Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, D, S, lmbda, mu=0.0, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):

        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvBPDNRecTV.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cbpdn.ConvRepIndexing(D, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Call parent class __init__
        Nx = np.product(self.cri.shpX)
        yshape = list(self.cri.shpX)
        yshape[self.cri.axisM] += len(self.cri.axisN) * self.cri.Cd
        super(ConvBPDNRecTV, self).__init__(Nx, yshape, yshape,
                                                 S.dtype, opt)

        # Set l1 term scaling and weight array
        self.lmbda = self.dtype.type(lmbda)
        self.Wl1 = np.asarray(opt['L1Weight'], dtype=self.dtype) = self.dtype.type(mu)
        if hasattr(opt['TVWeight'], 'ndim') and opt['TVWeight'].ndim > 0:
            self.Wtv = np.asarray(opt['TVWeight'].reshape((1,)*(dimN+2) +
                                  opt['TVWeight'].shape), dtype=self.dtype)
            # Wtv is a scalar: no need to change shape
            self.Wtv = self.dtype.type(opt['TVWeight'])

        # Set penalty parameter
        self.set_attr('rho', opt['rho'], dval=(50.0*self.lmbda + 1.0),

        # Set rho_xi attribute
        self.set_attr('rho_xi', opt['AutoRho','RsdlTarget'], dval=1.0,

        # Reshape D and S to standard layout
        self.D = np.asarray(D.reshape(self.cri.shpD), dtype=self.dtype)
        self.S = np.asarray(S.reshape(self.cri.shpS), dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        self.Gf, GHGf = sl.GradientFilters(self.cri.dimN+3, self.cri.axisN,
                                           self.cri.Nv, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Initialise byte-aligned arrays for pyfftw
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        xfshp = list(self.cri.shpX)
        xfshp[dimN-1] = xfshp[dimN-1]//2 + 1
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(xfshp,

Esempio n. 2
    def init_vars(self, S, dimK):
        """Initalise variables required for sparse coding and dictionary
        update for training data `S`."""

        Nv = S.shape[0:self.dimN]
        if self.cri is None or Nv != self.cri.Nv:
            self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(self.dsz, S, dimK, self.dimN)
            if self.opt['CUDA_CBPDN']:
                if self.cri.Cd > 1 or self.cri.Cx > 1:
                    raise ValueError('CUDA CBPDN solver can only be used for '
                                     'single channel problems')
            #  self.Df = sl.pyfftw_byte_aligned(sl.rfftn(self.D, self.cri.Nv,
            #                                            self.cri.axisN))
            self.Df = pyfftw.byte_align(sl.rfftn(self.D, self.cri.Nv,
            self.Gf = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Df.shape, self.Df.dtype)
            self.Z = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.cri.shpX, self.dtype)
            self.Df[:] = sl.rfftn(self.D, self.cri.Nv, self.cri.axisN)
Esempio n. 3
    def setcoef(self, Z):
        """Set coefficient array."""

        # If the dictionary has a single channel but the input (and
        # therefore also the coefficient map array) has multiple
        # channels, the channel index and multiple image index have
        # the same behaviour in the dictionary update equation: the
        # simplest way to handle this is to just reshape so that the
        # channels also appear on the multiple image index.
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            Z = Z.reshape(self.cri.Nv + (1, ) + (self.cri.Cx * self.cri.K, ) +
                          (self.cri.M, ))
            if Z.shape != self.Z.shape:
                self.Z = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(Z.shape, self.dtype)
        self.Z[:] = np.asarray(Z, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Zf = sl.rfftn(self.Z, self.cri.Nv, self.cri.axisN)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, D, S, lmbda, W=None, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):
        """Initialise a ConvBPDNMask object with problem parameters.


        D : array_like
          Dictionary matrix
        S : array_like
          Signal vector or matrix
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter
        W : array_like
          Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
          compatible for multiplication with input array S (see
          :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape` for more details).
        opt : :class:`ConvBPDNMask.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        super(ConvBPDNMask, self).__init__(D,

        # Set gradient step parameter
        #self.set_attr('L', opt['L'], dval=100.0, dtype=self.dtype)

        if W is None:
            W = np.array([1.0], dtype=self.dtype)
        self.W = np.asarray(W.reshape(cr.mskWshape(W, self.cri)),

        # Create byte aligned arrays for FFT calls
        self.WRy = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Ryf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, self.cri.axisN,
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, D, S, lmbda, W=None, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):


        D : array_like
          Dictionary matrix
        S : array_like
          Signal vector or matrix
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter
        W : array_like
          Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
          compatible for multiplication with input array S (see
          :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape` for more details).
        opt : :class:`ConvBPDNMask.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        super(ConvBPDNMask, self).__init__(D, S, lmbda, opt, dimK=dimK,

        if W is None:
            W = np.array([1.0], dtype=self.dtype)
        self.W = np.asarray(W.reshape(cr.mskWshape(W, self.cri)),

        # Create byte aligned arrays for FFT calls
        self.WRy = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Ryf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, self.cri.axisN,
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, Z, S, W, dsz, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):
        Initialise a ConvCnstrMODMaskDcplBase object with problem size
        and options.

        Z : array_like
          Coefficient map array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        W : array_like
          Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
          compatible for multiplication with input array S (see
          :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape` for more details).
        dsz : tuple
          Filter support size(s)
        opt : :class:`ConvCnstrMODMaskDcplBase.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvCnstrMODMaskDcplBase.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(dsz, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Convert W to internal shape
        W = np.asarray(W.reshape(cr.mskWshape(W, self.cri)), dtype=S.dtype)

        # Reshape W if necessary (see discussion of reshape of S below)
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            # In most cases broadcasting rules make it possible for W
            # to have a singleton dimension corresponding to a non-singleton
            # dimension in S. However, when S is reshaped to interleave axisC
            # and axisK on the same axis, broadcasting is no longer sufficient
            # unless axisC and axisK of W are either both singleton or both
            # of the same size as the corresponding axes of S. If neither of
            # these cases holds, it is necessary to replicate the axis of W
            # (axisC or axisK) that does not have the same size as the
            # corresponding axis of S.
            shpw = list(W.shape)
            swck = shpw[self.cri.axisC] * shpw[self.cri.axisK]
            if swck > 1 and swck < self.cri.C * self.cri.K:
                if W.shape[self.cri.axisK] == 1 and self.cri.K > 1:
                    shpw[self.cri.axisK] = self.cri.K
                    shpw[self.cri.axisC] = self.cri.C
                W = np.broadcast_to(W, shpw)
            self.W = W.reshape(W.shape[0:self.cri.dimN] +
                               (1, W.shape[self.cri.axisC] *
                                W.shape[self.cri.axisK], 1))
            self.W = W

