Esempio n. 1
def AddBenchData(f):
    Add the optical bench positions to the frame.
    if f.type != core.G3FrameType.GcpSlow:
    bench_axes = ['y1', 'y2', 'y3', 'x4', 'x5', 'z6']
    benchcom = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    benchpos = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    benchzero = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    for i, key in enumerate(bench_axes):
        # As of 2017-08-03, SCU time is not trustworthy
        # start = f['antenna0']['scu']['benchSampleTime'][0][0]
        # stop = f['antenna0']['scu']['benchSampleTime'][0][-1]
        # For now, do this bit of evil
        start = f['antenna0']['tracker']['utc'][0][0]
        stop = f['antenna0']['tracker']['utc'][0][-1]

        benchcom[key] = core.G3Timestream(f['antenna0']['scu']['benchExpected'][i])
        benchcom[key].start = start
        benchcom[key].stop = stop

        benchpos[key] = core.G3Timestream(f['antenna0']['scu']['benchActual'][i])
        benchpos[key].start = start
        benchpos[key].stop = stop

        benchzero[key] = core.G3Timestream(f['antenna0']['scu']['benchZeros'][i])
        benchzero[key].start = start
        benchzero[key].stop = stop

    f['BenchPosition'] = benchpos
    f['BenchCommandedPosition'] = benchcom
    f['BenchZeros'] = benchzero
Esempio n. 2
def convert_azel_to_radec(az, el, location=spt):
    When passed G3Timestreams of azimuth and elevation positions and a
    telescope location (where SPT is, by default), return an (RA, Dec)
    tuple of timestreams corresponding to the astronomical coordinates
    at which the telescope was pointing.

    ra, dec = convert_azel_to_radec(az, el)

    assert(az.start == el.start)
    assert(az.stop == el.stop)
    assert(az.n_samples == el.n_samples)

    # record locations of bad elevation values to mark them later
    badel_inds = numpy.where((el < -90. * core.G3Units.deg) | (el > 90. * core.G3Units.deg))
    el[badel_inds] = 0. * core.G3Units.deg

    t = astropy.time.Time(numpy.asarray([i.mjd for i in az.times()]), format='mjd')
    k = astropy.coordinates.AltAz(az=numpy.asarray(az)/core.G3Units.deg*astropy.units.deg, alt=numpy.asarray(el)/core.G3Units.deg*astropy.units.deg, obstime=t, location=location, pressure=0)

    kt = k.transform_to(astropy.coordinates.FK5)

    ra = core.G3Timestream(numpy.asarray(kt.ra/astropy.units.deg)*core.G3Units.deg)
    dec = core.G3Timestream(numpy.asarray(kt.dec/astropy.units.deg)*core.G3Units.deg)
    dec[badel_inds] = numpy.nan

    ra.start = dec.start = az.start
    ra.stop = dec.stop = az.stop

    return (ra, dec)
Esempio n. 3
def convert_radec_to_azel(ra, dec, location=spt):
    When passed G3Timestreams of RA and declination positions and a
    telescope location (where SPT is, by default), return an (Az, El)
    tuple of timestreams corresponding to the local coordinates
    at which the telescope was pointing.

    az, el = convert_radec_to_azel(az, el)

    assert(ra.start == dec.start)
    assert(ra.stop == dec.stop)
    assert(ra.n_samples == dec.n_samples)

    t = astropy.time.Time(numpy.asarray([i.mjd for i in ra.times()]), format='mjd')
    k = astropy.coordinates.FK5(ra=numpy.asarray(ra)/core.G3Units.deg*astropy.units.deg, dec=numpy.asarray(dec)/core.G3Units.deg*astropy.units.deg)

    kt = k.transform_to(astropy.coordinates.AltAz(obstime=t, location=location, pressure=0))

    az = core.G3Timestream(numpy.asarray(*core.G3Units.deg)
    el = core.G3Timestream(numpy.asarray(kt.alt/astropy.units.deg)*core.G3Units.deg)

    az.start = el.start = ra.start
    az.stop = el.stop = ra.stop

    return (az, el)
Esempio n. 4
    def process(self, data, det_name):
        locs = np.random.randint(data.n_samples,
                                 size=(np.random.randint(self.max_glitches), ))
        heights = np.random.randn(
            len(locs)) * self.height_std_sigma * np.std(data)
        glitches = np.zeros((data.n_samples, ))
        glitches[locs] += heights

        self.glitch_map[det_name] = core.G3Timestream(glitches)
        return core.G3Timestream(data + glitches)
Esempio n. 5
def convert_radec_to_gal(ra, dec):
    Convert timestreams of right ascension and declination to Galactic
    longitude and latitude.

    ra, dec : np.ndarray or G3Timestream
        Array of Equatorial sky coordinates. If inputs are G3Timestream
        objects, G3Timestreams are also returned.

    glon, glat : np.ndarray or G3Timestream

    singleton = False
    if isinstance(ra, core.G3Timestream):
        assert ra.start == dec.start
        assert ra.stop == dec.stop
        assert ra.n_samples == dec.n_samples
        except TypeError:
            singleton = True
        if singleton:
            ra = np.atleast_1d(ra)
            dec = np.atleast_1d(dec)
        assert len(ra) == len(dec)

    k = astropy.coordinates.FK5(
        ra=np.asarray(ra) / core.G3Units.deg * astropy.units.deg,
        dec=np.asarray(dec) / core.G3Units.deg * astropy.units.deg,
    kt = k.transform_to(astropy.coordinates.Galactic)

    glon = np.asarray(kt.l / astropy.units.deg) * core.G3Units.deg
    glat = np.asarray(kt.b / astropy.units.deg) * core.G3Units.deg

    if isinstance(ra, core.G3Timestream):
        glon = core.G3Timestream(glon)
        glat = core.G3Timestream(glat)
        glon.start = glat.start = ra.start
        glon.stop = glat.stop = ra.stop
    elif singleton:
        glon = glon[0]
        glat = glat[0]

    return (glon, glat)
Esempio n. 6
def convert_gal_to_radec(glon, glat):
    Convert timestreams of Galactic longitude and latitude to right ascension
    and declination.

