Esempio n. 1
class RectangleShape(Shape):
    """ Creates a rectangular shape. """

    p1 = CoordParameter(default=(0, 0), doc='Bottom left corner coordinate.')
    p2 = CoordParameter(default=(2, 2), doc='Top right corner coodinate.')

    def create_points(self, points):
        points = [[self.p1[0], self.p1[1]], [self.p1[0], self.p2[1]],
                  [self.p2[0], self.p2[1]], [self.p2[0], self.p1[1]]]
        return points
Esempio n. 2
class RouteSquareShape(__RouteSimple__):

    gds_layer = LayerParameter(name='ArcLayer', number=91)
    radius = NumberParameter(default=5)
    width = NumberParameter(default=1)
    size = CoordParameter(default=(3, 3))

    def create_midpoint1(self):
        return [-self.size[0], 0]

    def create_midpoint2(self):
        return [0, self.size[1]]

    def create_width1(self):
        return self.width

    def create_width2(self):
        return self.width

    def create_orientation1(self):
        return 90

    def create_orientation2(self):
        return 0

    def create_points(self, points):
        w = self.width / 2
        s1, s2 = self.size
        pts = [[w, -w], [-s1, -w], [-s1, w], [-w, w], [-w, s2], [w, s2]]
        points = np.array([pts])
        return points
Esempio n. 3
class WedgeShape(Shape):
    """ wedge, or symmetric trapezium. specified by the center of baselines and the length of the baselines """

    begin_coord = CoordParameter(default=(0, 0))
    end_coord = CoordParameter(default=(10, 0))
    begin_width = NumberParameter(default=3)
    end_width = NumberParameter(default=1)

    def create_points(self, points):
        dist = geom.distance(self.end_coord, self.begin_coord)
        cosangle = (self.end_coord[0] - self.begin_coord[0]) / dist
        sinangle = (self.end_coord[1] - self.begin_coord[1]) / dist
        points = [(self.begin_coord[0] + sinangle * self.begin_width / 2.0,
                   self.begin_coord[1] - cosangle * self.begin_width / 2.0),
                  (self.begin_coord[0] - sinangle * self.begin_width / 2.0,
                   self.begin_coord[1] + cosangle * self.begin_width / 2.0),
                  (self.end_coord[0] - sinangle * self.end_width / 2.0,
                   self.end_coord[1] + cosangle * self.end_width / 2.0),
                  (self.end_coord[0] + sinangle * self.end_width / 2.0,
                   self.end_coord[1] - cosangle * self.end_width / 2.0)]
        return points
Esempio n. 4
class CircleShape(Shape):
    """ Creates a circle shape. """

    box_size = CoordParameter(
        default=(2.0, 2.0),
        doc='The width and height of the circle as a coordinate.')
    start_angle = FloatParameter(default=0.0,
                                 doc='Starting angle of the circle shape.')
    end_angle = FloatParameter(
        default=360.0, doc='Degree to which the circle must be completed.')
    angle_step = IntegerParameter(default=3,
                                  doc='The smoothness of the circle.')

    def create_points(self, points):
        sa = self.start_angle * constants.DEG2RAD
        ea = self.end_angle * constants.DEG2RAD
        h_radius = self.box_size[0] / 2.0
        v_radius = self.box_size[1] / 2.0
        n_s = float(self.end_angle - self.start_angle) / self.angle_step
        n_steps = int(math.ceil(abs(n_s))) * np.sign(n_s)
        if n_steps == 0:
            if sa == ea:
                pts = np.array([[
                    math.cos(sa) * h_radius +[0],
                    math.sin(sa) * v_radius +[1]
                pts = np.array([[
                    math.cos(sa) * h_radius +[0],
                    math.sin(sa) * v_radius +[1]
                                    math.cos(ea) * h_radius +[0],
                                    math.sin(ea) * v_radius +[1]
            return pts

        angle_step = float(ea - sa) / n_steps
        if self.clockwise:
            angle_step = -angle_step
            sign = -1
            sign = +1
        while sign * sa > sign * ea:
            ea += sign * 2 * math.pi

        angles = np.arange(sa, ea + 0.5 * angle_step, angle_step)
        pts = np.column_stack((np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles))) \
                               * np.array([(h_radius, v_radius)]) \
                               + np.array([([0],[1])])
        points = pts
        return points
Esempio n. 5
class Label(__Label__):
    """ Label that contains a text description.

    >>> lbl = spira.Label(text='P1', position=(0,0))
    >>> [SPiRA: Label] (P1 at (0,0), texttype 0)

    position = CoordParameter(default=(0, 0))
    orientation = NumberParameter(default=0)

    def __init__(self, position, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(position=position, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self is None:
            return 'Label is None!'
        string = "[SPiRA: Label] ({} at ({}), layer {})"
        return string.format(self.text, self.position,
Esempio n. 6
class SRef(__RefElement__):
    Cell reference (SRef) is the reference to a cell layout
    to create a hierarchical layout structure. It creates copies
    of the ports and terminals defined by the cell. These
    copied ports can be used to connect different
    cell reference instances.

    >>> cell = spira.Cell(name='Layout')
    >>> sref = spira.SRef(structure=cell)

    midpoint = CoordParameter(default=(0, 0))

    def __init__(self,
                 midpoint=(0, 0),

    def __repr__(self):
        name =
        ps = "[SPiRA: SRef] (\"{}\", alias {}, midpoint {}, transforms {})"
        return (ps.format(name, self.alias, self.midpoint,

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.__repr__())

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        # return SRef(
        return self.__class__(
            # midpoint=self.midpoint,

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, SRef):
            return False
        return ((self.reference == other.reference)
                and (self.midpoint == other.position)
                and (self.transformation == other.transformation))

    def id_string(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def dependencies(self):
        from spira.yevon.gdsii.cell_list import CellList
        d = CellList()
        return d

    def net_source(self):
        return 'source: {}'.format(

    def net_target(self):
        return 'target: {}'.format(

    def is_valid_path(self):
        return True

    def expand_transform(self):
        from spira.yevon.gdsii.sref import SRef
        from spira.yevon.gdsii.polygon import Polygon
        from spira.core.transforms.identity import IdentityTransform

