Esempio n. 1
def matplotlib_reduced_latex_scraper(block, block_vars, gallery_conf,
    Reduce srcset when creating a PDF.

    Because sphinx-gallery runs *very* early, we cannot modify this even in the
    earliest builder-inited signal. Thus we do it at scraping time.
    from sphinx_gallery.scrapers import matplotlib_scraper

    if gallery_conf['builder_name'] == 'latex':
        gallery_conf['image_srcset'] = []
    return matplotlib_scraper(block, block_vars, gallery_conf, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 2
    def __call__(self, block, block_vars, gallery_conf):
        rst = ''
        for brain in list(block_vars['example_globals'].values()):
            # Only need to process if it's a brain with a time_viewer
            # with traces on and shown in the same window, otherwise
            # PyVista and matplotlib scrapers can just do the work
            if (not isinstance(brain, Brain)) or brain._closed:
            import matplotlib
            from matplotlib import animation, pyplot as plt
            from sphinx_gallery.scrapers import matplotlib_scraper
            img = brain.screenshot(time_viewer=True)
            dpi = 100.
            figsize = (img.shape[1] / dpi, img.shape[0] / dpi)
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
            ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0, 0, 1, 1])
            img = ax.imshow(img)
            movie_key = '# brain.save_movie'
            if movie_key in block[1]:
                kwargs = dict()
                # Parse our parameters
                lines = block[1].splitlines()
                for li, line in enumerate(block[1].splitlines()):
                    if line.startswith(movie_key):
                        line = line[len(movie_key):].replace('..., ', '')
                        for ni in range(1, 5):  # should be enough
                            if len(lines) > li + ni and \
                                    lines[li + ni].startswith('#  '):
                                line = line + lines[li + ni][1:].strip()
                        assert line.startswith('(') and line.endswith(')')
                for key, default in [('time_dilation', 4),
                                     ('framerate', 24),
                                     ('tmin', None),
                                     ('tmax', None),
                                     ('interpolation', None),
                                     ('time_viewer', False)]:
                    if key not in kwargs:
                        kwargs[key] = default
                kwargs.pop('filename', None)  # always omit this one
                if brain.time_viewer:
                    assert kwargs['time_viewer'], 'Must use time_viewer=True'
                frames = brain._make_movie_frames(callback=None, **kwargs)

                # Turn them into an animation
                def func(frame):
                    return [img]

                anim = animation.FuncAnimation(
                    fig, func=func, frames=frames, blit=True,
                    interval=1000. / kwargs['framerate'])

                # Out to sphinx-gallery:
                # 1. A static image but hide it (useful for carousel)
                if (
                    _compare_version(matplotlib.__version__, '>=', '3.3.1') and
                    writer = 'ffmpeg'
                elif animation.ImageMagickWriter.isAvailable():
                    writer = 'imagemagick'
                    writer = None
                static_fname = next(block_vars['image_path_iterator'])
                static_fname = static_fname[:-4] + '.gif'
      , writer=writer, dpi=dpi)
                rel_fname = op.relpath(static_fname, gallery_conf['src_dir'])
                rel_fname = rel_fname.replace(os.sep, '/').lstrip('/')
                rst += f'\n.. image:: /{rel_fname}\n    :class: hidden\n'

                # 2. An animation that will be embedded and visible
                block_vars['example_globals']['_brain_anim_'] = anim

            rst += matplotlib_scraper(block, block_vars, gallery_conf)
        return rst
Esempio n. 3
 def __call__(self, block, block_vars, gallery_conf):
     kwargs = dict()
     if op.basename(block_vars['target_file']) == '' and \
             gallery_conf['builder_name'] != 'latex':
         kwargs['format'] = 'svg'
     return matplotlib_scraper(block, block_vars, gallery_conf, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 4
 def __call__(self, block, block_vars, gallery_conf):
     kwargs = dict()
     if op.basename(block_vars['target_file']) == '' and \
             gallery_conf['builder_name'] != 'latex':
         kwargs['format'] = 'svg'
     return matplotlib_scraper(block, block_vars, gallery_conf, **kwargs)
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return matplotlib_scraper(*args, format="svg", **kwargs)
Esempio n. 6
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Return image with SVG format."""
     return matplotlib_scraper(*args, format="svg", **kwargs)
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return matplotlib_scraper(*args, format='svg', **kwargs)