def attach_triggers(): """ Attach some database triggers to the File table """ function_snippet = DDL(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_file_search_text_vector() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN new.search_text = to_tsvector('pg_catalog.english', NEW.tags) || to_tsvector('pg_catalog.english', translate(NEW.path, '/.', ' ')); END IF; IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN IF NEW.tags <> OLD.tags || NEW.path <> OLD.path THEN new.search_text = to_tsvector('pg_catalog.english', NEW.tags) || to_tsvector('pg_catalog.english', translate(NEW.path, '/.', ' ')); END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; """) trigger_snippet = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER search_text_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON files FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_file_search_text_vector() """) event.listen(File.__table__, 'after_create', function_snippet.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) event.listen(File.__table__, 'after_create', trigger_snippet.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
def mount_declare_schema(target_schema): schema = pg.Schema(target_schema.schema) ddl_statement = DDL(schema.create_statement()) event.listen(target_schema, 'before_create', ddl_statement.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) return target_schema
def load_ddl(): for script in ('triggers.sql', 'rpmvercmp.sql'): with open(os.path.join(get_config('directories.datadir'), script)) as ddl_script: ddl = DDL( listen(Base.metadata, 'after_create', ddl.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
def initialize_db(db): from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, Sequence if 'scheduled_jobs' in db['metadata'].tables: # Table already exists. Nothing to do. return scheduled_jobs = Table('scheduled_jobs', db['metadata'], Column("id", Integer, Sequence('scheduled_jobs_id_seq', start=1000), primary_key=True), Column("owner", String(50), nullable=False, index=True), Column("name", String(100), nullable=False, unique=True), Column("timeout_minutes", Integer, nullable=False), Column("code_uri", String(300), nullable=False), Column("commandline", String, nullable=False), Column("data_bucket", String(200), nullable=False), Column("num_workers", Integer, nullable=True), Column("output_dir", String(100), nullable=False), Column("output_visibility", String(10), nullable=False), Column("schedule_minute", String(20), nullable=False), Column("schedule_hour", String(20), nullable=False), Column("schedule_day_of_month", String(20), nullable=False), Column("schedule_month", String(20), nullable=False), Column("schedule_day_of_week", String(20), nullable=False) ) # Postgres-specific stuff seq_default = DDL("ALTER TABLE scheduled_jobs ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('scheduled_jobs_id_seq');") event.listen(scheduled_jobs, "after_create", seq_default.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) # Create the table db['metadata'].create_all(tables=[scheduled_jobs])
def create_reference_update_trigger(self, table_name, description, reference_table, model): func_name = f"{table_name}_update_reference_id" func = DDL(f""" CREATE or REPLACE function {func_name}() returns TRIGGER as $func$ begin update {table_name} ref set target_id = new.superceded_id where ref.target_id =; return new; end; $func$ language plpgsql; """) trigger = DDL( f"""CREATE TRIGGER update_{table_name}_target_id AFTER UPDATE ON {reference_table} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE {func_name}();""") event.listen( model.__table__, "after_create", func.execute_if(dialect="postgresql"), ) event.listen( model.__table__, "after_create", trigger.execute_if(dialect="postgresql"), ) description += f" [Note: This table '{model.__name__}' will update the 'target_id' foreign_key when updates are made to the '{reference_table}' table]" return description
def before_first(): sched = CoreScheduler() sched.start(app) sched.schedule(advert.update_statuses, seconds=10, start_date=datetime.strptime("01/01/18", "%d/%m/%y")) sched.schedule(product.update_statuses, seconds=10, start_date=datetime.strptime("01/01/18", "%d/%m/%y")) sched.schedule(companydocument.date_doct, seconds=86400, start_date=datetime.strptime("01/01/18", "%d/%m/%y")) sched.schedule(companyproduct.update_status, seconds=86400, start_date=datetime.strptime("01/01/18", "%d/%m/%y")) sched.schedule(company.update_statuses, seconds=86400, start_date=datetime.strptime("01/01/18", "%d/%m/%y")) app.db = db classes = [x for x in dir(db) if isclass(getattr(db, x))] for c in classes: m = getattr(db, c) if issubclass(m, Base) and issubclass( m, CouchSync) and m.__name__ != CouchSync.__name__: trigger = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER timetravel_{0} BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON {0} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE timetravel(_created, _deleted); """.format(c)) event.listen(m.__table__, 'after_create', trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
def setup_trigger(db): r""" When player battle values are updated, create new records in today's diff_battle table """ engine = create_engine( "{protocol}://{user}:{password}@{address}/{name}".format(**db), echo=False) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() battle_ddl = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER update_battles BEFORE UPDATE ON players FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (OLD.battles < NEW.battles) THEN INSERT INTO {} VALUES (NEW.account_id, NEW.battles); INSERT INTO {} VALUES (NEW.account_id, NEW.battles - OLD.battles); END IF; END """.format(Total_Battles.__tablename__, Diff_Battles.__tablename__)) event.listen(Player.__table__, 'after_create', battle_ddl.execute_if(dialect='mysql')) newplayer_ddl = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER new_player AFTER INSERT ON players FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO {} VALUES (NEW.account_id, NEW.battles); """.format(Total_Battles.__tablename__)) event.listen(Player.__table__, 'after_create', newplayer_ddl.execute_if(dialect='mysql')) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session.execute(""" DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS new_player; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_battles; """) session.execute(battle_ddl) session.execute(newplayer_ddl) session.commit()
