Esempio n. 1
    def add_directive(self,
        # type: (unicode, Any, bool, Tuple[int, int, bool], Any) -> None
        """Register a Docutils directive.

        *name* must be the prospective directive name.  There are two possible
        ways to write a directive:

        - In the docutils 0.4 style, *obj* is the directive function.
          *content*, *arguments* and *options* are set as attributes on the
          function and determine whether the directive has content, arguments
          and options, respectively.  **This style is deprecated.**

        - In the docutils 0.5 style, *directiveclass* is the directive class.
          It must already have attributes named *has_content*,
          *required_arguments*, *optional_arguments*,
          *final_argument_whitespace* and *option_spec* that correspond to the
          options for the function way.  See `the Docutils docs
          for details.

        The directive class must inherit from the class

        For example, the (already existing) :rst:dir:`literalinclude` directive
        would be added like this:

        .. code-block:: python

           from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
           add_directive('literalinclude', literalinclude_directive,
                         content = 0, arguments = (1, 0, 0),
                         linenos = directives.flag,
                         language = directives.unchanged,
                         encoding = directives.encoding)

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           Docutils 0.5-style directive classes are now supported.
        .. deprecated:: 1.8
           Docutils 0.4-style (function based) directives support is deprecated.
        logger.debug('[app] adding directive: %r',
                     (name, obj, content, arguments, options))
        if name in directives._directives:
            logger.warning(__('while setting up extension %s: directive %r is '
                              'already registered, it will be overridden'),

        if not isclass(obj) or not issubclass(obj, Directive):
            directive = directive_helper(obj, content, arguments, **options)
            directives.register_directive(name, directive)
            directives.register_directive(name, obj)
Esempio n. 2
    def add_directive_to_domain(self,
        # type: (unicode, unicode, Any, bool, Any, bool, Any) -> None
            '[app] adding directive to domain: %r',
            (domain, name, obj, has_content, argument_spec, option_spec))
        if domain not in
            raise ExtensionError(__('domain %s not yet registered') % domain)

        directives = self.domain_directives.setdefault(domain, {})
        if name in directives and not override:
            raise ExtensionError(
                __('The %r directive is already registered to %d domain') %
                (name, domain))
        if not isclass(obj) or not issubclass(obj, Directive):
            directives[name] = directive_helper(obj, has_content,
                                                argument_spec, **option_spec)
            directives[name] = obj
Esempio n. 3
 def add_directive_to_domain(self, domain, name, obj,
                             has_content=None, argument_spec=None, **option_spec):
     # type: (unicode, unicode, Any, bool, Any, Any) -> None
     if domain not in
         raise ExtensionError(_('domain %s not yet registered') % domain)
     directive = directive_helper(obj, has_content, argument_spec, **option_spec)[domain].directives[name] = directive
Esempio n. 4
 def add_directive_to_domain(self, domain, name, obj,
                             has_content=None, argument_spec=None, **option_spec):
     # type: (unicode, unicode, Any, bool, Any, Any) -> None
     logger.debug('[app] adding directive to domain: %r',
                  (domain, name, obj, has_content, argument_spec, option_spec))
     if domain not in
         raise ExtensionError(__('domain %s not yet registered') % domain)
     directives = self.domain_directives.setdefault(domain, {})
     directives[name] = directive_helper(obj, has_content, argument_spec, **option_spec)
Esempio n. 5
 def add_directive(self, name, obj, content=None, arguments=None, **options):
     # type: (unicode, Any, bool, Tuple[int, int, bool], Any) -> None
     logger.debug('[app] adding directive: %r',
                  (name, obj, content, arguments, options))
     if name in directives._directives:
         logger.warning(_('while setting up extension %s: directive %r is '
                          'already registered, it will be overridden'),
                        self._setting_up_extension[-1], name,
                        type='app', subtype='add_directive')
     directive = directive_helper(obj, content, arguments, **options)
     directives.register_directive(name, directive)
Esempio n. 6
 def _directive_helper(self,
     # type: (Any, bool, Tuple[int, int, bool], Any) -> Any
         '_directive_helper() is now deprecated. '
         'Please use sphinx.util.docutils.directive_helper() instead.',
     return directive_helper(obj, has_content, argument_spec, **option_spec)
Esempio n. 7
 def add_directive(self, name, obj, content=None, arguments=None, **options):
     # type: (unicode, Any, bool, Tuple[int, int, bool], Any) -> None
     logger.debug('[app] adding directive: %r',
                  (name, obj, content, arguments, options))
     if name in directives._directives:
         logger.warning(__('while setting up extension %s: directive %r is '
                           'already registered, it will be overridden'),
                        self._setting_up_extension[-1], name,
                        type='app', subtype='add_directive')
     directive = directive_helper(obj, content, arguments, **options)
     directives.register_directive(name, directive)
Esempio n. 8
    def add_directive_to_domain(self, domain, name, obj,
                                has_content=None, argument_spec=None, **option_spec):
        # type: (unicode, unicode, Any, bool, Any, Any) -> None
        logger.debug('[app] adding directive to domain: %r',
                     (domain, name, obj, has_content, argument_spec, option_spec))
        if domain not in
            raise ExtensionError(__('domain %s not yet registered') % domain)

