def commit_asset_allocate_hk(): """sync qdii fund asset allocate Returns: """ data = read_oracle(funds.fund_allocate_hk) date = dict(zip(data['secucode'], data['enddate'])) data['assettype'] = data['assettype'].astype('str') ratio = data.pivot_table(index='secucode', columns='assettype', values='ratioinnv', aggfunc=sum) ratio = ratio.fillna(0) for col in ['10', '30', '10015', '40', '10075', '10089', '10090']: if col not in ratio.columns: ratio[col] = 0 ratio['stock'] = ratio['10'] / 100 ratio['bond'] = ratio['30'] ratio['metals'] = ratio['40'] / 100 ratio['fund'] = ratio['10015'] / 100 ratio['monetary'] = (ratio['10075'] + ratio['10089']) / 100 ratio['other'] = ratio['10090'] / 100 ratio = ratio[['stock', 'bond', 'fund', 'metals', 'monetary', 'other']] ratio = ratio.reset_index() ratio['date'] = ratio.secucode.apply(lambda x: date.get(x)) fund = models.Funds.objects.filter(secucode__in=list(ratio.secucode)).all() fund = {x.secucode: x for x in fund} this_year = latest = models.FundAssetAllocate.objects.values('secucode').annotate(mdate=Max('date')) latest = {x['secucode']: x['mdate'] for x in latest} ratio = ratio[ratio.agg(lambda x: > latest.get(x.secucode, - 1, 1, 1)), axis=1)] ratio['secucode'] = ratio['secucode'].apply(lambda x: fund.get(x)) if ratio.empty: return commit_by_chunk(data, models.FundAssetAllocate)
def _commit_stock_data(model: models.StockDailyQuote or models.CapitalFlow, sql: str): """同步股票行情或资金流向数据 Args: model: sql: Returns: """ exist = model.objects.last() if exist: date = else: date =, 1, 1) sql = render(sql, '<date>', date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) data = read_oracle(sql) stocks = models.Stock.objects.all() stocks = {x.secucode: x for x in stocks} data.secucode = data.secucode.apply(lambda x: stocks.get(x)) data = data[data.secucode.notnull()] ret = [model(**x) for _, x in data.iterrows()] ret = chunk(ret, 5000) for r in ret: model.objects.bulk_create(r)
def commit_industry_sw(): """同步股票申万行业分类""" full = read_oracle(template.stock_sw) full = full.to_dict(orient='records') stocks = list({x['secucode'] for x in full if not x['secucode'].startswith('X')}) all_ = models.Stock.objects.filter(secucode__in=stocks).all() all_ = {x.secucode: x for x in all_} with transaction.atomic(): for s in full: # 不使用深拷贝这里导致了一个严重的问题:数据错乱 s = deepcopy(s) c = s['secucode'] if any([c.startswith('4'), c.startswith('8'), c.startswith('X')]): continue f = all_.get(s.pop('secucode')) if not f: continue s['secucode'] = f m: models.StockIndustrySW = models.StockIndustrySW.objects.filter(secucode=f).last() first = s['firstindustryname'] second = s['secondindustryname'] if m: if m.firstindustryname == first: continue m.firstindustryname = first m.secondindustryname = second else: models.StockIndustrySW.objects.create(secucode=f, firstindustryname=first, secondindustryname=second)
def commit_fund_quote(): """ 同步场内基金行情数据 Returns: """ if not models.FundQuote.objects.exists(): data = read_oracle(funds.fund_quote_once) else: data = read_oracle(funds.fund_quote) last = models.FundQuote.objects.values('secucode').annotate(mdate=Max('date')) last = {x['secucode']: x['mdate'] for x in last} data = data[data.agg(lambda x: > last.get(x.secucode,, 1, 1)), axis=1)] instance = models.Funds.objects.all() instance = {x.secucode: x for x in instance} data.secucode = data.secucode.apply(lambda x: instance.get(x)) data = data[data.secucode.notnull()] data = data.dropna(how='any') commit_by_chunk(data, models.FundQuote)
def commit_stock(): full = read_oracle(template.stock) full = full.to_dict(orient='records') length = len(full) local = stock_code_in_local() with transaction.atomic(): for i, stock in enumerate(full): if stock['secucode'] in local: continue models.Stock.objects.update_or_create(secucode=stock.pop('secucode'), defaults=stock) progressbar(i, length)
