Esempio n. 1
def test_sum_of_sums():
    w \
        = 0.3*(0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.6*(X >> norm())) \
        | 0.7*(0.1*(X >> norm()) | 0.9*(X >> norm()))
    assert isinstance(w, SumSPE)
    assert len(w.children) == 4
    assert allclose(float(w.weights[0]), log(0.3) + log(0.4))
    assert allclose(float(w.weights[1]), log(0.3) + log(0.6))
    assert allclose(float(w.weights[2]), log(0.7) + log(0.1))
    assert allclose(float(w.weights[3]), log(0.7) + log(0.9))

    w \
        = 0.3*(0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.6*(X >> norm())) \
        | 0.2*(0.1*(X >> norm()) | 0.9*(X >> norm()))
    assert isinstance(w, PartialSumSPE)
    assert allclose(float(w.weights[0]), 0.3)
    assert allclose(float(w.weights[1]), 0.2)

    a = w | 0.5*(X >> gamma(a=1))
    assert isinstance(a, SumSPE)
    assert len(a.children) == 5
    assert allclose(float(a.weights[0]), log(0.3) + log(0.4))
    assert allclose(float(a.weights[1]), log(0.3) + log(0.6))
    assert allclose(float(a.weights[2]), log(0.2) + log(0.1))
    assert allclose(float(a.weights[3]), log(0.2) + log(0.9))
    assert allclose(float(a.weights[4]), log(0.5))

    # Wrong symbol.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        z = w | 0.4*(Y >> gamma(a=1))
Esempio n. 2
def test_or_and():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        (0.3*(X >> norm()) | 0.7*(Y >> gamma(a=1))) & (Z >> norm())
    a = (0.3*(X >> norm()) | 0.7*(X >> gamma(a=1))) & (Z >> norm())
    assert isinstance(a, ProductSPE)
    assert isinstance(a.children[0], SumSPE)
    assert isinstance(a.children[1], ContinuousLeaf)
Esempio n. 3
def test_product_leaf():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        0.3*(X >> gamma(a=1)) & (X >> norm())
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        (X >> norm()) & 0.3*(X >> gamma(a=1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        (X >> norm()) & (X >> gamma(a=1))

    y = (X >> norm()) & (Y >> gamma(a=1)) & (Z >> norm())
    assert isinstance(y, ProductSPE)
    assert len(y.children) == 3
    assert y.get_symbols() == frozenset([X, Y, Z])
Esempio n. 4
def test_sum_leaf():
    # Cannot sum leaves without weights.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        (X >> norm()) | (X >> gamma(a=1))
    # Cannot sum a leaf with a partial sum.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        0.3*(X >> norm()) | (X >> gamma(a=1))
    # Cannot sum a leaf with a partial sum.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        (X >> norm()) | 0.3*(X >> gamma(a=1))
    # Wrong symbol.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.6*(Y >> gamma(a=1))
    # Sum exceeds one.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.7*(Y >> gamma(a=1))

    y = 0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.3*(X >> gamma(a=1))
    assert isinstance(y, PartialSumSPE)
    assert len(y.weights) == 2
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[0]), 0.4)
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[1]), 0.3)

    y = 0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.6*(X >> gamma(a=1))
    assert isinstance(y, SumSPE)
    assert len(y.weights) == 2
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[0]), log(0.4))
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[1]), log(0.6))
    # Sum exceeds one.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        y | 0.7 * (X >> norm())

    y = 0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.3*(X >> gamma(a=1)) | 0.1*(X >> norm())
    assert isinstance(y, PartialSumSPE)
    assert len(y.weights) == 3
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[0]), 0.4)
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[1]), 0.3)
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[2]), 0.1)

    y = 0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.3*(X >> gamma(a=1)) | 0.3*(X >> norm())
    assert isinstance(y, SumSPE)
    assert len(y.weights) == 3
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[0]), log(0.4))
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[1]), log(0.3))
    assert allclose(float(y.weights[2]), log(0.3))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        (0.3)*(0.3*(X >> norm()))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        (0.3*(X >> norm())) * (0.3)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        0.3*(0.3*(X >> norm()) | 0.5*(X >> norm()))

    w = 0.3*(0.4*(X >> norm()) | 0.6*(X >> norm()))
    assert isinstance(w, PartialSumSPE)
Esempio n. 5
def test_sum_normal_gamma():
    X = Id('X')
    weights = [log(Fraction(2, 3)), log(Fraction(1, 3))]
    spe = SumSPE([
        X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1),
        X >> gamma(loc=0, a=1),
    ], weights)

