Esempio n. 1
def clip_region(spectrum, region):
    Given a region, clips the lower and upper bounds to the limits of the
    spectrum's spectral axis.

    spec : :class:`specutils.Spectrum1D`
        The spectrum whose bounds will be used in clipping.
    region : :class:`specutils.SpectralRegion`
        The region object whose bounds will change.

        New spectral region object with correct bounds.
    # If the region is out of data range return None:
    if region.lower > spectrum.spectral_axis.max() or \
            region.upper < spectrum.spectral_axis.min():
        return None

    # Clip region. There is currently no way to update
    # SpectralRegion lower and upper so we have to create
    # a new object here.
    lower = max(region.lower, spectrum.spectral_axis.min())
    upper = min(region.upper, spectrum.spectral_axis.max())

    return SpectralRegion(lower, upper)
Esempio n. 2
def clip_region(spectrum, region):
    # If the region is out of data range return None:
    if region.lower > spectrum.spectral_axis.max() or \
            region.upper < spectrum.spectral_axis.min():
        return None

    # Clip region. There is currently no way to update
    # SpectralRegion lower and upper so we have to create
    # a new object here.
    lower = max(region.lower, spectrum.spectral_axis.min())
    upper = min(region.upper, spectrum.spectral_axis.max())

    return SpectralRegion(lower, upper)
Esempio n. 3
    def spectral_regions(self):
        Currently plotted ROIs returned as a
        regions = self.regions

        if len(regions) == 0:
            return None

        units = u.Unit(self.plot_window.plot_widget.spectral_axis_unit or "")
        positions = []

        for region in regions:
            pos = (region.getRegion()[0] * units,
                   region.getRegion()[1] * units)

            if pos is not None:

        return SpectralRegion(positions)
Esempio n. 4
    def pos_to_spectral_region(pos):
        Vet input region position and construct
        a `~specutils.utils.SpectralRegion`.
        pos : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            A tuple `~astropy.units.Quantity` with
            (min, max) range of roi.

        None or `~specutils.utils.SpectralRegion`
        if not isinstance(pos, u.Quantity):
            return None
        elif pos.unit == u.Unit("") or \
                pos[0] == pos[1]:
            return None
        elif pos[0] > pos[1]:
            pos = [pos[1], pos[0]] * pos.unit
        return SpectralRegion(*pos)