def get_index_basic_info(): """获取指数基本信息,增量方式""" basic = models.IndexBasicInfo.objects.values_list('secucode') basic = [x[0] for x in basic] indexes = get_indexes() indexes = [x for x in indexes if '.' not in x] added = [x for x in indexes if x not in basic] added = "'" + "','".join(added) + "'" sql = render(template.basic_info, '<codelist>', added) data = read_oracle(sql) data.basedate = data.basedate.apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) data = data.to_dict(orient='records') return data
def commit_fund_associate(): """更新基金代码关联表,主要针对ETF和LOF""" sql = template.fund_associate funds_jy = read_oracle(sql) for _, row in funds_jy.iterrows(): exist = models.FundAssociate.objects.filter(secucode=row.secucode, relate=row.relate).all() if exist: continue fund = models.Funds.objects.filter(secucode=row.secucode).first() if not fund: continue models.FundAssociate.objects.update_or_create( relate=row.relate, secucode=fund, defaults={'define': row.define})
def get_tradingdays(date=None): """ 从gildata获取交易日数据 :param date: 日期,默认为空 :return: """ if not date: date =, 1, 1) date = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') sql = render(tradingday.tradingday, '<date/>', date) data = read_oracle(sql) if data.empty: return return data
def commit_fund_asset_allocate(): """更新基金资产配置比例 @updated: 20210706 @desc: 原有更新方式速度过慢,采用新的更新逻辑 """ sql = template.fund_allocate data = read_oracle(sql) data = data.fillna(0) latest = latest_update_date(models.FundAssetAllocate) data = data[data.agg(lambda x: > latest.get( x.secucode,, 1, 1)), axis=1)] data = replace_fund_instance(data) commit_by_chunk(data, models.FundAssetAllocate)
def commit_fund_advisor(): """同步基金管理人名称数据 Returns: """ data = read_oracle(funds.fund_advisor) fund = models.Funds.objects.all() fund = {x.secucode: x for x in fund} exists = models.FundAdvisor.objects.values('secucode') exists = [x['secucode'] for x in exists] data = data[~data.secucode.isin(exists)] data.secucode = data.secucode.apply(lambda x: fund.get(x)) data = data[data.secucode.notnull()] commit_by_chunk(data, models.FundAdvisor)
def commit_fund_adj_nav(): """ 同步基金复权单位净值 Returns: """ if not models.FundAdjPrice.objects.exists(): sql = template.adj_nav_bulk else: sql = template.adj_nav data = read_oracle(sql) latest = latest_update_date(models.FundAdjPrice) data = data[data.agg( lambda x: > latest.get(x.secucode, ThisYear), axis=1)] data = replace_fund_instance(data) data = data.dropna() commit_by_chunk(data, models.FundAdjPrice)
def commit_funds(): """增量更新基金列表""" sql = funds_jy = read_oracle(sql) funds_jy = funds_jy.to_dict(orient='records') local = models.Funds.objects.all() local = {x.secucode: x for x in local} add = [] for f in funds_jy: local_ = local.get(f['secucode']) if not local_: add.append(models.Funds(**f)) continue if f['secuname'] == local_.secuname: continue local_.secuname = f['secuname'] models.Funds.objects.bulk_create(add)
def commit_fund_holding_stock_hk(): """基金持仓股票-港股""" data = read_oracle(funds.fund_holding_stock_hk) data['ratio'] = data['ratio'] / 100 stocks = list(set(list(data.stockcode))) stocks = models.Stock.objects.filter(secucode__in=stocks).all() stocks = {x.secucode: x for x in stocks} data['stockname'] = data.stockcode.apply(lambda x: stocks.get(x).secuname if stocks.get(x) else None) data['stockcode'] = data.stockcode.apply(lambda x: stocks.get(x) if stocks.get(x) else None) data = data[data['stockcode'].notnull()] fund = list(set(list(data.secucode))) fund = models.Funds.objects.filter(secucode__in=fund).all() fund = {x.secucode: x for x in fund} latest = models.FundHoldingStock.objects.values('secucode').annotate(mdate=Max('date')) latest = {x['secucode']: x['mdate'] for x in latest} this_year = data = data[data.agg(lambda x: > latest.get(x.secucode,, 1, 1)), axis=1)] data['secucode'] = data.secucode.apply(lambda x: fund.get(x)) if data.empty: return commit_by_chunk(data, models.FundHoldingStock)