        directives = self.domain_directives.setdefault(domain, {})
        if not isclass(obj) or not issubclass(obj, Directive):
            directives[name] = directive_helper(obj, has_content, argument_spec, **option_spec)
            directives[name] = obj
Esempio n. 9
 def add_directive_to_domain(self,
     # type: (unicode, unicode, Any, bool, Any, Any) -> None
     if domain not in
         raise ExtensionError(_('domain %s not yet registered') % domain)
     directive = directive_helper(obj, has_content, argument_spec,
                                  **option_spec)[domain].directives[name] = directive
Esempio n. 10
    def add_directive_to_domain(self, domain, name, obj, has_content=None, argument_spec=None,
                                override=False, **option_spec):
        # type: (str, str, Any, bool, Any, bool, Any) -> None
        logger.debug('[app] adding directive to domain: %r',
                     (domain, name, obj, has_content, argument_spec, option_spec))
        if domain not in
            raise ExtensionError(__('domain %s not yet registered') % domain)

        directives = self.domain_directives.setdefault(domain, {})
        if name in directives and not override:
            raise ExtensionError(__('The %r directive is already registered to domain %s') %
                                 (name, domain))
        if not isclass(obj) or not issubclass(obj, Directive):
            directives[name] = directive_helper(obj, has_content, argument_spec, **option_spec)
            directives[name] = obj
Esempio n. 11
 def _directive_helper(self, obj, has_content=None, argument_spec=None, **option_spec):
     # type: (Any, bool, Tuple[int, int, bool], Any) -> Any
     warnings.warn('_directive_helper() is now deprecated. '
                   'Please use sphinx.util.docutils.directive_helper() instead.',
     return directive_helper(obj, has_content, argument_spec, **option_spec)
Esempio n. 12
    def add_directive(self, name, obj, content=None, arguments=None, override=False, **options):  # NOQA
        # type: (str, Any, bool, Tuple[int, int, bool], bool, Any) -> None
        """Register a Docutils directive.

        *name* must be the prospective directive name.  There are two possible
        ways to write a directive:

        - In the docutils 0.4 style, *obj* is the directive function.
          *content*, *arguments* and *options* are set as attributes on the
          function and determine whether the directive has content, arguments
          and options, respectively.  **This style is deprecated.**

        - In the docutils 0.5 style, *obj* is the directive class.
          It must already have attributes named *has_content*,
          *required_arguments*, *optional_arguments*,
          *final_argument_whitespace* and *option_spec* that correspond to the
          options for the function way.  See `the Docutils docs
          for details.

        The directive class must inherit from the class

        For example, the (already existing) :rst:dir:`literalinclude` directive
        would be added like this:

        .. code-block:: python

           from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives

           class LiteralIncludeDirective(Directive):
               has_content = True
               required_arguments = 1
               optional_arguments = 0
               final_argument_whitespace = True
               option_spec = {
                   'class': directives.class_option,
                   'name': directives.unchanged,

               def run(self):

           add_directive('literalinclude', LiteralIncludeDirective)

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           Docutils 0.5-style directive classes are now supported.
        .. deprecated:: 1.8
           Docutils 0.4-style (function based) directives support is deprecated.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.8
           Add *override* keyword.
        logger.debug('[app] adding directive: %r',
                     (name, obj, content, arguments, options))
        if not override and docutils.is_directive_registered(name):
            logger.warning(__('directive %r is already registered, it will be overridden'),
                           name, type='app', subtype='add_directive')

        if not isclass(obj) or not issubclass(obj, Directive):
            directive = directive_helper(obj, content, arguments, **options)
            docutils.register_directive(name, directive)
            docutils.register_directive(name, obj)
Esempio n. 13
    def add_directive(self, name, obj, content=None, arguments=None, override=False, **options):  # NOQA
        # type: (str, Any, bool, Tuple[int, int, bool], bool, Any) -> None
        """Register a Docutils directive.

        *name* must be the prospective directive name.  There are two possible
        ways to write a directive:

        - In the docutils 0.4 style, *obj* is the directive function.
          *content*, *arguments* and *options* are set as attributes on the
          function and determine whether the directive has content, arguments
          and options, respectively.  **This style is deprecated.**

        - In the docutils 0.5 style, *obj* is the directive class.
          It must already have attributes named *has_content*,
          *required_arguments*, *optional_arguments*,
          *final_argument_whitespace* and *option_spec* that correspond to the
          options for the function way.  See `the Docutils docs
          for details.

        The directive class must inherit from the class

        For example, the (already existing) :rst:dir:`literalinclude` directive
        would be added like this:

        .. code-block:: python

           from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives

           class LiteralIncludeDirective(Directive):
               has_content = True
               required_arguments = 1
               optional_arguments = 0
               final_argument_whitespace = True
               option_spec = {
                   'class': directives.class_option,
                   'name': directives.unchanged,

               def run(self):

           add_directive('literalinclude', LiteralIncludeDirective)

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           Docutils 0.5-style directive classes are now supported.
        .. deprecated:: 1.8
           Docutils 0.4-style (function based) directives support is deprecated.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.8
           Add *override* keyword.
        logger.debug('[app] adding directive: %r',
                     (name, obj, content, arguments, options))
        if not override and docutils.is_directive_registered(name):
            logger.warning(__('directive %r is already registered, it will be overridden'),
                           name, type='app', subtype='add_directive')

        if not isclass(obj) or not issubclass(obj, Directive):
            directive = directive_helper(obj, content, arguments, **options)
            docutils.register_directive(name, directive)
            docutils.register_directive(name, obj)