Esempio n. 1
class SavedWorkflow(Device_Base):
    __tablename__ = 'saved_workflow'
    workflow_execution_id = Column(UUIDType(binary=False), primary_key=True)
    workflow_id = Column(UUIDType(binary=False), nullable=False)
    action_id = Column(UUIDType(binary=False), nullable=False)
    accumulator = Column(PickleType(), nullable=False)
    app_instances = Column(PickleType(), nullable=False)

    def __init__(self, workflow_execution_id, workflow_id, action_id,
                 accumulator, app_instances):
        """Initializes a SavedWorkflow object. This is used when a workflow pauses execution, and must be reloaded
            at a later point.

            workflow_execution_id (str): The workflow execution UID that this saved state refers to.
            workflow_id (str): The ID of the workflow that this saved state refers to.
            action_id (str): The currently executing action ID.
            accumulator (dict): The accumulator up to this point in the workflow.
            app_instances (str): The pickled app instances for the saved workflow
        self.workflow_execution_id = workflow_execution_id
        self.workflow_id = workflow_id
        self.action_id = action_id
        self.accumulator = accumulator
        self.app_instances = app_instances
Esempio n. 2
class TuningRun(Base):
    uuid = Column(String(32), index=True, unique=True)

    program_version_id = Column(ForeignKey(
    program_version = relationship(ProgramVersion, backref='tuning_runs')

    machine_class_id = Column(ForeignKey(
    machine_class = relationship(MachineClass, backref='tuning_runs')

    input_class_id = Column(ForeignKey(
    input_class = relationship(InputClass, backref='tuning_runs')

    name = Column(String(128), default='unnamed')
    args = Column(PickleType(pickler=CompressedPickler))
    objective = Column(PickleType(pickler=CompressedPickler))

    state = Column(Enum('QUEUED',
    start_date = Column(DateTime,
    end_date = Column(DateTime)

    final_config_id = Column(ForeignKey(
    final_config = relationship(Configuration)

    #__mapper_args__ = {'primary_key': uuid}

    def program(self):
        return self.program_version.program
Esempio n. 3
def make_optimization_iteration_table(database, if_exists="extend"):
    """Generate a table for information that is generated with each function evaluation.

        database (sqlalchemy.MetaData): Bound metadata object.

        database (sqlalchemy.MetaData):Bound metadata object with added table.

    table_name = "optimization_iterations"
    _handle_existing_table(database, "optimization_iterations", if_exists)

    columns = [
        Column("rowid", Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column("params", PickleType(pickler=RobustPickler)),
        Column("internal_derivative", PickleType(pickler=RobustPickler)),
        Column("timestamp", Float),
        Column("exceptions", String),
        Column("valid", Boolean),
        Column("hash", String),
        Column("value", Float),
        Column("step", Integer),
        Column("criterion_eval", PickleType(pickler=RobustPickler)),

        table_name, database, *columns, sqlite_autoincrement=True, extend_existing=True

Esempio n. 4
class MetadataModel(DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'metadata'
    __table_args__ = ({
        'mysql_charset': 'utf8',
        'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB',
        'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC',
    }, )

    fingerprint = Column(String(40), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    url = Column(String(1024), nullable=False)
    depth = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
    created_at = Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
    fetched_at = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
    status_code = Column(String(20))
    score = Column(Float)
    error = Column(String(128))
    meta = Column(PickleType())
    headers = Column(PickleType())
    cookies = Column(PickleType())
    method = Column(String(6))
    body = Column(String(2048), nullable=True)

    def query(cls, session):
        return session.query(cls)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Metadata:%s (%s)>' % (self.url, self.fingerprint)
Esempio n. 5
class SimFile(Base):
    """File that stores simulation results along with reference to network and sim type used"""
    __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB', 'sqlite_autoincrement': True}
    __tablename__ = prefix + '_sim_file'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    file_name = Column(String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)

    network_id = Column(ForeignKey(prefix + ''))
    network = relationship(Network, foreign_keys=network_id, backref=backref("files", order_by=id))

