Esempio n. 1
def test_Wigner_D_representation_property(Rs, ell_max_slow, eps):
    # Test the representation property for special and random angles
    # For each l, 𝔇ˡₘₚ,ₘ(R1 * R2) = Σₘₚₚ 𝔇ˡₘₚ,ₘₚₚ(R1) * 𝔇ˡₘₚₚ,ₘ(R2)
    import time
    t1 = time.perf_counter()
    D1 = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max_slow), dtype=complex)
    D2 = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max_slow), dtype=complex)
    D12 = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max_slow), dtype=complex)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max_slow)
    for i, R1 in enumerate(Rs):
        print(f"\t{i+1} of {len(Rs)}: R1 = {R1}")
        for j, R2 in enumerate(Rs):
            # print(f"\t\t{j+1} of {len(Rs)}: R2 = {R2}")
            R12 = R1 * R2
            wigner.D(R1, out=D1)
            wigner.D(R2, out=D2)
            wigner.D(R12, out=D12)
            for ell in range(ell_max_slow + 1):
                ϵ = (2 * ell + 1)**2 * eps
                i1 = sf.WignerDindex(ell, -ell, -ell)
                i2 = sf.WignerDindex(ell, ell, ell)
                shape = (2 * ell + 1, 2 * ell + 1)
                Dˡ1 = D1[i1:i2 + 1].reshape(shape)
                Dˡ2 = D2[i1:i2 + 1].reshape(shape)
                Dˡ12 = D12[i1:i2 + 1].reshape(shape)
                assert np.allclose(Dˡ1 @ Dˡ2, Dˡ12, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ), ell
    t2 = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"\tFinished in {t2-t1:.4f} seconds.")
Esempio n. 2
def test_modes_grid(ell_max, eps):
    ell_max = max(3, ell_max)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    ϵ = 10 * (2 * ell_max + 1) * eps
    n_theta = n_phi = 2 * ell_max + 1

    rotors = quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(
        sf.theta_phi(n_theta, n_phi))

    for s in range(-2, 2 + 1):
        ell_min = abs(s)
        a1 = np.random.rand(11, sf.Ysize(ell_min, ell_max) * 2).view(complex)
        m1 = sf.Modes(a1, spin_weight=s, ell_min=ell_min, ell_max=ell_max)

        f1 = m1.grid(n_theta, n_phi)
        assert f1.shape == m1.shape[:-1] + rotors.shape[:-1]

        sYlm = np.zeros((sf.Ysize(0, ell_max), ) + rotors.shape[:-1],
        for i, Rs in enumerate(rotors):
            for j, R in enumerate(Rs):
                wigner.sYlm(s, R, out=sYlm[:, i, j])
        f2 = np.tensordot(m1.view(np.ndarray), sYlm, axes=([-1], [0]))
        assert f2.shape == m1.shape[:-1] + rotors.shape[:-1]

        assert np.allclose(
            f1.ndarray, f2, rtol=ϵ,
            atol=ϵ), f"max|f1-f2|={np.max(np.abs(f1.ndarray-f2))} > ϵ={ϵ}"
Esempio n. 3
def test_Wigner_D_inverse_property(Rs, ell_max, eps):
    # Test the inverse property for special and random angles
    # For each l, 𝔇ˡₘₚ,ₘ(R⁻¹) should be the inverse matrix of 𝔇ˡₘₚ,ₘ(R)
    D1 = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    D2 = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    for i, R in enumerate(Rs):
        # print(f"\t{i+1} of {len(Rs)}: R = {R}")
        wigner.D(R, out=D1)
        wigner.D(R.inverse, out=D2)
        for ell in range(ell_max + 1):
            ϵ = (2 * ell + 1)**2 * eps
            i1 = sf.WignerDindex(ell, -ell, -ell)
            i2 = sf.WignerDindex(ell, ell, ell)
            shape = (2 * ell + 1, 2 * ell + 1)
            Dˡ1 = D1[i1:i2 + 1].reshape(shape)
            Dˡ2 = D2[i1:i2 + 1].reshape(shape)
            assert np.allclose(Dˡ1 @ Dˡ2,
                               np.identity(2 * ell + 1),
                               atol=ϵ), ell
        # print(f"\t{i+1} of {len(Rs)}: R = {R}")
    D1 = wigner.D(R)
    D2 = wigner.D(R.inverse)
    for ell in range(ell_max + 1):
        ϵ = (2 * ell + 1)**2 * eps
        i1 = sf.WignerDindex(ell, -ell, -ell)
        i2 = sf.WignerDindex(ell, ell, ell)
        shape = (-1, 2 * ell + 1, 2 * ell + 1)
        Dˡ1 = D1[..., i1:i2 + 1].reshape(shape)
        Dˡ2 = D2[..., i1:i2 + 1].reshape(shape)
        assert np.allclose(Dˡ1 @ Dˡ2, np.identity(2 * ell + 1), rtol=ϵ,
                           atol=ϵ), ell
Esempio n. 4
def test_Wigner_D_underflow(Rs, ell_max, eps):
    # NOTE: This is a delicate test, which depends on the result underflowing exactly when expected.
    # In particular, it should underflow to 0.0 when |mp+m|>32, but should never underflow to 0.0
    # when |mp+m|<32.  So it's not the end of the world if this test fails, but it does mean that
    # the underflow properties have changed, so it might be worth a look.
    epsilon = 1.e-10