def build_tsvector_trigger(): # use postgres built in trigger tsvector_update_trigger # # trig_searchable_tsvector_stmt = """ CREATE TRIGGER trig_searchable_tsvector BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON company FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger( searchable,'pg_catalog.english', 'name', 'about' ) """ trig_searchable_tsvector = DDL(trig_searchable_tsvector_stmt) event.listen(Company.__table__, 'after_create', trig_searchable_tsvector.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
def before_first(): app.db = db classes = [x for x in dir(db) if isclass(getattr(db, x))] for c in classes: m = getattr(db, c) if issubclass(m, Base) and issubclass( m, CouchSync) and m.__name__ != CouchSync.__name__: trigger = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER timetravel_{0} BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON {0} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE timetravel(_created, _deleted); """.format(c)) event.listen(m.__table__, 'after_create', trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
def create_session(metadata, autoincrement=True, session_id_start=1000): """Create Session table. This function creates the Session table for tracking the various simulations run. For MySQL, it adds a post-create command to set the lower limit of the auto increment value. Table Description: This table contains the log of all simulations (MySQL) or a single simulation (SQLite). Simulation runs are identified by the combination of the hostname and session Id: *sessionHost_sessionId*. Parameters ---------- metadata : sqlalchemy.MetaData The database object that collects the tables. autoincrement : bool A flag to set auto incrementing on the sessionID column. session_id_start : int A new starting session Id for counting new simulations. Returns ------- sqlalchemy.Table The Session table object. """ table = Table("Session", metadata, Column("sessionId", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=autoincrement, nullable=False, doc="Numeric identifier for the current simulation instance."), Column("sessionUser", String(80), nullable=False, doc="Computer username of the simulation runner."), Column("sessionHost", String(80), nullable=False, doc="Computer hostname where the simulation was run."), Column("sessionDate", DATETIME, nullable=False, doc="The UTC date/time of the simulation start."), Column("version", String(25), nullable=True, doc="The version number of the SOCS code."), Column("runComment", String(200), nullable=True, doc="A description of the simulation setup.")) Index("s_host_user_date_idx", table.c.sessionUser, table.c.sessionHost, table.c.sessionDate, unique=True) alter_table = DDL("ALTER TABLE %(table)s AUTO_INCREMENT={};".format(session_id_start)) event.listen(table, 'after_create', alter_table.execute_if(dialect='mysql')) return table
__tablename__ = 'geo_alt_name' geonameid = db.Column(None, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) geoname = db.relationship(GeoName, backref=db.backref('alternate_titles', cascade='all, delete-orphan')) lang = db.Column(db.Unicode(7), nullable=True, index=True) title = db.Column(db.Unicode(200), nullable=False) is_preferred_name = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) is_short_name = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) is_colloquial = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) is_historic = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return '<GeoAltName %s "%s" of %s>' % (self.lang, self.title, repr(self.geoname)[1:-1] if self.geoname else None) create_geo_country_info_index = DDL( "CREATE INDEX ix_geo_country_info_title ON geo_country_info (lower(title) varchar_pattern_ops);") event.listen(GeoCountryInfo.__table__, 'after_create', create_geo_country_info_index.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) create_geo_name_index = DDL( "CREATE INDEX ix_geo_name_title ON geo_name (lower(title) varchar_pattern_ops); " "CREATE INDEX ix_geo_name_ascii_title ON geo_name (lower(ascii_title) varchar_pattern_ops);") event.listen(GeoName.__table__, 'after_create', create_geo_name_index.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) create_geo_alt_name_index = DDL( "CREATE INDEX ix_geo_alt_name_title ON geo_alt_name (lower(title) varchar_pattern_ops);") event.listen(GeoAltName.__table__, 'after_create', create_geo_alt_name_index.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
for key in ('current_events', 'current_projects', 'current_stories'): organization_dict[key] = getattr(self, key)() return organization_dict tbl = Organization.__table__ # Index the tsvector column db.Index('index_org_tsv_body', tbl.c.tsv_body, postgresql_using='gin') # Trigger to populate the search index column trig_ddl = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER tsvupdate_orgs_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON organization FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(tsv_body, 'pg_catalog.english', name); """) # Initialize the trigger after table is created event.listen(tbl, 'after_create', trig_ddl.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) class Story(db.Model): ''' Blog posts from a Brigade. ''' # Columns id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True) title = db.Column(db.Unicode()) link = db.Column(db.Unicode()) type = db.Column(db.Unicode()) keep = db.Column(db.Boolean()) # Relationships # child