        C = self.reference.__class__(

        T = self.transformation + spira.Translation(self.midpoint)

        for i, e in enumerate(C.elements):
            if isinstance(e, SRef):
                e.midpoint = self.transformation.apply_to_coord(
            elif isinstance(e, Polygon):

        self.reference = C
        self.transformation = None
        self.midpoint = (0, 0)

        return self

    def expand_flat_copy(self):
        """  """
        D = self.reference.expand_flat_copy()
        return SRef(reference=D)
        # return self.__class__(reference=D)

    def flat_copy(self, level=-1):
        if level == 0: return spira.ElementList(self.__copy__())
        elems = self.reference.elements.flat_copy(level - 1)
        T = self.transformation + Translation(self.midpoint)
        elems = elems.transform(T)
        return elems

    def flatten(self, level=-1, name_tree=[]):
        if level == 0: return self.reference
        nt = deepcopy(name_tree)
        D = self.reference.flatten(level, name_tree=nt)
        return D.elements

    def flat_container(self, cc, name_tree=[]):
        if self.alias is None:
            self.alias = ''
        nt = deepcopy(name_tree)
        self.reference.flat_container(cc, name_tree=nt)

    def move(self, midpoint=(0, 0), destination=None, axis=None):
        """ Move the reference internal port to the destination.

        >>> S.move()

        if destination is None:
            destination = midpoint
            midpoint = [0, 0]

        if isinstance(midpoint, Coord):
            o = midpoint
        elif np.array(midpoint).size == 2:
            o = midpoint
        elif midpoint in self.ports.get_names():
            o = self.ports[].midpoint
        elif issubclass(type(midpoint), __Port__):
            o = midpoint.midpoint
            raise ValueError("[PHIDL] [DeviceReference.move()] ``midpoint`` " +
                             "not array-like, a port, or port name")

        if issubclass(type(destination), __Port__):
            d = destination.midpoint
        elif isinstance(destination, Coord):
            d = destination
        elif np.array(destination).size == 2:
            d = destination
        elif destination in self.ports.get_names():
            d = self.ports[].midpoint
            raise ValueError(
                "[PHIDL] [DeviceReference.move()] ``destination`` " +
                "not array-like, a port, or port name")

        position = np.array([d[0], d[1]]) - np.array([o[0], o[1]])
        self.midpoint = Coord(self.midpoint[0] + position[0],
                              self.midpoint[1] + position[1])
        # dxdy = Coord(self.midpoint[0] + position[0], self.midpoint[1] + position[1])
        # self.translate(dxdy)
        return self

    def connect(self, port, destination, ignore_process=False):
        """ Connect the reference internal port with an external port.

        >>> S.connect()
        if issubclass(type(port), __Port__):
            p = port
        elif port in self.ports.get_names():
            if issubclass(type(port), __Port__):
                p = self.ports[]
            elif isinstance(port, str):
                p = self.ports[port]
            raise ValueError(
                "[SPiRA] connect() did not receive a Port or " +
                "valid port name - received ({}), ports available " +
                "are ({})".format(port, self.ports.get_names()))

        if not isinstance(destination, spira.Port):
            raise ValueError('Destination has to be a port.')

        if (ignore_process is False) and (p.process != destination.process):
            raise ValueError('Cannot connect ports from different processes.')

        T = vector_match_transform(v1=p, v2=destination)
        self.midpoint = T.apply_to_coord(self.midpoint)
        self.transform(T - spira.Translation(self.midpoint))
        # self.transformation = T - spira.Translation(self.midpoint)
        # self.transformation = T
        # print(T - spira.Translation(self.midpoint))
        # print(T)

        return self

    def distance_alignment(self, port, destination, distance):
        """ Align the reference using an internal port with an external port.

        >>> S.distance_alignment()
        destination = deepcopy(destination)
        self.connect(port, destination)

        L = line_from_point_angle(point=destination.midpoint,
        dx, dy = L.get_coord_from_distance(destination, distance)

        # self.move(midpoint=self.midpoint, destination=(dx,dy))
        T = spira.Translation(translation=(dx, dy))
        self.midpoint = T.apply_to_coord(self.midpoint)
        # self.transform(T - spira.Translation(self.midpoint))
        # self.transform(T)

        return self

    def center_alignment(self, p1, p2):
        Place the reference `midpoint` at the virtual
        intersection line of two ports.

        >>> s.center_alignment(p1=self.p3, p2=self.via1_i5.ports['M5_P2'])
        l1 = line_from_point_angle(point=p1.midpoint, angle=p1.orientation)
        l2 = line_from_point_angle(point=p2.midpoint, angle=p2.orientation)
        coord = l1.intersection(l2)
        self.move(midpoint=self.midpoint, destination=coord)
        return self

    # FIXME~~~~ Look at
    def port_alignment(self, ports, p1, p2):
        Align `ports[0]` of reference with `p1` and 
        `ports[1]` of reference with external port `p2`.

        self.connect(ports[0], deepcopy(p1))
        # print(self.transformation)

        if isinstance(ports[1], str):
            pin1 = self.ports[ports[1]]
        elif issubclass(type(ports[1]), __Port__):
            # pin1 = ports[1].transform(self.transformation)
            pin1 = ports[1].transform(spira.Translation(self.midpoint))

        # print(pin1)
        # print(p2)
        # print(ports[0])

        if ports[0].orientation in (0, 180):
            T = vector_match_axis(v1=pin1, v2=p2, axis='x')
        elif ports[0].orientation in (90, 270):
            T = vector_match_axis(v1=pin1, v2=p2, axis='y')

        T = T + self.transformation
        # self.midpoint = T.apply_to_coord(Coord(0,0))
        # self.midpoint = T.apply_to_coord(self.midpoint)
        # self.transform(T + spira.Translation(self.midpoint))

        return self

    def stretch_by_factor(self, factor=(1, 1), center=(0, 0)):
        Strecth the entire instance by a factor and around a specified center.