        # Call parent class __init__
        Nx = self.cri.N * self.cri.Cd * self.cri.M
        CK = (self.cri.C if self.cri.Cd == 1 else 1) * self.cri.K
        shpY = list(self.cri.shpX)
        shpY[self.cri.axisC] = self.cri.Cd
        shpY[self.cri.axisK] = 1
        shpY[self.cri.axisM] += CK
              self).__init__(Nx, shpY, self.cri.axisM, CK, S.dtype, opt)

        # Reshape S to standard layout (Z, i.e. X in cbpdn, is assumed
        # to be taken from cbpdn, and therefore already in standard
        # form). If the dictionary has a single channel but the input
        # (and therefore also the coefficient map array) has multiple
        # channels, the channel index and multiple image index have
        # the same behaviour in the dictionary update equation: the
        # simplest way to handle this is to just reshape so that the
        # channels also appear on the multiple image index.
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.Nv + (1, self.cri.C * self.cri.K, 1))
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.shpS)
        self.S = np.asarray(self.S, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Create constraint set projection function
        self.Pcn = cr.getPcn(dsz,

        # Initialise byte-aligned arrays for pyfftw
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        xfshp = list(self.cri.Nv + (self.cri.Cd, 1, self.cri.M))
        xfshp[dimN - 1] = xfshp[dimN - 1] // 2 + 1
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(xfshp,

        if Z is not None:
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, D, B, S, lmbda, mu, W=None, opt=None, dimK=0,
        D : array_like
          Dictionary matrix
        B : array_like
          Standard dictionary array
        S : array_like
          Signal vector or matrix
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter (l1)
        mu : float
          Regularisation parameter (gradient)
        W : array_like
          Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
          compatible for multiplication with input array S (see
          :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape` for more details).
        opt : :class:`ConvProdDictL1L1Grd.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, optional (default 0)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvProdDictL1L1Grd.Options()

        # Keep a record of the B dictionary
        self.set_dtype(opt, S.dtype)
        self.B = np.asarray(B, dtype=self.dtype)

        # S is an N x C matrix, D is an N x N M_D matrix, B is a C x M_B
        # matrix, and X is an N M x M_B matrix. The base class of this
        # class expects that X is  N M x C (i.e. the same number of columns
        # as in S), so we pass its initialiser the product S B, which is
        # a N x M_B matrix, so that it initialises arrays with the correct
        # number of channels. This is the first of many nasty hacks in
        # this class!
        scidx = -2 if dimK == 1 else -1
        SB =, S, axis=scidx)
        super(ConvProdDictL1L1Grd, self).__init__(
            D, SB, lmbda, mu, W=W, opt=opt, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Ensure that the dictionary is single channel
        if self.cri.Cd > 1:
            raise ValueError('Only single-channel convolutional dictionaries'
                             ' are supported')

        # We need to correct the shape of S due to the modified S passed to
        # the base class initialiser
        shpS = list(self.cri.shpS)
        shpS[self.cri.axisC] = S.shape[self.cri.axisC]
        self.cri.shpS = tuple(shpS)
        self.S = np.asarray(S.reshape(shpS), dtype=self.dtype)

        # We also need to correct the shapes of a number of other working
        # arrays because we have to change the mechanism for combining
        # the Y0 and Y1 blocks into a single array. In the base class
        # these arrays can just be concatenated on an appropriate axis,
        # but this is not possible here due to the different array
        # shapes. The solution is that the composite array is one
        # dimensional, with the component blocks being extracted via
        # one dimensional slicing and then reshaped to the appropriate
        # shapes.
        self.y0shp = self.cri.shpS
        self.y1shp = self.cri.shpX
        self.y0I = int([self.cri.axisC:])))
        self.y1I = int([self.cri.axisC:])))
        self.yshp = self.cri.shpX[0:self.cri.axisC:] + (self.y0I + self.y1I,)
        self.Y = np.zeros(self.yshp, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.U = np.zeros(self.yshp, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, Z, S, dsz, opt=None, dimK=1, dimN=2):


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/ccmodcnsns_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/ccmodcnsns_init.svg

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(dsz, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Handle possible reshape of channel axis onto multiple image axis
        # (see comment below)
        Nb = self.cri.K if self.cri.C == self.cri.Cd else \
             self.cri.C * self.cri.K
        admm.ADMMConsensus.__init__(self, Nb, self.cri.shpD, S.dtype, opt)

        # Set penalty parameter
        self.set_attr('rho', opt['rho'], dval=self.cri.K, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Reshape S to standard layout (Z, i.e. X in cbpdn, is assumed
        # to be taken from cbpdn, and therefore already in standard
        # form). If the dictionary has a single channel but the input
        # (and therefore also the coefficient map array) has multiple
        # channels, the channel index and multiple image index have
        # the same behaviour in the dictionary update equation: the
        # simplest way to handle this is to just reshape so that the
        # channels also appear on the multiple image index.
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.Nv + (1,) +
                               (self.cri.C*self.cri.K,) + (1,))
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.shpS)
        self.S = np.asarray(self.S, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal S in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        # Create constraint set projection function
        self.Pcn = cr.getPcn(dsz, self.cri.Nv, self.cri.dimN, self.cri.dimCd,

        if Z is not None:

        self.X = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.xshape, dtype=self.dtype)
        # See comment on corresponding test in xstep method
        if self.cri.Cd > 1:
            self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.yshape, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.xshape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.xshape, self.cri.axisN,
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, Z, S, dsz, opt=None, dimK=1, dimN=2):
        This class supports an arbitrary number of spatial dimensions,
        `dimN`, with a default of 2. The input coefficient map array `Z`
        (usually labelled X, but renamed here to avoid confusion with
        the X and Y variables in the ADMM base class) is expected to
        be in standard form as computed by the ConvBPDN class.