    ϵ = 5 * ell_max * eps
    D = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    ell_mp_m = sf.WignerDrange(0, ell_max)

    # Test |Ra|=1e-10
    R = quaternionic.array(epsilon, 1, 0, 0).normalized
    wigner.D(R, out=D)
    # print(R.to_euler_angles.tolist())
    # print(D.tolist())
    non_underflowing_indices = np.abs(ell_mp_m[:, 1] + ell_mp_m[:, 2]) < 32
    assert np.all(D[non_underflowing_indices] != 0j)
    underflowing_indices = np.abs(ell_mp_m[:, 1] + ell_mp_m[:, 2]) > 32
    assert np.all(D[underflowing_indices] == 0j)

    # Test |Rb|=1e-10
    R = quaternionic.array(1, epsilon, 0, 0).normalized
    wigner.D(R, out=D)
    non_underflowing_indices = np.abs(ell_mp_m[:, 1] - ell_mp_m[:, 2]) < 32
    assert np.all(D[non_underflowing_indices] != 0j)
    underflowing_indices = np.abs(ell_mp_m[:, 1] - ell_mp_m[:, 2]) > 32
    assert np.all(D[underflowing_indices] == 0j)
Esempio n. 5
def test_wigner_evaluate(horner, ell_max_slow, eps):
    import time

    ell_max = max(3, ell_max_slow)
    ϵ = 10 * (2 * ell_max + 1) * eps
    n_theta = n_phi = 2 * ell_max + 1
    max_s = 2
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max, mp_max=max_s)

    max_error = 0.0
    total_time = 0.0
    for rotors in [
                sf.theta_phi(n_theta, n_phi)),
            quaternionic.array(np.random.rand(n_theta, n_phi, 4)).normalized

        for s in range(-max_s, max_s + 1):
            ell_min = abs(s)

            a1 = np.random.rand(7,
                                sf.Ysize(ell_min, ell_max) * 2).view(complex)
               sf.Yindex(ell_min, -ell_min, ell_min):sf.
               Yindex(abs(s), -abs(s), ell_min)] = 0.0

            m1 = sf.Modes(a1, spin_weight=s, ell_min=ell_min, ell_max=ell_max)

            t1 = time.perf_counter()
            f1 = wigner.evaluate(m1, rotors, horner=horner)
            t2 = time.perf_counter()
            assert f1.shape == m1.shape[:-1] + rotors.shape[:-1]
            # print(f"Evaluation for s={s} took {t2-t1:.4f} seconds")
            # print(f1.shape)

            sYlm = np.zeros((sf.Ysize(0, ell_max), ) + rotors.shape[:-1],
            for i, Rs in enumerate(rotors):
                for j, R in enumerate(Rs):
                    wigner.sYlm(s, R, out=sYlm[:, i, j])
            f2 = np.tensordot(m1.view(np.ndarray), sYlm, axes=([-1], [0]))
            assert f2.shape == m1.shape[:-1] + rotors.shape[:-1]

            assert np.allclose(f1, f2, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ), (
                f"max|f1-f2|={np.max(np.abs(f1-f2))} > ϵ={ϵ}\n\n"
                f"s = {s}\n\nrotors = {rotors.tolist()}\n\n"
                # f"f1 = {f1.tolist()}\n\nf2 = {f2.tolist()}"

            max_error = max(np.max(np.abs(f1 - f2)), max_error)
            total_time += t2 - t1

    print(f"\tmax_error[{horner}] = {max_error}")
    print(f"\ttotal_time[{horner}] = {total_time}")
Esempio n. 6
def test_Wigner_D_non_overflow(ell_max):
    D = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)