db.session.query(cls, func.count(PostTag.c.post_id).label('num_posts')) .outerjoin(PostTag) .group_by(cls) .order_by('num_posts DESC') ) @property def url_list(self): return url_for('.tag_list') @property def url_show(self): return url_for('.post_list', @property def url_no_delete(self): return self.url_list @property def url_edit(self): return url_for('.tag_edit', _here = os.path.dirname(__file__) _sql_path = os.path.join(_here, 'ddl-post.sql') _on_ddl = DDL(open(_sql_path).read()) event.listen(Post.__table__, 'after_create', _on_ddl.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
Column("datatype", String(32), default="string", nullable=False), Column("int_value", Integer, default=None), Column("string_value", Text(convert_unicode=True, assert_unicode=None), default=None), Column("datetime_value", DateTime, default=None), Column("relation_id", Integer, ForeignKey("entities.entity_id"), default=None), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("deleted_at_version", Integer, default=None), mysql_engine="InnoDB", ) Index("idx_attrs_entity_version", ATTR_TABLE.c.entity_id, ATTR_TABLE.c.version, ATTR_TABLE.c.deleted_at_version) Index("idx_attrs_key", ATTR_TABLE.c.key) Index("idx_attrs_subkey", ATTR_TABLE.c.subkey) create_index = DDL("CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s (string_value(20))") event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, "after_create", create_index.execute_if(dialect="mysql")) create_index = DDL("CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s ((substring(string_value,0,20)))") event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, "after_create", create_index.execute_if(dialect="postgresql")) create_index = DDL("CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s (string_value)") event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, "after_create", create_index.execute_if(dialect="sqlite")) COUNTER_TABLE = Table( "counters", METADATA, Column("counter_id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("entity_id", Integer, ForeignKey("entities.entity_id"), nullable=False), Column("attr_key", String(256, convert_unicode=True, assert_unicode=None)), Column("value", Integer, default=0), mysql_engine="InnoDB",
addrloc_ip = Column(Text) addr_act = Column(Text) addr_obj = Column(Text) ogrn = Column(Text, index=True) inn = Column(Text, index=True) goal = Column(Text) osn_datestart = Column(Text) osn_dateend = Column(Text) osn_datestart2 = Column(Text) osn_other = Column(Text) check_month = Column(Text) check_days = Column(Text) check_hours = Column(Text) check_form = Column(Text) check_org = Column(Text) details_tsvector = Column(TsVector) # Триггер на таблицу genproc trigger_snippet = DDL( """ CREATE TRIGGER details_tsvector_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON genproc FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(details_tsvector,'pg_catalog.russian', 'name', 'inn', 'ogrn') """ ) event.listen(Genproc.__table__, "after_create", trigger_snippet.execute_if(dialect="postgresql"))
elif action == 'edit': return url_for('domain_edit',, _external=_external, **kwargs) @classmethod def get(cls, name, create=False): name = name.lower() result = cls.query.filter_by(name=name).one_or_none() if not result and create: result = cls(name=name, is_webmail=name in webmail_domains) db.session.add(result) return result create_domain_search_trigger = DDL( ''' CREATE FUNCTION domain_search_vector_update() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.search_vector = to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.title, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.legal_title, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.description, '')); RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER domain_search_vector_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON domain FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE domain_search_vector_update(); CREATE INDEX ix_domain_search_vector ON domain USING gin(search_vector); ''') event.listen(Domain.__table__, 'after_create', create_domain_search_trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
# PostgreSQL if PSQL_ENVIRONMENT: trigger_snippet = DDL( """ CREATE TRIGGER ix_events_tsv_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON events FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(events_tsv,'pg_catalog.english','title','content') """, ) event.listen( Event.__table__, "after_create", trigger_snippet.execute_if(dialect="postgresql"), ) class Invitation(Base): __tablename__ = "invitations" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) status = Column(String, nullable=False, default="unread") recipient_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) event_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) creation = Column(DateTime, recipient = relationship("User") event = relationship("Event")
UserExternalId.service.in_(UserExternalId.__at_username_services__), db.func.lower(UserExternalId.username).like(db.func.lower(query[1:])) ).subquery())).options(*cls._defercols).limit(100).all() + users elif '@' in query: users = cls.query.filter(cls.status == USER_STATUS.ACTIVE, db.session.query(UserEmail.user_id).filter(UserEmail.user_id != None).filter( # NOQA db.func.lower( ).subquery())).options(*cls._defercols).limit(100).all() + users return users create_user_index = DDL( 'CREATE INDEX ix_user_username_lower ON "user" (lower(username) varchar_pattern_ops); ' 'CREATE INDEX ix_user_fullname_lower ON "user" (lower(fullname) varchar_pattern_ops);') event.listen(User.__table__, 'after_create', create_user_index.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) class UserOldId(TimestampMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'useroldid' __bind_key__ = 'lastuser' query_class = CoasterQuery # userid here is NOT a foreign key since it has to continue to exist # even if the User record is removed userid = db.Column(db.String(22), nullable=False, primary_key=True) olduser = db.relationship(User, primaryjoin=foreign(userid) == remote(User.userid), backref=db.backref('oldid', uselist=False)) user_id = db.Column(None, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) user = db.relationship(User, primaryjoin=user_id ==, backref=db.backref('oldids', cascade='all, delete-orphan'))