        >>> S.stretch_by_factor(factor=(2,1))
        S = self.expand_flat_copy()
        T = spira.Stretch(stretch_factor=factor, stretch_center=center)
        for i, e in enumerate(S.reference.elements):
        return self

    def stretch_p2c(self, port_name, destination_coord):
        Stretch port to port. Stretch the polygon by moving
        the polygon edge port to the destination port location.

        The opposite port position is used as the stretching center.
        This overcomes the issue of distorting the entiry structure.

        >>> S.stretch_p2p(port_name='S1:Sr1:E3_R1', destination_coord=(10,0))
        from spira.yevon.gdsii.polygon import Polygon
        from spira.yevon.geometry.bbox_info import bbox_info_opposite_boundary_port
        D = self.expand_flat_copy()

        port = D.ports[port_name]
        destination = D.ports[destination_name]

        for i, e in enumerate(D.reference.elements.polygons):
            if e.id_string() == port.local_pid:
                opposite_port = bbox_info_opposite_boundary_port(e, port)
                T = stretching.stretch_element_by_port(self, opposite_port,
                                                       port, destination)

    def stretch_p2p(self, port_name, destination_name):
        Stretch port to port. Stretch the polygon by moving
        the polygon edge port to the destination port location.

        The opposite port position is used as the stretching center.
        This overcomes the issue of distorting the entiry structure.

        >>> S.stretch_p2p(port_name='S1:Sr1:E3_R1', destination_name='S2:Sr2:E1_R1')
        from spira.yevon.gdsii.polygon import Polygon
        from spira.yevon.geometry.ports import PortList
        from spira.yevon.geometry.bbox_info import bbox_info_opposite_boundary_port

        D = self.expand_flat_copy()

        # print(D.ports)
        # print('\n------------------\n')

        # print('\n*************************************')
        ports = PortList()
        for e in D.reference.elements.polygons:
            # print(e.edge_ports)
            ports += e.edge_ports

        port = ports[port_name]
        destination = ports[destination_name]

        # print(port)
        # print(destination)

        for i, e in enumerate(D.reference.elements.polygons):
            if e.id_string() == port.local_pid:
                opposite_port = bbox_info_opposite_boundary_port(e, port)
                T = stretching.stretch_element_by_port(self, opposite_port,
                                                       port, destination)

    def nets(self, lcar):
        """  """

        from spira.yevon.geometry.nets.net_list import NetList
        nets = NetList()
        nets += self.reference.netlist

        # FIXME: Is this transformation required?
        # T = self.transformation + Translation(self.midpoint)
        # nets.transform(T)

        return nets
Esempio n. 7
class Vector(Transformable, ParameterInitializer):
    """ Vector consisting of a point and an orientation. """

    midpoint = CoordParameter(default=(0.0, 0.0), doc='Position of the point.')

    def x(self):
        return self.midpoint.x

    def y(self):
        return self.midpoint.y

    def get_angle_rad(self):
        if hasattr(self, '__angle__'):
            return constants.DEG2RAD * self.__angle__
            return 0.0

    def set_angle_rad(self, value):
        self.__angle__ = (constants.RAD2DEG * value) % 360.0

    angle_rad = FunctionParameter(
        "The outward facing orientation of the port in radians (stored in degrees by default, converted to radians if needed)"

    def get_angle_deg(self):
        if hasattr(self, '__angle__'):
            return self.__angle__
            return 0.0

    def set_angle_deg(self, value):
        self.__angle__ = value % 360.0

    orientation = FunctionParameter(
        doc="The outward facing orientation of the port.")

    def cos(self):
        return cos(constants.DEG2RAD * self.__angle__)

    def sin(self):
        return sin(constants.DEG2RAD * self.__angle__)

    def tan(self):
        return tan(constants.DEG2RAD * self.__angle__)

    def flip(self):
        return Vector(midpoint=self.midpoint,
                      orientation=(self.__angle__ + 180.0) % 360.0)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key == 0:
            return self.midpoint[0]
        if key == 1:
            return self.midpoint[1]
            raise IndexError(
                "Vector supports only subscription[0] and [1], not " +

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            return False
        return self.midpoint == other.midpoint and (self.angle_deg
                                                    == other.angle_deg)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self.midpoint != other.midpoint or (self.angle_deg !=

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Vector (%f, %f), a=%f>" % (self.x, self.y, self.angle_deg)

    def transform(self, transformation):
        self.midpoint = transformation.apply_to_coord(self.midpoint)
        self.angle_deg = transformation.apply_to_angle(self.angle_deg)
        return self
Esempio n. 8
class YtronShape(spira.Shape):
    """ Class for generating a yTron shape. """

    rho = NumberParameter(default=0.2,
                          doc='Angle of concave bend between the arms.')
    arm_lengths = CoordParameter(
        default=(5, 3), doc='Length or the left and right arms, respectively.')
    source_length = NumberParameter(default=5, doc='Length of the source arm.')
    arm_widths = CoordParameter(
        default=(2, 2), doc='Width of the left and right arms, respectively.')
    theta = NumberParameter(default=3, doc='Angle of the left and right arms.')
    theta_resolution = NumberParameter(default=10,
                                       doc='Smoothness of the concave bend.')

    xc = Parameter(fdef_name='create_xc')
    yc = Parameter(fdef_name='create_yc')
    arm_x_left = Parameter(fdef_name='create_arm_x_left')
    arm_y_left = Parameter(fdef_name='create_arm_y_left')
    arm_x_right = Parameter(fdef_name='create_arm_x_right')
    arm_y_right = Parameter(fdef_name='create_arm_y_right')
    rad_theta = Parameter(fdef_name='create_rad_theta')
    ml = Parameter(fdef_name='create_midpoint_left')
    mr = Parameter(fdef_name='create_midpoint_right')
    ms = Parameter(fdef_name='create_midpoint_source')

    def create_rad_theta(self):
        return self.theta * np.pi / 180

    def create_xc(self):
        return self.rho * np.cos(self.rad_theta)

    def create_yc(self):
        return self.rho * np.sin(self.rad_theta)

    def create_arm_x_left(self):
        return self.arm_lengths[0] * np.sin(self.rad_theta)

    def create_arm_y_left(self):
        return self.arm_lengths[0] * np.cos(self.rad_theta)