    # Test |Ra|=1e-10
    R = quaternionic.array(1.e-10, 1, 0, 0).normalized
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(wigner.D(R, out=D)))

    # Test |Rb|=1e-10
    R = quaternionic.array(1, 1.e-10, 0, 0).normalized
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(wigner.D(R, out=D)))
Esempio n. 7
def test_sYlm_conjugation(special_angles, ell_max_slow, eps):
    # {s}Y{l,m}.conjugate() = (-1.)**(s+m) {-s}Y{l,-m}
    ϵ = 2 * ell_max_slow * eps
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max_slow)
    m = sf.Yrange(0, ell_max_slow)[:, 1]
    flipped_indices = np.array([sf.Yindex(ell, -m, 0) for ell, m in sf.Yrange(0, ell_max_slow)])
    for iota in special_angles:
        for phi in special_angles:
            R = quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(iota, phi)
            for s in range(-ell_max_slow, ell_max_slow + 1):
                Y1 = wigner.sYlm(s, R).conjugate()
                Y2 = (-1.0)**(s+m) * wigner.sYlm(-s, R)[flipped_indices]
                assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2, atol=ϵ, rtol=ϵ)
Esempio n. 8
def test_constant_as_ell_0_mode(special_angles):
    ell_max = 1
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    for imaginary_part in [0.0, 1.0j]:  # Test both real and imaginary constants
        for _ in range(1000):
            constant = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) + imaginary_part * np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
            const_ell_m = sf.constant_as_ell_0_mode(constant)
            assert abs(constant - sf.constant_from_ell_0_mode(const_ell_m)) < 1e-15
            for theta in special_angles:
                for phi in special_angles:
                    Y = wigner.sYlm(0, quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(theta, phi))
                    dot =, Y[0])
                    assert abs(constant - dot) < 1e-15, imaginary_part
Esempio n. 9
def test_sYlm_vs_NINJA(special_angles, ell_max_slow, eps):
    ϵ = 5 * ell_max_slow**6 * eps  # This is mostly due to the expressions above being inaccurate
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max_slow)
    for iota in special_angles:
        for phi in special_angles:
            R = quaternionic.array.from_euler_angles(phi, iota, 0)
            Y1 = np.array([
                    sYlm_NINJA(s, ell, m, iota, phi)
                    for ell in range(ell_max_slow + 1)
                    for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)
                for s in range(-ell_max_slow, ell_max_slow + 1)
            Y2 = np.array([wigner.sYlm(s, R) for s in range(-ell_max_slow, ell_max_slow + 1)])
            assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)
Esempio n. 10
def test_sYlm_spin_behavior(Rs, special_angles, ell_max_slow, eps):
    # We expect that the SWSHs behave according to
    # sYlm( R * exp(gamma*z/2) ) = sYlm(R) * exp(-1j*s*gamma)
    # See
    # for a more detailed explanation
    # print("")
    ϵ = 2 * ell_max_slow * eps
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max_slow)
    for i, R in enumerate(Rs):
        # print("\t{0} of {1}: R = {2}".format(i, len(Rs), R))
        for gamma in special_angles:
            Rgamma = R * quaternionic.array(math.cos(gamma / 2.), 0, 0, math.sin(gamma / 2.))
            for s in range(-ell_max_slow, ell_max_slow + 1):
                Y1 = wigner.sYlm(s, Rgamma)
                Y2 = wigner.sYlm(s, R) * cmath.exp(-1j * s * gamma)
                assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2, atol=ϵ, rtol=ϵ)
Esempio n. 11
def test_wigner_rotate_composition(horner, Rs, ell_max_slow, eps):
    import time
    ell_min = 0
    ell_max = max(3, ell_max_slow)
    ϵ = (10 * (2 * ell_max + 1))**2 * eps
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    skipping = 5

    max_error = 0.0
    total_time = 0.0
    Rs = Rs[::skipping]
    for i, R1 in enumerate(Rs):
        # print(f"\tR1[{i+1}] of {len(Rs)}")
        for j, R2 in enumerate(Rs):
            for spin_weight in range(-2, 2 + 1):
                a1 = np.random.rand(7,
                                    sf.Ysize(ell_min, ell_max) *
                   sf.Yindex(ell_min, -ell_min, ell_min):sf.
                   Yindex(abs(spin_weight), -abs(spin_weight), ell_min)] = 0.0
                m1 = sf.Modes(a1,

                t1 = time.perf_counter()
                fA = wigner.rotate(wigner.rotate(m1, R1, horner=horner),
                fB = wigner.rotate(m1, R1 * R2, horner=horner)
                t2 = time.perf_counter()

                max_error = max(np.max(np.abs(fA - fB)), max_error)
                total_time += t2 - t1

