# import urequests
# ev3 = EV3Brick()
hub = PrimeHub()

# Connect motor to port A and touch sensor to port S1
# pointer=Motor(Port.A)
pointer = Motor('A')

# touch=TouchSensor(Port.S1)
 touch = ForceSensor('E')
#set the arrow to blue bar (minimum) to begin with
# pointer.reset_angle(0)

# defining the maximum and minimum temperatures shown by the dashboard
# You can change the minimum and maximum temperatures based on your location.
# Calculate where you should place the green (comfortable temperature)
# and yellow (slightly uncomfortable temperature) bars on your design?
blue_temp = 0 # minimum temperature in celsius
red_temp = 40 # maximum temperature in celsius
# Angle between red and blue bar. 180 degrees in our case.
# It will be based on your gauge design.
angle_bw_blueandred = 180
# Get the API key from openweathermap.org and replace the text YOUR_API_KEY with the key
# don't remove the  quotes
Esempio n. 2
# This example finds and connects to a peripheral running the
# UART service (e.g. ble_simple_peripheral.py).
from spike import PrimeHub
from spike import Motor

# Do something
hubprime = PrimeHub()
import hub

motor_drive = Motor("B")
motor_steer = Motor("A")


import bluetooth
import random
import struct
import time
import micropython
import ubinascii

def light(n):
    x = n % 5
    y = n // 5
    hubprime.light_matrix.set_pixel(x, y)

from micropython import const

_IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT = const(1 << 0)
Esempio n. 3
from spike import PrimeHub, Motor, ForceSensor
import utime
hub = PrimeHub()
pointer = Motor('A')
touch = ForceSensor('E')
pointer.run_to_position(0)  #Note: not tested yet
blue_temp = 0
red_temp = 40
angle_bw_blueandred = 180

def turn_pointer():
    temp_in_kelvin = 300
    city_name = "tester"
    temp_in_celsius = round(temp_in_kelvin - 273.15)
    unit_degree = angle_bw_blueandred / (red_temp - blue_temp)
    turn_angle = unit_degree * temp_in_celsius
    pointer.run_for_degrees(20, turn_angle)
    return temp_in_celsius, city_name

while True:
    temp_in_celsius, city_name = turn_pointer()
    if touch.is_pressed():
        hub._light_matrix.write("It's " + str(temp_in_celsius) +
                                "degree celsius in" + city_name)