title_table = sa.Table( "title", meta.metadata, sa.Column("title_id", sa.types.Integer, primary_key=True), sa.Column("name", sa.types.Unicode(255), nullable=False), sa.Column("year", sa.types.SmallInteger, nullable=False), sa.Column("type", EnumIntType(config.TITLE_TYPES), nullable=False), sa.Column("created", sa.types.DateTime(), nullable=False,, sa.Column( "modified", sa.types.DateTime(), nullable=False,, ), sa.UniqueConstraint("name", "year", "type", name="title_info_unq"), ) title_lower_index = DDL("create index title_name_lower_idx on title ((lower(name)))") title_trgm_index = DDL("create index title_name_trgm_idx" "on title using gin (name gin_trgm_ops)") event.listen(title_table, "after_create", title_lower_index.execute_if(dialect="postgresql")) event.listen(title_table, "after_create", title_trgm_index.execute_if(dialect="postgresql")) aka_title_table = sa.Table( "aka_title", meta.metadata, sa.Column("aka_title_id", sa.types.Integer, primary_key=True), sa.Column("title_id", sa.types.Integer, sa.ForeignKey("title.title_id")), sa.Column("name", sa.types.Unicode(511), nullable=False), sa.Column("year", sa.types.SmallInteger, nullable=False), sa.Column("region", sa.types.Unicode(100), nullable=False), sa.Column("created", sa.types.DateTime(), nullable=False,, sa.Column( "modified", sa.types.DateTime(), nullable=False,, ), sa.UniqueConstraint("name", "year", "region", name="aka_title_info_unq"),
else: basequery = basequery.filter(cls.keywords == '') if filters.get('anywhere'): basequery = basequery.filter(cls.remote_location == True) # NOQA else: basequery = basequery.filter(cls.remote_location == False) # NOQA return basequery.one_or_none() @event.listens_for(Filterset, 'before_update') @event.listens_for(Filterset, 'before_insert') def _format_and_validate(mapper, connection, target): with db.session.no_autoflush: if target.geonameids: target.geonameids = sorted(target.geonameids) filterset = Filterset.from_filters(target.board, target.to_filters()) if filterset and != raise ValueError( "There already exists a filter set with this filter criteria") create_geonameids_trigger = DDL(''' CREATE INDEX ix_filterset_geonameids on filterset USING gin (geonameids); ''') event.listen(Filterset.__table__, 'after_create', create_geonameids_trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
return "<Monkey #{0}>".format( change_monkey_friends_count_trigger_ddl = DDL( """ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION process_change_monkey_friends_count() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $change_monkey_friends_count$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN UPDATE monkeys SET friends_count = friends_count - 1 WHERE id = OLD.monkey_id; RETURN OLD; ELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN UPDATE monkeys SET friends_count = friends_count + 1 WHERE id = NEW.monkey_id; RETURN NEW; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $change_monkey_friends_count$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER change_monkey_friends_count AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON friends FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE process_change_monkey_friends_count(); """ ) event.listen( friends_relationships, "after_create", change_monkey_friends_count_trigger_ddl.execute_if(dialect="postgresql") )
engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL) SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine) Base = declarative_base() func = DDL(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insere_data_registro() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN new.data_insercao = current_timestamp; RETURN NEW; ELSEIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN new.data_atualizacao = current_timestamp; RETURN NEW; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL """) event.listen(Table, 'after_create', func.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) def get_db(): db = SessionLocal() try: yield db finally: db.close()
class UserTable(Base, SQLAlchemyBaseUserTable): cod_unidade = Column(Integer) data_atualizacao = Column(DateTime) data_insercao = Column(DateTime) pass users = UserTable.__table__ trigger = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER inseredata_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.user FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE insere_data_registro(); """ ) event.listen( UserTable.__table__, 'after_create', trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql') ) user_db = SQLAlchemyUserDatabase(UserDB, database_meta, users) engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) class UserInDB(User): hashed_password: str