    glon, glat : np.ndarray or G3Timestream
        Array of Galactic sky coordinates. If inputs are G3Timestream
        objects, G3Timestreams are also returned.

    ra, dec : np.ndarray or G3Timestream

    singleton = False
    if isinstance(glon, core.G3Timestream):
        assert glon.start == glat.start
        assert glon.stop == glat.stop
        assert glon.n_samples == glat.n_samples
        except TypeError:
            singleton = True
        if singleton:
            glon = np.atleast_1d(glon)
            glat = np.atleast_1d(glat)
        assert len(glon) == len(glat)

    k = astropy.coordinates.Galactic(
        l=np.asarray(glon) / core.G3Units.deg * astropy.units.deg,
        b=np.asarray(glat) / core.G3Units.deg * astropy.units.deg,
    kt = k.transform_to(astropy.coordinates.FK5)

    ra = np.asarray(kt.ra / astropy.units.deg) * core.G3Units.deg
    dec = np.asarray(kt.dec / astropy.units.deg) * core.G3Units.deg

    if isinstance(ra, core.G3Timestream):
        ra = core.G3Timestream(ra)
        dec = core.G3Timestream(dec)
        ra.start = dec.start = glon.start
        ra.stop = dec.stop = glon.stop
    elif singleton:
        ra = ra[0]
        dec = dec[0]

    return (ra, dec)
Esempio n. 7
    def __call__(self, f):
        if f.type == FT.Calibration and f['cal_type'] == 'focal_plane':
            self.focal_plane = f

        if f.type != FT.Scan:
            return [f]

        # As long as we have a focal_plane, we can create signal vectors.
        if self.focal_plane is None:
            return [f]
        f['signal'] = core.G3TimestreamMap()

        # Determine time samples we will be covering.
        if self.start_time is None:
            first = f['vertex_enc_raw'].t[0] * core.G3Units.sec
            self.start_time = core.G3Time(
                np.ceil(first / self.tick_step) * self.tick_step)
        # And we will end before...
        last = core.G3Time(f['vertex_enc_raw'].t[-1] * core.G3Units.sec)
        n = int((last.time - self.start_time.time) / self.tick_step)
        end_time = core.G3Time(self.start_time.time + n * self.tick_step)

        z = np.zeros(n)
        for k in self.focal_plane['signal_names']:
            f['signal'][k] = core.G3Timestream(z)

        # You can't broadcast-set the start and end time unless the
        # elements are already populated.
        f['signal'].start = self.start_time
        f['signal'].stop = end_time

        self.start_time = end_time
        return [f]
Esempio n. 8
def noise_scan_frames(n_frames=3,
                      samp_rate=0.005 * core.G3Units.second,
    Generate a list of frames filled with noise data and nothing else. 
        n_frames (int): number of frames to make
        n_dets (int): number of detectors per frame
        input (str): name of G3TimestreamMap for detectors, should be some form of 'signal'
        n_samps (int): number of samples per detector timestream
        samp_rate (G3Unit.second): detector sampling rate
        t_start (G3Time): start time of the set of frames
    frame_list = []
    for n in range(n_frames):
        f = core.G3Frame()
        f.type = core.G3FrameType.Scan
        tsm = core.G3TimestreamMap()
        z = np.zeros((n_samps, ))
        for d in enumerate_det_id(n_dets):
            tsm[d] = core.G3Timestream(z)
        tsm.start = t_start
        tsm.stop = t_start + n_samps * samp_rate
        tsm = MakeNoiseData().apply(tsm)
        f[input] = tsm
        t_start += n_samps * samp_rate
    return frame_list
Esempio n. 9
    def __call__(self, frame):
        if 'DfMuxTransferFunction' in frame:
            self.default_tf = frame['DfMuxTransferFunction']
        if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Wiring:
            self.wiringmap = frame['WiringMap']
            self.system = frame['ReadoutSystem']
            self.convfactors = {}
        if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Housekeeping:
            self.hkmap = frame['DfMuxHousekeeping']
            self.convfactors = {}
        if self.keepconversions and frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Observation:
            self.convfactors = {}
            self.hkmap = None

        if frame.type != core.G3FrameType.Scan:

        # Housekeeping data can also be in Scan frames
        if 'DfMuxHousekeeping' in frame:
            if self.hkmap is None or (frame['DfMuxHousekeeping'].values()[0].timestamp != self.hkmap.values()[0].timestamp and not self.keepconversions):
                # XXX: finer-grained check for same values?
                self.hkmap = frame['DfMuxHousekeeping']
                self.convfactors = {}

        # Now the meat
        newts = core.G3TimestreamMap()
        oldts = frame[self.input]
        for bolo,ts in oldts.items():
            if ts.units not in self.convfactors:
                self.convfactors[ts.units] = {}
            if ts.units == self.units:
                convfactor = 1.
            elif bolo in self.convfactors[ts.units]:
                convfactor = self.convfactors[ts.units][bolo]
                tf = self.default_tf # XXX: might get from HK data
                    convfactor = get_timestream_unit_conversion(ts.units, self.units, bolo, wiringmap=self.wiringmap, hkmap=self.hkmap, system=self.system, tf=tf)
                except KeyError:
                    if not self.skiperrors:
                    newts[bolo] = ts
                self.convfactors[ts.units][bolo] = convfactor # And cache it

            # Convert timestream and store results
            convts = core.G3Timestream(ts)
            if core.G3TimestreamUnits.Resistance in [self.units, ts.units] and self.units != ts.units:
                convts = 1. / convts
            convts.units = self.units
            convts *= convfactor
            if convts.units != core.G3TimestreamUnits.Counts:
            newts[bolo] = convts
        frame[self.output] = newts
Esempio n. 10
    def process(self, data, det_name):
        locs = np.random.randint(data.n_samples,
                                 size=(np.random.randint(self.max_jumps), ))
        heights = np.random.randn(
            len(locs)) * self.height_std_sigma * np.std(data)
        jumps = np.zeros((data.n_samples, ))
        for i in range(len(locs)):
            jumps[locs[i]:] += heights[i]

        self.jump_map[det_name] = core.G3Timestream(jumps)
        return data + jumps
Esempio n. 11
    def start_stream(self, session, params=None):

        if params is None:
            params = {}

        delay = params.get('delay', 1)
        ts_len = params.get('ts_len', 100)

