def query_data(session, agency_code, agency_type, start, end):
    """ Request D2 file data

            session: DB session
            agency_code: FREC or CGAC code for generation
            agency_type: The type of agency (awarding or funding) to generate the file for
            start: Beginning of period for D file
            end: End of period for D file

            The rows using the provided dates for the given agency.
    rows = initial_query(session).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) >= start).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) <= end)

    # Funding or awarding agency filtering
    if agency_type == 'funding':
        rows = rows.filter(file_model.funding_agency_code == agency_code)
        rows = rows.filter(file_model.awarding_agency_code == agency_code)

    return rows
Esempio n. 2
def query_data(session, agency_code, agency_type, start, end, page_start,
    """ Request D1 file data

            session: DB session
            agency_code: FREC or CGAC code for generation
            agency_type: The type of agency (awarding or funding) to generate the file for
            start: Beginning of period for D file
            end: End of period for D file
            page_start: Beginning of pagination
            page_stop: End of pagination

            The rows using the provided dates and page size for the given agency.
    rows = initial_query(session).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) >= start).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) <= end)

    # Funding or awarding agency filtering
    if agency_type == 'funding':
        rows = rows.filter(file_model.funding_agency_code == agency_code)
        rows = rows.filter(file_model.awarding_agency_code == agency_code)

    # Slice the final query
    rows = rows.slice(page_start, page_stop)

    return rows
def query_data(session, agency_code, agency_type, start, end):
    """ Request D2 file data

            session: DB session
            agency_code: FREC or CGAC code for generation
            agency_type: The type of agency (awarding or funding) to generate the file for
            start: Beginning of period for D file
            end: End of period for D file

            The rows using the provided dates for the given agency.
    rows = initial_query(session).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) >= start).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) <= end)

    # Funding or awarding agency filtering
    if agency_type == 'funding':
        rows = rows.filter(file_model.funding_agency_code == agency_code)
        rows = rows.filter(file_model.awarding_agency_code == agency_code)

    return rows
def query_data(session, agency_code, start, end, page_start, page_stop):
    """ Request D1 file data

            session - DB session
            agency_code - FREC or CGAC code for generation
            start - Beginning of period for D file
            end - End of period for D file
            page_start - Beginning of pagination
            page_stop - End of pagination
    rows = initial_query(session).\
        filter(file_model.awarding_agency_code == agency_code).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) >= start).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) <= end).\
        slice(page_start, page_stop)

    return rows
Esempio n. 5
def query_data(session, agency_code, start, end, page_start, page_stop):
    """ Request D2 file data

            session: DB session
            agency_code: FREC or CGAC code for generation
            start: Beginning of period for D file
            end: End of period for D file
            page_start: Beginning of pagination
            page_stop: End of pagination

            The rows using the provided dates and page size for the given agency.
    rows = initial_query(session).\
        filter(file_model.awarding_agency_code == agency_code).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) >= start).\
        filter(func.cast_as_date(file_model.action_date) <= end).\
        slice(page_start, page_stop)
    return rows
def derive_office_data(obj, office_dict, sess):
    """ Deriving office data

            obj: a dictionary containing the details we need to derive from and to
            office_dict: a dictionary containing all the data for Office objects keyed by office code
            sess: the current DB session
    # If we don't have an awarding office code, we need to copy it from the earliest transaction of that award
    if not obj['awarding_office_code'] or not obj['funding_office_code']:
        first_transaction = None
        pafa = PublishedAwardFinancialAssistance
        awarding_sub_code = obj['awarding_sub_tier_agency_c'].upper(
        ) if obj['awarding_sub_tier_agency_c'] else None
        if obj['record_type'] == 1:
            uri = obj['uri'].upper() if obj['uri'] else None
            # Get the minimum action date for this uri/AwardingSubTierCode combo
            min_action_date = sess.query(func.min(pafa.action_date).label("min_date")). \
                filter(func.upper(pafa.uri) == uri, func.upper(pafa.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c) == awarding_sub_code,
                       pafa.is_active.is_(True), pafa.record_type == 1).one()
            # If we have a minimum action date, get the office codes for the first entry that matches it
            if min_action_date.min_date:
                first_transaction = sess.query(pafa.awarding_office_code, pafa.funding_office_code,
                    filter(func.upper(pafa.uri) == uri, pafa.is_active.is_(True),
                           func.upper(pafa.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c) == awarding_sub_code,
                           func.cast_as_date(pafa.action_date) == min_action_date.min_date,
                           pafa.record_type == 1).first()
            fain = obj['fain'].upper() if obj['fain'] else None
            # Get the minimum action date for this fain/AwardingSubTierCode combo
            min_action_date = sess.query(func.min(func.cast(pafa.action_date, DATE)).label("min_date")).\
                filter(func.upper(pafa.fain) == fain, func.upper(pafa.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c) == awarding_sub_code,
                       pafa.is_active.is_(True), pafa.record_type != 1).one()
            # If we have a minimum action date, get the office codes for the first entry that matches it
            if min_action_date.min_date:
                first_transaction = sess.query(pafa.awarding_office_code, pafa.funding_office_code,
                    filter(func.upper(pafa.fain) == fain, pafa.is_active.is_(True),
                           func.upper(pafa.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c) == awarding_sub_code,
                           func.cast_as_date(pafa.action_date) == min_action_date.min_date,
                           pafa.record_type != 1).first()