elif action == "edit": return url_for("domain_edit",, _external=_external, **kwargs) @classmethod def get(cls, name, create=False): name = name.lower() result = cls.query.filter_by(name=name).one_or_none() if not result and create: result = cls(name=name, is_webmail=name in webmail_domains) db.session.add(result) return result create_domain_search_trigger = DDL( """ CREATE FUNCTION domain_search_vector_update() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.search_vector = to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.title, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.legal_title, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.description, '')); RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER domain_search_vector_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON domain FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE domain_search_vector_update(); CREATE INDEX ix_domain_search_vector ON domain USING gin(search_vector); """ ) event.listen(Domain.__table__, "after_create", create_domain_search_trigger.execute_if(dialect="postgresql"))
from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy import event, DDL, Index from app import db from util.hstore import HSTORE class Pep(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) number = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True) added = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, updated = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, properties = db.Column(HSTORE, nullable=False, default={}) content = db.Column(db.Text) raw_content = db.Column(db.Text) filename = db.Column(db.String(200)) __table_args__ = ( Index('pep_number_idx', 'properties'), ) trig_ddl = DDL("CREATE INDEX content_gin_idx ON pep USING gin(to_tsvector('english', content))") event.listen(Pep.__table__, 'after_create', trig_ddl.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) event.listen(Pep.__table__, 'before_create', DDL("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore").execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
is_webmail=is_public_email_domain(name, default=False)) db.session.add(result) return result @classmethod def autocomplete(cls, prefix): return cls.query.filter(, cls.is_banned.is_(False)).all() create_domain_search_trigger = DDL(''' CREATE FUNCTION domain_search_vector_update() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.search_vector = to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.title, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.legal_title, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.description, '')); RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER domain_search_vector_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON domain FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE domain_search_vector_update(); CREATE INDEX ix_domain_search_vector ON domain USING gin(search_vector); ''') event.listen( Domain.__table__, 'after_create', create_domain_search_trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'), )
code = db.Column(db.Unicode(100), nullable=False, default=generate_coupon_code) usage_limit = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=1) used_count = cached(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0)) discount_policy_id = db.Column(None, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) discount_policy = db.relationship(DiscountPolicy, backref=db.backref('discount_coupons', cascade='all, delete-orphan')) @classmethod def is_signed_code_usable(cls, policy, code): obj = cls.query.filter(cls.discount_policy == policy, cls.code == code, cls.used_count == cls.usage_limit).one_or_none() if obj: return False return True def update_used_count(self): from ..models import LineItem, LINE_ITEM_STATUS self.used_count =[db.func.count()]).where(LineItem.discount_coupon == self).where(LineItem.status == LINE_ITEM_STATUS.CONFIRMED).as_scalar() create_title_trgm_trigger = DDL( ''' CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm; CREATE INDEX idx_discount_policy_title_trgm on discount_policy USING gin (title gin_trgm_ops); ''') event.listen(DiscountPolicy.__table__, 'after_create', create_title_trgm_trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
'current_stories'): organization_dict[key] = getattr(self, key)() return organization_dict tbl = Organization.__table__ # Index the tsvector column db.Index('index_org_tsv_body', tbl.c.tsv_body, postgresql_using='gin') # Trigger to populate the search index column trig_ddl = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER tsvupdate_orgs_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON organization FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(tsv_body, 'pg_catalog.english', name); """) # Initialize the trigger after table is created event.listen(tbl, 'after_create', trig_ddl.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) class Story(db.Model): ''' Blog posts from a Brigade. ''' # Columns id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True) title = db.Column(db.Unicode()) link = db.Column(db.Unicode()) type = db.Column(db.Unicode()) keep = db.Column(db.Boolean()) # Relationships # child
hashid = random_long_key() if not hashid.isdigit() and model.query.filter_by(hashid=hashid).isempty(): break return hashid create_jobpost_search_trigger = DDL( ''' CREATE FUNCTION jobpost_search_vector_update() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN NEW.search_vector = to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(NEW.company_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.headline, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.headlineb, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.description, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.perks, '')); END IF; IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN IF NEW.headline <> OLD.headline OR COALESCE(NEW.headlineb, '') <> COALESCE(OLD.headlineb, '') OR NEW.description <> OLD.description OR NEW.perks <> OLD.perks THEN NEW.search_vector = to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(NEW.company_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.headline, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.headlineb, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.description, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.perks, '')); END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER jobpost_search_vector_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON jobpost FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE jobpost_search_vector_update(); CREATE INDEX ix_jobpost_search_vector ON jobpost USING gin(search_vector); ''') event.listen(JobPost.__table__, 'after_create', create_jobpost_search_trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
