Esempio n. 1
    def test_mechanism_simple_api_methods(self):
            xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
            sol = Solution(xml)
            m = ChemicalMechanismSpec.from_solution(sol)
            self.assertEqual(m.n_species, sol.n_species, 'ChemicalMechanismSpec.n_species vs ct.Solution.n_species')
            self.assertEqual(m.n_reactions, sol.n_reactions,
                             'ChemicalMechanismSpec.n_reactions vs ct.Solution.n_reactions')
            for i in range(m.n_species):
                self.assertEqual(m.species_names[i], sol.species_names[i],
                                 'ChemicalMechanismSpec.species_name[i] vs ct.Solution.species_name[i]')
            for n in m.species_names:
                self.assertEqual(m.species_index(n), sol.species_index(n),
                                 'ChemicalMechanismSpec.species_index(name) vs ct.Solution.species_index(name)')

            for i, n in enumerate(m.species_names):
                self.assertEqual(m.species_index(n), i, 'species names and indices are consistent, index vs i')
                self.assertEqual(n, m.species_names[i], 'species names and indices are consistent, name vs n')
                self.assertEqual(m.molecular_weight(i), m.molecular_weight(n),
                                 'ChemicalMechanismSpec molecular_weight(name) vs molecular_weight(idx)')

            xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
            m = ChemicalMechanismSpec.from_solution(Solution(xml))
Esempio n. 2
 def test_create_invalid_stpair_streams(self):
         xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
         m = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'h2-burke')
Esempio n. 3
 def test_create_invalid_streams_no_property_values(self):
         xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
         m = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'h2-burke')'TPX')
Esempio n. 4
def validate_on_mechanism(mech, temperature, pressure, tau, do_rhs, do_jac):
    xml = join(test_mech_directory, mech + '.xml')
    T = temperature
    Tin = T + 1000.
    p = pressure

    r = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'gas').griffon

    gas = Solution(xml)
    ns = gas.n_species

    y = np.ones(ns)  # equal masses in the reactor
    gas.TPY = T, p, y
    y = np.copy(gas.Y)

    xin = np.ones(ns)  # equal moles in the feed
    gas.TPX = Tin, p, xin
    yin = np.copy(gas.Y)

    state = hstack((T, y[:-1]))

    rhsCN = rhs_cantera(p, T, y, Tin, yin, tau, gas)
    rhsGR = np.empty(ns)
    r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, rhsGR)

    if do_rhs:
        return max(abs(rhsGR - rhsCN) / (abs(rhsCN) + 1.)) < 1.e-4

    if do_jac:
        jacGR = np.empty(ns * ns)
        r.reactor_jac_isobaric(state, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, 0, 0, rhsGR, jacGR)
        jacGR = jacGR.reshape((ns, ns), order='F')

        dT = 1.e-6
        dY = 1.e-6
        jacFD = np.empty((ns, ns))
        rhsGR1, rhsGR2 = np.empty(ns), np.empty(ns)
        state_m = hstack((T - dT, y[:-1]))
        state_p = hstack((T + dT, y[:-1]))
        r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state_m, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, rhsGR1)
        r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state_p, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, rhsGR2)
        jacFD[:, 0] = (- rhsGR1 + rhsGR2) / (2. * dT)

        for i in range(ns - 1):
            y_m1, y_p1 = np.copy(y), np.copy(y)
            y_m1[i] += - dY
            y_m1[-1] -= - dY
            y_p1[i] += dY
            y_p1[-1] -= dY
            state_m = hstack((T, y_m1[:-1]))
            state_p = hstack((T, y_p1[:-1]))
            r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state_m, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, rhsGR1)
            r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state_p, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, rhsGR2)
            jacFD[:, 1 + i] = (- rhsGR1 + rhsGR2) / (2. * dY)

        pass_jac = max(abs(jacGR - jacFD) / (abs(jacGR) + 1.)) < 1.e-2

        return pass_jac
def construct_adiabatic_flamelet(initialization, grid_type, diss_rate_form):
    test_xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
    mechanism = ChemicalMechanismSpec(cantera_xml=test_xml, group_name='h2-burke')
    air =
    fuel ='X', 'H2:1')
    fuel.TP = 300, air.P