                # import warnings
                # warnings.warn("Eliminating assert for debugging")
                assert np.allclose(
                    fA, fB, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ
                ), f"{np.max(np.abs(fA-fB))} > {ϵ} for R1={R1} R2={R2}"

    print(f"\tmax_error[{horner}] = {max_error}")
    print(f"\ttotal_time[{horner}] = {total_time}")
Esempio n. 12
def test_Wigner_D_negative_argument(Rs, ell_max, eps):
    # For integer ell, D(R)=D(-R)
    # This test passes (specifically, using these tolerances) for at least
    # ell_max=100, but takes a few minutes at that level.
    a = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    b = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    for R in Rs:
        wigner.D(R, out=a)
        wigner.D(-R, out=b)
        # sf.wigner_D(R, 0, ell_max, out=a)
        # sf.wigner_D(-R, 0, ell_max, out=b)
        assert np.allclose(a, b, rtol=ell_max * eps, atol=2 * ell_max * eps)
    assert np.allclose(wigner.D(R),
                       rtol=ell_max * eps,
                       atol=2 * ell_max * eps)
Esempio n. 13
def test_sYlm_WignerD_expression(special_angles, ell_max_slow, eps):
    # ₛYₗₘ(R) = (-1)ˢ √((2ℓ+1)/(4π)) 𝔇ˡₘ₋ₛ(R)
    #        = (-1)ˢ √((2ℓ+1)/(4π)) 𝔇̄ˡ₋ₛₘ(R̄)

    ϵ = 2 * ell_max_slow * eps
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max_slow)
    for iota in special_angles:
        for phi in special_angles:
            R = quaternionic.array.from_euler_angles(phi, iota, 0)
            D_R̄ = wigner.D(R.conjugate())
            for s in range(-ell_max_slow, ell_max_slow + 1):
                Y = wigner.sYlm(s, R)
                for ell in range(abs(s), ell_max_slow + 1):
                    Y_ℓ = Y[sf.Yindex(ell, -ell):sf.Yindex(ell, ell)+1]
                    Y_D = (
                        (-1.) ** (s) * math.sqrt((2 * ell + 1) / (4 * np.pi))
                        * D_R̄[sf.WignerDindex(ell, -s, -ell):sf.WignerDindex(ell, -s, ell)+1].conjugate()
                    assert np.allclose(Y_ℓ, Y_D, atol=ϵ, rtol=ϵ)
Esempio n. 14
def test_Wigner_D_symmetries(Rs, ell_max, eps):
    # We have two obvious symmetries to test.  First,
    #   D_{mp,m}(R) = (-1)^{mp+m} \bar{D}_{-mp,-m}(R)
    # Second, since D is a unitary matrix, its conjugate transpose is its
    # inverse; because of the representation property, D(R) should equal the
    # matrix inverse of D(R⁻¹).  Thus,
    #   D_{mp,m}(R) = \bar{D}_{m,mp}(\bar{R})

    ϵ = 5 * ell_max * eps
    D1 = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    D2 = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    ell_mp_m = sf.WignerDrange(0, ell_max)

    flipped_indices = np.array(
        [sf.WignerDindex(ell, -mp, -m) for ell, mp, m in ell_mp_m])
    swapped_indices = np.array(
        [sf.WignerDindex(ell, m, mp) for ell, mp, m in ell_mp_m])
    signs = (-1)**np.abs(np.sum(ell_mp_m[:, 1:], axis=1))
    for R in Rs:
        wigner.D(R, out=D1)
        wigner.D(R.inverse, out=D2)
        # D_{mp,m}(R) = (-1)^{mp+m} \bar{D}_{-mp,-m}(R)
        a = D1
        b = signs * D1[flipped_indices].conjugate()
        assert np.allclose(a, b, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)
        # D_{mp,m}(R) = \bar{D}_{m,mp}(\bar{R})
        b = D2[swapped_indices].conjugate()
        assert np.allclose(a, b, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)

    D1 = wigner.D(Rs)
    D2 = wigner.D(Rs.inverse)
    # D_{mp,m}(R) = (-1)^{mp+m} \bar{D}_{-mp,-m}(R)
    a = D1
    b = signs * D1[..., flipped_indices].conjugate()
    assert np.allclose(a, b, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)
    # D_{mp,m}(R) = \bar{D}_{m,mp}(\bar{R})
    b = D2[..., swapped_indices].conjugate()
    assert np.allclose(a, b, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)
Esempio n. 15
def test_Wigner_D_vs_sympy(special_angles, ell_max_slow, eps):
    from sympy import S, N
    from sympy.physics.quantum.spin import WignerD as Wigner_D_sympy