        # Writes status frame
        f = core.G3Frame(core.G3FrameType.Housekeeping)
        f['session_id'] = 0
        f['start_time'] = time.time()

        self.is_streaming = True
        frame_num = 0
        while self.is_streaming:

            f = core.G3Frame(core.G3FrameType.Scan)

            t1 = time.time()
            t0 = t1 - delay

            ts = np.arange(t0, t1, 1 / self.freq)

            f['session_id'] = 0
            f['frame_num'] = frame_num
            f['data'] = core.G3TimestreamMap()

            for k, c in self.channels.items():

                fparams = copy.copy(c)
                bg = np.random.normal(0, fparams.get('stdev', 0), len(ts))
                if fparams['type'] == 'const':
                    xs = bg + fparams['val']
                elif fparams['type'] in ['lin', 'linear']:
                    xs = bg + ts * fparams['slope'] + fparams.get('offset', 0)
                # Wraps from -pi to pi
                xs = np.mod(xs + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi

                f['data'][k] = core.G3Timestream(xs)
                f['data'][k].start = core.G3Time(t0 * core.G3Units.sec)
                f['data'][k].stop = core.G3Time(t1 * core.G3Units.sec)

  "Writing G3 Frame")
            frame_num += 1
        print("Writing EndProcessingFrame")
        f = core.G3Frame(core.G3FrameType.EndProcessing)
        return True, "Finished streaming"
    def start_stream(self, session, params=None):
        Task to stream fake detector data as G3Frames

            frame_rate (float, optional):
                Frequency [Hz] at which G3Frames are sent over the network.
                Defaults to 1 frame pers sec.
            sample_rate (float, optional):
                Sample rate [Hz] for each channel.
                Defaults to 10 Hz.
        if params is None:
            params = {}

        frame_rate = params.get('frame_rate', 1.)
        sample_rate = params.get('sample_rate', 10.)

        f = core.G3Frame(core.G3FrameType.Observation)
        f['session_id'] = 0
        f['start_time'] = time.time()

        frame_num = 0
        self.is_streaming = True
        while self.is_streaming:

            frame_start = time.time()
            time.sleep(1. / frame_rate)
            frame_stop = time.time()
            times = np.arange(frame_start, frame_stop, 1. / sample_rate)

            f = core.G3Frame(core.G3FrameType.Scan)
            f['session_id'] = 0
            f['frame_num'] = frame_num
            f['data'] = core.G3TimestreamMap()

            for i, chan in enumerate(self.channels):
                ts = core.G3Timestream([ for t in times])
                ts.start = core.G3Time(frame_start * core.G3Units.sec)
                ts.stop = core.G3Time(frame_stop * core.G3Units.sec)
                f['data'][str(i)] = ts

  "Writing frame...")
            frame_num += 1

        return True, "Finished streaming"
Esempio n. 13
def check_for_sim_keys(fr, valid_ids_key = 'valid_ids',
                       out_tsm_key = 'valid_ids_tsm'):
    CalculatePointing expects a TimestreamMap, so make sure there's one
    in the frame when doing mock-observations.
    valid_ids_key should already exist in simstub and point to a list.
    if fr.type == core.G3FrameType.Scan:
        if not valid_ids_key in fr:
            raise KeyError(
                "%s not found in frame. "%valid_ids_key +
                "List of valid bolometer ids required for mock-observing.")
        tsm = core.G3TimestreamMap()
        for bid in fr[valid_ids_key]:
        fr[out_tsm_key] = tsm
Esempio n. 14
    def __call__(self, f):
        if f.type == core.G3FrameType.Scan:
            if self.input not in f.keys() or type(f[self.input]) != core.G3TimestreamMap:
                raise ValueError("""Frame is a Scan but does not have a G3Timestream map 
                                 named {}""".format(self.input))
            processing = core.G3TimestreamMap()
            for k in f[self.input].keys():
                processing[k] = core.G3Timestream( self.process(f[self.input][k], k) )
            processing.start = f[self.input].start
            processing.stop = f[self.input].stop   

            if self.input == self.output:
            f[self.output] = processing
Esempio n. 15
def convert_azel_to_radec(az, el, location=spt, mjd=None):
    Convert timestreams of local azimuth and elevation to right ascension and

    az, el : np.ndarray or G3Timestream
        Array of local coordinates. If inputs are G3Timestream objects,
        G3Timestreams are also returned.
    location : astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation instance
        The telescope location on Earth.
    mjd : np.ndarray
        An array of times for each az/el sample.  If input az and el
        are not G3Timestreams, this argument is required.

    ra, dec : np.ndarray or G3Timestream

    singleton = False
    if isinstance(az, core.G3Timestream):
        assert az.start == el.start
        assert az.stop == el.stop
        assert az.n_samples == el.n_samples
        t = astropy.time.Time(np.asarray([i.mjd for i in az.times()]),
        except TypeError:
            singleton = True
        if singleton:
            az = np.atleast_1d(az)
            el = np.atleast_1d(el)
            mjd = np.atleast_1d(mjd)
        assert len(az) == len(el)
        t = astropy.time.Time(mjd, format="mjd")