    if grid_type == 'uniform':
        grid_specs = {'grid_points': 8}
    elif grid_type == 'clustered-1args':
        grid_specs = {'grid_points': 8}
    elif grid_type == 'clustered-2args':
        grid_specs = {'grid_points': 8, 'grid_cluster_intensity': 4.}
    elif grid_type == 'clustered-3args':
        grid_specs = {'grid_points': 8, 'grid_cluster_intensity': 4., 'grid_cluster_point': 0.4}
    elif grid_type == 'custom':
        grid_specs = {'grid': np.linspace(0., 1., 8)}

    if diss_rate_form == 'Peters':
        drf_specs = {'max_dissipation_rate': 1., 'dissipation_rate_form': diss_rate_form}
    elif diss_rate_form == 'uniform':
        drf_specs = {'max_dissipation_rate': 1., 'dissipation_rate_form': diss_rate_form}
    elif diss_rate_form == 'custom':
        drf_specs = {'dissipation_rate': np.linspace(0., 1., 8)}

    flamelet_specs = {'mech_spec': mechanism,
                      'oxy_stream': air,
                      'fuel_stream': fuel,
                      'initial_condition': initialization}

        fso = FlameletSpec(**flamelet_specs)
        f = Flamelet(fso)

        fso_pickle = pickle.dumps(fso)
        fso2 = pickle.loads(fso_pickle)
        f = Flamelet(fso2)

        lib = f.make_library_from_interior_state(f.initial_interior_state)

        lib_pickle = pickle.dumps(lib)
        lib2 = pickle.loads(lib_pickle)
        return True
        return False
Esempio n. 6
 def test_create_invalid_mechanism_spec_bad_group(self):
     xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
         ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'bad group')
     except CanteraLoadError:
Esempio n. 7
 def test_create_valid_mechanism_spec_from_xml(self):
         xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
         m = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'h2-burke')
         g = m.griffon
         x = m.mech_xml_path
         s = m.gas
Esempio n. 8
    def test_mechanism_serialization(self):
        xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
        sol = Solution(xml)
        m1 = ChemicalMechanismSpec.from_solution(sol)

        m1_pickle = pickle.dumps(m1)
        m2 = pickle.loads(m1_pickle)

        self.assertTrue(m1.mech_data['species'] == m2.mech_data['species'])
        self.assertTrue(m1.mech_data['reactions'] == m2.mech_data['reactions'])
Esempio n. 9
 def test_create_valid_mechanism_spec_from_solution(self):
         xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
         sol = Solution(xml)
         m = ChemicalMechanismSpec.from_solution(sol)
         g = m.griffon
         x = m.mech_xml_path
         n = m.group_name
         s = m.gas
Esempio n. 10
 def test_create_valid_streams(self):
         xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
         m = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'h2-burke')
         air =
         h2o2 ='TPX', (300., 101325., 'H2:1, O2:1'))
         air_copy = m.copy_stream(air)
         mix = m.mix_streams([(h2o2, 1.), (air, 1.)], 'mass', 'HP')
         mix = m.mix_streams([(h2o2, 1.), (air, 1.)], 'mole', 'TP')
         mix = m.mix_streams([(h2o2, 1.), (air, 1.)], 'mass', 'UV')
Esempio n. 11
def verify_rates_mechanism(ctsol: ct.Solution, serialize_mech: bool):
    mech = Mechanism.from_solution(ctsol)
    if serialize_mech:
        serialized = pickle.dumps(mech)
        mech = pickle.loads(serialized)
    tolerance = 1.e-14

    def verify_T_p(temp, pres):
        valid = True
        for mix in [
                np.array([1., 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8]),
                np.array([1.e-8, 1., 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8]),
                np.array([1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1., 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8]),
                np.array([1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1., 1.e-8, 1.e-8]),
                np.array([1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1., 1.e-8]),
                np.array([1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.e-8, 1.]),
                np.array([1., 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16]),
                np.array([1.e-16, 1., 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16]),
                np.array([1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1., 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16]),
                np.array([1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1., 1.e-16, 1.e-16]),
                np.array([1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-12, 1., 1.e-16]),
                np.array([1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-16, 1.e-12, 1.e-16, 1.])
            ns = ctsol.n_species
            ctsol.TPY = temp, pres, mix
            rho = ctsol.density_mass
            w_ct = ctsol.net_production_rates * ctsol.molecular_weights
            w_gr = np.zeros(ns)
            mech.griffon.production_rates(T, rho, ctsol.Y, w_gr)
            valid = valid and np.max(
                np.abs(w_gr - w_ct) / (np.abs(w_ct) + 1.e0)) < tolerance
        return valid