    # Note that this does not fully respect ell_max_slow because
    # this test is extraordinarily slow
    ell_max = min(4, ell_max_slow)
    ϵ = 2 * ell_max * eps

    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    max_error = 0.0

    j = 0
    k = 0
    a = special_angles[::4]
    b = special_angles[len(special_angles) // 2::4]
    c = special_angles[::2]
    for α in a:
        for β in b:
            for γ in c:
                R = quaternionic.array.from_euler_angles(α, β, γ)
                𝔇 = wigner.D(R)

                k += 1
                print(f"\tAngle iteration {k} of {a.size*b.size*c.size}")
                for ell in range(wigner.ell_max + 1):
                    for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1):
                        for m in range(-ell, ell + 1):
                            sympyD = N(Wigner_D_sympy(ell, mp, m, α, β,
                            sphericalD = 𝔇[wigner.Dindex(ell, mp, m)]
                            error = float(abs(sympyD - sphericalD))
                            assert error < ϵ, (
                                f"Testing Wigner d recursion: ell={ell}, m'={mp}, m={m}, "
                                f"sympy:{sympyD}, spherical:{sphericalD}, error={error}"
                            max_error = max(error, max_error)
        f"\tmax_error={max_error} after checking {(len(special_angles)**3)*wigner.Dsize} values"
Esempio n. 16
def test_vector_as_ell_1_modes(special_angles):
    ell_min = 1
    ell_max = 1
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max, ell_min=ell_min)

    def nhat(theta, phi):
        return np.array([math.sin(theta) * math.cos(phi),
                         math.sin(theta) * math.sin(phi),

    for _ in range(1000):
        vector = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(3,))
        vec_ell_m = sf.vector_as_ell_1_modes(vector)
        assert np.allclose(vector, sf.vector_from_ell_1_modes(vec_ell_m), atol=1.0e-16, rtol=1.0e-15)
        for theta in special_angles:
            for phi in special_angles:
                dot1 =, nhat(theta, phi))
                dot2 =, wigner.sYlm(0, quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(theta, phi))).real
                assert abs(dot1 - dot2) < 1e-15
Esempio n. 17
def test_wigner_evaluate_vs_spinsfast(horner, ell_max, eps):
    import time

    ell_max = max(3, ell_max)
    ϵ = ell_max * (2 * ell_max + 1) * eps
    n_theta = n_phi = 2 * ell_max + 1
    max_s = 2
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max, mp_max=max_s)

    rotors = quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(
        sf.theta_phi(n_theta, n_phi))

    max_error = 0.0
    total_time = 0.0
    for s in range(-max_s, max_s + 1):
        ell_min = abs(s)

        a1 = np.random.rand(7, sf.Ysize(ell_min, ell_max) * 2).view(complex)
        m1 = sf.Modes(a1, spin_weight=s, ell_min=ell_min, ell_max=ell_max)

        t1 = time.perf_counter()
        f1 = wigner.evaluate(m1, rotors, horner=horner)
        t2 = time.perf_counter()
        assert f1.shape == m1.shape[:-1] + rotors.shape[:-1]

        f2 = m1.grid(n_theta, n_phi, use_spinsfast=True)
        assert f2.shape == m1.shape[:-1] + rotors.shape[:-1]

        assert np.allclose(f1, f2.ndarray, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ), (
            f"max|f1-f2|={np.max(np.abs(f1-f2.ndarray))} > ϵ={ϵ}\n\n"
            f"s = {s}\n\nrotors = {rotors.tolist()}\n\n"
            # f"f1 = {f1.tolist()}\n\nf2 = {f2.tolist()}"

        max_error = max(np.max(np.abs(f1 - f2.ndarray)), max_error)
        total_time += t2 - t1

    print(f"\tmax_error[{horner}] = {max_error}")
    print(f"\ttotal_time[{horner}] = {total_time}")
Esempio n. 18
def test_wigner_rotate_vector(horner, special_angles, Rs, eps):
    """Rotating a vector == rotating the mode-representation of that vector

    Note that the wigner.rotate function rotates the *basis* in which the modes are
    represented, so we rotate the modes by the inverse of the rotation we apply to
    the vector.

