def splusCuts(table, bands): username = str(input("Login: "******"Password: ") conn = splusdata.connect(username, password) for key, value in table.iterrows(): hdu = conn.get_cut(value.RA, value.DEC, 128, bands.capitalize()) #ID = value.ID[0:len(value.ID)-1] ??? imagename = './data/splus/%s_%.6f_%.6f.fz' % (value.ID, value.RA, value.DEC) hdu.writeto(imagename) fz2fits(imagename) print('\nSPLUS stamps have been downloaded.')
def make_stamps_interacting_galaxies(): names = ["AM1054-325", "AM1025-433", "AM0453-372", "AM0155-691", "NGC1209", "NGC3312"] ras = [164.2423, 156.963624, 73.72375, 29.210415, 46.5125, 159.26041] decs = [-33.16453, -43.903748, -37.321722, -68.995255, -15.61139, -27.5650] sizes = [516] * len(names) wdir = os.path.join(context.data_dir, "interacting_galaxies") outdir = os.path.join(wdir, "cutouts") for _dir in [wdir, outdir]: if not os.path.exists(_dir): os.mkdir(_dir) credentials_file = "./credentials.txt" if os.path.exists(credentials_file): with open(credentials_file) as f: fields = f.readlines() conn = splusdata.connect(fields[0], fields[1]) ## from else: print("Access to S-PLUS data requires authentication.") user = input("login: "******"Getting cutouts for sample" for i in tqdm(range(len(names))): gal_dir = os.path.join(outdir, names[i]) if not os.path.exists(gal_dir): os.mkdir(gal_dir) for band in context.bands: cutout = conn.get_cut(ras[i], decs[i], sizes[i], band) header = cutout[1].header data = cutout[1].data imgname = "{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}x{3}_swp.fits".format(names[i], header["object"].replace("_", "-"), band, sizes[i]) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=data, header=header) hdulist = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), hdu]) hdulist.writeto(os.path.join(gal_dir, imgname), overwrite=True)
import numpy as np from astropy.nddata import Cutout2D from astropy.wcs import WCS import as pf import getpass # from tqdm.notebook import tqdm #remove warnings import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") name = getpass.getpass(prompt='Username Login at S-PLUS cloud:') password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Password:'******'s header. """ infile = open(File, 'r') firstLine = infile.readline() header=firstLine.split(',') if HEADER==1: print(header) return(header)
import splusdata import getpass import pandas as pd ''' Code to get the probability of being galaxy (Nakazono et al, 2021) The table used here (candidates.csv) is from the code ''' # Connecting with SPLUS database username = str(input("Login: "******"Password: "******"""SELECT upl.ID, upl.RA, upl.DEC, upl.FWHM_R, sgq.PROB_STAR, sgq.PROB_QSO, sgq.PROB_GAL FROM TAP_UPLOAD.upload AS upl LEFT OUTER JOIN "idr3_vacs"."star_galaxy_quasar" AS sgq ON = WHERE "CLASS" = 2""" # Applying query result = conn.query(Query, df) #Converting the astropy table into pandas and saving df_result = result.to_pandas() df_result.to_csv('./data/selected-gals-vac.csv')