        The input signal set `S` is either `dimN` dimensional (no
        channels, only one signal), `dimN` +1 dimensional (either
        multiple channels or multiple signals), or `dimN` +2 dimensional
        (multiple channels and multiple signals). Parameter `dimK`, with
        a default value of 1, indicates the number of multiple-signal
        dimensions in `S`:


          Default dimK = 1, i.e. assume input S is of form
            S(N0,  N1,   C,   K)  or  S(N0,  N1,   K)
          If dimK = 0 then input S is of form
            S(N0,  N1,   C,   K)  or  S(N0,  N1,   C)

        The internal data layout for S, D (X here), and X (Z here) is:

          dim<0> - dim<Nds-1> : Spatial dimensions, product of N0,N1,... is N
          dim<Nds>            : C number of channels in S and D
          dim<Nds+1>          : K number of signals in S
          dim<Nds+2>          : M number of filters in D

            sptl.      chn  sig  flt
          S(N0,  N1,   C,   K,   1)
          D(N0,  N1,   C,   1,   M)   (X here)
          X(N0,  N1,   1,   K,   M)   (Z here)

        The `dsz` parameter indicates the desired filter supports in the
        output dictionary, since this cannot be inferred from the
        input variables. The format is the same as the `dsz` parameter
        of :func:`.cnvrep.bcrop`.

        Z : array_like
          Coefficient map array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        dsz : tuple
          Filter support size(s)
        opt : ccmod.Options object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : int, optional (default 1)
          Number of dimensions for multiple signals in input S
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvCnstrMODBase.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(dsz, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Call parent class __init__
        super(ConvCnstrMODBase, self).__init__(self.cri.shpD, S.dtype, opt)

        # Set penalty parameter
        self.set_attr('rho', opt['rho'], dval=self.cri.K, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Reshape S to standard layout (Z, i.e. X in cbpdn, is assumed
        # to be taken from cbpdn, and therefore already in standard
        # form). If the dictionary has a single channel but the input
        # (and therefore also the coefficient map array) has multiple
        # channels, the channel index and multiple image index have
        # the same behaviour in the dictionary update equation: the
        # simplest way to handle this is to just reshape so that the
        # channels also appear on the multiple image index.
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.Nv + (1,) +
                               (self.cri.C*self.cri.K,) + (1,))
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.shpS)
        self.S = np.asarray(self.S, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal S in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        # Create constraint set projection function
        self.Pcn = cr.getPcn(dsz, self.cri.Nv, self.cri.dimN, self.cri.dimCd,

        # Create byte aligned arrays for FFT calls
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, self.cri.axisN,

        if Z is not None:
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, D, S, lmbda, mu=0.0, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/cbpdnrtv_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/cbpdnrtv_init.svg


        D : array_like
          Dictionary matrix
        S : array_like
          Signal vector or matrix
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter (l1)
        mu : float
          Regularisation parameter (gradient)
        opt : :class:`ConvBPDNRecTV.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvBPDNRecTV.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CSC_ConvRepIndexing(D, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Call parent class __init__
        Nx = np.product(np.array(self.cri.shpX))
        yshape = list(self.cri.shpX)
        yshape[self.cri.axisM] += len(self.cri.axisN) * self.cri.Cd
        super(ConvBPDNRecTV, self).__init__(Nx, yshape, yshape, S.dtype, opt)

        # Set l1 term scaling and weight array
        self.lmbda = self.dtype.type(lmbda)
        self.Wl1 = np.asarray(opt['L1Weight'], dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Wl1 = self.Wl1.reshape(cr.l1Wshape(self.Wl1, self.cri)) = self.dtype.type(mu)
        if hasattr(opt['TVWeight'], 'ndim') and opt['TVWeight'].ndim > 0:
            self.Wtv = np.asarray(
                opt['TVWeight'].reshape((1, ) * (dimN + 2) +
            # Wtv is a scalar: no need to change shape
            self.Wtv = self.dtype.type(opt['TVWeight'])

        # Set penalty parameter
                      dval=(50.0 * self.lmbda + 1.0),

        # Set rho_xi attribute
                      opt['AutoRho', 'RsdlTarget'],

        # Reshape D and S to standard layout
        self.D = np.asarray(D.reshape(self.cri.shpD), dtype=self.dtype)
        self.S = np.asarray(S.reshape(self.cri.shpS), dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        self.Gf, GHGf = sl.gradient_filters(self.cri.dimN + 3,

        # Initialise byte-aligned arrays for pyfftw
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.cri.shpX, self.cri.axisN,

Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, D, S, lmbda=None, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):
        This class supports an arbitrary number of spatial dimensions,
        `dimN`, with a default of 2. The input dictionary `D` is either
        `dimN` + 1 dimensional, in which case each spatial component
        (image in the default case) is assumed to consist of a single
        channel, or `dimN` + 2 dimensional, in which case the final
        dimension is assumed to contain the channels (e.g. colour
        channels in the case of images). The input signal set `S` is
        either `dimN` dimensional (no channels, only one signal),
        `dimN` + 1 dimensional (either multiple channels or multiple
        signals), or `dimN` + 2 dimensional (multiple channels and
        multiple signals). Determination of problem dimensions is
        handled by :class:`.cnvrep.CSC_ConvRepIndexing`.


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/fista_cbpdn_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/fista_cbpdn_init.svg


        D : array_like
          Dictionary array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter
        opt : :class:`ConvBPDN.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial/temporal dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvBPDN.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        if not hasattr(self, 'cri'):
            self.cri = cr.CSC_ConvRepIndexing(D, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Set dtype attribute based on S.dtype and opt['DataType']
        self.set_dtype(opt, S.dtype)

        # Set default lambda value if not specified
        if lmbda is None:
            cri = cr.CSC_ConvRepIndexing(D, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)
            Df = sl.rfftn(D.reshape(cri.shpD), cri.Nv, axes=cri.axisN)
            Sf = sl.rfftn(S.reshape(cri.shpS), axes=cri.axisN)
            b = np.conj(Df) * Sf
            lmbda = 0.1 * abs(b).max()

        # Set l1 term scaling and weight array
        self.lmbda = self.dtype.type(lmbda)
        self.wl1 = np.asarray(opt['L1Weight'], dtype=self.dtype)

        # Call parent class __init__
        self.Xf = None
        xshape = self.cri.shpX
        super(ConvBPDN, self).__init__(xshape, S.dtype, opt)

        # Reshape D and S to standard layout
        self.D = np.asarray(D.reshape(self.cri.shpD), dtype=self.dtype)
        self.S = np.asarray(S.reshape(self.cri.shpS), dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        # Create byte aligned arrays for FFT calls
        self.Y = self.X.copy()
        self.X = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.X[:] = self.Y

        # Initialise auxiliary variable Vf: Create byte aligned arrays
        # for FFT calls
        self.Vf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.X.shape, self.cri.axisN,

        self.Xf = sl.rfftn(self.X, None, self.cri.axisN)
        self.Yf = self.Xf.copy()
        self.Yfprv = self.Yf.copy() + 1e5


        # Initialization needed for back tracking (if selected)
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, Z, S, dsz, opt=None, dimK=1, dimN=2):
        This class supports an arbitrary number of spatial dimensions,
        `dimN`, with a default of 2. The input coefficient map array `Z`
        (usually labelled X, but renamed here to avoid confusion with
        the X and Y variables in the ADMM base class) is expected to
        be in standard form as computed by the ConvBPDN class.