    ell_min = 1
    ell_max = 1
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max, ell_min=ell_min)

    def nhat(theta, phi):
        return quaternionic.array.from_vector_part([
            math.sin(theta) * math.cos(phi),
            math.sin(theta) * math.sin(phi),

    for theta in special_angles[special_angles >= 0]:
        for phi in special_angles:
            v = nhat(theta, phi)
            vₗₘ = sf.Modes(sf.vector_as_ell_1_modes(v.vector),
            for R in Rs:
                vprm1 = (R * v * R.conjugate()).vector
                vₗₙ = wigner.rotate(
                    vₗₘ, R.conjugate(),
                    horner=horner).ndarray[1:]  # See note above
                vprm2 = sf.vector_from_ell_1_modes(vₗₙ).real
                assert np.allclose(vprm1, vprm2, atol=5 * eps,
                                   rtol=0), (f"\ntheta: {theta}\n"
                                             f"phi: {phi}\n"
                                             f"R: {R}\n"
                                             f"v: {v}\n"
                                             f"vprm1: {vprm1}\n"
                                             f"vprm2: {vprm2}\n"
                                             f"vprm1-vprm2: {vprm1-vprm2}\n")
Esempio n. 19
def test_Wigner_D_vs_Wikipedia(special_angles, ell_max_slow, eps):
    ell_max = ell_max_slow
    ϵ = 5 * ell_max**6 * eps

    D = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)
    ell_mp_m = sf.WignerDrange(0, ell_max)

    for alpha in special_angles:
        print("\talpha={0}".format(alpha))  # Need to show some progress for CI
        for beta in special_angles[len(special_angles) // 2:]:  # Skip beta < 0
            for gamma in special_angles:
                a = np.conjugate(
                        Wigner_D_Wikipedia(alpha, beta, gamma, ell, mp, m)
                        for ell, mp, m in ell_mp_m
                b = wigner.D(quaternionic.array.from_euler_angles(
                    alpha, beta, gamma),
                assert np.allclose(a, b, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)
Esempio n. 20
def test_H_vs_sympy(eps):
    """Eq. (29) of arxiv:1403.7698: d^{m',m}_{n}(β) = ϵ(m') ϵ(-m) H^{m',m}_{n}(β)"""

    from sympy.physics.quantum.spin import WignerD as Wigner_D_sympy

    def ϵ(m):
        m = np.asarray(m)
        eps = np.ones_like(m)
        eps[m >= 0] = (-1)**m[m >= 0]
        return eps

    ell_max = 4
    alpha, beta, gamma = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
    max_error = 0.0

    for mp_max in range(ell_max + 1):
        print(f"Checking mp_max={mp_max} (going up to {ell_max})")
        w = sf.Wigner(ell_max, mp_max=mp_max)
        workspace = w.new_workspace()
        Hwedge, Hv, Hextra, _, _, _ = w._split_workspace(workspace)
        Hnmpm = w.H(np.exp(1j * beta), Hwedge, Hv, Hextra)
        for n in range(w.ell_max + 1):
            for mp in range(-min(n, mp_max), min(n, mp_max) + 1):
                for m in range(-n, n + 1):
                    sympyd =
                            Wigner_D_sympy(n, mp, m, alpha, beta,
                    sphericald = ϵ(mp) * ϵ(-m) * Hnmpm[sf.WignerHindex(
                        n, mp, m, mp_max)]
                    error = float(abs(sympyd - sphericald))
                    assert error < 1.1 * ell_max * eps, (
                        f"Testing Wigner d recursion with n={n}, m'={mp}, m={m}, mp_max={mp_max}, "
                        f"sympyd={sympyd}, sphericald={sphericald}, error={error}"
Esempio n. 21
def test_sYlm_vs_scipy(special_angles, ell_max, eps):
    from scipy.special import sph_harm
    ϵ = 2 * ell_max * eps
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)

    # Test one quaternion at a time
    # print()
    for theta in np.arange(0, 1 * np.pi + 0.1, np.pi / 8.):
        for phi in np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi + 0.1, np.pi / 8.):
            R = quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(theta, phi)
            # Note that sph_harm names its arguments (theta, phi) in that order, but swaps the
            # meaning of theta and phi, so we have to swap the order here.
            Y1 = np.array([
                sph_harm(m, ell, phi, theta)
                for ell in range(ell_max+1)
                for m in range(-ell, ell+1)
            Y2 = wigner.sYlm(0, R)
            # print(Y1.shape, Y2.shape, theta, phi)
            assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)