    pass_test = True

    for T in T_range:
        for p in p_range:
            pass_test = pass_test and verify_T_p(T, p)

    return pass_test
Esempio n. 12
for i, s in enumerate(species_decl):
    species_dict['const'].append(ct.Species(, s.composition))
    species_dict['const'][-1].thermo = ct.ConstantCp(
        300., 3000., 101325., (300., 0., 0., float(i + 1) * 1.e4))
    species_dict['nasa7'].append(ct.Species(, s.composition))
    coeffs = [
        float(i + 1) * v
        for v in [1.e0, 1.e-2, 1.e-4, 1.e-6, 1.e-8, 1.e-10, 1.e-12]
    species_dict['nasa7'][-1].thermo = ct.NasaPoly2(
        300., 3000., 101325., hstack([1200.] + coeffs + coeffs))

mechs = [('const',

tolerance = 1.e-14

def do_mmw(griffon, gas, T, p, y):
    gas.TPY = T, p, y
    ct = gas.mean_molecular_weight
def validate_on_mechanism(mech, temperature, pressure, test_rhs=True, test_jac=True):
    xml = join(test_mech_directory, mech + '.xml')

    T = temperature
    p = pressure

    r = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'gas').griffon

    gas = Solution(xml)
    ns = gas.n_species

    gas.TPX = T, p, ones(ns)
    y = gas.Y

    state = hstack((T, y[:-1]))

    rhsGR = np.empty(ns)
    r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state, p, 0., np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, rhsGR)

    if test_jac:
        Tin, yin, tau = 0, np.ndarray(1), 0
        rhsTmp = np.empty(ns)
        jacGR = np.empty(ns * ns)
        r.reactor_jac_isobaric(state, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, 0, rhsTmp, jacGR)
        jacGR = jacGR.reshape((ns, ns), order='F')

        dT = 1.e-6
        dY = 1.e-6
        jacFD = np.empty((ns, ns))
        rhsGR1, rhsGR2 = np.empty(ns), np.empty(ns)
        state_m = hstack((T - dT, y[:-1]))
        state_p = hstack((T + dT, y[:-1]))
        r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state_m, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, rhsGR1)
        r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state_p, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, rhsGR2)
        jacFD[:, 0] = (- rhsGR1 + rhsGR2) / (2. * dT)

        for i in range(ns - 1):
            y_m1, y_p1 = np.copy(y), np.copy(y)
            y_m1[i] += - dY
            y_m1[-1] -= - dY
            y_p1[i] += dY
            y_p1[-1] -= dY
            state_m = hstack((T, y_m1[:-1]))
            state_p = hstack((T, y_p1[:-1]))
            r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state_m, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, rhsGR1)
            r.reactor_rhs_isobaric(state_p, p, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, rhsGR2)
            jacFD[:, 1 + i] = (- rhsGR1 + rhsGR2) / (2. * dY)

        pass_jac = max(abs(jacGR - jacFD) / (abs(jacGR) + 1.)) < 1.e-2

    w = gas.net_production_rates * gas.molecular_weights
    h = gas.standard_enthalpies_RT * gas.T * gas_constant / gas.molecular_weights
    rhsCN = zeros(ns)
    rhsCN[1:] = w[:-1] / gas.density
    rhsCN[0] = - sum(w * h) / gas.density / gas.cp_mass
    pass_rhs = max(abs(rhsGR - rhsCN) / (abs(rhsCN) + 1.)) < 100. * sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)

    if test_rhs and test_jac:
        return pass_rhs and pass_jac
    if test_rhs:
        return pass_rhs
    if test_jac:
        return pass_jac
Esempio n. 14
def validate_on_mechanism(mech, temperature, pressure, tau, do_rhs, do_jac):
    xml = join(test_mech_directory, mech + '.xml')
    T = temperature
    Tin = T + 1000.
    p = pressure

