def _send_messages(self, size, vertex, region, sequence_no):
        """ Send a set of messages

        # Get the sent messages for the vertex
        if vertex not in self._sent_messages:
            self._sent_messages[vertex] = BuffersSentDeque(region)
        sent_messages = self._sent_messages[vertex]

        # If the sequence number is outside the window, return no messages
        if not sent_messages.update_last_received_sequence_number(sequence_no):
            return list()

        # Remote the existing packets from the size available
        bytes_to_go = size
        for message in sent_messages.messages:
            if isinstance(message.eieio_data_message, EIEIODataMessage):
                bytes_to_go -= message.eieio_data_message.size
                bytes_to_go -= (message.eieio_data_message

        # Add messages up to the limits
        while (vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and
                not sent_messages.is_full and bytes_to_go > 0):

            space_available = min(
                constants.UDP_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE -
            # logger.debug(
            #     "Bytes to go {}, space available {}".format(
            #         bytes_to_go, space_available))
            next_message = self._create_message_to_send(
                space_available, vertex, region)
            if next_message is None:
            bytes_to_go -= next_message.size
            # logger.debug("Adding additional buffer of {} bytes".format(
            #     next_message.size))

        # If the vertex is empty, send the stop messages if there is space
        if (not sent_messages.is_full and
                not vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and
                bytes_to_go >= EventStopRequest.get_min_packet_length()):

        # If there are no more messages, turn off requests for more messages
        if not vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and sent_messages.is_empty():
            # logger.debug("Sending stop")
            self._send_request(vertex, StopRequests())

        # Send the messages
        for message in sent_messages.messages:
            # logger.debug("Sending message with sequence {}".format(
            #     message.sequence_no))
            self._send_request(vertex, message)
Esempio n. 2
    def _send_messages(self, size, vertex, region, sequence_no):
        """ Send a set of messages

        # Get the sent messages for the vertex
        if vertex not in self._sent_messages:
            self._sent_messages[vertex] = BuffersSentDeque(region)
        sent_messages = self._sent_messages[vertex]

        # If the sequence number is outside the window, return no messages
        if not sent_messages.update_last_received_sequence_number(sequence_no):
            return list()

        # Remote the existing packets from the size available
        bytes_to_go = size
        for message in sent_messages.messages:
            if isinstance(message.eieio_data_message, EIEIODataMessage):
                bytes_to_go -= message.eieio_data_message.size
                bytes_to_go -= (

        # Add messages up to the limits
        while (vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and not sent_messages.is_full
               and bytes_to_go > 0):

            space_available = min(
                bytes_to_go, constants.UDP_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE -
            # logger.debug(
            #     "Bytes to go {}, space available {}".format(
            #         bytes_to_go, space_available))
            next_message = self._create_message_to_send(
                space_available, vertex, region)
            if next_message is None:
            bytes_to_go -= next_message.size
            # logger.debug("Adding additional buffer of {} bytes".format(
            #     next_message.size))

        # If the vertex is empty, send the stop messages if there is space
        if (not sent_messages.is_full and not vertex.is_next_timestamp(region)
                and bytes_to_go >= EventStopRequest.get_min_packet_length()):

        # If there are no more messages, turn off requests for more messages
        if not vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and sent_messages.is_empty():
            # logger.debug("Sending stop")
            self._send_request(vertex, StopRequests())

        # Send the messages
        for message in sent_messages.messages:
            # logger.debug("Sending message with sequence {}".format(
            #     message.sequence_no))
            self._send_request(vertex, message)
class BufferedSendingRegion(object):
    """ A set of keys to be sent at given timestamps for a given region of\
        data.  Note that keys must be added in timestamp order or else an\
        exception will be raised

    _HEADER_SIZE = EIEIODataHeader.get_header_size(EIEIOType.KEY_32_BIT,

    # The number of bytes in each key to be sent
    _N_BYTES_PER_KEY = EIEIOType.KEY_32_BIT.key_bytes  # @UndefinedVariable

    # The number of keys allowed (different from the actual number as there is
    #  an additional header)
                           (HostSendSequencedData.get_min_packet_length() +
                            _HEADER_SIZE)) / _N_BYTES_PER_KEY

    def __init__(self, max_buffer_size):
        self._max_size_of_buffer = max_buffer_size

    def buffer_size(self):
        property method for getting the max size of this buffer
        if self._buffer_size is None:
        return self._buffer_size

    def total_region_size(self):
        """ Get the max size of this region
        if self._total_region_size is None:
        return self._total_region_size

    def max_buffer_size_possible(self):
        """ Get the max possible size of a buffer from this region
        return self._max_size_of_buffer

    def _calculate_sizes(self):
        """ Deduce how big the buffer and the region needs to be
        size = 0
        for timestamp in self._timestamps:
            n_keys = self.get_n_keys(timestamp)
            size += self.get_n_bytes(n_keys)
        size += EventStopRequest.get_min_packet_length()
        if size > self._max_size_of_buffer:
            self._buffer_size = self._max_size_of_buffer
            self._buffer_size = size
        self._total_region_size = size

    def get_n_bytes(self, n_keys):
        """ Get the number of bytes used by a given number of keys