    def create_arm_x_right(self):
        return self.arm_lengths[1] * np.sin(self.rad_theta)

    def create_arm_y_right(self):
        return self.arm_lengths[1] * np.cos(self.rad_theta)

    def create_midpoint_left(self):
        xc = -(self.xc + self.arm_x_left + self.arm_widths[0] / 2)
        yc = self.yc + self.arm_y_left
        return [xc, yc]

    def create_midpoint_right(self):
        xc = self.xc + self.arm_x_right + self.arm_widths[1] / 2
        yc = self.yc + self.arm_y_right
        return [xc, yc]

    def create_midpoint_source(self):
        xc = (self.arm_widths[1] - self.arm_widths[0]) / 2
        yc = -self.source_length + self.yc
        return [xc, yc]

    def create_points(self, points):

        theta = self.theta * np.pi / 180
        theta_resolution = self.theta_resolution * np.pi / 180
        theta_norm = int((np.pi - 2 * theta) / theta_resolution) + 2
        thetalist = np.linspace(-(np.pi - theta), -theta, theta_norm)
        semicircle_x = self.rho * np.cos(thetalist)
        semicircle_y = self.rho * np.sin(thetalist) + self.rho

        xpts = semicircle_x.tolist() + [
            self.xc + self.arm_x_right,
            self.xc + self.arm_x_right + self.arm_widths[1],
            self.xc + self.arm_widths[1], self.xc + self.arm_widths[1], 0,
            -(self.xc + self.arm_widths[0]), -(self.xc + self.arm_widths[0]),
            -(self.xc + self.arm_x_left + self.arm_widths[0]),
            -(self.xc + self.arm_x_left)

        ypts = semicircle_y.tolist() + [
            self.yc + self.arm_y_right, self.yc + self.arm_y_right, self.yc,
            self.yc - self.source_length, self.yc - self.source_length,
            self.yc - self.source_length, self.yc, self.yc + self.arm_y_left,
            self.yc + self.arm_y_left

        points = np.array(list(zip(xpts, ypts)))

        return points
Esempio n. 9
class __Shape__(Transformable, ParameterInitializer):

    center = CoordParameter()
    clockwise = BoolParameter(default=False)
    points = PointArrayParameter(fdef_name='create_points')

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def create_points(self, points):
        return points

    def x_coords(self):
        """ Returns the x coordinates """
        return self.points[:, 0]

    def y_coords(self):
        """ Returns the y coordinates """
        return self.points[:, 1]

    def is_closed(self):
        return True

    def center_of_mass(self):
        """ Get the center of mass of the shape.
        Note: This is not the same as the bounding box center."""
        c = np.mean(self.points, 0)
        return [c[0], c[1]]

    def orientation(self):
        """ Returns the orientation of the shape.
        Counterclockwise returns +1 and clockwise returns -1. """
        pts = self.points
        T = np.roll(np.roll(pts, 1, 1), 1, 0)
        return -np.sign(sum(np.diff(pts * T, 1, 1)))

    def area(self):
        """ Returns the area of the shape. """
        pts = self.points
        T = np.roll(np.roll(pts, 1, 1), 1, 0)
        return sum(abs(np.diff(pts * T, 1, 1))) * 0.5

    def hash_string(self):
        import hashlib
        pts = np.array([self.points])
        hash_key = np.sort([hashlib.sha1(p).hexdigest() for p in pts])
        return str(hash_key[0])

    def count(self):
        """ Number of points in the shape """
        return self.__len__()

    def bbox_info(self):
        return bbox_info.bbox_info_from_numpy_array(self.points)

    def reverse_points(self):
        """ If orientation is clockwise, convert to counter-clockwise. """
        sc = constants.CLIPPER_SCALE
        pts = st(self.points, sc)
        if pyclipper.Orientation(pts) is False:
            reverse_poly = pyclipper.ReversePath(pts)
            solution = pyclipper.SimplifyPolygon(reverse_poly)
            solution = pyclipper.SimplifyPolygon(pts)
        self.points = sf(solution, sc)[0]
        return self
    def segments(self):
        """ Returns a list of point pairs 
        with the segments of the shape. """
        p = self.points
        if len(p) < 2:
            return []
        if self.is_closed:
            segments = list(zip(p, np.roll(p, shift=-1, axis=0)))
            segments = list(zip(p[:-1], p[1:]))
        return segments

    def snap_to_grid(self, grids_per_unit=None):
        """ Snaps all shape points to grid. """
        from spira.settings import get_grids_per_unit
        if grids_per_unit is None:
            grids_per_unit = get_grids_per_unit()
        self.points = (np.floor(self.points * grids_per_unit + 0.5)) / grids_per_unit 
        return self

    def move(self, pos):
        p = np.array([pos[0], pos[1]])
        self.points += p
        return self

    def transform(self, transformation):
        self.points = transformation.apply_to_array(self.points)
        return self

    def make_clockwise(self):
        """ Make sure all points are clockwise ordered. """
        x, y = self.x_coords, self.y_coords
        cx, cy = np.mean(x), np.mean(y)
        a = np.arctan2(y - cy, x - cx)
        order = a.ravel().argsort()
        self.points = np.column_stack((x[order], y[order]))
        return self

    def remove_identicals(self):
        """ Removes consecutive identical points """
        from spira import settings
        pts = self.points
        if len(pts) > 1:
            identicals = - np.roll(self.points, -1, 0)) < 0.5 / settings.get_grids_per_unit(), 1)
            if not self.is_closed:
                identicals[-1] = False
            self.points = np.delete(pts, identicals.nonzero()[0], 0)
        return self

    def remove_straight_angles(self):
        """ removes points with turn zero or 180 degrees """
        pts = self.points
        if len(pts) > 1:
            straight = (abs(abs((self.turns_rad() + (0.5 * np.pi)) % np.pi) - 0.5 * np.pi) < 0.00001)
            if not self.is_closed:
                straight[0] = False
                straight[-1] = False
            self.points = np.delete(pts, straight.nonzero()[0], 0)
        return self

    def angles_rad(self):
        """ returns the angles (radians) of the connection between each point and the next """
        pts = self.points
        R = np.roll(pts, -1, 0)
        radians = np.arctan2(R[:, 1] - pts[:, 1], R[:, 0] - pts[:, 0])
        return radians

