Esempio n. 1
 def test_01(self):
     Nr = 16
     Nc = 17
     C = 3
     Nd = 5
     Md = 4
     Mb = 4
     D = cp.random.randn(Nd, Nd, Md)
     B = cp.random.randn(C, Mb)
     s = cp.random.randn(Nr, Nc, C)
     lmbda = 1e-1
         opt = pdcsc.ConvProdDictBPDN.Options({'LinSolveCheck': True})
         b = pdcsc.ConvProdDictBPDN(D, B, s, lmbda, opt=opt, dimK=0)
     except Exception as e:
         assert 0
     assert list2array(b.getitstat().XSlvRelRes).max() < 1e-4
Esempio n. 2
                                      'RelStopTol': 5e-3, 'AuxVarObj': False})

Initialise and run CSC solver.

if not cupy_enabled():
    print('CuPy/GPU device not available: running without GPU acceleration\n')
    id = select_device_by_load()
    info = gpu_info()
    if info:
        print('Running on GPU %d (%s)\n' % (id, info[id].name))

b = pdcsc.ConvProdDictBPDN(np2cp(D), np2cp(B), np2cp(shc), lmbda, opt, dimK=0)
X = cp2np(b.solve())
print("ConvProdDictBPDN solve time: %.2fs" % b.timer.elapsed('solve'))

Compute partial and full reconstructions from sparse representation $X$ with respect to convolutional dictionary $D$ and standard dictionary $B$. The partial reconstructions are $DX$ and $XB$, and the full reconstruction is $DXB$.

DX = fft.fftconv(D[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], X, axes=(0, 1))
XB =, X, axis=2)
shr = cp2np(b.reconstruct().squeeze())
imgr = slc + shr
print("Reconstruction PSNR: %.2fdB\n" % metric.psnr(img, imgr))