        The input signal set `S` is either `dimN` dimensional (no
        channels, only one signal), `dimN` +1 dimensional (either
        multiple channels or multiple signals), or `dimN` +2 dimensional
        (multiple channels and multiple signals). Parameter `dimK`, with
        a default value of 1, indicates the number of multiple-signal
        dimensions in `S`:


          Default dimK = 1, i.e. assume input S is of form
            S(N0,  N1,   C,   K)  or  S(N0,  N1,   K)
          If dimK = 0 then input S is of form
            S(N0,  N1,   C,   K)  or  S(N0,  N1,   C)

        The internal data layout for S, D (X here), and X (Z here) is:

          dim<0> - dim<Nds-1> : Spatial dimensions, product of N0,N1,... is N
          dim<Nds>            : C number of channels in S and D
          dim<Nds+1>          : K number of signals in S
          dim<Nds+2>          : M number of filters in D

            sptl.      chn  sig  flt
          S(N0,  N1,   C,   K,   1)
          D(N0,  N1,   C,   1,   M)   (X here)
          X(N0,  N1,   1,   K,   M)   (Z here)

        The `dsz` parameter indicates the desired filter supports in the
        output dictionary, since this cannot be inferred from the
        input variables. The format is the same as the `dsz` parameter
        of :func:`.cnvrep.bcrop`.

        Z : array_like
          Coefficient map array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        dsz : tuple
          Filter support size(s)
        opt : ccmod.Options object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : int, optional (default 1)
          Number of dimensions for multiple signals in input S
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvCnstrMODBase.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(dsz, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Call parent class __init__
        super(ConvCnstrMODBase, self).__init__(self.cri.shpD, S.dtype, opt)

        # Set penalty parameter
        self.set_attr('rho', opt['rho'], dval=self.cri.K, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Reshape S to standard layout (Z, i.e. X in cbpdn, is assumed
        # to be taken from cbpdn, and therefore already in standard
        # form). If the dictionary has a single channel but the input
        # (and therefore also the coefficient map array) has multiple
        # channels, the channel index and multiple image index have
        # the same behaviour in the dictionary update equation: the
        # simplest way to handle this is to just reshape so that the
        # channels also appear on the multiple image index.
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.Nv + (1, ) +
                               (self.cri.C * self.cri.K, ) + (1, ))
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.shpS)
        self.S = np.asarray(self.S, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal S in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        # Create constraint set projection function
        self.Pcn = cr.getPcn(dsz,

        # Create byte aligned arrays for FFT calls
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, self.cri.axisN,

        if Z is not None:
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, Z, S, W, dsz, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):
        Initialise a ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus object with problem
        size and options.


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: _static/jonga/ccmodmdcnsns_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: _static/jonga/ccmodmdcnsns_init.svg


        Z : array_like
          Coefficient map array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        W : array_like
          Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
          compatible for multiplication with input array S (see
          :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape` for more details).
        dsz : tuple
          Filter support size(s)
        opt : :class:`.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.Options()

        super(ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus, self).__init__(Z,

        # Convert W to internal shape
        W = np.asarray(W.reshape(cr.mskWshape(W, self.cri)), dtype=S.dtype)

        # Reshape W if necessary (see discussion of reshape of S in
        # ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.__init__)
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            # In most cases broadcasting rules make it possible for W
            # to have a singleton dimension corresponding to a non-singleton
            # dimension in S. However, when S is reshaped to interleave axisC
            # and axisK on the same axis, broadcasting is no longer sufficient
            # unless axisC and axisK of W are either both singleton or both
            # of the same size as the corresponding axes of S. If neither of
            # these cases holds, it is necessary to replicate the axis of W
            # (axisC or axisK) that does not have the same size as the
            # corresponding axis of S.
            shpw = list(W.shape)
            swck = shpw[self.cri.axisC] * shpw[self.cri.axisK]
            if swck > 1 and swck < self.cri.C * self.cri.K:
                if W.shape[self.cri.axisK] == 1 and self.cri.K > 1:
                    shpw[self.cri.axisK] = self.cri.K
                    shpw[self.cri.axisC] = self.cri.C
                W = np.broadcast_to(W, shpw)
            self.W = W.reshape(W.shape[0:self.cri.dimN] +
                               (1, W.shape[self.cri.axisC] *
                                W.shape[self.cri.axisK], 1))
            self.W = W.reshape(W.shape[0:self.cri.dimN] +
                               (1, W.shape[self.cri.axisC] *
                                W.shape[self.cri.axisK], 1))
            self.W = W

        # Initialise additional variables required for the different
        # splitting used in combining the consensus solution with mask
        # decoupling
        self.Y1 = np.zeros(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.U1 = np.zeros(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.YU1 = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, Z, S, W, dsz, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/ccmodmdcnsns_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/ccmodmdcnsns_init.svg


        Z : array_like
          Coefficient map array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        W : array_like
          Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
          compatible for multiplication with input array S (see
          :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape` for more details).
        dsz : tuple
          Filter support size(s)
        opt : :class:`.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.Options()

        super(ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus, self).__init__(
            Z, S, dsz, opt=opt, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Convert W to internal shape
        if W is None:
            W = np.array([1.0], dtype=self.dtype)
        W = np.asarray(W.reshape(cr.mskWshape(W, self.cri)),