@classmethod def by_posts_num(cls): return (db.session.query( cls, func.count(PostTag.c.post_id).label('num_posts')).outerjoin( PostTag).group_by(cls).order_by('num_posts DESC')) @property def url_list(self): return url_for('.tag_list') @property def url_show(self): return url_for('.post_list', @property def url_no_delete(self): return self.url_list @property def url_edit(self): return url_for('.tag_edit', _here = os.path.dirname(__file__) _sql_path = os.path.join(_here, 'ddl-post.sql') _on_ddl = DDL(open(_sql_path).read()) event.listen(Post.__table__, 'after_create', _on_ddl.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
def trigger_for_table(table, timestamp): trigger = DDL(f"SELECT create_hypertable('{}', '{timestamp}');") event.listen(table, 'after_create', trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
Column('version', Integer, nullable=False), Column('deleted_at_version', Integer, default=None), mysql_engine='InnoDB' ) Index('idx_attrs_entity_version', ATTR_TABLE.c.entity_id, ATTR_TABLE.c.version, ATTR_TABLE.c.deleted_at_version) Index('idx_attrs_key', ATTR_TABLE.c.key) Index('idx_attrs_subkey', ATTR_TABLE.c.subkey) create_index = DDL('CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s (string_value(20))') event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, 'after_create', create_index.execute_if(dialect='mysql')) create_index = DDL('CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s ((substring(string_value,0,20)))') event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, 'after_create', create_index.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) create_index = DDL('CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s (string_value)') event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, 'after_create', create_index.execute_if(dialect='sqlite')) COUNTER_TABLE = Table('counters', METADATA, Column('counter_id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('entity_id', Integer, ForeignKey('entities.entity_id'), nullable=False), Column('attr_key', String(256, convert_unicode=True)), Column('value', Integer, default=0), mysql_engine='InnoDB' )
artist_dict['num_followers'] = self.num_followers artist_dict['image_url'] = (self.image_url) artist_dict['popularity'] = self.popularity artist_dict['charted_songs'] = [ (song.song_name) for song in self.charted_songs] artist_dict['genres'] = [( for genre in self.genres] return artist_dict # Create a trigger to check for updates to Artist and update the TsVector # accordingly. ARTIST_VECTOR_TRIGGER = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER artist_tsvector_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "Artist" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(tsvector_col, 'pg_catalog.english', 'name') """) event.listen(Artist.__table__, 'after_create', ARTIST_VECTOR_TRIGGER.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) class Year(BASE): """ Database model of table 'Year', which stores: year: the year's number top_album_name: the name of the top album top_album_id: the Spotify id of the top album top_genre_name: the name of the genre of the year's top album top_album_artist_id: the id of the artist who made the top album top_genre: the genre of the year's top album top_songs: The top 100 songs of that year """ __tablename__ = 'Year'
Integer, ForeignKey('entities.entity_id'), default=None), Column('version', Integer, nullable=False), Column('deleted_at_version', Integer, default=None), mysql_engine='InnoDB') Index('idx_attrs_entity_version', ATTR_TABLE.c.entity_id, ATTR_TABLE.c.version, ATTR_TABLE.c.deleted_at_version) Index('idx_attrs_key', ATTR_TABLE.c.key) Index('idx_attrs_subkey', ATTR_TABLE.c.subkey) create_index = DDL( 'CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s (string_value(20))') event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, 'after_create', create_index.execute_if(dialect='mysql')) create_index = DDL( 'CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s ((substring(string_value,0,20)))' ) event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, 'after_create', create_index.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) create_index = DDL( 'CREATE INDEX idx_attrs_str_value on %(table)s (string_value)') event.listen(ATTR_TABLE, 'after_create', create_index.execute_if(dialect='sqlite')) COUNTER_TABLE = Table('counters', METADATA, Column('counter_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
pass # PostgreSQL if PSQL_ENVIRONMENT: trigger_snippet = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER ix_events_tsv_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON events FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(events_tsv,'pg_catalog.english','title','content') """) event.listen( Event.__table__, 'after_create', trigger_snippet.execute_if(dialect='postgresql') ) class Invitation(Base): __tablename__ = "invitations" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) status = Column(String, nullable=False, default="unread") recipient_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) event_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) creation = Column(DateTime, recipient = relationship("User") event = relationship("Event")