    assert spe.logprob(X > 0) == logsumexp([
        spe.weights[0] + spe.children[0].logprob(X > 0),
        spe.weights[1] + spe.children[1].logprob(X > 0),
    assert spe.logprob(X < 0) == log(Fraction(2, 3)) + log(Fraction(1, 2))
    samples = spe.sample(100, prng=numpy.random.RandomState(1))
    assert all(s[X] for s in samples)
    spe.sample_func(lambda X: abs(X**3), 100)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        spe.sample_func(lambda Y: abs(X**3), 100)

    spe_condition = spe.condition(X < 0)
    assert isinstance(spe_condition, ContinuousLeaf)
    assert spe_condition.conditioned
    assert spe_condition.logprob(X < 0) == 0
    samples = spe_condition.sample(100)
    assert all(s[X] < 0 for s in samples)

    assert spe.logprob(X < 0) == logsumexp([
        spe.weights[0] + spe.children[0].logprob(X < 0),
        spe.weights[1] + spe.children[1].logprob(X < 0),
Esempio n. 6
def test_logpdf_mixture_real_continuous_continuous():
    spe = X >> (.3*norm() | .7*gamma(a=1))
    assert allclose(
        spe.logpdf({X: .5}),
            log(.3) + spe.children[0].logpdf({X: 0.5}),
            log(.7) + spe.children[1].logpdf({X: 0.5}),
Esempio n. 7
def test_product_condition_or_probabilithy_zero():
    X = Id('X')
    Y = Id('Y')
    spe = ProductSPE([X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1), Y >> gamma(a=1)])

    # Condition on event which has probability zero.
    event = (X > 2) & (X < 2)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert spe.logprob(event) == -float('inf')

    # Condition on event which has probability zero.
    event = (Y < 0) | (Y < -1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert spe.logprob(event) == -float('inf')
    # Condition on an event where one clause has probability
    # zero, yielding a single product.
    spe_condition = spe.condition((Y < 0) | ((Log(X) >= 0) & (1 <= Y)))
    assert isinstance(spe_condition, ProductSPE)
    assert spe_condition.children[0].symbol == X
    assert spe_condition.children[0].conditioned
    assert spe_condition.children[0].support == Interval(1, oo)
    assert spe_condition.children[1].symbol == Y
    assert spe_condition.children[1].conditioned
    assert spe_condition.children[0].support == Interval(1, oo)

    # We have (X < 2) & ~(1 < exp(|3X**2|) is empty.
    # Thus Y remains unconditioned,
    #   and X is partitioned into (-oo, 0) U (0, oo) with equal weight.
    event = (Exp(abs(3 * X**2)) > 1) | ((Log(Y) < 0.5) & (X < 2))
    spe_condition = spe.condition(event)
    # The most concise representation of spe_condition is:
    #   (Product (Sum [.5 .5] X|X<0 X|X>0) Y)
    assert isinstance(spe_condition, ProductSPE)
    assert isinstance(spe_condition.children[0], SumSPE)
    assert spe_condition.children[0].weights == (-log(2), -log(2))
    assert spe_condition.children[0].children[0].conditioned
    assert spe_condition.children[0].children[1].conditioned
    assert spe_condition.children[0].children[0].support \
        in [Interval.Ropen(-oo, 0), Interval.Lopen(0, oo)]
    assert spe_condition.children[0].children[1].support \
        in [Interval.Ropen(-oo, 0), Interval.Lopen(0, oo)]
    assert spe_condition.children[0].children[0].support \
        != spe_condition.children[0].children[1].support
    assert spe_condition.children[1].symbol == Y
    assert not spe_condition.children[1].conditioned
Esempio n. 8
def test_sum_simplify_nested_sum_1():
    X = Id('X')
    children = [
            [X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1), X >> norm(loc=0, scale=2)],
            [log(0.4), log(0.6)]),
        X >> gamma(loc=0, a=1),
    spe = SumSPE(children, [log(0.7), log(0.3)])
    assert spe.size() == 4
    assert spe.children == (
    assert allclose(spe.weights[0], log(0.7) + log(0.4))
    assert allclose(spe.weights[1], log(0.7) + log(0.6))
    assert allclose(spe.weights[2], log(0.3))
Esempio n. 9
def test_product_distribution_normal_gamma_basic():
    X1 = Id('X1')
    X2 = Id('X2')
    X3 = Id('X3')
    X4 = Id('X4')
    children = [
            X1 >> norm(loc=0, scale=1),
            X4 >> norm(loc=10, scale=1),
        ]), X2 >> gamma(loc=0, a=1), X3 >> norm(loc=2, scale=3)
    spe = ProductSPE(children)
    assert spe.children == (
    assert spe.get_symbols() == frozenset([X1, X2, X3, X4])
    assert spe.size() == 5

    samples = spe.sample(2)
    assert len(samples) == 2
    for sample in samples:
        assert len(sample) == 4
        assert all([X in sample for X in (X1, X2, X3, X4)])

    samples = spe.sample_subset((X1, X2), 10)
    assert len(samples) == 10
    for sample in samples:
        assert len(sample) == 2
        assert X1 in sample
        assert X2 in sample

    samples = spe.sample_func(lambda X1, X2, X3: (X1, (X2**2, X3)), 1)
    assert len(samples) == 1
    assert len(samples[0]) == 2
    assert len(samples[0][1]) == 2

