Esempio n. 1
class QuerySQL:
    def __init__(self, table_name, condition_str, unique=False):

        table_name = table_name.lower()

        if table_name in {'beams', 'dvhs', 'plans', 'rxs'}:
            self.table_name = table_name
            self.condition_str = condition_str
            self.cnx = DVH_SQL()

            # column names, use as property names
            column_cursor = self.cnx.get_column_names(table_name)

            for row in column_cursor:
                column = str(row).strip()
                if column not in {'roi_coord_string, distances_to_ptv, dth_string'}:
                    self.cursor = self.cnx.query(self.table_name,
                if unique:
                    rtn_list = get_unique_list(self.cursor_to_list())
                    rtn_list = self.cursor_to_list()
                setattr(self, column, rtn_list)
            print('Table name in valid. Please select from Beams, DVHs, Plans, or Rxs.')

    def cursor_to_list(self):
        rtn_list = []
        for row in self.cursor:
            if isinstance(row[0], (int, long, float)):
        return rtn_list
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, uid=None, dvh_condition=None):
        This class will retrieve DVHs and other data in the DVH SQL table meeting the given constraints,
        it will also parse the DVH_string into python lists and retrieve the associated Rx dose
        :param uid: a list of allowed study_instance_uids in data set
        :param dvh_condition: a string in SQL syntax applied to a DVH Table query

        if uid:
            constraints_str = "study_instance_uid in ('%s')" % "', '".join(uid)
            if dvh_condition:
                constraints_str = " and " + constraints_str
            constraints_str = ''

        if dvh_condition:
            constraints_str = "(%s)%s" % (dvh_condition, constraints_str)
            self.query = dvh_condition
            self.query = ''

        cnx = DVH_SQL()

        # Get DVH data from SQL
        dvh_data = QuerySQL('DVHs', constraints_str)
        for key, value in dvh_data.__dict__.items():
            if not key.startswith("__"):
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Add these properties to dvh_data since they aren't in the DVHs SQL table
        self.count = len(self.mrn)
        self.rx_dose = []

        self.bin_count = 0
        for value in self.dvh_string:
            current_dvh_str = np.array(str(value).split(','))
            current_size = np.size(current_dvh_str)
            if current_size > self.bin_count:
                self.bin_count = current_size
        self.dvh = np.zeros([self.bin_count, self.count])

        # Get needed values not in DVHs table
        for i in range(self.count):
            # Get Rx Doses
            condition = "mrn = '%s' and study_instance_uid = '%s'" % (
                self.mrn[i], self.study_instance_uid[i])
            rx_dose_cursor = cnx.query('Plans', 'rx_dose', condition)

            # Process dvh_string to numpy array, and pad with zeros at the end
            # so that all dvhs are the same length
            current_dvh = np.array(self.dvh_string[i].split(','),
            current_dvh_max = np.max(current_dvh)
            if current_dvh_max > 0:
                current_dvh = np.divide(current_dvh, current_dvh_max)
            zero_fill = np.zeros(self.bin_count - len(current_dvh))
            self.dvh[:, i] = np.concatenate((current_dvh, zero_fill))
def get_physician_from_uid(uid):
    cnx = DVH_SQL()
    condition = "study_instance_uid = '" + uid + "'"
    results = cnx.query('Plans', 'physician', condition)

    if len(results) > 1:
        print('Warning: multiple plans with this study_instance_uid exist')

    return str(results[0][0])
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        if 'uid' in kwargs:
            study_instance_uid = kwargs['uid']
            db_constraints_list = []
            for i in range(0, len(study_instance_uid)):
            uid_constraints_str = "study_instance_uid in ('"
            uid_constraints_str += "', '".join(db_constraints_list)
            uid_constraints_str += "')"
            if 'dvh_condition' in kwargs and kwargs['dvh_condition']:
                uid_constraints_str = " and " + uid_constraints_str
            uid_constraints_str = ''

        if 'dvh_condition' in kwargs and kwargs['dvh_condition']:
            uid_constraints_str = '(' + kwargs['dvh_condition'] + ')' + uid_constraints_str
            self.query = kwargs['dvh_condition']
            self.query = ''

        if 'uncategorized' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['uncategorized']:
                self.uncategorized = True
                self.uncategorized = False
            self.uncategorized = False

        cnx = DVH_SQL()

        # Get DVH data from SQL
        dvh_data = QuerySQL('DVHs', uid_constraints_str)
        for key, value in dvh_data.__dict__.items():
            if not key.startswith("__"):
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Add this properties to dvh_data since they aren't in the DVHs SQL table
        self.count = len(self.mrn)
        setattr(self, 'rx_dose', [])

        self.bin_count = 0
        for value in self.dvh_string:
            current_dvh_str = np.array(str(value).split(','))
            current_size = np.size(current_dvh_str)
            if current_size > self.bin_count:
                self.bin_count = current_size
        setattr(self, 'dvh', np.zeros([self.bin_count, self.count]))

        # Get needed values not in DVHs table
        for i in range(0, self.count):
            # Get Rx Doses
            condition = "mrn = '" + self.mrn[i]
            condition += "' and study_instance_uid = '"
            condition += str(self.study_instance_uid[i]) + "'"
            rx_dose_cursor = cnx.query('Plans', 'rx_dose', condition)

            # Process dvh_string to numpy array, and pad with zeros at the end
            # so that all dvhs are the same length
            current_dvh = np.array(self.dvh_string[i].split(','), dtype='|S4').astype(np.float)
            if np.max(current_dvh) > 0:
                current_dvh = np.divide(current_dvh, np.max(current_dvh))
            zero_fill = np.zeros(self.bin_count - len(current_dvh))
            self.dvh[:, i] = np.concatenate((current_dvh, zero_fill))