    # record locations of bad elevation values to mark them later
    badel_inds = np.where((el < -90.0 * core.G3Units.deg)
                          | (el > 90.0 * core.G3Units.deg))
    el[badel_inds] = 0.0 * core.G3Units.deg

    k = astropy.coordinates.AltAz(
        az=np.asarray(az) / core.G3Units.deg * astropy.units.deg,
        alt=np.asarray(el) / core.G3Units.deg * astropy.units.deg,
    kt = k.transform_to(astropy.coordinates.FK5)

    ra = np.asarray(kt.ra / astropy.units.deg) * core.G3Units.deg
    dec = np.asarray(kt.dec / astropy.units.deg) * core.G3Units.deg
    dec[badel_inds] = np.nan

    if isinstance(az, core.G3Timestream):
        ra = core.G3Timestream(ra)
        dec = core.G3Timestream(dec)
        ra.start = dec.start = az.start
        ra.stop = dec.stop = az.stop
    elif singleton:
        ra = ra[0]
        dec = dec[0]

    return (ra, dec)
Esempio n. 16
    def __call__(self, f):
        if f.type == FT.Calibration and f['cal_type'] == 'focal_plane':
            self.focal_plane = f

        if f.type != FT.Scan:
            return [f]

        if f.type == FT.EndProcessing:
            flush = True
            flush = False

        # Figure out what frames we're able to process, given info we have.
        frames_out = []

        # Work in units of seconds.
        raw_t0, raw_t1 = self.raw_buffer[0].t[0], self.raw_buffer[-1].t[-1]
        # Process any frame that ends before raw_t1.
        frame_index = 0
        while len(self.frame_buffer) > 0:
            f = self.frame_buffer[0]
            if not flush and (f['signal'].stop.time / core.G3Units.sec >
            sig = f[self.signal_name]  # f['signal']
            frame_t0 = sig.start.time / core.G3Units.sec
            frame_t1 = sig.stop.time / core.G3Units.sec
            tick_rate = sig.sample_rate / core.G3Units.Hz
            # Figure out what range of samples we will be able to set.
            start_index = np.ceil((raw_t0 - frame_t0) * tick_rate)
            end_index = np.floor((raw_t1 - frame_t0) * tick_rate) + 1
            start_index = max(0, int(start_index))
            end_index = min(int(end_index), sig.n_samples)
            if end_index != sig.n_samples and not flush:
                # Buffer.

            # Otherwise, do the interpolations...
            t_raw = np.hstack([r.t for r in self.raw_buffer])
            t_int = frame_t0 + np.arange(start_index, end_index) / tick_rate
            boresight = core.G3TimestreamMap()
            vs = {}
            for k in ['az', 'el', 'corot']:
                interp = spline1d(
                    t_raw, np.hstack([[k] for r in self.raw_buffer]))
                v = np.empty(sig.n_samples)
                v[:start_index] = np.nan
                v[start_index:end_index] = interp(t_int)
                v[end_index:] = np.nan
                vs[k] = v
                boresight[k] = core.G3Timestream(vs[k])

            boresight.start = sig.start
            boresight.stop = sig.stop
            f[self.boresight_name] = boresight  # f['boresight']

            # Compute quaternion.
            q = (  # Sky <-- near (el, az=0)
                coords.q_euler(2, -vs['az'] * np.pi / 180) *
                # ... sky at az=0 <-- near (el=0,az=0)
                coords.q_euler(1, -vs['el'] * np.pi / 180) *
                # ... (1,-xi,eta) <-- (-eta,-xi,1)
                coords.q_euler(1, np.pi / 2) *
                # ... (-eta,-xi,1) <-- (eta,xi,1)
                coords.q_euler(2, np.pi))
            # Note that there's no "TimestreamQuat" class.  So no timestamps.
            f[self.boresight_name + '_q'] = q  # f['boresight_q']

        # Discard raw data we're not using any more.  Out of caution,
        # keep one more frame than we have buffered.
        while len(self.raw_buffer) - len(self.frame_buffer) > 2:

        return frames_out
Esempio n. 17
def convert_radec_to_azel(ra, dec, location=spt, mjd=None):
    Convert timestreams of right ascension and declination to local
    azimuth and elevation.

    ra, dec : np.ndarray or G3Timestream
        Array of Equatorial sky coordinates. If inputs are G3Timestream
        objects, G3Timestreams are also returned.
    location : astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation instance
        The telescope location on Earth.
    mjd : np.ndarray
        An array of times for each ra/dec sample.  If input ra and dec
        are not G3Timestreams, this argument is required.

    az, el : np.ndarray or G3Timestream

    singleton = False
    if isinstance(ra, core.G3Timestream):
        assert ra.start == dec.start
        assert ra.stop == dec.stop
        assert ra.n_samples == dec.n_samples
        t = astropy.time.Time(np.asarray([i.mjd for i in ra.times()]),
        except TypeError:
            singleton = True
        if singleton:
            ra = np.atleast_1d(ra)
            dec = np.atleast_1d(dec)
            mjd = np.atleast_1d(mjd)
        assert len(ra) == len(dec)
        t = astropy.time.Time(mjd, format="mjd")

    k = astropy.coordinates.FK5(
        ra=np.asarray(ra) / core.G3Units.deg * astropy.units.deg,
        dec=np.asarray(dec) / core.G3Units.deg * astropy.units.deg,
    kt = k.transform_to(
        astropy.coordinates.AltAz(obstime=t, location=location, pressure=0))

    az = np.asarray( / astropy.units.deg) * core.G3Units.deg
    el = np.asarray(kt.alt / astropy.units.deg) * core.G3Units.deg

    if isinstance(ra, core.G3Timestream):
        az = core.G3Timestream(az)
        el = core.G3Timestream(el)
        az.start = el.start = ra.start
        az.stop = el.stop = ra.stop
    elif singleton:
        az = az[0]
        el = el[0]

    return (az, el)
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy
from spt3g import core

ts = core.G3Timestream(numpy.zeros(50))
ts.units = core.G3TimestreamUnits.Power
ts.start = core.G3Time(0)
ts.stop = core.G3Time(10 * core.G3Units.s)

assert (ts[5] == 0)  # Check scalar getitem

ts[12] = 13.4  # Check scalar setitem
assert (ts[12] == 13.4)