def get_index_quote(secucode): """获取指数交易数据""" last = models.IndexQuote.objects.filter(secucode=secucode).last() if last: date = else: date = models.IndexBasicInfo.objects.get(secucode=secucode).basedate if not date: date =, 1, 1) else: date = for tmpl in [ template.quote, template.quote_cb, template.quote_os, template.quote_sw ]: sql = render(tmpl, '<code>', secucode) sql = render(sql, '<date>', date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) data = read_oracle(sql) if not data.empty: data.columns = [x.lower() for x in data.columns] data = data.dropna(how='any') return data.to_dict(orient='records')
def commit_announcement(): """同步基金公告数据""" exist = models.FundAnnouncement.objects.last() if exist: date = else: date = + datetime.timedelta(days=-30) date = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') sql = render(funds.fund_announcement, '<date>', date) data = read_oracle(sql) fund = models.Holding.objects.values('secucode').distinct() fund = [x['secucode'] for x in fund] fund = models.Funds.objects.filter(secucode__in=fund).all() fund = {x.secucode: x for x in fund} data.secucode = data.secucode.apply(lambda x: fund.get(x)) data = data[data.secucode.notnull()] ret = (models.FundAnnouncement(**x) for _, x in data.iterrows()) for i in ret: try: except Exception as e: print(e.__class__)
def _commit_index_component(code_list: list): """同步指数成分列表 从聚源数据库获取股票规模指数的成分及权重,如中证800、沪深300 Args: code_list (List[str]): 股票规模指数列表 Returns: DataFrame: 从数据库查询到的相关数据 example: >>> _commit_index_component(['000001', '000906']) secucode stockcode weight date 0 000001 600000 0.717 2020-11-30 1 000001 600004 0.086 2020-11-30 2 000001 600006 0.031 2020-11-30 """ code_list = "'" + "','".join(code_list) + "'" sql = render(template.component, '<codelist>', code_list) data = read_oracle(sql) return data
def _commit_holding_stocks(publish: str, sql): """同步基金持仓数据 基金持仓来源于两张表,一为重仓股,源于季报,一为完整持仓,源于半年报或年报 """ if models.FundHoldingStock.objects.exists(): date = date = - 1, 1, 1) else: date =, 1, 1) exist = models.FundHoldingStock.objects.filter(publish=publish).values('secucode').annotate(max_date=Max('date')) existed = {x['secucode']: x['max_date'] for x in exist} full = models.Funds.objects.all() instance = {x.secucode: x for x in full} sql = render(sql, '<date>', date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) data = read_oracle(sql) data = data[data.publish == publish] data = data[data.agg(lambda x: > existed.get(x.secucode,, 1, 1)), axis=1)] data.secucode = data.secucode.apply(lambda x: instance.get(x)) data = data[data.secucode.notnull()] data.ratio = data.ratio.fillna(0) data = data.where(data.notnull(), None) commit_by_chunk(data, models.FundHoldingStock)
def _commit_stock_quote(): """同步股票行情 A股大盘、创业板、科创板""" exist = models.StockDailyQuote.objects.last() if exist: date = else: date =, 1, 1) dates = models.TradingDays.objects.filter(date__lt=date).order_by('-date') date = dates[3].date stocks = models.Stock.objects.all() stocks = {x.secucode: x for x in stocks} latest = models.StockDailyQuote.objects.values('secucode').annotate(mdate=Max('date')) latest = {x['secucode']: x['mdate'] for x in latest} stmts = [template.stock_quote, template.stock_quote_sti] for sql in stmts: sql = render(sql, '<date>', date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) data = read_oracle(sql) data = data[data.agg(lambda x: > latest.get(x.secucode,, 1, 1)), axis=1)] data.secucode = data.secucode.apply(lambda x: stocks.get(x)) data = data[data.secucode.notnull()] ret = [models.StockDailyQuote(**x) for _, x in data.iterrows()] ret = chunk(ret, 5000) for r in ret: models.StockDailyQuote.objects.bulk_create(r)