        # If we managed to find a transaction, copy the office codes into it. Don't copy if the mod is the same because
        # we don't want to auto-fill the base record for an award.
        if first_transaction and first_transaction.award_modification_amendme != obj[
            # No need to copy if new code isn't blank or old code is
            if not obj[
                    'awarding_office_code'] and first_transaction.awarding_office_code:
                # Make sure the code we're copying is a valid awarding office code
                award_office = office_dict.get(
                if award_office and award_office[
                    obj['awarding_office_code'] = first_transaction.awarding_office_code
            if not obj[
                    'funding_office_code'] and first_transaction.funding_office_code:
                # Make sure the code we're copying is a valid funding office code
                fund_office = office_dict.get(
                if fund_office and fund_office['funding_office']:
                    obj['funding_office_code'] = first_transaction.funding_office_code

    # Deriving awarding_office_name based off awarding_office_code
    awarding_code = obj['awarding_office_code'].upper(
    ) if obj['awarding_office_code'] else None
    awarding_office_data = office_dict.get(awarding_code)
    if awarding_office_data:
        obj['awarding_office_name'] = awarding_office_data['office_name']
        obj['awarding_office_name'] = None

    # Deriving funding_office_name based off funding_office_code
    funding_code = obj['funding_office_code'].upper(
    ) if obj['funding_office_code'] else None
    funding_office_data = office_dict.get(funding_code)
    if funding_office_data:
        obj['funding_office_name'] = funding_office_data['office_name']
        obj['funding_office_name'] = None
def derive_office_data(obj, office_dict, sess):
    """ Deriving office data

            obj: a dictionary containing the details we need to derive from and to
            office_dict: a dictionary containing all the data for Office objects keyed by office code
            sess: the current DB session
    # If we don't have an awarding office code, we need to copy it from the earliest transaction of that award
    if not obj['awarding_office_code'] or not obj['funding_office_code']:
        first_transaction = None
        pafa = PublishedAwardFinancialAssistance
        if obj['record_type'] == 1:
            # Get the minimum action date for this uri/AwardingSubTierCode combo
            min_action_date = sess.query(func.min(pafa.action_date).label("min_date")). \
                filter(pafa.uri == obj['uri'], pafa.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c == obj['awarding_sub_tier_agency_c'],
                       pafa.is_active.is_(True), pafa.record_type == 1).one()
            # If we have a minimum action date, get the office codes for the first entry that matches it
            if min_action_date.min_date:
                first_transaction = sess.query(pafa.awarding_office_code, pafa.funding_office_code,
                    filter(pafa.uri == obj['uri'], pafa.is_active.is_(True),
                           pafa.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c == obj['awarding_sub_tier_agency_c'],
                           func.cast_as_date(pafa.action_date) == min_action_date.min_date,
                           pafa.record_type == 1).first()
            # Get the minimum action date for this fain/AwardingSubTierCode combo
            min_action_date = sess.query(func.min(func.cast(pafa.action_date, DATE)).label("min_date")).\
                filter(pafa.fain == obj['fain'], pafa.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c == obj['awarding_sub_tier_agency_c'],
                       pafa.is_active.is_(True), pafa.record_type != 1).one()
            # If we have a minimum action date, get the office codes for the first entry that matches it
            if min_action_date.min_date:
                first_transaction = sess.query(pafa.awarding_office_code, pafa.funding_office_code,
                    filter(pafa.fain == obj['fain'], pafa.is_active.is_(True),
                           pafa.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c == obj['awarding_sub_tier_agency_c'],
                           func.cast_as_date(pafa.action_date) == min_action_date.min_date,
                           pafa.record_type != 1).first()

        # If we managed to find a transaction, copy the office codes into it. Don't copy if the mod is the same because
        # we don't want to auto-fill the base record for an award.
        if first_transaction and first_transaction.award_modification_amendme != obj['award_modification_amendme']:
            # No need to copy if new code isn't blank or old code is
            if not obj['awarding_office_code'] and first_transaction.awarding_office_code:
                # Make sure the code we're copying is a valid awarding office code
                award_office = office_dict.get(first_transaction.awarding_office_code)
                if award_office and award_office['grant_office']:
                    obj['awarding_office_code'] = first_transaction.awarding_office_code
            if not obj['funding_office_code'] and first_transaction.funding_office_code:
                # Make sure the code we're copying is a valid funding office code
                fund_office = office_dict.get(first_transaction.funding_office_code)
                if fund_office and fund_office['funding_office']:
                    obj['funding_office_code'] = first_transaction.funding_office_code

    # Deriving awarding_office_name based off awarding_office_code
    awarding_office_data = office_dict.get(obj['awarding_office_code'])
    if awarding_office_data:
        obj['awarding_office_name'] = awarding_office_data['office_name']
        obj['awarding_office_name'] = None

    # Deriving funding_office_name based off funding_office_code
    funding_office_data = office_dict.get(obj['funding_office_code'])
    if funding_office_data:
        obj['funding_office_name'] = funding_office_data['office_name']
        obj['funding_office_name'] = None