    sim_type_id = Column(ForeignKey(prefix + ''))
    sim_type = relationship(SimType, foreign_keys=sim_type_id, backref=backref("files", order_by=id))

    parameters = Column(PickleType(pickler=dill), nullable=True)
    data = Column(PickleType(pickler=cPickle), nullable=True)
    choice = Column(Integer, default=1)

    def get_wrapper(self, **kwargs):
        import simulation.sim_types
        return simulation.sim_types.get_wrapper_from_file(self, **kwargs)

    def is_imported(self):
        return len(self.runs) > 0
Esempio n. 6
class Page(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'pages'
    __table_args__ = (
            'mysql_charset': 'utf8',
            'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB',
            'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC',

    class State:
        QUEUED = 'QUEUED'
        ERROR = 'ERROR'

    url = Column(String(1024), nullable=False)
    fingerprint = Column(String(40), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True, unique=True)
    depth = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
    created_at = Column(DatetimeTimestamp(20), nullable=False)
    status_code = Column(String(20))
    state = Column(String(12))
    error = Column(String(20))
    meta = Column(PickleType())
    headers = Column(PickleType())
    cookies = Column(PickleType())
    method = Column(String(6))

    def query(cls, session):
        return session.query(cls)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Page:%s>' % self.url
Esempio n. 7
class Users(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    openid = Column(Text)
    goods_on_sell = Column(PickleType(), default=[])
    buy_history = Column(PickleType(), default=[])
    buy_car = Column(PickleType(), default=[])
    browse_history = Column(PickleType())
    like_matrix = Column(PickleType(), default=[])
    __table_args__ = {"mysql_charset": "utf8"}
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self,
                 pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL): = []
        self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol

        if engine:
            self.engine = engine
        elif url:
            self.engine = create_engine(url)
            raise ValueError('Need either "engine" or "url" defined')

        self.jobs_t = Table(
            tablename, metadata or MetaData(),
                   Sequence(tablename + '_id_seq', optional=True),
            Column('trigger', PickleType(pickle_protocol), nullable=False),
            Column('func_ref', String(1024), nullable=False),
            Column('args', PickleType(pickle_protocol), nullable=False),
            Column('kwargs', PickleType(pickle_protocol), nullable=False),
            Column('name', Unicode(1024)),
            Column('misfire_grace_time', Integer, nullable=False),
            Column('coalesce', Boolean, nullable=False),
            Column('owner', String(1024), nullable=True),
            Column('tag', String(1024), nullable=True),
            Column('description', String(1024), nullable=True),
            Column('callback_ref', String(1024), nullable=True),
            Column('progress', Integer, nullable=False),
            Column('status', Integer, nullable=False),
            Column('max_runs', Integer), Column('max_instances', Integer),
            Column('next_run_time', DateTime, nullable=False),
            Column('runs', BigInteger),
            Column('uuid', String(1024), nullable=False),
            Column('job_type', String(1024), nullable=False),
            Column('callback', String(1024), nullable=True))

        created = False
        retries = 0
        while created is False and retries < 5:
                self.jobs_t.create(self.engine, True)
                created = True
            except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
                retries += 1
Esempio n. 9
class SimRun(Base):
    """Storage of simulation data in the DB"""
    __tablename__ = prefix + '_sim_run'
    __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB'}

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    parameters = Column(PickleType(pickler=dill), nullable=True)
    data = Column(PickleType(pickler=cPickle), nullable=True)

    sim_file_id = Column(ForeignKey(prefix + ''))
    sim_file = relationship(SimFile, backref=backref("runs", order_by=id))

    def get_wrapper(self, **kwargs):
        return self.sim_file.get_wrapper(**kwargs)
Esempio n. 10
class ModelMetaData(Base):

    __tablename__ = 'models_meta_data'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    model_id = Column('model_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    app_id = Column('app_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    client_id = Column('client_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    product_id = Column('product_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    version = Column('version', String(6))
    io_template = Column('io_template', PickleType())
    active = Column('active', Boolean())
    model_name = Column('model_name', Text())

    model = relationship("Model")
    app = relationship("App")
    client = relationship("Client")
    product = relationship("Product")

    def __init__(self, model_id, app_id, client_id, version, product_id,
                 io_template, active, model_name):
        self.model_id = model_id
        self.app_id = app_id
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.version = version
        self.product_id = product_id
        self.io_template = io_template = active
        self.model_name = model_name
class TaskInstance(Base):
    Task instances store the state of a task instance. This table is the
    authority and single source of truth around what tasks have run and the
    state they are in.

