Esempio n. 1
    def register(self, from_address, to_address, hash, password, edition_num, min_confirmations=6, sync=False, ownership=True):
        Register an edition or master edition of a piece

        :param from_address: Federation address. All register transactions originate from the the Federation wallet
        :param to_address: Address registering the edition
        :param hash: Hash of the piece. Tuple (file_hash, file_hash_metadata)
        :param password: Federation wallet password. For signing the transaction
        :param edition_num: The number of the edition to register. User edition_num=0 to register the master edition
        :param min_confirmations: Override the number of confirmations when chosing the inputs of the transaction. Defaults to 6
        :param sync: Perform the transaction in synchronous mode, the call to the function will block until there is at
        least on confirmation on the blockchain. Defaults to False
        :param ownership: Check ownsership in the blockchain before pushing the transaction. Defaults to True
        :return: transaction id
        file_hash, file_hash_metadata = hash
        path, from_address = from_address
        verb = Spoolverb(edition_num=edition_num)
        unsigned_tx = self.simple_spool_transaction(from_address,
                                                    [file_hash, file_hash_metadata, to_address],

        signed_tx = self._t.sign_transaction(unsigned_tx, password)
        txid = self._t.push(signed_tx)
        return txid
Esempio n. 2
    def loan(self, from_address, to_address, hash, password, edition_num, loan_start, loan_end, min_confirmations=6, sync=False, ownership=True):
        Loan the edition

        :param from_address: Address currently holding the edition
        :param to_address: Address to loan the edition to
        :param hash: Hash of the piece. Tuple (file_hash, file_hash_metadata)
        :param password: Password for the wallet currently holding the edition. For signing the transaction
        :param edition_num: the number of the edition to unconsign
        :param loan_start: Start date for the loan. In the form YYMMDD
        :param loan_end: End date for the loan. In the form YYMMDD
        :param min_confirmations: Number of confirmations when chosing the inputs of the transaction. Defaults to 6
        :param sync: Perform the transaction in synchronous mode, the call to the function will block until there is at
        least on confirmation on the blockchain. Defaults to False
        :param ownership: Check ownsership in the blockchain before pushing the transaction. Defaults to True
        :return: transaction id
        path, from_address = from_address
        file_hash, file_hash_metadata = hash
        verb = Spoolverb(edition_num=edition_num, loan_start=loan_start, loan_end=loan_end)
        unsigned_tx = self.simple_spool_transaction(from_address,
                                                    [file_hash, to_address],
        signed_tx = self._t.sign_transaction(unsigned_tx, password, path=path)
        txid = self._t.push(signed_tx)
        return txid
Esempio n. 3
    def refill(self, from_address, to_address, nfees, ntokens, password, min_confirmations=6, sync=False):
        Refill wallets with the necessary fuel to perform spool transactions

        :param from_address: Federation wallet address. Fuels the wallets with tokens and fees. All transactions to wallets
                holding a particular piece should come from the Federation wallet
        :param to_address: Wallet address that needs to perform a spool transaction
        :param nfees: Number of fees to transfer. Each fee is 10000 satoshi. Used to pay for the transactions
        :param ntokens: Number of tokens to transfer. Each token is 600 satoshi. Used to register hashes in the blockchain
        :param password: Password for the Federation wallet. Used to sign the transaction
        :param min_confirmations: Number of confirmations when chosing the inputs of the transaction. Defaults to 6
        :param sync: Perform the transaction in synchronous mode, the call to the function will block until there is at
        least on confirmation on the blockchain. Defaults to False
        :return: transaction id
        path, from_address = from_address
        verb = Spoolverb()
        # nfees + 1: nfees to refill plus one fee for the refill transaction itself
        inputs = self.select_inputs(from_address, nfees + 1, ntokens, min_confirmations=min_confirmations)
        outputs = [{'address': to_address, 'value': self.TOKEN}] * ntokens
        outputs += [{'address': to_address, 'value': self.FEE}] * nfees
        outputs += [{'script': self._t._op_return_hex(verb.fuel), 'value': 0}]
        unsigned_tx = self._t.build_transaction(inputs, outputs)
        signed_tx = self._t.sign_transaction(unsigned_tx, password, path=path)
        txid = self._t.push(signed_tx)
        return txid
Esempio n. 4
    def unconsign(self, from_address, to_address, hash, password, edition_num, min_confirmations=6, sync=False, ownership=True):
        Unconsign the edition

        :param from_address: Address where the edition is currently consigned
        :param to_address: Address that consigned the piece to from_address
        :param hash: Hash of the piece. Tuple (file_hash, file_hash_metadata)
        :param password: Password for the wallet currently holding the edition. For signing the transaction
        :param edition_num: the number of the edition to unconsign
        :param min_confirmations: Number of confirmations when chosing the inputs of the transaction. Defaults to 6
        :param sync: Perform the transaction in synchronous mode, the call to the function will block until there is at
        least on confirmation on the blockchain. Defaults to False
        :param ownership: Check ownsership in the blockchain before pushing the transaction. Defaults to True
        :return: transaction id
        # In an unconsignment the to_address needs to be the address that created the consign transaction
        path, from_address = from_address
        file_hash, file_hash_metadata = hash
        verb = Spoolverb(edition_num=edition_num)
        unsigned_tx = self.simple_spool_transaction(from_address,
                                                    [file_hash, to_address],
        signed_tx = self._t.sign_transaction(unsigned_tx, password, path=path)
        txid = self._t.push(signed_tx)
        return txid