ts[:] = numpy.arange(50)  # Test vector setitem
assert (ts[12]) == 12.0

# Test units preserved by slicing
assert (ts[:5].units == ts.units)

# Test length with slicing
assert (len(ts[::2]) == len(ts) / 2)
assert (len(ts[5:]) == len(ts) - 5)

# Test consistency with numpy slicing with steps that do and do not divide evenly into array length
assert ((numpy.asarray(ts[::2]) == numpy.asarray(ts)[::2]).all())
assert ((numpy.asarray(ts[::3]) == numpy.asarray(ts)[::3]).all())
assert ((numpy.asarray(ts[5::2]) == numpy.asarray(ts)[5::2]).all())
assert ((numpy.asarray(ts[5::3]) == numpy.asarray(ts)[5::3]).all())
assert ((numpy.asarray(ts[5:-4:2]) == numpy.asarray(ts)[5:-4:2]).all())
Esempio n. 19
def AddBenchData(f):
    Add the optical bench positions to the frame.
    if f.type != core.G3FrameType.GcpSlow:
    bench_axes = ['y1', 'y2', 'y3', 'x4', 'x5', 'z6']

    benchcom = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    benchpos = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    benchzero = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    benchoff = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    bencherr = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    bench_info = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    for i, key in enumerate(bench_axes):
        # As of 2017-08-03, SCU time is not trustworthy
        # start = f['antenna0']['scu']['benchSampleTime'][0][0]
        # stop = f['antenna0']['scu']['benchSampleTime'][0][-1]
        # For now, do this bit of evil
        start = f['antenna0']['tracker']['utc'][0][0]
        stop = f['antenna0']['tracker']['utc'][0][-1]

        benchcom[key] = core.G3Timestream(
        benchcom[key].start = start
        benchcom[key].stop = stop

        benchpos[key] = core.G3Timestream(
        benchpos[key].start = start
        benchpos[key].stop = stop

        benchzero[key] = core.G3Timestream(
        benchzero[key].start = start
        benchzero[key].stop = stop

        benchoff[key] = core.G3Timestream(
        benchoff[key].start = start
        benchoff[key].stop = stop

        bencherr[key] = core.G3Timestream(
        bencherr[key].start = start
        bencherr[key].stop = stop

    info_items = [
        'benchFocus', 'benchDeadBand', 'benchAcquiredThreshold',
        'benchPrimaryState', 'benchSecondaryState', 'benchFault', 'timeLocked'
    bench_info = core.G3TimestreamMap()
    for i, key in enumerate(info_items):
        start = f['antenna0']['tracker']['utc'][0][0]
        stop = f['antenna0']['tracker']['utc'][0][-1]

        bench_info[key] = core.G3Timestream(f['antenna0']['scu'][key][0])
        bench_info[key].start = start
        bench_info[key].stop = stop

    f['BenchPosition'] = benchpos
    f['BenchCommandedPosition'] = benchcom
    f['BenchZeros'] = benchzero
    f['BenchOffsets'] = benchoff
    f['BenchErrors'] = bencherr
    f['BenchInfo'] = bench_info
    f['BenchSampleTime'] = f['antenna0']['scu']['benchSampleTime'][0]
Esempio n. 20
    def start_background_streamer(self, session, params=None):

        Process to run streaming process. A data stream is started
        automatically. It can be stopped and started by the start and stop
        tasks. Either way keep alive flow control frames are being sent.

        frame_rate : float, optional
            Frequency [Hz] at which G3Frames are sent over the network.
            Defaults to 1 frame pers sec.
        sample_rate : float, optional
            Sample rate [Hz] for each channel. Defaults to 10 Hz.

        if params is None:
            params = {}

        self.writer = core.G3NetworkSender(hostname=self.target_host,

        frame_rate = params.get('frame_rate', 1.)
        sample_rate = params.get('sample_rate', 10.)

        frame_num = 0
        self.running_in_background = True

        # Control flags FIFO stack to keep Writer single threaded
        self.flags = deque([FlowControl.START])

        while self.running_in_background:
            # Send START frame
            if next(iter(self.flags), None) is FlowControl.START:
                self._set_stream_on()  # sends start flowcontrol
                self.is_streaming = True

            print("stream running in background")
            self.log.debug("control flags: {f}", f=self.flags)
            # Send keep alive flow control frame
            f = core.G3Frame(core.G3FrameType.none)
            f['sostream_flowcontrol'] = FlowControl.ALIVE.value

            if self.is_streaming:
                frame_start = time.time()
                time.sleep(1. / frame_rate)
                frame_stop = time.time()
                times = np.arange(frame_start, frame_stop, 1. / sample_rate)

                f = core.G3Frame(core.G3FrameType.Scan)
                f['session_id'] = 0
                f['frame_num'] = frame_num
                f['sostream_id'] = self.stream_id
                f['data'] = core.G3TimestreamMap()

                for i, chan in enumerate(self.channels):
                    ts = core.G3Timestream([ for t in times])
                    ts.start = core.G3Time(frame_start * core.G3Units.sec)
                    ts.stop = core.G3Time(frame_stop * core.G3Units.sec)
                    f['data'][f"r{i:04}"] = ts

      "Writing frame...")
                frame_num += 1

                # Send END frame
                if next(iter(self.flags), None) is FlowControl.END:
                    self.is_streaming = False

                # Don't send keep alive frames too quickly

            # Shutdown streamer
            if next(iter(self.flags), None) is SHUTDOWN:
                self.running_in_background = False