    r = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'gas').griffon

    gas = Solution(xml)
    ns = gas.n_species

    y = np.ones(ns)  # equal masses in the reactor
    gas.TPY = T, p, y
    y = np.copy(gas.Y)
    rho = gas.density_mass

    xin = np.ones(ns)  # equal moles in the feed
    gas.TPX = Tin, p, xin
    yin = np.copy(gas.Y)
    rhoin = gas.density_mass

    state = hstack((rho, T, y[:-1]))

    rhsGRChemOnly = np.zeros(ns + 1)
    r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                            False, rhsGRChemOnly)
    rhsCN = rhs_cantera(p, T, y, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, gas, rhsGRChemOnly)
    rhsGR = np.empty(ns + 1)
    r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                            True, rhsGR)

    if do_rhs:
        return max(abs(rhsGR - rhsCN) /
                   (abs(rhsCN) + 1.)) < 100. * sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)

    if do_jac:
        jacGR = np.empty((ns + 1) * (ns + 1))
        r.reactor_jac_isochoric(state, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                True, 0, rhsGR, jacGR)
        jacGR = jacGR.reshape((ns + 1, ns + 1), order='F')

        drho = 1.e-6
        dT = 1.e-6
        dY = 1.e-6
        jacFD = np.empty((ns + 1, ns + 1))
        rhsGR1, rhsGR2 = np.empty(ns + 1), np.empty(ns + 1)

        state_m = hstack((rho - drho, T, y[:-1]))
        state_p = hstack((rho + drho, T, y[:-1]))
        r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_m, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, True, rhsGR1)
        r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_p, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, True, rhsGR2)
        jacFD[:, 0] = (-rhsGR1 + rhsGR2) / (2. * drho)

        state_m = hstack((rho, T - dT, y[:-1]))
        state_p = hstack((rho, T + dT, y[:-1]))
        r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_m, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, True, rhsGR1)
        r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_p, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, True, rhsGR2)
        jacFD[:, 1] = (-rhsGR1 + rhsGR2) / (2. * dT)

        for i in range(ns - 1):
            y_m1, y_p1 = np.copy(y), np.copy(y)
            y_m1[i] += -dY
            y_m1[-1] -= -dY
            y_p1[i] += dY
            y_p1[-1] -= dY
            state_m = hstack((rho, T, y_m1[:-1]))
            state_p = hstack((rho, T, y_p1[:-1]))
            r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_m, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, True, rhsGR1)
            r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_p, rhoin, Tin, yin, tau, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, True, rhsGR2)
            jacFD[:, 2 + i] = (-rhsGR1 + rhsGR2) / (2. * dY)

        return max(abs(jacGR - jacFD) / (abs(jacGR) + 1.)) < 1.e-4
Esempio n. 15
def validate_on_mechanism(mech, temperature, pressure, full_Jacobian,
    xml = join(test_mech_directory, mech + '.xml')

    r = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'gas').griffon

    gas = Solution(xml)
    ns = gas.n_species

    T = temperature
    p = pressure

    gas.TPX = T, p, ones(ns)
    y = gas.Y
    rho = gas.density_mass

    if full_Jacobian and isochoric:
        state = hstack((rho, T, y[:-1]))
        rhsGRTemporary = np.empty(ns + 1)
        jac_dense = np.empty((ns + 1) * (ns + 1))
        jac_sparse = np.empty((ns + 1) * (ns + 1))
        r.reactor_jac_isochoric(state, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, False, 0, rhsGRTemporary, jac_dense)
        r.reactor_jac_isochoric(state, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, False, 2, rhsGRTemporary, jac_sparse)
        jac_dense = jac_dense.reshape((ns + 1, ns + 1), order='F')
        jac_sparse = jac_sparse.reshape((ns + 1, ns + 1), order='F')

    elif full_Jacobian and not isochoric:
        state = hstack((T, y[:-1]))
        k = np.empty(ns)
        jac_dense = np.empty(ns * ns)
        jac_sparse = np.empty(ns * ns)
        r.reactor_jac_isobaric(state, p, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                               False, 0, 0, k, jac_dense)
        r.reactor_jac_isobaric(state, p, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                               False, 2, 0, k, jac_sparse)