return sorted( trig_ddl = DDL( """ ALTER TABLE pep ADD COLUMN search_col tsvector; CREATE INDEX search_col_gin_idx ON pep USING gin(search_col); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_col_update_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ begin new.search_col := setweight(to_tsvector('english', new.number || ''), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce(new.title,'')), 'B') || setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce(>'author','')), 'C') || setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce(new.content,'')), 'D'); return new; end $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER search_col_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON pep FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search_col_update_trigger(); """ ) event.listen(Pep.__table__, "after_create", trig_ddl.execute_if(dialect="postgresql")) event.listen( Pep.__table__, "before_create", DDL("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore").execute_if(dialect="postgresql") )
def is_signed_code_usable(cls, policy, code): obj = cls.query.filter( cls.discount_policy == policy, cls.code == code, cls.used_count == cls.usage_limit, ).one_or_none() if obj: return False return True def update_used_count(self): self.used_count = ( [db.func.count()]).where(LineItem.discount_coupon == self).where( LineItem.status == LINE_ITEM_STATUS.CONFIRMED).as_scalar()) create_title_trgm_trigger = DDL(''' CREATE INDEX idx_discount_policy_title_trgm on discount_policy USING gin (title gin_trgm_ops); ''') event.listen( DiscountPolicy.__table__, 'after_create', create_title_trgm_trigger.execute_if( dialect='postgresql' # type: ignore[arg-type] ), ) # Tail imports from .line_item import LINE_ITEM_STATUS, LineItem # isort:skip
func = DDL(""" CREATE FUNCTION check_user_events() RETURNS trigger AS $check_user_events$ BEGIN IF NEW.user_id NOT IN (SELECT t.user_id FROM event_types as t WHERE = NEW.type_id) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Different user for event_types'; END IF; IF NEW.user_id NOT IN (SELECT t.user_id FROM event_statuses as t WHERE = NEW.status_id) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Different user for event_statuses'; END IF; IF NEW.hive_id IS NOT NULL AND NEW.user_id NOT IN (SELECT t.user_id FROM hives as t WHERE = NEW.hive_id) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Different user for hives'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $check_user_events$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL """) trigger = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER trigger_user_events BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON events FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_user_events(); """) event.listen(Events.metadata, "after_create", func.execute_if(dialect="postgresql")) event.listen(Events.metadata, "after_create", trigger.execute_if(dialect="postgresql"))
left join video v on v.account = left join video_locale_meta vlm on = and vlm.locale = '' where = new.account group by; new.search_vector := vector; return new; end $$ language plpgsql; create trigger account_user_search_vector_update before insert or update on account_user for each row execute procedure account_user_search_vector_trigger(); ''' % ACCOUNT_USER_SEARCH_VECTOR) event.listen(AccountUser.__table__, 'after_create', account_user_search_vector_trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) video_search_vector_trigger = DDL(''' create or replace function video_search_vector_trigger() returns trigger as $$ declare vector tsvector; begin update account_user set date_updated = new.date_updated where account = new.account; select %s into vector from account a left join video_locale_meta vlm on = and vlm.locale = '' where = new.account group by,; new.search_vector := vector;
AFTER INSERT ON build FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_last_build(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_last_complete_build_trigger_up ON build; CREATE TRIGGER update_last_complete_build_trigger_up AFTER UPDATE ON build FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.state != NEW.state) EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_last_complete_build(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_last_build_trigger_del ON build; CREATE TRIGGER update_last_build_trigger_del BEFORE DELETE ON build FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_last_build_del(); """) listen(Base.metadata, 'after_create', trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) def grant_db_access(_, conn, *args, **kwargs): user = get_config('unpriv_db_username', None) if user: conn.execute(""" GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA PUBLIC TO {user}; GRANT SELECT, USAGE ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA PUBLIC TO {user}; """.format(user=user)) listen(Table, 'after_create', grant_db_access)
Index( 'package_version_filename_index', PackageVersion.channel_name, PackageVersion.filename, PackageVersion.platform, unique=True, ) UniqueConstraint( PackageVersion.channel_name, PackageVersion.package_name, PackageVersion.package_format, PackageVersion.platform, PackageVersion.version, PackageVersion.build_string, PackageVersion.build_number, name='package_version_index', ) collation = DDL("CREATE COLLATION IF NOT EXISTS nocase (" "provider = icu, " "locale = 'und-u-ks-level2', " "deterministic = false);") event.listen( Channel.__table__, 'before_create', collation.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'), # type: ignore )
-- because (NULL = NULL) is always FALSE. IF found IS NULL THEN -- If we didn't find a collision then leave the LOOP. EXIT; END IF; -- We haven't EXITed yet, so return to the top of the LOOP -- and try again. END LOOP; -- NEW and OLD are available in TRIGGER PROCEDURES. -- NEW is the mutated row that will actually be INSERTed. -- We're replacing id, regardless of what it was before = key; -- The RECORD returned here is what will actually be INSERTed, -- or what the next trigger will get if there is one. RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_gen_id BEFORE INSERT ON account FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE unique_short_id(); """) event.listen(Account.__table__, 'after_create', id_url62_trigger_function.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