        :param n_keys: The number of keys
        :type n_keys: int

        # Get the total number of messages
        n_messages = int(math.ceil(float(n_keys) / self._N_KEYS_PER_MESSAGE))

        # Add up the bytes
        return ((self._HEADER_SIZE * n_messages) +
                (n_keys * self._N_BYTES_PER_KEY))

    def add_key(self, timestamp, key):
        """ Add a key to be sent at a given time

        :param timestamp: The time at which the key is to be sent
        :type timestamp: int
        :param key: The key to send
        :type key: int
        if timestamp not in self._buffer:
            bisect.insort(self._timestamps, timestamp)
            self._buffer[timestamp] = list()
        self._total_region_size = None
        self._buffer_size = None

    def add_keys(self, timestamp, keys):
        """ Add a set of keys to be sent at the given time

        :param timestamp: The time at which the keys are to be sent
        :type timestamp: int
        :param keys: The keys to send
        :type keys: iterable of int
        for key in keys:
            self.add_key(timestamp, key)

    def n_timestamps(self):
        """ The number of timestamps available

        :rtype: int
        return len(self._timestamps)

    def timestamps(self):
        """ The timestamps for which there are keys

        :rtype: iterable of int
        return self._timestamps

    def get_n_keys(self, timestamp):
        """ Get the number of keys for a given timestamp

        :param timestamp: the time stamp to check if there's still keys to\
        if timestamp in self._buffer:
            return len(self._buffer[timestamp])
        return 0

    def is_next_timestamp(self):
        """ Determines if the region is empty
        :return: True if the region is empty, false otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        return self._current_timestamp_pos < len(self._timestamps)

    def next_timestamp(self):
        """ The next timestamp of the data to be sent, or None if no more data

        :rtype: int or None
        if self.is_next_timestamp:
            return self._timestamps[self._current_timestamp_pos]
        return None

    def is_next_key(self, timestamp):
        """ Determine if there is another key for the given timestamp

        :param timestamp: the time stamp to check if there's still keys to\
        :rtype: bool
        if timestamp in self._buffer:
            return len(self._buffer[timestamp]) > 0
        return False

    def next_key(self):
        """ The next key to be sent

        :rtype: int
        next_timestamp = self.next_timestamp
        keys = self._buffer[next_timestamp]
        key = keys.pop()
        if len(keys) == 0:
            del self._buffer[next_timestamp]
            self._current_timestamp_pos += 1
        return key

    def current_timestamp(self):
        """ Get the current timestamp in the iterator
        return self._current_timestamp_pos

    def rewind(self):
        """ Rewind the buffer to initial position.
        self._current_timestamp_pos = 0

    def clear(self):
        """ Clears the buffer

        # A dictionary of timestamp -> list of keys
        self._buffer = dict()

        # A list of timestamps
        self._timestamps = list()

        # The current position in the list of timestamps
        self._current_timestamp_pos = 0

        self._buffer_size = None

        self._total_region_size = None
Esempio n. 4
# The minimum size of any message - this is the headers plus one entry
_MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE = (EIEIO32BitTimedPayloadPrefixDataMessage

# The size of the header of a message
_HEADER_SIZE = EIEIODataHeader.get_header_size(EIEIOType.KEY_32_BIT,

# The number of bytes in each key to be sent
_N_BYTES_PER_KEY = EIEIOType.KEY_32_BIT.key_bytes

# The number of keys allowed (different from the actual number as there is an
# additional header)
                       (HostSendSequencedData.get_min_packet_length() +
                        _HEADER_SIZE) / _N_BYTES_PER_KEY)

class BufferManager(object):
    """ Manager of send buffers

    def __init__(self, placements, routing_info, tags, transceiver):

        :param placements: The placements of the vertices
        :type placements:\
        :param routing_infos: The routing keys of the vertices
        :type routing_infos:\