    The SqlAlchemy model doesn't have a SqlAlchemy foreign key to the task or
    dag model deliberately to have more control over transactions.

    Database transactions on this table should insure double triggers and
    any confusion around what task instances are or aren't ready to run
    even while multiple schedulers may be firing task instances.

    __tablename__ = "task_instance"

    task_id = Column(String(ID_LEN), primary_key=True)
    dag_id = Column(String(ID_LEN), primary_key=True)
    execution_date = Column(UtcDateTime, primary_key=True)
    start_date = Column(UtcDateTime)
    end_date = Column(UtcDateTime)
    duration = Column(Float)
    state = Column(String(20))
    _try_number = Column('try_number', Integer, default=0)
    max_tries = Column(Integer)
    hostname = Column(String(1000))
    unixname = Column(String(1000))
    job_id = Column(Integer)
    pool = Column(String(50), nullable=False)
    queue = Column(String(256))
    priority_weight = Column(Integer)
    operator = Column(String(1000))
    queued_dttm = Column(UtcDateTime)
    pid = Column(Integer)
    executor_config = Column(PickleType(pickler=dill))
Esempio n. 12
class FlashCache(db_local.Entity):
    session = db_local.session
    __tablename__ = "flashcache"
    cache = Column(String(100), primary_key=True)
    hdd_disk = Column(String(100))
    com_disk = Column(String(200))  # combination disk
    status = Column(String(20))
    settings = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(PickleType(pickler=json)),

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<cache: {}, hdd_disk: {}, com_disk: {}, status: {}, settings: {}>".format(
            self.cache, self.hdd_disk, self.com_disk, self.status,

    def delete_by_cache(cls, cache):
        num = cls.session.query(cls).filter_by(cache=cache).delete()
        return num

    def get_active_flashcache(cls):
        return cls.session.query(cls).filter_by(status="ACTIVE").all()

    def get_all(cls):
        return cls.session.query(cls).all()
Esempio n. 13
class TrackerRecord(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'trackerscrape'
    __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB', 'useexisting': True}
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    infohash = Column(Unicode(2048), nullable=False)
    complete = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
    incomplete = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
    downloads = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
    scrapetime = Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
    tracker = Column(Unicode(2048), nullable=False)
    scrape = Column(PickleType(), nullable=False)  # json dump of scraped links

    def __repr__(self):
        if != None:
            return "<TrackerRecord('%d','%s','%d')>" % (, self.infohash,
            return "<TrackerRecord(None,'%s', '%d')>" % (self.infohash,

    def __init__(self, infohash, complete, incomplete, downloads, tracker,
        self.infohash = infohash
        self.complete = complete
        self.incomplete = incomplete
        self.downloads = downloads
        self.tracker = tracker
        self.scrapetime =
        self.scrape = scrape
class User(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "user"
    uid = Column(String(255), primary_key=True)
    token = Column("token", PickleType(protocol=4))
    connections = relationship("Connection", back_populates="user")

    def get_class(self, classId):
        for c in self.connections:
            if c.classId == classId:
                return c
        return None

    def is_authenticated(self):
            return self.token and self.token.valid
            return False

    def is_active(self):
        return True  ###TODO Look at this

    def is_anonymous(self):
        if uid:
            return False
        return True

    def get_id(self):
        return self.uid

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<User %r>" % self.uid
class TaskInstance(Base):  # type: ignore
    """Task instance class."""

