Esempio n. 1
def two_fiber_signal(bvals, bvecs, angle, w=[0.5, 0.5], SNR=0):
    R0 = rotation_around_axis([0, 1, 0], 0)
    R1 = rotation_around_axis([0, 1, 0], np.deg2rad(angle))

    E = w[0] * single_tensor(gradients=bvecs, bvals=bvals, S0=1, evecs=R0, snr=SNR)
    E += w[1] * single_tensor(gradients=bvecs, bvals=bvals, S0=1, evecs=R1, snr=SNR)

    return E
Esempio n. 2
for k, gamma in enumerate(angles):
    print "Angle:", np.rad2deg(gamma)

    # Gamma is the angle separating fibres

    # ================
    # Set up test data
    # ================

    # b is tau * |q|^2 in s/mm^2
    # If b is too low, the signal does not attenuate enough to measure.
    # Too high, the signal to noise ratio increases.

    angles = np.array([gamma / 2., -gamma / 2])
    R0 = rotation_around_axis([0, 1, 0], 0)
    R1 = rotation_around_axis([0, 1, 0], angles[0] - angles[1])

    # ================
    # Q-Space Sampling
    # ================

    # Note: We sample our signal in Q-space on the low-order quadrature points
    # here, but wwe could just as well have used other, random points on the
    # sphere.

    E = w[0] * single_tensor(gradients=xyz, bvals=b, S0=1, rotation=R0, SNR=SNR)
    E += w[1] * single_tensor(gradients=xyz, bvals=b, S0=1, rotation=R1, SNR=SNR)

    print "Signal mean:", E.mean()