    def turns_rad(self):
        """ returns the angles (radians) of the turn in each point """
        a = self.angles_rad()
        return (a - np.roll(a, 1, 0) + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi

    def intersections(self, other_shape):
        """ the intersections with this shape and the other shape """
        from spira.yevon.utils import geometry as gm

        s = Shape(self.points)
        segments1 = s.segments()
        if len(segments1) < 1:
            return []

        s = Shape(other_shape)
        segments2 = s.segments()
        if len(segments2) < 1:
            return []

        intersections = []
        for s1 in segments1:
            intersected_points = []
            for s2 in segments2:
                if gm.lines_cross(s1[0], s1[1], s2[0], s2[1], inclusive=True):
                    c = [gm.intersection(s1[0], s1[1], s2[0], s2[1])]
                    intersected_points += c
            if len(intersected_points) > 0:
                pl = gm.sort_points_on_line([*s1, *intersected_points])
                intersections += [pl[1], pl[2]]

        intersections = gm.points_unique(intersections)
        return Shape(intersections)
Esempio n. 10
class Stretch(ReversibleTransform):
    """ Stretch an object using.

    >>> s = Stretch()(shape)

    stretch_center = CoordParameter(default=(0, 0))

    def set_stretch_factor(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, Coord):
            self.__stretch_factor__ = value
            self.__stretch_factor__ = Coord(value[0], value[1])
        if self.__stretch_factor__[0] == 0.0 or self.__stretch_factor__[
                1] == 0.0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Error: Stretch factor cannot be zero in Stretch transform")

    stretch_factor = SetFunctionParameter('__stretch_factor__',

    def __repr__(self):
        return "[SPiRA: Stretch] (factor {}, center {})".format(
            self.stretch_factor, self.stretch_center)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def apply_to_coord(self, coord):
        x1 = self.__stretch_factor__[0] * coord[0]
        x2 = (1 - self.__stretch_factor__[0]) * self.stretch_center[0]
        y1 = self.__stretch_factor__[1] * coord[1]
        y2 = (1 - self.__stretch_factor__[1]) * self.stretch_center[1]
        return Coord(x1 + x2, y1 + y2)

    def reverse_on_coord(self, coord):
        x1 = 1.0 / self.__stretch_factor__[0] * coord[0]
        x2 = (1 - 1.0 / self.__stretch_factor__[0]) * self.stretch_center[0]
        y1 = 1.0 / self.__stretch_factor__[1] * coord[1]
        y2 = (1 - 1.0 / self.__stretch_factor__[1]) * self.stretch_center[1]
        return Coord(x1 + x2, y1 + y2)

    def apply_to_array(self, coords):
        coords *= np.array([self.stretch_factor.x, self.stretch_factor.y])
        x = (1 - self.__stretch_factor__.x) * self.stretch_center.x
        y = (1 - self.__stretch_factor__.y) * self.stretch_center.y
        coords += np.array([x, y])
        return coords

    def reverse_on_array(self, coords):
        coords *= np.array(
            [1.0 / self.stretch_factor.x, 1.0 / self.stretch_factor.y])
        x = (1 - 1.0 / self.__stretch_factor__.x) * self.stretch_center.x
        y = (1 - 1.0 / self.__stretch_factor__.y) * self.stretch_center.y
        coords += np.array([x, y])
        return coords

    def apply_to_angle(self, angle):
        # FIXME: This is required for transforming polygon ports.
        # This is currently just a temporary fix.
        return angle

    def is_identity(self):
        """ Returns True if the transformation does nothing """
        return ((self.stretch_factor.x == 1.0)
                and (self.stretch_factor.y == 1.0))

    def id_string(self):
        return self.__repr__()
Esempio n. 11
class YtronShape(Shape):
    """ Shape for generating a yTron device. """

    rho = NumberParameter(default=0.2)
    arm_lengths = CoordParameter(default=(5, 3))
    source_length = NumberParameter(default=5)
    arm_widths = CoordParameter(default=(2, 2))
    theta = NumberParameter(default=2.5)
    theta_resolution = NumberParameter(default=10.0)

    xc = Parameter(fdef_name='create_xc')
    yc = Parameter(fdef_name='create_yc')
    arm_x_left = Parameter(fdef_name='create_arm_x_left')
    arm_y_left = Parameter(fdef_name='create_arm_y_left')
    arm_x_right = Parameter(fdef_name='create_arm_x_right')
    arm_y_right = Parameter(fdef_name='create_arm_y_right')
    rad_theta = Parameter(fdef_name='create_rad_theta')

    def create_rad_theta(self):
        return self.theta * np.pi / 180

    def create_xc(self):
        return self.rho * np.cos(self.rad_theta)

    def create_yc(self):
        return self.rho * np.sin(self.rad_theta)

    def create_arm_x_left(self):
        return self.arm_lengths[0] * np.sin(self.rad_theta)

    def create_arm_y_left(self):
        return self.arm_lengths[0] * np.cos(self.rad_theta)

    def create_arm_x_right(self):
        return self.arm_lengths[1] * np.sin(self.rad_theta)

    def create_arm_y_right(self):
        return self.arm_lengths[1] * np.cos(self.rad_theta)

    def create_points(self, points):

        theta = self.theta * np.pi / 180
        theta_resolution = self.theta_resolution * np.pi / 180
        theta_norm = int((np.pi - 2 * theta) / theta_resolution) + 2
        thetalist = np.linspace(-(np.pi - theta), -theta, theta_norm)
        semicircle_x = self.rho * np.cos(thetalist)
        semicircle_y = self.rho * np.sin(thetalist) + self.rho

        xpts = semicircle_x.tolist() + [
            self.xc + self.arm_x_right,
            self.xc + self.arm_x_right + self.arm_widths[1],
            self.xc + self.arm_widths[1], self.xc + self.arm_widths[1], 0,
            -(self.xc + self.arm_widths[0]), -(self.xc + self.arm_widths[0]),
            -(self.xc + self.arm_x_left + self.arm_widths[0]),
            -(self.xc + self.arm_x_left)