    # Test N quaternions at a time
    theta_phi = [
        [theta, phi]
        for theta in np.arange(0, 1 * np.pi + 0.1, np.pi / 8.)
        for phi in np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi + 0.1, np.pi / 8.)
    R = quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(theta_phi)
    Y1 = np.array([
            sph_harm(m, ell, phi, theta)
            for ell in range(ell_max+1)
            for m in range(-ell, ell+1)
        for theta, phi in theta_phi
    Y2 = wigner.sYlm(0, R)
    # print()
    # print(Y1.shape, Y2.shape)
    assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)

    # Test NxM quaternions at a time
    theta_phi = [
            [theta, phi]
            for theta in np.arange(0, 1 * np.pi + 0.1, np.pi / 8.)
        for phi in np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi + 0.1, np.pi / 8.)
    R = quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(theta_phi)
    Y1 = np.array([
                sph_harm(m, ell, phi, theta)
                for ell in range(ell_max+1)
                for m in range(-ell, ell+1)
            for theta, phi in tp
        for tp in theta_phi
    Y2 = wigner.sYlm(0, R)
    # print()
    # print(Y1.shape, Y2.shape)
    assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)
Esempio n. 22
def calc_rotdens(grid_3d, WDMATS, params):
    #calc rotdens at a point

    wavepacket_file = params['rot_wf_file']
    coef_file = params['rot_coeffs_file']

    Jmax = params['Jmax']
    itime = int(params['rv_wavepacket_time'] / params['rv_wavepacket_dt'])

    states = read_coefficients(coef_file, coef_thresh=1.0e-16)
    time, coefs, quanta_all = read_wavepacket(wavepacket_file,
    quanta = quanta_all[itime]

    npoints_3d = grid_3d.shape[0]
    # mapping between wavepacket and rovibrational states
    print("shape of grid_3d " + str(grid_3d.shape))
    ind_state = []
    for q in quanta:
        j = q[1]  #q[0] = M
        id = q[2]
        ideg = q[3]
        istate = [(state["j"], state["id"], state["ideg"])
                  for state in states].index((j, id, ideg))
        find in which position
        in the states list we have quanta j, id, ideg - from the current wavepacket
        )  #at each time we append an array of indices which locate the current wavepacket in the states dictionary

    # lists of J and m quantum numbers
    jlist = list(set(j for j in quanta[:, 1]))
    mlist = []
    for j in jlist:
            list(set(m for m, jj in zip(quanta[:, 0], quanta[:, 1])
                     if jj == j)))
    print("List of J-quanta:", jlist)
    print("List of m-quanta:", mlist)

    # precompute symmetric-top functions on a 3D grid of Euler angles for given J, m=J, and k=-J..J
    wigner = spherical.Wigner(Jmax)

    R = quaternionic.array.from_euler_angles(grid_3d)

    print("\nPrecompute symmetric-top functions...")
    symtop = []

    for J, ml, ij in zip(jlist, mlist, range(len(jlist))):
        print("J = ", J)
        print("m = ", ml)
        print("ij = ", ij)
        Jfac = np.sqrt((2 * J + 1) / (8 * np.pi**2))

        #D[wigner.Dindex(J, m, k)]
        #wigner.wiglib.DJ_m_k(int(J), int(m), grid_3d[:,:]) #grid_3d= (3,npoints_3d). Returns wig = array (npoints, 2*J+1) for each k,  #wig Contains values of D-functions on grid,
        #D_{m,k}^{(J)} = wig[ipoint,k+J], so that the range for the second argument is 0,...,2J

        symtop[ij].append(np.conj(WDMATS[int(J)]) * Jfac)


    # compute rotational density

    vmax = max([max([v for v in state["v"]]) for state in states])
    func = np.zeros((npoints_3d, vmax + 1), dtype=np.complex128)
    tot_func = np.zeros((npoints_3d, vmax + 1), dtype=np.complex128)
    dens = np.zeros(npoints_3d, dtype=np.complex128)

    for q, cc, istate in zip(
            quanta, coefs,
            ind_state):  #loop over coefficients in the wavepacket

        m = q[0]
        j = q[1]
        state = states[istate]

        ind_j = jlist.index(j)
        ind_m = mlist[ind_j].index(m)

        print(m + int(j))

        # primitive rovibrational function on Euler grid
        func[:, :] = 0
        print("shape of grid", np.shape(grid_3d))
        for v, k, c in zip(
                state["v"], state["k"], state["coef"]
        ):  #loop over coefficients of primitive symmetric top functions comprising individual components of the wavepacket
            func[:, v] += c * np.conj(WDMATS[int(j)][int(m) + int(j),
                                                     k + int(j), :]) * Jfac
        # total function
        tot_func[:, :] += func[:, :] * cc