        # Teardown writer
        self.writer = None

        return True, "Finished streaming"
Esempio n. 21
#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy, sys
from spt3g import core

then = core.G3Time.Now()
now = core.G3Time(then.time + 3 * core.G3Units.second)

data = numpy.zeros(200)

ts = core.G3Timestream(data)
ts.start = then
ts.stop = now

assert (numpy.abs(ts.sample_rate / core.G3Units.Hz - 66.33333) < 1e-5)

times = ts.times()

assert (ts.times()[0] == ts.start)
print(ts.times()[-1].time, ts.stop.time)
assert (numpy.abs(ts.times()[-1].time - ts.stop.time) < 2
        )  # Max 1 tick roundoff error

tsm = core.G3TimestreamMap()
tsm['Test'] = ts

assert (numpy.abs(tsm.sample_rate / core.G3Units.Hz - 66.33333) < 1e-5)

times = tsm.times()
Esempio n. 22
#!/usr/bin/env python
from spt3g import core, coordinateutils
import numpy as np


n_samps = int(1e3)

az_0 = core.G3Timestream(np.random.rand(n_samps) * 2.0 * np.pi - np.pi)
pole_avoidance = 0.7
el_0 = core.G3Timestream(
    np.random.rand(n_samps) * np.pi * pole_avoidance -
    np.pi / 2.0 * pole_avoidance)

az_0.start = core.G3Time('20170329_000001')
el_0.start = core.G3Time('20170329_000001')

az_0.stop = core.G3Time('20170329_100001')
el_0.stop = core.G3Time('20170329_100001')

az_1 = az_0 + 10 * core.G3Units.arcmin
el_1 = el_0 + 10 * core.G3Units.arcmin

ra_0, dec_0 = coordinateutils.azel.convert_azel_to_radec(az_0, el_0)
ra_1, dec_1 = coordinateutils.azel.convert_azel_to_radec(az_1, el_1)

o_az_0 = az_0 + (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * core.G3Units.deg
o_el_0 = el_0 + (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * core.G3Units.deg
o_ra_0, o_dec_0 = coordinateutils.azel.convert_azel_to_radec(o_az_0, o_el_0)

import astropy.coordinates
Esempio n. 23
def cache_to_frames(tod,
    """Gather all data from the distributed cache for a single frame.

        tod (toast.TOD): instance of a TOD class.
        start_frame (int): the first frame index.
        n_frames (int): the number of frames.
        frame_offsets (list): list of the first samples of all frames.
        frame_sizes (list): list of the number of samples in each frame.
        common (tuple): (cache name, G3 type, frame name) of each common
        detector_fields (tuple): (cache name, frame name) of each detector
        flag_fields (tuple): (cache name, frame name) of each flag field.
        detector_map (str): the name of the frame timestream map.
        flag_map (str): then name of the frame flag map.
        units: G3 units of the detector data.

    # Local sample range
    local_first = tod.local_samples[0]
    nlocal = tod.local_samples[1]

    # The process grid
    detranks, sampranks = tod.grid_size
    rankdet, ranksamp = tod.grid_ranks

    # Helper function:
    # For a given timestream, the gather is done across the
    # process row which contains the specific detector, or across
    # the first process row for common telescope data.
    def gather_field(prow, fld, indx, cacheoff, ncache):
        gproc = 0
        gdata = None

        # We are going to allreduce this later, so that every process
        # knows the dimensions of the field.
        allnnz = 0

        if rankdet == prow:
            #print("  proc {} doing gather of {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld), flush=True)
            # This process is in the process row that has this field,
            # participate in the gather operation.
            pdata = None
            # Find the data type and shape from the cache object
            mtype = None
            ref = tod.cache.reference(fld)
            nnz = 1
            if (len(ref.shape) > 1) and (ref.shape[1] > 0):
                nnz = ref.shape[1]
            if ref.dtype == np.dtype(np.float64):
                mtype = MPI.DOUBLE
            elif ref.dtype == np.dtype(np.int64):
                mtype = MPI.INT64_T
            elif ref.dtype == np.dtype(np.int32):
                mtype = MPI.INT32_T
            elif ref.dtype == np.dtype(np.uint8):
                mtype = MPI.UINT8_T
                msg = "Cannot gather cache field {} of type {}"\
                    .format(fld, ref.dtype)
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            #print("field {}:  proc {} has nnz = {}".format(fld, tod.mpicomm.rank, nnz), flush=True)
            pz = 0
            if cacheoff is not None:
                pdata = ref.flatten()[nnz * cacheoff:nnz * (cacheoff + ncache)]
                pz = nnz * ncache
                pdata = np.zeros(0, dtype=ref.dtype)

            psizes = tod.grid_comm_row.gather(pz, root=0)
            disp = None
            totsize = None
            if ranksamp == 0:
                #print("Gathering field {} with type {}".format(fld, mtype), flush=True)
                # We are the process collecting the gathered data.
                gproc = tod.mpicomm.rank
                allnnz = nnz
                # Compute the displacements into the receive buffer.
                disp = [0]
                for ps in psizes[:-1]:
                    last = disp[-1]
                    disp.append(last + ps)
                totsize = np.sum(psizes)
                # allocate receive buffer
                gdata = np.zeros(totsize, dtype=ref.dtype)
                #print("Gatherv psizes = {}, disp = {}".format(psizes, disp), flush=True)

            #print("field {}:  proc {} start Gatherv".format(fld, tod.mpicomm.rank), flush=True)
            tod.grid_comm_row.Gatherv(pdata, [gdata, psizes, disp, mtype],
            #print("field {}:  proc {} finish Gatherv".format(fld, tod.mpicomm.rank), flush=True)

            del disp
            del psizes
            del pdata
            del ref

        # Now send this data to the root process of the whole communicator.
        # Only one process (the first one in process row "prow") has data
        # to send.