        ypts = semicircle_y.tolist() + [
            self.yc + self.arm_y_right, self.yc + self.arm_y_right, self.yc,
            self.yc - self.source_length, self.yc - self.source_length,
            self.yc - self.source_length, self.yc, self.yc + self.arm_y_left,
            self.yc + self.arm_y_left

        points = np.array(list(zip(xpts, ypts)))

        return points
Esempio n. 12
class GenericTransform(ReversibleTransform):
    """  """
    def __init__(self,
                 translation=(0, 0),

    def set_rotation(self, value):
        self.__rotation__ = value % 360.0
        if value % 90.0 == 0.0:
            if self.__rotation__ == 0.0:
                self.__ca__ = 1.0
                self.__sa__ = 0.0
            elif self.__rotation__ == 90.0:
                self.__ca__ = 0.0
                self.__sa__ = 1.0
            elif self.__rotation__ == 180.0:
                self.__ca__ = -1.0
                self.__sa__ = 0.0
            elif self.__rotation__ == 270.0:
                self.__ca__ = 0.0
                self.__sa__ = -1.0
            self.__ca__ = np.cos(value * constants.DEG2RAD)
            self.__sa__ = np.sin(value * constants.DEG2RAD)

    rotation = SetFunctionParameter(local_name='__rotation__',
    magnification = NumberParameter(default=1)
    reflection = BoolParameter(default=False)
    translation = CoordParameter(local_name='__translation__')
    absolute_rotation = BoolParameter(local_name='__absolute_rotation__',

    def __str__(self):
        """ Gives a string representing the transform. """
        return "<T {}, R {}, RF {}, M {}>".format(str(self.translation),

    def __translate__(self, coord):
        C = Coord(coord[0] + self.translation.x, coord[1] + self.translation.y)
        return C

    def __rotate__(self, coord):
        return Coord(coord[0] * self.__ca__ - coord[1] * self.__sa__,
                     coord[0] * self.__sa__ + coord[1] * self.__ca__)

    def __magnify__(self, coord):
        return Coord(coord[0] * self.magnification,
                     coord[1] * self.magnification)

    def __inv_translate__(self, coord):
        return Coord(coord[0] - self.translation.x,
                     coord[1] - self.translation.y)

    def __inv_rotate__(self, coord):
        return Coord(coord[0] * self.__ca__ + coord[1] * self.__sa__,
                     -coord[0] * self.__sa__ + coord[1] * self.__ca__)

    def __inv_magnify__(self, coord):
        return Coord(coord[0] / self.magnification,
                     coord[1] / self.magnification)

    def __reflect__(self, coords, p1=(0, 0), p2=(1, 0)):
        if self.reflection is True:
            points = np.array(coords.to_numpy_array())
            p1 = np.array(p1)
            p2 = np.array(p2)
            if np.asarray(points).ndim == 1:
                t = - p1), (points - p1)) / norm(p2 - p1)**2
                pts = 2 * (p1 + (p2 - p1) * t) - points
            if np.asarray(points).ndim == 2:
                raise ValueError('This is a array, not an coordinate.')
            pts = coords
        pts = Coord(pts[0], pts[1])
        return pts

    def __reflect_array__(self, coords, p1=(0, 0), p2=(1, 0)):
        if self.reflection is True:
            points = np.array(coords)
            p1 = np.array(p1)
            p2 = np.array(p2)
            if np.asarray(points).ndim == 1:
                raise ValueError('This is a coordinate, not an array.')
            if np.asarray(points).ndim == 2:
                t = - p1), (p2 - p1)) / norm(p2 - p1)**2
                pts = np.array([2 * (p1 + (p2 - p1) * t) - p for p in points])
            pts = coords
        return pts

    def __translate_array__(self, coords):
        # FIXME: Why should I convert to float!
        coords = [[float(c[0]), float(c[1])] for c in coords]
        coords += np.array([self.translation.x, self.translation.y])
        return coords

    def __rotate_array__(self, coords):
        x_a = np.array([self.__ca__, -self.__sa__])
        y_a = np.array([self.__sa__, self.__ca__])
        coords = np.transpose(
            np.vstack((np.sum(coords * x_a, 1), np.sum(coords * y_a, 1))))
        return coords

    def __magnify_array__(self, coords):
        coords *= np.array([self.magnification, self.magnification])
        return coords

    def apply_to_coord(self, coord):
        coord = self.__reflect__(coord)
        coord = self.__rotate__(coord)
        coord = self.__magnify__(coord)
        coord = self.__translate__(coord)
        return coord

    def apply_to_array(self, coords):
        coords = self.__reflect_array__(coords)
        coords = self.__rotate_array__(coords)
        coords = self.__magnify_array__(coords)
        coords = self.__translate_array__(coords)
        return coords

    def apply_to_angle(self, angle):
        a = angle
        if self.reflection:
            a = -a
        a += self.rotation
        return a % 360.0

    def __add__(self, other):
        if other is None:
            return deepcopy(self)

        # if issubclass(type(other), GenericTransform):
        if isinstance(other, GenericTransform):
            T = GenericTransform()

            if other.reflection is True: s_1 = -1
            else: s_1 = 1

            M1 = 1.0

            if not self.absolute_rotation:
                T.rotation = s_1 * self.rotation + other.rotation
                ca = other.__ca__
                sa = other.__sa__
                # print('A')
                # print('B')
                T.rotation = s_1 * self.rotation
                ca = 1.0
                sa = 0.0

            # Counterclockwise rotation
            # cx = self.translation.x + ca * other.translation.x * M1 - s_1 * sa * other.translation.y * M1
            # cy = self.translation.y + sa * other.translation.x * M1 + s_1 * ca * other.translation.y * M1
            cx = other.translation.x + ca * self.translation.x * M1 - s_1 * sa * self.translation.y * M1
            cy = other.translation.y + sa * self.translation.x * M1 + s_1 * ca * self.translation.y * M1
            # cx = other.translation.x + ca * self.translation.x * M1 + s_1 * sa * self.translation.y * M1
            # cy = -other.translation.y + sa * self.translation.x * M1 + s_1 * ca * self.translation.y * M1
            T.translation = Coord(cx, cy)

