time() else : pass mstring = speak.expand(string,speak.tracker_substitutes) speak.say(mstring,c.talk_voice) print string time.sleep(get("talk_rate").value)
#!/usr/bin/python import speak from persistant import * from barometer import * from switch import * while True : baro = get("baro") sw = get("barotalk") if sw.on : msg = baro.talk_text() speak.say(msg) time.sleep (300)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time import speak from persistant import * from switch import * Switch("clock").put() while True : sw = get("clock") if sw.on : hours = int(time.strftime('%I')) minutes = int(time.strftime('%M')) time_message = \ str(int(hours)) + " oh clock " if minutes == 0 else \ "a quarter past " + str(int(hours)) if minutes == 15 else \ "half past " + str(int(hours)) if minutes == 30 else \ str(minutes) + "minutes past " + str(int(hours)) if minutes < 30 else \ "a quarter to " +str (int(hours) + 1) if minutes == 45 else \ str(60 - minutes) + "minutes to " + str(int(hours) + 1) message = "The Raspberry Pi time is " + time_message speak.say(message) time.sleep(60)
def visit(item) : text = item.getAttribute('title') speak.say(text) print text
#!/usr/bin/env python import time,sys import speak import conv import xmlutils import control from persistant import get import position control.Control("speed",step=10,initial=60) while True : if get("speed").on : position = get("gps") speed = int(float(position.speedOverGround)) course = int(float(position.courseOverGround)) points = conv.degree_to_compass_point(course) text = points + " at " + str(speed) + " knots " speak.say(text) print(text) time.sleep(get("speed").value)
#!/usr/bin/python import speak import presenter for key in presenter.read_key() : print key speak.say(key)