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        spe.sample_func(lambda X1, X5: X1 + X4, 1)
Esempio n. 10
def test_sum_normal_gamma_exposed():
    X = Id('X')
    W = Id('W')
    weights = W >> choice({
        '0': Fraction(2, 3),
        '1': Fraction(1, 3),
    children = {
        '0': X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1),
        '1': X >> gamma(loc=0, a=1),
    spe = ExposedSumSPE(children, weights)

    assert spe.logprob(W << {'0'}) == log(Fraction(2, 3))
    assert spe.logprob(W << {'1'}) == log(Fraction(1, 3))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob((W << {'0'}) | (W << {'1'})), 0)
    assert spe.logprob((W << {'0'}) & (W << {'1'})) == -float('inf')

    assert allclose(spe.logprob((W << {'0', '1'}) & (X < 1)),
                    spe.logprob(X < 1))

    assert allclose(spe.logprob((W << {'0'}) & (X < 1)),
                    spe.weights[0] + spe.children[0].logprob(X < 1))

    spe_condition = spe.condition((W << {'1'}) | (W << {'0'}))
    assert isinstance(spe_condition, SumSPE)
    assert len(spe_condition.weights) == 2
    assert \
        allclose(spe_condition.weights[0], log(Fraction(2,3))) \
            and allclose(spe_condition.weights[0], log(Fraction(2,3))) \
        or \
        allclose(spe_condition.weights[1], log(Fraction(2,3))) \
            and allclose(spe_condition.weights[0], log(Fraction(2,3))

    spe_condition = spe.condition((W << {'1'}))
    assert isinstance(spe_condition, ProductSPE)
    assert isinstance(spe_condition.children[0], NominalLeaf)
    assert isinstance(spe_condition.children[1], ContinuousLeaf)
    assert spe_condition.logprob(X < 5) == spe.children[1].logprob(X < 5)
Esempio n. 11
def test_product_inclusion_exclusion_basic():
    X = Id('X')
    Y = Id('Y')
    spe = ProductSPE([X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1), Y >> gamma(a=1)])

    a = spe.logprob(X > 0.1)
    b = spe.logprob(Y < 0.5)
    c = spe.logprob((X > 0.1) & (Y < 0.5))
    d = spe.logprob((X > 0.1) | (Y < 0.5))
    e = spe.logprob((X > 0.1) | ((Y < 0.5) & ~(X > 0.1)))
    f = spe.logprob(~(X > 0.1))
    g = spe.logprob((Y < 0.5) & ~(X > 0.1))

    assert allclose(a, spe.children[0].logprob(X > 0.1))
    assert allclose(b, spe.children[1].logprob(Y < 0.5))

    # Pr[A and B]  = Pr[A] * Pr[B]
    assert allclose(c, a + b)
    # Pr[A or B] = Pr[A] + Pr[B] - Pr[AB]
    assert allclose(d, logdiffexp(logsumexp([a, b]), c))
    # Pr[A or B] = Pr[A] + Pr[B & ~A]
    assert allclose(e, d)
    # Pr[A and B]  = Pr[A] * Pr[B]
    assert allclose(g, b + f)
    # Pr[A or (B & ~A)] = Pr[A] + Pr[B & ~A]
    assert allclose(e, logsumexp([a, b + f]))

    # (A => B) => Pr[A or B] = Pr[B]
    # i.e.,k (X > 1) => (X > 0).
    assert allclose(spe.logprob((X > 0) | (X > 1)), spe.logprob(X > 0))

    # Positive probability event.
    # Pr[A] = 1 - Pr[~A]
    event = ((0 < X) < 0.5) | ((Y < 0) & (1 < X))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob(event), logdiffexp(0, spe.logprob(~event)))

    # Probability zero event.
    event = ((0 < X) < 0.5) & ((Y < 0) | (1 < X))
    assert isinf_neg(spe.logprob(event))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob(~event), 0)
Esempio n. 12
def test_product_condition_basic():
    X = Id('X')
    Y = Id('Y')
    spe = ProductSPE([X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1), Y >> gamma(a=1)])

    # Condition on (X > 0) and ((X > 0) | (Y < 0))
    # where the second clause reduces to first as Y < 0
    # has probability zero.
    for event in [(X > 0), (X > 0) | (Y < 0)]:
        dX = spe.condition(event)
        assert isinstance(dX, ProductSPE)
        assert dX.children[0].symbol == Id('X')
        assert dX.children[0].conditioned
        assert dX.children[0].support ==, oo)
        assert dX.children[1].symbol == Id('Y')
        assert not dX.children[1].conditioned
        assert dX.children[1].Fl == 0
        assert dX.children[1].Fu == 1