        jac_dense = jac_dense.reshape((ns, ns), order='F')
        jac_sparse = jac_sparse.reshape((ns, ns), order='F')

        jac_dense = np.zeros((ns + 1) * (ns + 1))
        jac_sparse = np.zeros((ns + 1) * (ns + 1))
        r.prod_rates_primitive_sensitivities(rho, T, y, 0, jac_dense)
        r.prod_rates_primitive_sensitivities(rho, T, y, 2, jac_sparse)
        jac_dense = jac_dense.reshape((ns + 1, ns + 1), order='F')[:-1, :]
        jac_sparse = jac_sparse.reshape((ns + 1, ns + 1), order='F')[:-1, :]

        jac_fd = np.zeros_like(jac_dense)
        rhsGR1 = np.zeros(ns)
        rhsGR2 = np.zeros(ns)
        dT = 1.e-4
        dr = 1.e-4
        dY = 1.e-4
        r.production_rates(T, rho + dr, y, rhsGR1)
        r.production_rates(T, rho - dr, y, rhsGR2)
        jac_fd[:, 0] = (rhsGR1 - rhsGR2) / dr * 0.5
        r.production_rates(T + dT, rho, y, rhsGR1)
        r.production_rates(T - dT, rho, y, rhsGR2)
        jac_fd[:, 1] = (rhsGR1 - rhsGR2) / dT * 0.5

        for spec_idx in range(ns - 1):
            Yp = np.copy(y)
            Yp[spec_idx] += dY
            Yp[-1] -= dY
            Ym = np.copy(y)
            Ym[spec_idx] -= dY
            Ym[-1] += dY
            r.production_rates(T, rho, Yp, rhsGR1)
            r.production_rates(T, rho, Ym, rhsGR2)
            jac_fd[:, 2 + spec_idx] = (rhsGR1 - rhsGR2) / dY * 0.5

    pass_sparse_vs_dense_jac = np.linalg.norm(
        jac_dense.ravel() - jac_sparse.ravel(), ord=np.Inf) < 1.e-10

    # if not pass_sparse_vs_dense_jac:
    #     print(mech)
    #     diff = abs(jac_dense - jac_sparse) / (abs(jac_dense) + 1.)
    #     nr, nc = jac_dense.shape
    #     print('dense')
    #     for ir in range(nr):
    #         for ic in range(nc):
    #             print(f'{jac_dense[ir, ic]:8.0e}', end=', ')
    #         print('')
    #     print('sparse')
    #     for ir in range(nr):
    #         for ic in range(nc):
    #             print(f'{jac_sparse[ir, ic]:8.0e}', end=', ')
    #         print('')
    #     print('finite difference')
    #     for ir in range(nr):
    #         for ic in range(nc):
    #             print(f'{jac_fd[ir, ic]:8.0e}', end=', ')
    #         print('')
    #     print('diff')
    #     for ir in range(nr):
    #         for ic in range(nc):
    #             print(f'{diff[ir, ic]:8.0e}' if diff[ir, ic] > 1.e-12 else f'{"":8}', end=', ')
    #         print('')
    return pass_sparse_vs_dense_jac
def create_test(ht, ic, gt, drf):
    if ht == 'adiabatic':
        def test(self):
            self.assertTrue(construct_adiabatic_flamelet(ic, gt, drf))
    elif ht == 'nonadiabatic':
        def test(self):
            self.assertTrue(construct_nonadiabatic_flamelet(ic, gt, drf))
    return test

class Construction(unittest.TestCase):

test_xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'h2-burke.xml'))
mechanism = ChemicalMechanismSpec(cantera_xml=test_xml, group_name='h2-burke')
air =
fuel ='X', 'H2:1')
fuel.TP = 300, air.P

flamelet_specs = {'mech_spec': mechanism,
                  'oxy_stream': air,
                  'fuel_stream': fuel,
                  'grid_points': 8,
                  'grid_cluster_intensity': 4.,
                  'initial_condition': 'equilibrium',
                  'max_dissipation_rate': 0.}

