Esempio n. 1
def process_generate_options(app):
    # type: (Sphinx) -> None
    genfiles = app.config.autosummary_generate

    if genfiles and not hasattr(genfiles, '__len__'):
        env = app.builder.env
        genfiles = [env.doc2path(x, base=None) for x in env.found_docs
                    if os.path.isfile(env.doc2path(x))]

    if not genfiles:

    from sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate import generate_autosummary_docs

    ext = list(app.config.source_suffix)
    genfiles = [genfile + (not genfile.endswith(tuple(ext)) and ext[0] or '')
                for genfile in genfiles]

    suffix = get_rst_suffix(app)
    if suffix is None:
        logger.warning(__('autosummary generats .rst files internally. '
                          'But your source_suffix does not contain .rst. Skipped.'))

    with mock(app.config.autosummary_mock_imports):
        generate_autosummary_docs(genfiles, builder=app.builder,
                                  suffix=suffix, base_path=app.srcdir,
Esempio n. 2
def get_template_field(env, fullname):
    Gets template fields for specific operator class.

    :param fullname: Full path to operator class.
        For example: ````
    :return: List of template field
    :rtype: list[str]
    modname, classname = fullname.rsplit(".", 1)

        with mock(env.config.autodoc_mock_imports):
            mod = import_module(modname)
    except ImportError:
        raise RoleException(f"Error loading {modname} module.")

    clazz = getattr(mod, classname)
    if not clazz:
        raise RoleException(
            f"Error finding {classname} class in {modname} module.")

    template_fields = getattr(clazz, "template_fields")

    if not template_fields:
        raise RoleException(
            f"Could not find the template fields for {classname} class in {modname} module."

    return list(template_fields)
Esempio n. 3
def get_template_field(env, fullname):
    Gets template fields for specific operator class.

    :param fullname: Full path to operator class.
        For example: ``airflow.contrib.operators.gcp_vision_operator.CloudVisionProductSetCreateOperator``
    :return: List of template field
    :rtype: list[str]
    modname, classname = fullname.rsplit(".", 1)

        with mock(env.config.autodoc_mock_imports):
            mod = import_module(modname)
    except ImportError:
        raise RoleException("Error loading %s module." % (modname, ))

    clazz = getattr(mod, classname)
    if not clazz:
        raise RoleException("Error finding %s class in %s module." % (classname, modname))

    template_fields = getattr(clazz, "template_fields")

    if not template_fields:
        raise RoleException(
            "Could not find the template fields for %s class in %s module." % (classname, modname)

    return list(template_fields)
Esempio n. 4
def get_template_field(env, fullname):
    Gets template fields for specific operator class.

    :param fullname: Full path to operator class.
        For example: ``airflow.contrib.operators.gcp_vision_operator.CloudVisionProductSetCreateOperator``
    :return: List of template field
    :rtype: list[str]
    modname, classname = fullname.rsplit(".", 1)

        with mock(env.config.autodoc_mock_imports):
            mod = import_module(modname)
    except ImportError:
        raise RoleException("Error loading %s module." % (modname, ))

    clazz = getattr(mod, classname)
    if not clazz:
        raise RoleException("Error finding %s class in %s module." %
                            (classname, modname))

    template_fields = getattr(clazz, "template_fields")

    if not template_fields:
        raise RoleException(
            "Could not find the template fields for %s class in %s module." %
            (classname, modname))

    return list(template_fields)
Esempio n. 5
def test_mock():
    modname = 'sphinx.unknown'
    submodule = modname + '.submodule'
    assert modname not in sys.modules
    with pytest.raises(ImportError):

    with mock([modname]):
        assert modname in sys.modules
        assert isinstance(sys.modules[modname], _MockModule)

        # submodules are also mocked
        assert submodule in sys.modules
        assert isinstance(sys.modules[submodule], _MockModule)

    assert modname not in sys.modules
    with pytest.raises(ImportError):
def test_mock():
    modname = 'sphinx.unknown'
    submodule = modname + '.submodule'
    assert modname not in sys.modules
    with pytest.raises(ImportError):

    with mock([modname]):
        assert modname in sys.modules
        assert isinstance(sys.modules[modname], _MockModule)

        # submodules are also mocked
        assert submodule in sys.modules
        assert isinstance(sys.modules[submodule], _MockModule)

    assert modname not in sys.modules
    with pytest.raises(ImportError):
Esempio n. 7
def test_mock_does_not_follow_upper_modules():
    with mock(['sphinx.unknown.module']):
        with pytest.raises(ImportError):
Esempio n. 8
    def get_items(self, names):
        # type: (List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]]
        """Try to import the given names, and return a list of
        ``[(name, signature, summary_string, real_name), ...]``.
        prefixes = get_import_prefixes_from_env(self.env)

        items = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]]

        max_item_chars = 50

        for name in names:
            display_name = name
            if name.startswith('~'):
                name = name[1:]
                display_name = name.split('.')[-1]

                with mock(self.config.autosummary_mock_imports):
                    real_name, obj, parent, modname = import_by_name(name, prefixes=prefixes)
            except ImportError:
                logger.warning(__('failed to import %s'), name)
                items.append((name, '', '', name))

            self.bridge.result = StringList()  # initialize for each documenter
            full_name = real_name
            if not isinstance(obj, ModuleType):
                # give explicitly separated module name, so that members
                # of inner classes can be documented
                full_name = modname + '::' + full_name[len(modname) + 1:]
            # NB. using full_name here is important, since Documenters
            #     handle module prefixes slightly differently
            doccls = get_documenter(, obj, parent)
            documenter = doccls(self.bridge, full_name)
            if not documenter.parse_name():
                logger.warning(__('failed to parse name %s'), real_name)
                items.append((display_name, '', '', real_name))
            if not documenter.import_object():
                logger.warning(__('failed to import object %s'), real_name)
                items.append((display_name, '', '', real_name))
            if documenter.options.members and not documenter.check_module():

            # try to also get a source code analyzer for attribute docs
                documenter.analyzer = ModuleAnalyzer.for_module(
                # parse right now, to get PycodeErrors on parsing (results will
                # be cached anyway)
            except PycodeError as err:
                logger.debug('[autodoc] module analyzer failed: %s', err)
                # no source file -- e.g. for builtin and C modules
                documenter.analyzer = None

            # -- Grab the signature

            sig = documenter.format_signature()
            if not sig:
                sig = ''
                max_chars = max(10, max_item_chars - len(display_name))
                sig = mangle_signature(sig, max_chars=max_chars)

            # -- Grab the summary

            summary = extract_summary([:], self.state.document)

            items.append((display_name, sig, summary, real_name))

        return items
def test_mock_does_not_follow_upper_modules():
    with mock(['sphinx.unknown.module']):
        with pytest.raises(ImportError):