    # Condition on (Y < 0.5)
    dY = spe.condition(Y < 0.5)
    assert isinstance(dY, ProductSPE)
    assert dY.children[0].symbol == Id('X')
    assert not dY.children[0].conditioned
    assert dY.children[1].symbol == Id('Y')
    assert dY.children[1].conditioned
    assert dY.children[1].support == Interval.Ropen(0, 0.5)

    # Condition on (X > 0) & (Y < 0.5)
    dXY_and = spe.condition((X > 0) & (Y < 0.5))
    assert isinstance(dXY_and, ProductSPE)
    assert dXY_and.children[0].symbol == Id('X')
    assert dXY_and.children[0].conditioned
    assert dXY_and.children[0].support ==, oo)
    assert dXY_and.children[1].symbol == Id('Y')
    assert dXY_and.children[1].conditioned
    assert dXY_and.children[1].support == Interval.Ropen(0, 0.5)

    # Condition on (X > 0) | (Y < 0.5)
    event = (X > 0) | (Y < 0.5)
    dXY_or = spe.condition((X > 0) | (Y < 0.5))
    assert isinstance(dXY_or, SumSPE)
    assert all(isinstance(d, ProductSPE) for d in dXY_or.children)
    assert allclose(dXY_or.logprob(X > 0), dXY_or.weights[0])
    samples = dXY_or.sample(100, prng=numpy.random.RandomState(1))
    assert all(event.evaluate(sample) for sample in samples)

    # Condition on a disjoint union with one term in second clause.
    dXY_disjoint_one = spe.condition((X > 0) & (Y < 0.5) | (X <= 0))
    assert isinstance(dXY_disjoint_one, SumSPE)
    component_0 = dXY_disjoint_one.children[0]
    assert component_0.children[0].symbol == Id('X')
    assert component_0.children[0].conditioned
    assert component_0.children[0].support ==, oo)
    assert component_0.children[1].symbol == Id('Y')
    assert component_0.children[1].conditioned
    assert component_0.children[1].support == Interval.Ropen(0, 0.5)
    component_1 = dXY_disjoint_one.children[1]
    assert component_1.children[0].symbol == Id('X')
    assert component_1.children[0].conditioned
    assert component_1.children[0].support == Interval(-oo, 0)
    assert component_1.children[1].symbol == Id('Y')
    assert not component_1.children[1].conditioned

    # Condition on a disjoint union with two terms in each clause
    dXY_disjoint_two = spe.condition((X > 0) & (Y < 0.5)
                                     | ((X <= 0) & ~(Y < 3)))
    assert isinstance(dXY_disjoint_two, SumSPE)
    component_0 = dXY_disjoint_two.children[0]
    assert component_0.children[0].symbol == Id('X')
    assert component_0.children[0].conditioned
    assert component_0.children[0].support ==, oo)
    assert component_0.children[1].symbol == Id('Y')
    assert component_0.children[1].conditioned
    assert component_0.children[1].support == Interval.Ropen(0, 0.5)
    component_1 = dXY_disjoint_two.children[1]
    assert component_1.children[0].symbol == Id('X')
    assert component_1.children[0].conditioned
    assert component_1.children[0].support == Interval(-oo, 0)
    assert component_1.children[1].symbol == Id('Y')
    assert component_1.children[1].conditioned
    assert component_1.children[1].support == Interval(3, oo)

    # Some various conditioning.
    spe.condition((X > 0) & (Y < 0.5) | ((X <= 1) | ~(Y < 3)))
    spe.condition((X > 0) & (Y < 0.5) | ((X <= 1) & (Y < 3)))
Esempio n. 13
from sppl.sets import EmptySet
from sppl.transforms import EventFiniteNominal
from sppl.transforms import Exp
from sppl.transforms import Exponential
from sppl.transforms import Id
from sppl.transforms import Log
from sppl.transforms import Logarithm

X = Id('X')
Y = Id('Y')

spes = [
    X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1),
    X >> poisson(mu=7),
    Y >> choice({'a': 0.5, 'b': 0.5}),
    (X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1)) & (Y >> gamma(a=1)),
    0.2*(X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1)) | 0.8*(X >> gamma(a=1)),
    ((X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1)) & (Y >> gamma(a=1))).constrain({Y:1}),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('spe', spes)
def test_serialize_equal(spe):
    metadata = spe_to_dict(spe)
    spe_json_encoded = json.dumps(metadata)
    spe_json_decoded = json.loads(spe_json_encoded)
    spe2 = spe_from_dict(spe_json_decoded)
    assert spe2 == spe

transforms = [
    Exponential(X, base=3),