        # Create a unique message tag
        mtag = 10 * indx

        #print("  proc {} hit allreduce of gproc".format(tod.mpicomm.rank), flush=True)
        # All processes find out which one did the gather
        gproc = tod.mpicomm.allreduce(gproc, MPI.SUM)
        # All processes find out the field dimensions
        allnnz = tod.mpicomm.allreduce(allnnz, MPI.SUM)
        #print("  proc {} for field {}, gproc = {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld, gproc), flush=True)

        #print("field {}:  proc {}, gatherproc = {}, allnnz = {}".format(fld, tod.mpicomm.rank, gproc, allnnz), flush=True)

        rdata = None
        if gproc == 0:
            if gdata is not None:
                if allnnz == 1:
                    rdata = gdata
                    rdata = gdata.reshape((-1, allnnz))
            # Data not yet on rank 0
            if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                # Receive data from the first process in this row
                #print("  proc {} for field {}, recv type".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld), flush=True)
                rtype = tod.mpicomm.recv(source=gproc, tag=(mtag + 1))

                #print("  proc {} for field {}, recv size".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld), flush=True)
                rsize = tod.mpicomm.recv(source=gproc, tag=(mtag + 2))

                #print("  proc {} for field {}, recv data".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld), flush=True)
                rdata = np.zeros(rsize, dtype=np.dtype(rtype))
                tod.mpicomm.Recv(rdata, source=gproc, tag=mtag)

                # Reshape if needed
                if allnnz > 1:
                    rdata = rdata.reshape((-1, allnnz))

            elif (tod.mpicomm.rank == gproc):
                # Send our data
                #print("  proc {} for field {}, send {} samples of {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld, len(gdata), gdata.dtype.char), flush=True)

                #print("  proc {} for field {}, send type with tag = {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld, mtag+1), flush=True)
                tod.mpicomm.send(gdata.dtype.char, dest=0, tag=(mtag + 1))

                #print("  proc {} for field {}, send size with tag = {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld, mtag+2), flush=True)
                tod.mpicomm.send(len(gdata), dest=0, tag=(mtag + 2))

                #print("  proc {} for field {}, send data with tag {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, fld, mtag), flush=True)
                tod.mpicomm.Send(gdata, 0, tag=mtag)
        return rdata

    # For efficiency, we are going to gather the data for all frames at once.
    # Then we will split those up when doing the write.

    # Frame offsets relative to the memory buffers we are gathering
    fdataoff = [0]
    for f in frame_sizes[:-1]:
        last = fdataoff[-1]
        fdataoff.append(last + f)

    # The list of frames- only on the root process.
    fdata = None
    if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
        fdata = [c3g.G3Frame(c3g.G3FrameType.Scan) for f in range(n_frames)]
        fdata = [None for f in range(n_frames)]

    # Compute the overlap of all frames with the local process.  We want to
    # to find the full sample range that this process overlaps the total set
    # of frames.

    cacheoff = None
    ncache = 0

    for f in range(n_frames):
        # Compute overlap of the frame with the local samples.
        fcacheoff, froff, nfr = local_frame_indices(local_first, nlocal,
        #print("proc {}:  frame {} has cache off {}, fr off {}, nfr {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, f, fcacheoff, froff, nfr), flush=True)
        if fcacheoff is not None:
            if cacheoff is None:
                cacheoff = fcacheoff
                ncache = nfr
                ncache += nfr
            #print("proc {}:    cache off now {}, ncache now {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, cacheoff, ncache), flush=True)

    # Now gather the full sample data one field at a time.  The root process
    # splits up the results into frames.

    # First gather common fields from the first row of the process grid.

    for findx, (cachefield, g3t, framefield) in enumerate(common):
        #print("proc {} entering gather_field(0, {}, {}, {}, {})".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, cachefield, findx, cacheoff, ncache), flush=True)
        data = gather_field(0, cachefield, findx, cacheoff, ncache)
        if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
            #print("Casting field {} to type {}".format(field, g3t), flush=True)
            if g3t == c3g.G3VectorTime:
                # Special case for time values stored as int64_t, but
                # wrapped in a class.
                for f in range(n_frames):
                    dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                    ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                    g3times = list()
                    for t in range(ndata):
                        g3times.append(c3g.G3Time(data[dataoff + t]))
                    fdata[f][framefield] = c3g.G3VectorTime(g3times)
                    del g3times
                # The bindings of G3Vector seem to only work with
                # lists.  This is probably horribly inefficient.
                for f in range(n_frames):
                    dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                    ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                    if len(data.shape) == 1:
                        fdata[f][framefield] = \
                        # We have a 2D quantity
                        fdata[f][framefield] = \
        del data

    # Wait for everyone to catch up...

    # For each detector field, processes which have the detector
    # in their local_dets should be in the same process row.
    # We do the gather over just this process row.

    if (detector_fields is not None) or (flag_fields is not None):
        dpats = {d: re.compile(".*{}.*".format(d)) for d in tod.local_dets}

        detmaps = None
        if detector_fields is not None:
            if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                detmaps = [c3g.G3TimestreamMap() for f in range(n_frames)]

            for dindx, (cachefield, framefield) in enumerate(detector_fields):
                pc = -1
                for det, pat in dpats.items():
                    if pat.match(cachefield) is not None:
                        #print("proc {} has field {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, field), flush=True)
                        pc = rankdet
                # As a sanity check, verify that every process which
                # has this field is in the same process row.
                rowcheck = tod.mpicomm.gather(pc, root=0)
                prow = 0
                if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                    rc = np.array([x for x in rowcheck if (x >= 0)],
                    #print(field, rc, flush=True)
                    prow = np.max(rc)
                    if np.min(rc) != prow:
                        msg = "Processes with field {} are not in the "\
                            "same row\n".format(cachefield)

                # Every process finds out which process row is participating.
                prow = tod.mpicomm.bcast(prow, root=0)
                #print("proc {} got prow = {}".format(tod.mpicomm.rank, prow), flush=True)

                # Get the data on rank 0
                data = gather_field(prow, cachefield, dindx, cacheoff, ncache)

                if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                    if units is None:
                        # We do this conditional, since we can't use
                        # G3TimestreamUnits.None in python ("None" is
                        # interpreted as python None).
                        for f in range(n_frames):
                            dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                            ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                            detmaps[f][framefield] = \
                        for f in range(n_frames):
                            dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                            ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                            detmaps[f][framefield] = \

            if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                for f in range(n_frames):
                    fdata[f][detector_map] = detmaps[f]

        flagmaps = None
        if flag_fields is not None:
            if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                flagmaps = [c3g.G3MapVectorInt() for f in range(n_frames)]
            for dindx, (cachefield, framefield) in enumerate(flag_fields):
                pc = -1
                for det, pat in dpats.items():
                    if pat.match(cachefield) is not None:
                        pc = rankdet
                # As a sanity check, verify that every process which
                # has this field is in the same process row.
                rowcheck = tod.mpicomm.gather(pc, root=0)
                prow = 0
                if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                    rc = np.array([x for x in rowcheck if (x >= 0)],
                    prow = np.max(rc)
                    if np.min(rc) != prow:
                        msg = "Processes with field {} are not in the "\
                            "same row\n".format(cachefield)