        # Reshape W if necessary (see discussion of reshape of S in
        # ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.__init__)
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            # In most cases broadcasting rules make it possible for W
            # to have a singleton dimension corresponding to a non-singleton
            # dimension in S. However, when S is reshaped to interleave axisC
            # and axisK on the same axis, broadcasting is no longer sufficient
            # unless axisC and axisK of W are either both singleton or both
            # of the same size as the corresponding axes of S. If neither of
            # these cases holds, it is necessary to replicate the axis of W
            # (axisC or axisK) that does not have the same size as the
            # corresponding axis of S.
            shpw = list(W.shape)
            swck = shpw[self.cri.axisC] * shpw[self.cri.axisK]
            if swck > 1 and swck < self.cri.C * self.cri.K:
                if W.shape[self.cri.axisK] == 1 and self.cri.K > 1:
                    shpw[self.cri.axisK] = self.cri.K
                    shpw[self.cri.axisC] = self.cri.C
                W = np.broadcast_to(W, shpw)
            self.W = W.reshape(
                W.shape[0:self.cri.dimN] +
                (1, W.shape[self.cri.axisC] * W.shape[self.cri.axisK], 1))
            self.W = W

        # Initialise additional variables required for the different
        # splitting used in combining the consensus solution with mask
        # decoupling
        self.Y1 = np.zeros(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.U1 = np.zeros(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.YU1 = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, Z, S, W, dsz, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):
        Z : array_like
          Coefficient map array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        W : array_like
          Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
          compatible for multiplication with input array S (see
          :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape` for more details).
        dsz : tuple
          Filter support size(s)
        opt : :class:`ConvCnstrMODMaskDcplBase.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvCnstrMODMaskDcplBase.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(dsz, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Convert W to internal shape
        W = np.asarray(W.reshape(cr.mskWshape(W, self.cri)),

        # Reshape W if necessary (see discussion of reshape of S below)
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            # In most cases broadcasting rules make it possible for W
            # to have a singleton dimension corresponding to a non-singleton
            # dimension in S. However, when S is reshaped to interleave axisC
            # and axisK on the same axis, broadcasting is no longer sufficient
            # unless axisC and axisK of W are either both singleton or both
            # of the same size as the corresponding axes of S. If neither of
            # these cases holds, it is necessary to replicate the axis of W
            # (axisC or axisK) that does not have the same size as the
            # corresponding axis of S.
            shpw = list(W.shape)
            swck = shpw[self.cri.axisC] * shpw[self.cri.axisK]
            if swck > 1 and swck < self.cri.C * self.cri.K:
                if W.shape[self.cri.axisK] == 1 and self.cri.K > 1:
                    shpw[self.cri.axisK] = self.cri.K
                    shpw[self.cri.axisC] = self.cri.C
                W = np.broadcast_to(W, shpw)
            self.W = W.reshape(
                W.shape[0:self.cri.dimN] +
                (1, W.shape[self.cri.axisC] * W.shape[self.cri.axisK], 1))
            self.W = W

        # Call parent class __init__
        Nx = self.cri.N * self.cri.Cd * self.cri.M
        CK = (self.cri.C if self.cri.Cd == 1 else 1) * self.cri.K
        shpY = list(self.cri.shpX)
        shpY[self.cri.axisC] = self.cri.Cd
        shpY[self.cri.axisK] = 1
        shpY[self.cri.axisM] += CK
        super(ConvCnstrMODMaskDcplBase, self).__init__(
            Nx, shpY, self.cri.axisM, CK, S.dtype, opt)

        # Reshape S to standard layout (Z, i.e. X in cbpdn, is assumed
        # to be taken from cbpdn, and therefore already in standard
        # form). If the dictionary has a single channel but the input
        # (and therefore also the coefficient map array) has multiple
        # channels, the channel index and multiple image index have
        # the same behaviour in the dictionary update equation: the
        # simplest way to handle this is to just reshape so that the
        # channels also appear on the multiple image index.
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.Nv + (1, self.cri.C*self.cri.K, 1))
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.shpS)
        self.S = np.asarray(self.S, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Create constraint set projection function
        self.Pcn = cr.getPcn(dsz, self.cri.Nv, self.cri.dimN, self.cri.dimCd,

        # Initialise byte-aligned arrays for pyfftw
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        xfshp = list(self.cri.Nv + (self.cri.Cd, 1, self.cri.M))
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(xfshp, self.cri.axisN,

        if Z is not None:
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self,
        xstep : internal xstep object (e.g. xstep.ConvBPDN)
        D : array_like
          Dictionary array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        R : array_like
          Rank array
        lmbda : list of float
          Regularisation parameter
        opt : list containing :class:`ConvBPDN.Options` object
          Algorithm options for each individual solver
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial/temporal dimensions
          Variable length list of arguments for constructor of internal
          xstep object (e.g. mu)
          Keyword arguments for constructor of internal xstep object

        if opt is None:
            opt = AKConvBPDN.Options()
        self.opt = opt

        # Infer outer problem dimensions
        self.cri = cr.CSC_ConvRepIndexing(D, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Parse mu
        if 'mu' in kwargs:
            mu = kwargs['mu']
            mu = [0] * self.cri.dimN

        # Parse lmbda and optx
        if lmbda is None: lmbda = [None] * self.cri.dimN
        if optx is None: optx = [None] * self.cri.dimN

        # Parse isc
        if 'isc' in kwargs:
            isc = kwargs['isc']
            isc = None

        # Store parameters
        self.lmbda = lmbda
        self.optx = optx = mu
        self.R = R

        # Reshape D and S to standard layout
        self.D = np.asarray(D.reshape(self.cri.shpD), dtype=S.dtype)
        self.S = np.asarray(S.reshape(self.cri.shpS), dtype=S.dtype)

        # Compute signal in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.fftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)
        # print('Sf shape %s \n' % (self.Sf.shape,))
        # print('S shape %s \n' % (self.S.shape,))
        # print('shpS %s \n' % (self.cri.shpS,))

        # Signal uni-dim (kruskal)
        # self.Skf = np.reshape(self.Sf,[,1],order='F')

        # Decomposed Kruskal Initialization
        self.K = []
        self.Kf = []
        Nvf = []
        for i, Nvi in enumerate(self.cri.Nv):  # Ui
            Ki = np.random.randn(Nvi, np.sum(self.R))
            Kfi = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(Ki.shape, self.Sf.dtype)
            Kfi[:] = sl.fftn(Ki, None, [0])

        self.Nvf = tuple(Nvf)

        # Fourier dimensions
        self.NC = int( * self.cri.Cd)

        # dict FFT

        # Init KCSC solver (Needs to be initiated inside AKConvBPDN because requires convolvedict() and reshapesignal())
        self.xstep = []
        for l in range(self.cri.dimN):

            Wl = self.convolvedict(l)  # convolvedict
            cri_l = KCSC_ConvRepIndexing(self.cri, self.R, l)  # cri KCSC

            self.xstep.append(KConvBPDN(Wl, np.reshape(self.Sf,cri_l.shpS,order='C'), cri_l,\
                                self.S.dtype, self.lmbda[l],[l], self.optx[l]))

        # Init isc
        if isc is None:

            isc_lst = []  # itStats from block-solver
            isc_fields = []
            for i in range(self.cri.dimN):
                str_i = '_{0!s}'.format(i)

                isc_i = IterStatsConfig(isfld=[
                    'ObjFun' + str_i, 'PrimalRsdl' + str_i, 'DualRsdl' + str_i,
                    'Rho' + str_i
                                            'ObjFun' + str_i: 'ObjFun',
                                            'PrimalRsdl' + str_i: 'PrimalRsdl',
                                            'DualRsdl' + str_i: 'DualRsdl',
                                            'Rho' + str_i: 'Rho'
                                            'Fnc' + str_i, 'r' + str_i,
                                            's' + str_i,
                                            u('ρ' + str_i)
                                            'Fnc' + str_i: 'ObjFun' + str_i,
                                            'r' + str_i: 'PrimalRsdl' + str_i,
                                            's' + str_i: 'DualRsdl' + str_i,
                                            u('ρ' + str_i): 'Rho' + str_i
                isc_fields += isc_i.IterationStats._fields


            # isc_it = IterStatsConfig(       # global itStats  -> No, to be managed in dictlearn
            #     isfld=['Iter','Time'],
            #     isxmap={},
            #     evlmap={},
            #     hdrtxt=['Itn'],
            #     hdrmap={'Itn': 'Iter'}
            # )
            # isc_fields += isc_it._fields

        self.isc_lst = isc_lst
        # self.isc_it = isc_it
        self.isc = collections.namedtuple('IterationStats', isc_fields)

        # Required because dictlrn.DictLearn assumes that all valid
        # xstep objects have an IterationStats attribute
        # self.IterationStats = self.xstep.IterationStats

        self.itstat = []
        self.j = 0
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, Wf, Sf, cri_K, dtype, lmbda=None, mu=0.0, opt=None):
        This class supports an arbitrary number of spatial dimensions,
        `dimN`, with a default of 2. The input dictionary `D` is either
        `dimN` + 1 dimensional, in which case each spatial component
        (image in the default case) is assumed to consist of a single
        channel, or `dimN` + 2 dimensional, in which case the final
        dimension is assumed to contain the channels (e.g. colour
        channels in the case of images). The input signal set `S` is
        either `dimN` dimensional (no channels, only one signal), `dimN`
        + 1 dimensional (either multiple channels or multiple signals),
        or `dimN` + 2 dimensional (multiple channels and multiple
        signals). Determination of problem dimensions is handled by


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/cbpdn_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/cbpdn_init.svg


        D : array_like
          Dictionary array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter
        opt : :class:`ConvBPDN.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial/temporal dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = KConvBPDN.Options()

        # Set dtype attribute based on S.dtype and opt['DataType']
        self.set_dtype(opt, dtype)

        # problem dimensions
        self.cri = cri_K

        # Reshape D and S to standard layout (NOT NEEDED in AKConvBPDN)
        self.Wf = np.asarray(Wf.reshape(self.cri.shpD), dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Sf = np.asarray(Sf.reshape(self.cri.shpS), dtype=self.dtype)
        # self.Sf_ = np.moveaxis(Sf.reshape([self.cri.nv[0],self.cri.N_,1]),[0,1,2],[2,0,1])

        # Set default lambda value if not specified
        if lmbda is None:
            b = np.conj(Df) * Sf
            lmbda = 0.1 * abs(b).max()

        # Set l1 term scaling
        self.lmbda = self.dtype.type(lmbda)

        # Set l2 term scaling = self.dtype.type(mu)

        # Set penalty parameter
                      dval=(50.0 * self.lmbda + 1.0),

        # Set rho_xi attribute (see Sec. VI.C of wohlberg-2015-adaptive)
        if self.lmbda != 0.0:
            rho_xi = float((1.0 + (18.3)**(np.log10(self.lmbda) + 1.0)))
            rho_xi = 1.0
                      opt['AutoRho', 'RsdlTarget'],

        # Call parent class __init__ (not ConvBPDN bc FFT domain data)
        super(cbpdn.GenericConvBPDN, self).__init__(self.cri.shpX, Sf.dtype,

        # Initialise byte-aligned arrays for pyfftw
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, self.dtype)

        self.c = [None] * self.cri.n  # to be filled with cho_factor


        # Set l1 term weight array
        self.wl1 = np.asarray(opt['L1Weight'], dtype=self.dtype)
        self.wl1 = self.wl1.reshape(Kl1Wshape(self.wl1, self.cri))

        print('L1Weight %s \n' % (self.wl1, ))
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, D, B, S, lmbda, mu, W=None, opt=None, dimK=0,
        D : array_like
          Dictionary matrix
        B : array_like
          Standard dictionary array
        S : array_like
          Signal vector or matrix
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter (l1)
        mu : float
          Regularisation parameter (gradient)
        W : array_like
          Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
          compatible for multiplication with input array S (see
          :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape` for more details).
        opt : :class:`ConvProdDictL1L1Grd.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, optional (default 0)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvProdDictL1L1Grd.Options()

        # Keep a record of the B dictionary
        self.set_dtype(opt, S.dtype)
        self.B = np.asarray(B, dtype=self.dtype)

        # S is an N x C matrix, D is an N x N M_D matrix, B is a C x M_B
        # matrix, and X is an N M x M_B matrix. The base class of this
        # class expects that X is N M x C (i.e. the same number of columns
        # as in S), so we pass its initialiser the product S B, which is
        # a N x M_B matrix, so that it initialises arrays with the correct
        # number of channels. This is the first of many nasty hacks in
        # this class!
        scidx = -2 if dimK == 1 else -1
        SB =, S, axis=scidx)
        super(ConvProdDictL1L1Grd, self).__init__(
            D, SB, lmbda, mu, W=W, opt=opt, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Ensure that the dictionary is single channel
        if self.cri.Cd > 1:
            raise ValueError('Only single-channel convolutional dictionaries'
                             ' are supported')

        # We need to correct the shape of S due to the modified S passed to
        # the base class initialiser
        shpS = list(self.cri.shpS)
        shpS[self.cri.axisC] = S.shape[self.cri.axisC]
        self.cri.shpS = tuple(shpS)
        self.S = np.asarray(S.reshape(shpS), dtype=self.dtype)

        # We also need to correct the shapes of a number of other working
        # arrays because we have to change the mechanism for combining
        # the Y0 and Y1 blocks into a single array. In the base class
        # these arrays can just be concatenated on an appropriate axis,
        # but this is not possible here due to the different array
        # shapes. The solution is that the composite array is one
        # dimensional, with the component blocks being extracted via
        # one dimensional slicing and then reshaped to the appropriate
        # shapes.
        self.y0shp = self.cri.shpS
        self.y1shp = self.cri.shpX
        self.y0I = int([self.cri.axisC:])))
        self.y1I = int([self.cri.axisC:])))
        self.yshp = self.cri.shpX[0:self.cri.axisC:] + (self.y0I + self.y1I,)
        self.Y = np.zeros(self.yshp, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.U = np.zeros(self.yshp, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
Esempio n. 19
    def __init__(self, Z, S, W, dsz, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/ccmodmdfista_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/ccmodmdfista_init.svg


        Z : array_like
            Coefficient map array
        S : array_like
            Signal array
        W : array_like
            Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
            compatible for multiplication with the *internal* shape of
            input array S (see :class:`.cnvrep.CDU_ConvRepIndexing` for a
            discussion of the distinction between *external* and
            *internal* data layouts).
        dsz : tuple
            Filter support size(s)
        opt : :class:`ConvCnstrMODMasked.Options` object
            Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
            Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
            independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
            Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvCnstrMODMask.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(dsz, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Append singleton dimensions to W if necessary
        if hasattr(W, 'ndim'):
            W = sl.atleast_nd(self.cri.dimN + 3, W)

        # Reshape W if necessary (see discussion of reshape of S in
        # ccmod base class)
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1 and hasattr(W, 'ndim'):
            # In most cases broadcasting rules make it possible for W
            # to have a singleton dimension corresponding to a
            # non-singleton dimension in S. However, when S is
            # reshaped to interleave axisC and axisK on the same axis,
            # broadcasting is no longer sufficient unless axisC and
            # axisK of W are either both singleton or both of the same
            # size as the corresponding axes of S. If neither of these
            # cases holds, it is necessary to replicate the axis of W
            # (axisC or axisK) that does not have the same size as the
            # corresponding axis of S.
            shpw = list(W.shape)
            swck = shpw[self.cri.axisC] * shpw[self.cri.axisK]
            if swck > 1 and swck < self.cri.C * self.cri.K:
                if W.shape[self.cri.axisK] == 1 and self.cri.K > 1:
                    shpw[self.cri.axisK] = self.cri.K
                    shpw[self.cri.axisC] = self.cri.C
                W = np.broadcast_to(W, shpw)
            self.W = W.reshape(W.shape[0:self.cri.dimN] +
                               (1, W.shape[self.cri.axisC] *
                                W.shape[self.cri.axisK], 1))
            self.W = W

        super(ConvCnstrMODMask, self).__init__(Z, S, dsz, opt, dimK, dimN)

        # Create byte aligned arrays for FFT calls
        self.WRy = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Ryf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, self.cri.axisN,
Esempio n. 20
    def __init__(self, Z, S, dsz, opt=None, dimK=1, dimN=2):


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/ccmodcnsns_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/ccmodcnsns_init.svg

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(dsz, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Handle possible reshape of channel axis onto multiple image axis
        # (see comment below)
        Nb = self.cri.K if self.cri.C == self.cri.Cd else \
             self.cri.C * self.cri.K
        admm.ADMMConsensus.__init__(self, Nb, self.cri.shpD, S.dtype, opt)

        # Set penalty parameter
        self.set_attr('rho', opt['rho'], dval=self.cri.K, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Reshape S to standard layout (Z, i.e. X in cbpdn, is assumed
        # to be taken from cbpdn, and therefore already in standard
        # form). If the dictionary has a single channel but the input
        # (and therefore also the coefficient map array) has multiple
        # channels, the channel index and multiple image index have
        # the same behaviour in the dictionary update equation: the
        # simplest way to handle this is to just reshape so that the
        # channels also appear on the multiple image index.
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1:
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.Nv + (1, ) +
                               (self.cri.C * self.cri.K, ) + (1, ))
            self.S = S.reshape(self.cri.shpS)
        self.S = np.asarray(self.S, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal S in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        # Create constraint set projection function
        self.Pcn = cr.getPcn(dsz,

        if Z is not None:

        self.X = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.xshape, dtype=self.dtype)
        # See comment on corresponding test in xstep method
        if self.cri.Cd > 1:
            self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.yshape, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.xshape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.xshape, self.cri.axisN,
Esempio n. 21
    def __init__(self, Z, S, W, dsz, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/ccmodmdfista_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/ccmodmdfista_init.svg


        Z : array_like
            Coefficient map array
        S : array_like
            Signal array
        W : array_like
            Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is
            compatible for multiplication with the *internal* shape of
            input array S (see :class:`.cnvrep.CDU_ConvRepIndexing` for a
            discussion of the distinction between *external* and
            *internal* data layouts).
        dsz : tuple
            Filter support size(s)
        opt : :class:`ConvCnstrMODMasked.Options` object
            Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
            Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
            independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
            Number of spatial dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvCnstrMODMask.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CDU_ConvRepIndexing(dsz, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Append singleton dimensions to W if necessary
        if hasattr(W, 'ndim'):
            W = sl.atleast_nd(self.cri.dimN + 3, W)

        # Reshape W if necessary (see discussion of reshape of S in
        # ccmod base class)
        if self.cri.Cd == 1 and self.cri.C > 1 and hasattr(W, 'ndim'):
            # In most cases broadcasting rules make it possible for W
            # to have a singleton dimension corresponding to a
            # non-singleton dimension in S. However, when S is
            # reshaped to interleave axisC and axisK on the same axis,
            # broadcasting is no longer sufficient unless axisC and
            # axisK of W are either both singleton or both of the same
            # size as the corresponding axes of S. If neither of these
            # cases holds, it is necessary to replicate the axis of W
            # (axisC or axisK) that does not have the same size as the
            # corresponding axis of S.
            shpw = list(W.shape)
            swck = shpw[self.cri.axisC] * shpw[self.cri.axisK]
            if swck > 1 and swck < self.cri.C * self.cri.K:
                if W.shape[self.cri.axisK] == 1 and self.cri.K > 1:
                    shpw[self.cri.axisK] = self.cri.K
                    shpw[self.cri.axisC] = self.cri.C
                W = np.broadcast_to(W, shpw)
            self.W = W.reshape(
                W.shape[0:self.cri.dimN] +
                (1, W.shape[self.cri.axisC] * W.shape[self.cri.axisK], 1))
            self.W = W

        super(ConvCnstrMODMask, self).__init__(Z, S, dsz, opt, dimK, dimN)

        # Create byte aligned arrays for FFT calls
        self.WRy = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Ryf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.S.shape, self.cri.axisN,
Esempio n. 22
    def __init__(self, D, S, lmbda=None, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):
        Initialise a ConvBPDN object with problem parameters.