    # reduced rotational density on Euler grid
    dens = np.einsum('ij,ji->i', tot_func, np.conj(tot_func.T)) * np.sin(
        grid_3d[:, 1])
    #tensor contraction: element-wise multuplication of tot_func and transpose of np.conj(tot_func.T)) * np.sin(grid_3d[1,ipoint0:ipoint1] and we take diagonal elements of the output.
    # This is to remove the vibrational index.

    return grid_3d, dens
Esempio n. 23
def cached_swsh_grid(
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    X = np.linspace(-size, size, num_points)
    Y = np.linspace(-size, 0, num_points // 2) if clip_y_normal else X
    Z = np.linspace(-size, 0, num_points // 2) if clip_z_normal else X
    x, y, z = map(lambda arr: arr.flatten(order="F"),
                  np.meshgrid(X, Y, Z, indexing="ij"))
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    swsh_grid = None
    if cache_dir:
        swsh_grid_id = (
            round(float(size), 3),
        # Create a somewhat unique filename
        swsh_grid_hash = (int(
            hashlib.md5(repr(swsh_grid_id).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), 16) %
        swsh_grid_cache_file = os.path.join(
        if os.path.exists(swsh_grid_cache_file):
                f"Loading SWSH grid from file '{swsh_grid_cache_file}'...")
            swsh_grid = np.load(swsh_grid_cache_file)
            logger.debug(f"No SWSH grid file '{swsh_grid_cache_file}' found.")
    if swsh_grid is None:"No cached SWSH grid found, computing now...")"Loading 'spherical' module...")
        import quaternionic
        import spherical"'spherical' module loaded.")
        start_time = time.time()
        th = np.arccos(z / r)
        phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
        angles = quaternionic.array.from_spherical_coordinates(th, phi)
        swsh_grid = spherical.Wigner(ell_max).sYlm(s=spin_weight, R=angles)"SWSH grid computed in {time.time() - start_time:.3f}s.")
        if cache_dir:
            if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
            if not os.path.exists(swsh_grid_cache_file):
      , swsh_grid)
                    f"SWSH grid cache saved to file '{swsh_grid_cache_file}'.")
    return swsh_grid, r
Esempio n. 24
def test_Wigner_D_roundoff(Rs, ell_max, eps):
    # Testing rotations in special regions with simple expressions for 𝔇

    ϵ = 5 * ell_max * eps
    D = np.zeros(sf.WignerDsize(0, ell_max), dtype=complex)
    wigner = sf.Wigner(ell_max)

    # Test rotations with |Ra|<1e-15
    wigner.D(quaternionic.x, out=D)
    actual = D
    expected = np.array([((-1.)**ell if mp == -m else 0.0)
                         for ell in range(ell_max + 1)
                         for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1)
                         for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)])
    assert np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)

    wigner.D(quaternionic.y, out=D)
    actual = D
    expected = np.array([((-1.)**(ell + m) if mp == -m else 0.0)
                         for ell in range(ell_max + 1)
                         for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1)
                         for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)])
    assert np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)

    for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi):
        wigner.D(np.cos(theta) * quaternionic.y +
                 np.sin(theta) * quaternionic.x,
        actual = D
        expected = np.array([
            ((-1.)**(ell + m) * (np.cos(theta) + 1j * np.sin(theta))**(2 * m)
             if mp == -m else 0.0) for ell in range(ell_max + 1)
            for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1) for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)
        assert np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)

    # Test rotations with |Rb|<1e-15
    wigner.D(, out=D)
    actual = D
    expected = np.array([(1.0 if mp == m else 0.0)
                         for ell in range(ell_max + 1)
                         for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1)
                         for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)])
    assert np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)

    wigner.D(quaternionic.z, out=D)
    actual = D
    expected = np.array([((-1.)**m if mp == m else 0.0)
                         for ell in range(ell_max + 1)
                         for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1)
                         for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)])
    assert np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)

    for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi):
        wigner.D(np.cos(theta) * +
                 np.sin(theta) * quaternionic.z,
        actual = D
        expected = np.array([
            ((np.cos(theta) + 1j * np.sin(theta))**(2 * m) if mp == m else 0.0)
            for ell in range(ell_max + 1) for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1)
            for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)
        assert np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=ϵ, atol=ϵ)