                # Every process finds out which process row is participating.
                prow = tod.mpicomm.bcast(prow, root=0)

                # Get the data on rank 0
                data = gather_field(prow, cachefield, dindx, cacheoff, ncache)

                if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                    # The bindings of G3Vector seem to only work with
                    # lists...  Also there is no vectormap for unsigned
                    # char, so we have to use int...
                    for f in range(n_frames):
                        dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                        ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                        flagmaps[f][framefield] = \

            if tod.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                for f in range(n_frames):
                    fdata[f][flag_map] = flagmaps[f]

    return fdata
Esempio n. 24
def recode_timestream(ts, params, rmstarget=2**10, rmsmode="white"):
    """ts is a G3Timestream.  Returns a new
    G3Timestream for same samples as ts, but with data
    scaled and translated with gain and offset,
    rounded, and with FLAC compression enabled.

        ts (G3Timestream) :  Input signal
        params (bool or dict) :  if True, compress with default
            parameters.  If dict with 'rmstarget' member, override
            default `rmstarget`.  If dict with `gain` and `offset`
            members, use those instead.
        params (None, bool or dict) :  If None, False or an empty dict,
             no compression or casting to integers.  If True or
             non-empty dictionary, enable compression.  Expected fields
             in the dictionary ('rmstarget', 'gain', 'offset', 'rmsmode')
             allow overriding defaults.
        rmstarget (float) :  Scale the iput signal to have this RMS.
            Should be much smaller then the 24-bit integer range:
            [-2 ** 23 : 2 ** 23] = [-8,388,608 : 8,388,608].
            The gain will be reduced if the scaled signal does
            not fit within the range of allowed values.
        rmsmode (string) : "white" or "full", determines how the
            signal RMS is measured.
        new_ts (G3Timestream) :  Scaled and translated timestream
            with the FLAC compression enabled
        gain (float) :  The applied gain
        offset (float) :  The removed offset

    if not params:
        return ts, 1, 0
    gain = None
    offset = None
    if isinstance(params, dict):
        if "rmsmode" in params:
            rmsmode = params["rmsmode"]
        if "rmstarget" in params:
            rmstarget = params["rmstarget"]
        if "gain" in params:
            gain = params["gain"]
        if "offset" in params:
            offset = params["offset"]
    v = np.array(ts)
    vmin = np.amin(v)
    vmax = np.amax(v)
    if offset is None:
        offset = 0.5 * (vmin + vmax)
        amp = vmax - offset
        amp = np.max(np.abs(vmin - offset), np.abs(vmax - offset))
    if gain is None:
        if rmsmode == "white":
            rms = np.std(np.diff(v)) / np.sqrt(2)
        elif rmsmode == "full":
            rms = np.std(v)
            raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized RMS mode = '{}'".format(rmsmode))
        if rms == 0:
            gain = 1
            gain = rmstarget / rms
        # If the data have extreme outliers, we have to reduce the gain
        # to fit the 24-bit signed integer range
        while amp * gain >= 2**23:
            gain *= 0.5
    elif amp * gain >= 2**23:
        raise RuntimeError("The specified gain and offset saturate the band.")
    v = np.round((v - offset) * gain)
    new_ts = core3g.G3Timestream(v)
    new_ts.units = core3g.G3TimestreamUnits.Counts
    new_ts.start = ts.start
    new_ts.stop = ts.stop
    return new_ts, gain, offset
Esempio n. 25
#!/usr/bin/env python

import pickle, numpy, sys
from spt3g import core

ts = core.G3Timestream(numpy.ones(1200))
ts.units = core.G3TimestreamUnits.Counts
ts[5] = numpy.nan

pickle.dump(ts, open('tsdump.pkl', 'wb'))

ts_rehyd = pickle.load(open('tsdump.pkl', 'rb'))
print(ts[4], ts[5], ts[6])
print(ts_rehyd[4], ts_rehyd[5], ts_rehyd[6])

if ts_rehyd.units != ts.units:
    print('Units do not match')

if numpy.isfinite(ts_rehyd[5]):
    print('Element 5 finite!')

if (numpy.asarray(ts_rehyd)[:5] != 1).any() or (numpy.asarray(ts_rehyd)[6:] !=
    print('Elements not 1!')
Esempio n. 26
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy
from spt3g import core

# Check that timestream maps being cast with numpy.asarray have the right
# content and are indistinguishable from numpy.asarray(list(tsm.values())

tsm = core.G3TimestreamMap()
start = core.G3Time.Now()
stop = start + 5 * core.G3Units.s
for ts in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']:
    i = core.G3Timestream(numpy.random.normal(size=600))
    i.start = start
    i.stop = stop
    i.units = core.G3TimestreamUnits.Tcmb
    tsm[ts] = i

buffer1d = numpy.asarray(list(tsm.values()))

buffer2d = numpy.asarray(tsm)

assert (buffer1d.shape == buffer2d.shape)
assert (buffer2d.shape == (4, 600))
assert ((buffer1d == buffer2d).all())
Esempio n. 27
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import random, os, sys, numpy, time
from spt3g import core

port = random.randint(10000, 60000)

frames = []
for i in range(0, 20):
    f = core.G3Frame()
    f['Sequence'] = i
    f['Data'] = core.G3Timestream(numpy.zeros(100000))

print('Port: ', port)
child = os.fork()

if child != 0:
    # Parent

    send = core.G3NetworkSender(hostname='*', port=port)
    time.sleep(1)  # XXX: how to signal that the remote end is ready?

    for f in frames:

    pid, status = os.wait()
    print('Child Status: ', status)