            T.absolute_rotation = self.absolute_rotation or other.absolute_rotation
            T.reflection = (not self.reflection == other.reflection)

            T = Transform.__add__(self, other)
        return T

    def __iadd__(self, other):

        # return self.__add__(other)

        if other is None:
            return self

        # if issubclass(type(other), GenericTransform):
        if isinstance(other, GenericTransform):
            T = GenericTransform()

            if other.reflection is True: s_1 = -1
            else: s_1 = 1

            M1 = 1.0

            if not self.absolute_rotation:
                self.rotation = s_1 * self.rotation + other.rotation
                ca = other.__ca__
                sa = other.__sa__
                self.rotation = s_1 * self.rotation
                ca = 1
                sa = 0

            # Counterclockwise rotation
            # cx = self.translation.x + ca * other.translation.x * M1 - s_1 * sa * other.translation.y * M1
            # cy = self.translation.y + sa * other.translation.x * M1 + s_1 * ca * other.translation.y * M1
            cx = other.translation.x + ca * self.translation.x * M1 - s_1 * sa * self.translation.y * M1
            cy = other.translation.y + sa * self.translation.x * M1 + s_1 * ca * self.translation.y * M1
            # cx = other.translation.x + ca * self.translation.x * M1 + s_1 * sa * self.translation.y * M1
            # cy = -other.translation.y + sa * self.translation.x * M1 + s_1 * ca * self.translation.y * M1
            self.translation = Coord(cx, cy)

            self.absolute_rotation = self.absolute_rotation or other.absolute_rotation
            self.reflection = (not self.reflection == other.reflection)

            raise ValueError('Cannot add transforms')

        return self

    def __sub__(self, other):
        """ returns the concatenation of this transform and the reverse of other """
        if other is None: return copy.deepcopy(self)
        if not isinstance(other, ReversibleTransform):
            raise TypeError("Cannot subtract an irreversible transform")
        return self.__add__(-other)

    def __isub__(self, other):
        """ concatenates the reverse of other to this transform """
        if other is None: return self
        if not isinstance(other, ReversibleTransform):
            raise TypeError("Cannot subtract an irreversible transform")
        return self.__iadd__(self, -other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if other is None: return self.is_identity()
        if not isinstance(other, GenericTransform):
            return False
        return ((self.rotation == other.rotation)
                and (self.translation == other.translation)
                and (self.reflection == other.reflection)
                and (self.magnification == other.magnification))

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """ checks if the transforms do different things """

        if other is None: return not self.is_identity()
        if not isinstance(other, GenericTransform):
            return False
        return ((self.rotation != other.rotation)
                or (self.translation != other.translation)
                or (self.reflection != other.reflection)
                or (self.magnification != other.magnification))

    def __neg__(self):
        from spira.core.transforms.translation import Translation
        from spira.core.transforms.rotation import Rotation
        T = Translation(translation=-self.translation) + Rotation(
            rotation=-self.rotation, rotation_center=(0, 0))
        # T = Translation(translation=-self.translation)
        # T += Rotation(rotation=-self.rotation, rotation_center=(0,0))
        return T

    def id_string(self):
        """ Gives a hash of the transform (for naming purposes) """
        return self.__str__()

    def is_identity(self):
        """ Returns True if the transformation does nothing """
        return ((self.rotation == 0.0) and (self.translation.x == 0.0)
                and (self.translation.y == 0.0) and (not self.reflection)
                and (self.magnification == 1.0))
Esempio n. 13
class __Shape__(Transformable, ParameterInitializer):

    center = CoordParameter()
    clockwise = BoolParameter(default=False)
    points = PointArrayParameter(fdef_name='create_points')

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def create_points(self, points):
        return points

    def x_coords(self):
        """ Returns the x coordinates """
        return self.points[:, 0]

    def y_coords(self):
        """ Returns the y coordinates """
        return self.points[:, 1]

    def is_closed(self):
        return True

    def center_of_mass(self):
        """ Get the center of mass of the shape.
        Note: This is not the same as the bounding box center."""
        c = np.mean(self.points, 0)
        return [c[0], c[1]]

    def orientation(self):
        """ Returns the orientation of the shape.
        Counterclockwise returns +1 and clockwise returns -1. """
        pts = self.points
        T = np.roll(np.roll(pts, 1, 1), 1, 0)
        return -np.sign(sum(np.diff(pts * T, 1, 1)))

    def area(self):
        """ Returns the area of the shape. """
        pts = self.points
        T = np.roll(np.roll(pts, 1, 1), 1, 0)
        return sum(abs(np.diff(pts * T, 1, 1))) * 0.5

    def hash_string(self):
        import hashlib
        pts = np.array([self.points])
        hash_key = np.sort([hashlib.sha1(p).hexdigest() for p in pts])
        return str(hash_key)

    def count(self):
        """ Number of points in the shape """
        return self.__len__()

    def bbox_info(self):
        return bbox_info.bbox_info_from_numpy_array(self.points)

    # @property
    def segments(self):
        """ Returns a list of point pairs 
        with the segments of the shape. """
        p = self.points
        if len(p) < 2:
            return []
        if self.is_closed:
            segments = list(zip(p, np.roll(p, shift=-1, axis=0)))
            segments = list(zip(p[:-1], p[1:]))
        # segments = [Coord(s[0], s[1]).snap_to_grid() for s in segments]
        # ss = []
        # for segment in segments:
        #     seg = [Coord(s[0], s[1]).snap_to_grid() for s in segment]
        #     ss.append(seg)
        # segments = ss
        # s1 = Coord(s1[0], s1[1]).snap_to_grid()
        return segments

    def snap_to_grid(self, grids_per_unit=None):
        """ Snaps all shape points to grid. """
        from spira.settings import get_grids_per_unit
        if grids_per_unit is None:
            grids_per_unit = get_grids_per_unit()
        # print(self.points)
        self.points = (np.floor(self.points * grids_per_unit +
                                0.5)) / grids_per_unit
        # print(self.points)
        # print('\n\n===========================')
        return self

    def move(self, pos):
        p = np.array([pos[0], pos[1]])
        self.points += p
        return self