menuItem = relationship(MenuItem, backref=backref("review", cascade="all, delete")) @property def serialize(self): """Return object data in easily serializable format""" return { 'content': self.content, 'rate': self.rate, 'date': self.created_date, 'id':, 'user id': self.user_id, 'menu item id': self.menuItem_id, } trigger = DDL(""" CREATE TRIGGER aft_insert2 AFTER INSERT ON review BEGIN UPDATE menuItem SET rate = ((rate * reviews) + NEW.rate)/(reviews + 1), reviews = reviews + 1 WHERE NEW.menuItem_id =; END; """) event.listen(Review.__table__, 'after_create', trigger.execute_if(dialect='sqlite')) engine = create_engine('sqlite:///restaurantmenu.db') # Add classes as tables to the 'restaurantmenu.db' database Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
ALTER TABLE %(table)s ALTER COLUMN "xid" SET DEFAULT txid_current(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION snovault_transaction_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN PERFORM pg_notify('snovault.transaction', NEW.xid::TEXT); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER snovault_transactions_insert AFTER INSERT ON %(table)s FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE snovault_transaction_notify(); """) event.listen( TransactionRecord.__table__, 'after_create', notify_ddl.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'), ) @event.listens_for(PropertySheet, 'before_insert') def set_tid(mapper, connection, target): if target.tid is not None: return txn = transaction.get() data = txn._extension target.tid = data['tid'] def register(DBSession): event.listen(DBSession, 'before_flush', add_transaction_record) event.listen(DBSession, 'before_commit', record_transaction_data)
IF NEW.user_id NOT IN (SELECT t.user_id FROM owners as t WHERE = NEW.owner_id) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Different user for owners'; END IF; IF NEW.swarm_id IS NOT NULL AND NEW.user_id NOT IN (SELECT t.user_id FROM swarms as t WHERE = NEW.swarm_id) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Different user for swarms'; END IF; IF NEW.apiary_id IS NOT NULL AND NEW.user_id NOT IN (SELECT t.user_id FROM apiaries as t WHERE = NEW.apiary_id) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Different user for apiaries'; END IF; IF NEW.user_id NOT IN (SELECT t.user_id FROM hive_conditions as t WHERE = NEW.condition_id) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Different user for hive_conditions'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $check_user_hives$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL """ ) trigger = DDL( """ CREATE TRIGGER trigger_user_hives BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON hives FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_user_hives(); """ ) event.listen(Hives.metadata, "after_create", func.execute_if(dialect="postgresql")) event.listen(Hives.metadata, "after_create", trigger.execute_if(dialect="postgresql"))
hashid = random_long_key() if not hashid.isdigit() and model.query.filter_by( hashid=hashid).isempty(): break return hashid create_jobpost_search_trigger = DDL(''' CREATE FUNCTION jobpost_search_vector_update() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN NEW.search_vector = to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(NEW.company_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.headline, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.headlineb, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.description, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.perks, '')); END IF; IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN IF NEW.headline <> OLD.headline OR COALESCE(NEW.headlineb, '') <> COALESCE(OLD.headlineb, '') OR NEW.description <> OLD.description OR NEW.perks <> OLD.perks THEN NEW.search_vector = to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(NEW.company_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.headline, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.headlineb, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.description, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.perks, '')); END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER jobpost_search_vector_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON jobpost FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE jobpost_search_vector_update(); CREATE INDEX ix_jobpost_search_vector ON jobpost USING gin(search_vector); ''') event.listen(JobPost.__table__, 'after_create', create_jobpost_search_trigger.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
cls.status == USER_STATUS.ACTIVE, db.session.query(UserEmail.user_id).filter( UserEmail.user_id != None).filter( # NOQA db.func.lower( db.func.lower(query))).subquery())).options( *cls._defercols).limit(100).all() + users return users create_user_index = DDL( 'CREATE INDEX ix_user_username_lower ON "user" (lower(username) varchar_pattern_ops); ' 'CREATE INDEX ix_user_fullname_lower ON "user" (lower(fullname) varchar_pattern_ops);' ) event.listen(User.__table__, 'after_create', create_user_index.execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) event.listen( User.__table__, 'before_drop', DDL('DROP INDEX ix_user_username_lower; DROP INDEX ix_user_fullname_lower;' ).execute_if(dialect='postgresql')) class UserOldId(UuidMixin, BaseMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'useroldid' __uuid_primary_key__ = True #: Old user account, if still present olduser = db.relationship( User, primaryjoin='foreign( == remote(User.uuid)',