temp_flamelet = Flamelet(**flamelet_specs)

for ht in temp_flamelet._heat_transfers:
Esempio n. 17
def validate_on_mechanism(mech,
    xml = join(test_mech_directory, mech + '.xml')

    r = ChemicalMechanismSpec(xml, 'gas').griffon

    gas = Solution(xml)
    ns = gas.n_species

    T = temperature
    p = pressure

    gas.TPX = T, p, ones(ns)
    y = gas.Y
    rho = gas.density_mass

    state = hstack((rho, T, y[:-1]))

    rhsGR = np.empty(ns + 1)
    rhsGRTemporary = np.empty(ns + 1)
    jacGR = np.empty((ns + 1) * (ns + 1))
    r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                            False, rhsGR)
    r.reactor_jac_isochoric(state, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                            False, 0, rhsGRTemporary, jacGR)
    jacGR = jacGR.reshape((ns + 1, ns + 1), order='F')

    def cantera_rhs(rho_arg, T_arg, Y_arg):
        gas.TDY = T_arg, rho_arg, Y_arg
        w = gas.net_production_rates * gas.molecular_weights
        e = gas.standard_int_energies_RT * gas.T * gas_constant / gas.molecular_weights
        cv = gas.cv_mass
        rhs = zeros(ns + 1)
        rhs[0] = 0.
        rhs[1] = -sum(w * e) / (rho_arg * cv)
        rhs[2:] = w[:-1] / rho
        return rhs

    rhsCN = cantera_rhs(rho, T, y)

    if test_rhs:
        pass_rhs = max(abs(rhsGR - rhsCN) /
                       (abs(rhsCN) + 1.)) < 100. * sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)

    if test_jac:
        jacFD = zeros((ns + 1, ns + 1))
        wm1 = zeros(ns + 1)
        wp1 = zeros(ns + 1)
        drho = 1.e-4
        dT = 1.e-2
        dY = 1.e-6

        state_m = hstack((rho - drho, T, y[:-1]))
        state_p = hstack((rho + drho, T, y[:-1]))
        r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_m, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, False, wm1)
        r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_p, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, False, wp1)
        jacFD[:, 0] = (-wm1 + wp1) / (2. * drho)

        state_m = hstack((rho, T - dT, y[:-1]))
        state_p = hstack((rho, T + dT, y[:-1]))
        r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_m, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, False, wm1)
        r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_p, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, False, wp1)
        jacFD[:, 1] = (-wm1 + wp1) / (2. * dT)

        for i in range(ns - 1):
            y_m1, y_p1 = copy(y), copy(y)
            y_m1[i] += -dY
            y_m1[-1] -= -dY
            y_p1[i] += dY
            y_p1[-1] -= dY
            state_m = hstack((rho, T, y_m1[:-1]))
            state_p = hstack((rho, T, y_p1[:-1]))
            r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_m, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, False, wm1)
            r.reactor_rhs_isochoric(state_p, 0, 0, np.ndarray(1), 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, False, wp1)
            jacFD[:, 2 + i] = (-wm1 + wp1) / (2. * dY)

        gas.TDY = T, rho, y
        cv = gas.cv_mass
        cvi = gas.standard_cp_R * gas_constant / gas.molecular_weights
        w = gas.net_production_rates * gas.molecular_weights
        e = gas.standard_int_energies_RT * gas.T * gas_constant / gas.molecular_weights

        gas.TDY = T + dT, rho, y
        wp = gas.net_production_rates * gas.molecular_weights
        cvp = gas.cv_mass

        gas.TDY = T - dT, rho, y
        wm = gas.net_production_rates * gas.molecular_weights
        cvm = gas.cv_mass

        wsensT = (wp - wm) / (2. * dT)
        cvsensT = (cvp - cvm) / (2. * dT)

        jacFD11 = np.copy(jacFD[1, 1])
        jacSemiFD11 = -1. / cv * (1. / rho * (sum(wsensT * e) + sum(cvi * w)) +
                                  cvsensT * rhsGR[1])
        pass_jac = max(abs(jacGR - jacFD) / (abs(jacGR) + 1.)) < 1.e-4