    def transform(self, transformation):
        self.points = transformation.apply_to_array(self.points)
        return self

    def make_clockwise(self):
        """ Make sure all points are clockwise ordered. """
        x, y = self.x_coords, self.y_coords
        cx, cy = np.mean(x), np.mean(y)
        a = np.arctan2(y - cy, x - cx)
        order = a.ravel().argsort()
        self.points = np.column_stack((x[order], y[order]))
        return self

    def remove_identicals(self):
        """ Removes consecutive identical points """
        # FIXME: in some cases a series of many points close together
        # is removed, even if they form together a valid shape.
        from spira import settings
        pts = self.points
        if len(pts) > 1:
            identicals =
                abs(pts - np.roll(self.points, -1, 0)) <
                0.5 / settings.get_grids_per_unit(), 1)
            if not self.is_closed:
                identicals[-1] = False
            self.points = np.delete(pts, identicals.nonzero()[0], 0)
        return self

    def remove_straight_angles(self):
        """ removes points with turn zero or 180 degrees """
        pts = self.points
        if len(pts) > 1:
            straight = (abs(
                abs((self.turns_rad() +
                     (0.5 * np.pi)) % np.pi) - 0.5 * np.pi) < 0.00001
                        )  # (self.turns_rad()%np.pi == 0.0)
            if not self.is_closed:
                straight[0] = False
                straight[-1] = False
            self.points = np.delete(pts, straight.nonzero()[0], 0)
        return self

    def angles_rad(self):
        """ returns the angles (radians) of the connection between each point and the next """
        pts = self.points
        R = np.roll(pts, -1, 0)
        radians = np.arctan2(R[:, 1] - pts[:, 1], R[:, 0] - pts[:, 0])
        return radians

    def turns_rad(self):
        """ returns the angles (radians) of the turn in each point """
        a = self.angles_rad()
        return (a - np.roll(a, 1, 0) + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi

    def intersections(self, other_shape):
        """ the intersections with this shape and the other shape """
        from spira.yevon.utils.geometry import intersection, lines_cross, lines_coincide, sort_points_on_line, points_unique

        s = Shape(self.points)
        segments1 = s.segments()
        if len(segments1) < 1:
            return []

        s = Shape(other_shape)
        segments2 = s.segments()
        if len(segments2) < 1:
            return []

        intersections = []
        for s1 in segments1:
            intersected_points = []
            for s2 in segments2:
                if lines_cross(s1[0], s1[1], s2[0], s2[1], inclusive=True):
                    # print(s1, s2)
                    c = [intersection(s1[0], s1[1], s2[0], s2[1])]
                    # print(c)
                    # print('wjefbwefb')
                    intersected_points += c

            # FIXME Must this be a 0 or a 1!!!
            if len(intersected_points) > 0:
                # if len(intersected_points) > 1:
                pl = sort_points_on_line([*s1, *intersected_points])
                intersections += [pl[1], pl[2]]

        intersections = points_unique(intersections)
        return Shape(intersections)

    def insert(self, i, item):
        """ Inserts a list of points. """
        if isinstance(item, Shape):
            self.points = np.insert(self.points, i, item.points, axis=0)
        elif isinstance(item, (list, np.ndarray)):
            if isinstance(item[0], Coord):
                item[0] = item[0].to_numpy_array()
            if len(item) > 1:
                if isinstance(item[1], Coord):
                    item[1] = item[1].to_numpy_array()
            self.points = np.insert(self.points, i, item, axis=0)
        elif isinstance(item, (Coord, tuple)):
            self.points = np.insert(self.points,
                                    i, [(item[0], item[1])],
            raise TypeError("Wrong type " + str(type(item)) +
                            " to extend Shape with")
        return self

    def id_string(self):
        return self.__str__()
Esempio n. 14
class ParabolicShape(Shape):
    """ parabolic wedge (taper) """

    begin_coord = CoordParameter(default=(0, 0))
    end_coord = CoordParameter(default=(0, 0))
    begin_width = NumberParameter(default=3)
    end_width = NumberParameter(default=1)

    def create_points(self, pts):
        if (self.begin_width > self.end_width):
            ew = self.begin_width
            ec = self.begin_coord
            bw = self.end_width
            bc = self.end_coord
            bw = self.begin_width
            bc = self.begin_coord
            ew = self.end_width
            ec = self.end_coord

        length = geom.distance(ec, bc)
        angle = geom.angle_rad(ec, bc)
        sinangle = np.sin(angle)
        cosangle = np.cos(angle)

        dx = 0.01

        if abs(ew - bw) < dx:
                (bc[0] + sinangle * bw / 2.0, bc[1] - cosangle * bw / 2.0),
                (bc[0] - sinangle * bw / 2.0, bc[1] + cosangle * bw / 2.0),
                (ec[0] - sinangle * bw / 2.0, ec[1] + cosangle * ew / 2.0),
                (ec[0] + sinangle * bw / 2.0, ec[1] - cosangle * ew / 2.0),
                (bc[0] + sinangle * bw / 2.0, bc[1] - cosangle * bw / 2.0)
            return pts

        if length < 0.0025:
            return pts

        a = 4.0 * length / (ew**2 - bw**2)
        y0 = a * bw**2 / 4.0
        y = y0
        width = bw

        east_shape = [(bc[0] + sinangle * bw / 2.0,
                       bc[1] - cosangle * bw / 2.0)]
        west_shape = [(bc[0] - sinangle * bw / 2.0,
                       bc[1] + cosangle * bw / 2.0)]

        READY = False
        while (not READY):
            width = width + 4 * dx + 4 * math.sqrt(dx * (width + dx))
            y = a * width**2 / 4.0

            if (y - y0 > length):
                READY = True
                coord = ec
                width = ew
                coord = (bc[0] + (y - y0) * cosangle,
                         bc[1] + (y - y0) * sinangle)

            east_shape.append((coord[0] + sinangle * width / 2.0,
                               coord[1] - cosangle * width / 2.0))
            west_shape.append((coord[0] - sinangle * width / 2.0,
                               coord[1] + cosangle * width / 2.0))

        pts += west_shape
        pts += east_shape
        return pts