def repository_role(
    name: str,
    rawtext: str,
    text: str,
    lineno: int,
    inliner: Inliner,
    options: Dict[str, Any] = {},
    content: List[str] = []
) -> Tuple[List[nodes.reference], List[system_message]]:
	Adds a link to the given repository on GitHub.

	:param name: The local name of the interpreted role, the role name actually used in the document.
	:param rawtext: A string containing the entire interpreted text input, including the role and markup.
	:param text: The interpreted text content.
	:param lineno: The line number where the interpreted text begins.
	:param inliner: The :class:`docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner` object that called :func:`~.repository_role`.
		It contains the several attributes useful for error reporting and document tree access.
	:param options: A dictionary of directive options for customization (from the ``role`` directive),
		to be interpreted by the function.
		Used for additional attributes for the generated elements and other functionality.
	:param content: A list of strings, the directive content for customization (from the ``role`` directive).
		To be interpreted by the function.

	:return: A list containing the created node, and a list containing any messages generated during the function.

    has_t, text, repo_name = split_explicit_title(text)
    repo_name = nodes.unescape(repo_name)
    repository_parts = nodes.unescape(repo_name).split('/')

    if len(repository_parts) != 2:
        return [], [
                f"Invalid repository '{repo_name}'.")

    # refnode: nodes.reference

    if has_t:
        refnode = nodes.reference(

        refnode = GitHubObjectLinkNode(

    return [refnode], []
Esempio n. 2
def validate_config(app: Sphinx, config: ToolboxConfig):
	Validate the provided configuration values.

	See :class:`~sphinx_toolbox.config.ToolboxConfig` for a list of the configuration values.

	:param app: The Sphinx app.
	:param config:
	:type config: :class:`~sphinx.config.Config`

    config.source_link_target = str(config.source_link_target).lower().strip()

    if config.source_link_target not in {"sphinx", "github"}:
        raise InvalidOptionError("Invalid value for 'source_link_target'.")

    if not config.github_username:
        raise MissingOptionError("The 'github_username' option is required.")
        config.github_username = str(config.github_username)

    if not config.github_repository:
        raise MissingOptionError("The 'github_repository' option is required.")
        config.github_repository = str(config.github_repository)

    config.github_url = make_github_url(config.github_username,
    config.github_source_url = config.github_url / "blob" / "master"
    config.github_issues_url = config.github_url / "issues"
    config.github_pull_url = config.github_url / "pull"

Esempio n. 3
def test_depart_issue_node():
	node = IssueNode(7680, make_github_url("pytest-dev", "pytest") / "issues/7680")
	translator = FakeTranslator()
	assert not node.has_tooltip

	depart_issue_node(translator, node)  # type: ignore

	assert translator.body == []

	node = IssueNode(7680, make_github_url("pytest-dev", "pytest") / "issues/7680")
	translator = FakeTranslator()
	node.has_tooltip = True

	depart_issue_node(translator, node)  # type: ignore

	assert translator.body == ["</abbr>"]
Esempio n. 4
def validate_config(app: Sphinx, config: ToolboxConfig):
	Validate the provided configuration values.

	See :class:`~sphinx_toolbox.config.ToolboxConfig` for a list of the configuration values.

	:param app: The Sphinx app.
	:param config:
	:type config: :class:`~sphinx.config.Config`

	if not config.github_username:
		raise MissingOptionError("The 'github_username' option is required.")
		config.github_username = str(config.github_username)

	if not config.github_repository:
		raise MissingOptionError("The 'github_repository' option is required.")
		config.github_repository = str(config.github_repository)

	config.github_url = make_github_url(config.github_username, config.github_repository)
	config.github_source_url = config.github_url / "blob" / "master"
	config.github_issues_url = config.github_url / "issues"
	config.github_pull_url = config.github_url / "pull"
Esempio n. 5
def pull_role(
        name: str,
        rawtext: str,
        text: str,
        lineno: int,
        inliner: Inliner,
        options: Dict[str, Any] = {},
        content: List[str] = []
) -> Tuple[List[IssueNode], List[system_message]]:
	Adds a link to the given pulll request on GitHub.

	:param name: The local name of the interpreted role, the role name actually used in the document.
	:param rawtext: A string containing the entire interpreted text input, including the role and markup.
	:param text: The interpreted text content.
	:param lineno: The line number where the interpreted text begins.
	:param inliner: The :class:`docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner` object that called :func:`~.pull_role`.
		It contains the several attributes useful for error reporting and document tree access.
	:param options: A dictionary of directive options for customization (from the ``role`` directive),
		to be interpreted by the function.
		Used for additional attributes for the generated elements and other functionality.
	:param content: A list of strings, the directive content for customization (from the ``role`` directive).
		To be interpreted by the function.