    if test_rhs:
        return pass_rhs
    if test_jac:
        if not pass_jac:
            print(jacGR[1, 1])
            print(abs(jacGR - jacFD) / (abs(jacGR) + 1.))
        return pass_jac
Esempio n. 18
import unittest
import numpy as np
from os.path import join, abspath
import cantera as ct
from spitfire import ChemicalMechanismSpec as Mechanism, HomogeneousReactor
import spitfire.chemistry.analysis as sca

xml = abspath(join('tests', 'test_mechanisms', 'hydrogen_one_step.xml'))
sol = ct.Solution(thermo='IdealGas',
mechanism = Mechanism.from_solution(sol)

def construct_reactor(configuration, mass_transfer, heat_transfer, shape):
    air =
    fuel ='X', 'H2:1')

    mix = mechanism.mix_for_equivalence_ratio(1.0, fuel, air)
    mix.TP = 1200., 101325.

    feed = mechanism.copy_stream(mix)

    tau = 1.e-3

    extra_args = dict()
    if mass_transfer == 'open':
        if configuration == 'isobaric':
            extra_args['feed_temperature'] = feed.T
            extra_args['feed_mass_fractions'] = feed.Y
Esempio n. 19
def verify_sensitivities_mechanism(ctsol: ct.Solution, serialize_mech: bool):
    mech = Mechanism.from_solution(ctsol)
    if serialize_mech:
        serialized = pickle.dumps(mech)
        mech = pickle.loads(serialized)

    tolerance = 1.e-2

    def verify_T_p(temp, pres):
        valid = True
        for mix in [np.ones(ctsol.n_species)]:
            ns = ctsol.n_species
            ctsol.TPY = temp, pres, mix
            rho = ctsol.density_mass

            jacGR = np.zeros((ns + 1) * (ns + 1))
                rho, T, ctsol.Y, 0, jacGR)
            jacGR = jacGR.reshape((ns + 1, ns + 1), order='F')[:-1, :]

            jacFD = np.zeros_like(jacGR)
            rhsGR1 = np.zeros(ns)
            rhsGR2 = np.zeros(ns)
            dT = 1.e-4
            dr = 1.e-4
            dY = 1.e-4
            mech.griffon.production_rates(T, rho + dr, ctsol.Y, rhsGR1)
            mech.griffon.production_rates(T, rho - dr, ctsol.Y, rhsGR2)
            jacFD[:, 0] = (rhsGR1 - rhsGR2) / dr * 0.5
            mech.griffon.production_rates(T + dT, rho, ctsol.Y, rhsGR1)
            mech.griffon.production_rates(T - dT, rho, ctsol.Y, rhsGR2)
            jacFD[:, 1] = (rhsGR1 - rhsGR2) / dT * 0.5

            for spec_idx in range(ns - 1):
                Yp = np.copy(ctsol.Y)
                Yp[spec_idx] += dY
                Yp[-1] -= dY
                Ym = np.copy(ctsol.Y)
                Ym[spec_idx] -= dY
                Ym[-1] += dY
                mech.griffon.production_rates(T, rho, Yp, rhsGR1)
                mech.griffon.production_rates(T, rho, Ym, rhsGR2)
                jacFD[:, 2 + spec_idx] = (rhsGR1 - rhsGR2) / dY * 0.5

            scale = np.abs(jacFD) + 1.0
            error = np.max(np.abs((jacFD - jacGR) / scale)) > tolerance
            if error:
                print(f'T = {T}, p = {p}, Y = {mix}')
                for i in range(ns):
                    for j in range(ns + 1):
                        print(f'{jacFD[i, j]:12.2e}', end=', ')
                for i in range(ns):
                    for j in range(ns + 1):
                        print(f'{jacGR[i, j]:12.2e}', end=', ')
                for i in range(ns):
                    for j in range(ns + 1):
                        print(f'{jacGR[i, j] - jacFD[i, j]:12.2e}', end=', ')
            valid = valid and not error
        return valid

    pass_test = True

    for T in T_range:
        for p in p_range:
            pass_test = pass_test and verify_T_p(T, p)

    return pass_test
Esempio n. 20
 def test_create_invalid_mechanism_spec(self):
         ChemicalMechanismSpec('does not exist', 'at all')
     except CanteraLoadError: