def api_theme_song_open_in_browser(self): try: auth = spotify().auth headers = spotify().head uri_id = "3dAUz8qeUL6pKf6gp6iemq" url = f"{uri_id}?market=SE" response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) # api response response_json = response.json() # make it json theme_song = response_json.get( "preview_url") # get the url of the song webbrowser.open_new_tab( url=theme_song) # opens a tab and plays the song except Exception as e: print("Update the Spotify-API auth!\n -> self.auth")
def __init__(self): """[intialize controller class to run display] Arguments: username {[string]} -- [username for spotify] """ self.sp = spotify.spotify() self.disp = run_display.run_display(self.sp) self.playlist = None self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.owner = self.sp.user
args.config) else default_file_config config = toml.load(config_file) # authenticate the user if not already done authentication.init(config, config_file) if args.init: authentication.launch() if not args.init and config['spotify']['access_token'] == '': raise Exception( 'No token provided. To generate a token please run the program with the \'--init\' parameter.' ) here = os.path.dirname(__file__) os.chdir(here) application = spotify.spotify(config=config['spotify']) # On créer la bdd et on l'initialise (création des tables) db_manager = dbManager(config['database']['name']) db_manager.init_db() # Si on ne connait pas encore l'utilisateur courant alors on récupère son profil if config['spotify']['user_id'] == '': user = application.get_user_profile() config['spotify']['user_id'] = # On écrit dans le fichier de config l'id de l'utilisateur with open(config_file, 'w') as myfile: toml.dump(config, myfile) # On créé l'user dans la base db_manager.insert_values('user', [user])
import time import sys import os import traceback import ctypes from ctypes import wintypes import win32con import win32api import win32gui import win32process from spotify import spotify from sanitizeInput import sanitizer spotify = spotify() sanitizer = sanitizer() lastWindowTitle = "" def enumWindowsProc(hwnd, lParam): global currentWindowTitle if (lParam is None) or ( (lParam is not None) and (win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)[1] == lParam)): text = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd) if text: wStyle = win32api.GetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_STYLE) if wStyle & win32con.WS_VISIBLE: currentWindowTitle = text
def topSongs(option): songsWindow = tkinter.Toplevel() songsWindow.title("Songs Search Results") width, height = songsWindow.winfo_screenwidth( ), songsWindow.winfo_screenheight() songsWindow.geometry('%dx%d+0+0' % (width, height)) num = combo.current() + 1 header2 = "" if (daily_weekly == 'daily'): if option == "S": results = spotify.spotify(num, 'daily') header = "Spotify" elif option == "L": results = lastfm.lastfm(num, 'songs') header = "" elif option == "SL": results = spotify.spotify(num, 'daily') header = "Spotify" results2 = lastfm.lastfm(num, 'songs') header2 = "" elif (daily_weekly == 'weekly'): if option == "S": results = spotify.spotify(num, 'weekly') header = "Spotify" elif option == "B": results = billb.billb(num, 'songs') header = "Billboard" elif option == "SB": results = spotify.spotify(num, 'weekly') header = "Spotify" results2 = billb.billb(num, "songs") header2 = "Billboard" label = tkinter.Label(songsWindow, text=header, font=("Arial Bold Italics", 40), fg="blue").place(x=0, y=0) songsList = [None] * (num + 1) for i in range(num + 1): songsList[i] = "" counter = 0 check = False for row in repr(results): if (row != "\\" and row != "n" and row != "\""): songsList[counter] += row elif (row == "\\"): check = True elif (row == "n" and check == True): counter += 1 check = False elif (row == "n" and check == False): songsList[counter] += row dic = {} i = 0 for i in range(num): dic[i] = tkinter.Button( songsWindow, text=songsList[i], font=("Arial Bold Italics", 15), bg="blue", fg="white", command=partial(Links, songsList[i], "songs")).place(x=0, y=(height / 15) * (i / 1.6 + 1)) if (option == "SL" or option == "SB"): label2 = tkinter.Label(songsWindow, text=header2, font=("Arial Bold Italics", 40), fg="blue").place(x=width / 1.8, y=0) songsList2 = [None] * (num + 1) for i in range(num + 1): songsList2[i] = "" counter = 0 check = False for row in repr(results2): if (row != "\\" and row != "n" and row != "\""): songsList2[counter] += row elif (row == "\\"): check = True elif (row == "n" and check == True): counter += 1 check = False elif (row == "n" and check == False): songsList2[counter] += row dic = {} i = 0 for i in range(num): dic[i] = tkinter.Button(songsWindow, text=songsList2[i], font=("Arial Bold Italics", 15), bg="blue", fg="white", command=partial( Links, songsList2[i], "songs")).place( x=width / 1.8, y=(height / 15) * (i / 1.6 + 1)) backButton = tkinter.Button(songsWindow, text="Go Back", font=("Arial Bold Italics", 40), bg="blue", fg="white", command=songsWindow.destroy).place( x=width / 2.4, y=height / 1.2)
import deezer import re from spotify import spotify deezerClient = deezer.Client() spotifyClient = spotify() importFails = [] #search for public stuffs playlists = { "Showgun": 7300472344, "Showgun II": 7300772364, "Showgun III": 7300796284, "Showgun IV": 7300846084, "Showgun V": 7369522804 } for playlistName in playlists: playlistId = playlists[playlistName] rockPlaylistName = "🤘- %s" % playlistName # Check if playlist exists in spotify spotifyPlaylist = spotifyClient.exactSearchPlaylist(rockPlaylistName) if not spotifyPlaylist: print("/!\ - %s does not exist do create it" % rockPlaylistName) spotifyPlaylist = spotifyClient.createPlaylist(rockPlaylistName) print(spotifyPlaylist) deezerPlaylist = deezerClient.get_playlist(playlistId)
def __init__(self, master = None): super().__init__(master) self.master = master self.pack() self.create_widgets() = spotify()