        This class supports an arbitrary number of spatial dimensions,
        `dimN`, with a default of 2. The input dictionary `D` is either
        `dimN` + 1 dimensional, in which case each spatial component
        (image in the default case) is assumed to consist of a single
        channel, or `dimN` + 2 dimensional, in which case the final
        dimension is assumed to contain the channels (e.g. colour
        channels in the case of images). The input signal set `S` is
        either `dimN` dimensional (no channels, only one signal), `dimN` + 1
        dimensional (either multiple channels or multiple signals), or
        `dimN` + 2 dimensional (multiple channels and multiple signals).
        Determination of problem dimensions is handled by


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: _static/jonga/fista_cbpdn_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: _static/jonga/fista_cbpdn_init.svg


        D : array_like
          Dictionary array
        S : array_like
          Signal array
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter
        opt : :class:`ConvBPDN.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial/temporal dimensions

        # Set default options if none specified
        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvBPDN.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        if not hasattr(self, 'cri'):
            self.cri = cr.CSC_ConvRepIndexing(D, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Set dtype attribute based on S.dtype and opt['DataType']
        self.set_dtype(opt, S.dtype)

        # Set default lambda value if not specified
        if lmbda is None:
            cri = cr.CSC_ConvRepIndexing(D, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)
            Df = sl.rfftn(D.reshape(cri.shpD), cri.Nv, axes=cri.axisN)
            Sf = sl.rfftn(S.reshape(cri.shpS), axes=cri.axisN)
            b = np.conj(Df) * Sf
            lmbda = 0.1 * abs(b).max()

        # Set l1 term scaling and weight array
        self.lmbda = self.dtype.type(lmbda)
        self.wl1 = np.asarray(opt['L1Weight'], dtype=self.dtype)

        # Call parent class __init__
        xshape = self.cri.shpX
        super(ConvBPDN, self).__init__(xshape, S.dtype, opt)
        if self.opt['BackTrack', 'Enabled']:
            self.L /= self.lmbda

        # Reshape D and S to standard layout
        self.D = np.asarray(D.reshape(self.cri.shpD), dtype=self.dtype)
        self.S = np.asarray(S.reshape(self.cri.shpS), dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        # Create byte aligned arrays for FFT calls
        xfshp = list(self.X.shape)
        xfshp[dimN - 1] = xfshp[dimN - 1] // 2 + 1
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(xfshp,

        # Initialise auxiliary variable Yf
        self.Yf = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(xfshp,

        self.Ryf = -self.Sf

        self.Xf = sl.rfftn(self.X, None, self.cri.axisN)
        self.Yf = self.Xf

Esempio n. 23
    def __init__(self, D, S, lmbda, mu=0.0, opt=None, dimK=None, dimN=2):


        **Call graph**

        .. image:: ../_static/jonga/cbpdnrtv_init.svg
           :width: 20%
           :target: ../_static/jonga/cbpdnrtv_init.svg


        D : array_like
          Dictionary matrix
        S : array_like
          Signal vector or matrix
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter (l1)
        mu : float
          Regularisation parameter (gradient)
        opt : :class:`ConvBPDNRecTV.Options` object
          Algorithm options
        dimK : 0, 1, or None, optional (default None)
          Number of dimensions in input signal corresponding to multiple
          independent signals
        dimN : int, optional (default 2)
          Number of spatial dimensions

        if opt is None:
            opt = ConvBPDNRecTV.Options()

        # Infer problem dimensions and set relevant attributes of self
        self.cri = cr.CSC_ConvRepIndexing(D, S, dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN)

        # Call parent class __init__
        Nx = np.product(np.array(self.cri.shpX))
        yshape = list(self.cri.shpX)
        yshape[self.cri.axisM] += len(self.cri.axisN) * self.cri.Cd
        super(ConvBPDNRecTV, self).__init__(Nx, yshape, yshape,
                                            S.dtype, opt)

        # Set l1 term scaling and weight array
        self.lmbda = self.dtype.type(lmbda)
        self.Wl1 = np.asarray(opt['L1Weight'], dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Wl1 = self.Wl1.reshape(cr.l1Wshape(self.Wl1, self.cri)) = self.dtype.type(mu)
        if hasattr(opt['TVWeight'], 'ndim') and opt['TVWeight'].ndim > 0:
            self.Wtv = np.asarray(opt['TVWeight'].reshape(
                (1,)*(dimN + 2) + opt['TVWeight'].shape), dtype=self.dtype)
            # Wtv is a scalar: no need to change shape
            self.Wtv = self.dtype.type(opt['TVWeight'])

        # Set penalty parameter
        self.set_attr('rho', opt['rho'], dval=(50.0*self.lmbda + 1.0),

        # Set rho_xi attribute
        self.set_attr('rho_xi', opt['AutoRho', 'RsdlTarget'], dval=1.0,

        # Reshape D and S to standard layout
        self.D = np.asarray(D.reshape(self.cri.shpD), dtype=self.dtype)
        self.S = np.asarray(S.reshape(self.cri.shpS), dtype=self.dtype)

        # Compute signal in DFT domain
        self.Sf = sl.rfftn(self.S, None, self.cri.axisN)

        self.Gf, GHGf = sl.GradientFilters(self.cri.dimN+3, self.cri.axisN,
                                           self.cri.Nv, dtype=self.dtype)

        # Initialise byte-aligned arrays for pyfftw
        self.YU = sl.pyfftw_empty_aligned(self.Y.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.Xf = sl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned(self.cri.shpX, self.cri.axisN,