	:return: A list containing the created node, and a list containing any messages generated during the function.

	.. clearpage::

    has_t, issue_number, repository = split_explicit_title(text)
    issue_number = nodes.unescape(issue_number)

    messages: List[system_message] = []
    refnode: IssueNode

    if has_t:
        repository_parts = nodes.unescape(repository).split('/')
        if len(repository_parts) != 2:
            warning_message = inliner.document.reporter.warning(
                f"Invalid repository '{repository}' for pull request #{issue_number}."

            refnode = IssueNodeWithName(
                refuri=make_github_url(*repository_parts) / "pull" /
            return [refnode], messages

    pull_url =
    refnode = IssueNode(issue_number=issue_number,
                        refuri=pull_url / str(int(issue_number)))

    return [refnode], messages
Esempio n. 6
    def run(self) -> List[nodes.Node]:
		Process the content of the shield directive.

        username, repository = self.get_repo_details()
        workflow = quote(self.options["workflow"])

        self.arguments = [
                make_github_url(username, repository) / "workflows" /
                workflow / "badge.svg")
        self.options["target"] = str(
            make_github_url(username, repository) /

        return super().run()
Esempio n. 7
def test_visit_issue_node():
	node = IssueNode(7680, make_github_url("pytest-dev", "pytest") / "issues/7680")
	translator = FakeTranslator()

	assert not node.has_tooltip

	visit_issue_node(translator, node)  # type: ignore

	assert translator.body == ['<abbr title="Add --log-cli option">']
	assert node.has_tooltip
def test_depart_issue_node():
    node = IssueNode(7680,
                     make_github_url("pytest-dev", "pytest") / "issues/7680")
    translator = FakeTranslator()
    assert not node.has_tooltip

    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        issues.depart_issue_node(translator, node)

    assert translator.body == []

    node = IssueNode(7680,
                     make_github_url("pytest-dev", "pytest") / "issues/7680")
    translator = FakeTranslator()
    node.has_tooltip = True

    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        issues.depart_issue_node(translator, node)

    assert translator.body == ["</abbr>"]
	def run(self) -> Sequence[nodes.Node]:  # type: ignore
		Process the content of the directive.

		if "hooks" in self.options:
			hooks = self.options["hooks"]
			cwd = PathPlus.cwd()

			for directory in (cwd, *cwd.parents):
				hook_file = directory / ".pre-commit-hooks.yaml"
				if hook_file.is_file():
					hooks_dict = YAML(typ="safe", pure=True).load(hook_file.read_text())
					hooks = [h["id"] for h in hooks_dict]
				warnings.warn("No hooks specified and no .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file found.")
				return []

		repo = make_github_url(self.env.config.github_username, self.env.config.github_repository)
		config: _Config = {"repo": str(repo)}

		if "rev" in self.options:
			config["rev"] = self.options["rev"]

		config["hooks"] = [{"id": hook_name} for hook_name in hooks]

		if "args" in self.options:
			config["hooks"][0]["args"] = self.options["args"]

		targetid = f'pre-commit-{self.env.new_serialno("pre-commit"):d}'
		targetnode = nodes.section(ids=[targetid])

		yaml_dumper = YAML()
		yaml_dumper.default_flow_style = False

		yaml_output_stream = StringIO()
		yaml_dumper.dump([config], stream=yaml_output_stream)

		yaml_output = yaml_output_stream.getvalue()

		if not yaml_output:
			return []

		content = f".. code-block:: yaml\n\n{indent(yaml_output, '    ')}\n\n"
		view = StringList(content.split('\n'))
		pre_commit_node = nodes.paragraph(rawsource=content)
		self.state.nested_parse(view, self.content_offset, pre_commit_node)

		pre_commit_node_purger.add_node(self.env, pre_commit_node, targetnode, self.lineno)

		return [pre_commit_node]
Esempio n. 10
def test_visit_issue_node():
    node = IssueNode(7680,
                     make_github_url("pytest-dev", "pytest") / "issues/7680")
    translator = FakeTranslator()

    assert not node.has_tooltip

    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        issues.visit_issue_node(translator, node)

    assert translator.body == ['<abbr title="Add --log-cli option">']
    assert node.has_tooltip
Esempio n. 11
def test_make_github_url():
    url = make_github_url("domdfcoding", "sphinx-toolbox")
    assert isinstance(url, RequestsURL)

    assert url == RequestsURL("")