    __tablename__ = "task_instance"

    task_id = Column(String(ID_LEN, **COLLATION_ARGS), primary_key=True)
    dag_id = Column(String(ID_LEN, **COLLATION_ARGS), primary_key=True)
    execution_date = Column(UtcDateTime, primary_key=True)
    start_date = Column(UtcDateTime)
    end_date = Column(UtcDateTime)
    duration = Column(Float)
    state = Column(String(20))
    _try_number = Column('try_number', Integer, default=0)
    max_tries = Column(Integer)
    hostname = Column(String(1000))
    unixname = Column(String(1000))
    job_id = Column(Integer)
    pool = Column(String(50), nullable=False)
    pool_slots = Column(Integer, default=1)
    queue = Column(String(256))
    priority_weight = Column(Integer)
    operator = Column(String(1000))
    queued_dttm = Column(UtcDateTime)
    queued_by_job_id = Column(Integer)
    pid = Column(Integer)
    executor_config = Column(PickleType(pickler=dill))
    external_executor_id = Column(String(ID_LEN, **COLLATION_ARGS))
Esempio n. 16
class Stash(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'stash'

    pk = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    id = Column(Integer, index=True, unique=True)
    date_added = Column(DateTime,
    is_complete = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    message = Column(String)
    protocol = Column(PickleType(pickler=pickler))

    categories = relationship(
    upstream_deps = relationship(
        primaryjoin=(pk == stash_dependencies.c.downstream_pk),
        secondaryjoin=(pk == stash_dependencies.c.upstream_pk),

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Stash(id={!r})"
Esempio n. 17
class Status(UniqueEpochMixin, ORMBase):
    General purpose calculation status ORM representation for bookkeeping

    The info `dict` contains zero or more of the following fields by

    info = {
        'last_response': Last http response for remote workers
    # TODO(damb): Check if UUID is better located at ModelRun
    uuid = Column(GUID, unique=True, index=True, nullable=False)
    state = Column(Enum(EStatus), default=EStatus.PENDING)
    info = Column(PickleType(pickler=json))

    # relation: ModelRun
    run_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    run = relationship('ModelRun', back_populates='status')

    def __init__(self, uuid, state=EStatus.PENDING, info=None):
        self.uuid = uuid
        self.state = state = info
        self.starttime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    def finished(self):
        return self.state in (EStatus.ERROR, EStatus.COMPLETE)
Esempio n. 18
class DagPickle(Base):
    Dags can originate from different places (user repos, master repo, ...)
    and also get executed in different places (different executors). This
    object represents a version of a DAG and becomes a source of truth for
    a BackfillJob execution. A pickle is a native python serialized object,
    and in this case gets stored in the database for the duration of the job.

    The executors pick up the DagPickle id and read the dag definition from
    the database.

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    pickle = Column(PickleType(pickler=dill))
    created_dttm = Column(UtcDateTime, default=timezone.utcnow)
    pickle_hash = Column(Text)

    __tablename__ = "dag_pickle"

    def __init__(self, dag):
        self.dag_id = dag.dag_id
        if hasattr(dag, 'template_env'):
            dag.template_env = None
        self.pickle_hash = hash(dag)
        self.pickle = dag
Esempio n. 19
class Paramset(Base, NameRepr, DictMixin):
    """Parameter set that stores a JSON python dictionary of network parameters"""
    __tablename__ = prefix + '_paramset'
    __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB', 'sqlite_autoincrement': True}

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(512), nullable=True)

    parameters = Column(PickleType(pickler=json), nullable=False)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.parameters = kwargs

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not other or (other.__class__ != self.__class__):
            return False
        for attr in self.parameters:
            if attr in [npr.W_0, npr.W_1, npr.W_SIGMA]:
            if attr in [npr.G_GABA, npr.G_AMPA, npr.G_NMDA, npr.NU_EXT]:
                if np.abs(self.parameters[attr] - other.parameters[attr]) > 1e-4:
                    return False
            if not self.parameters[attr] == other.parameters[attr]:
                return False
        return True
class TaskState(Base, LoggingMixin):
    __tablename__ = "task_state"

    task_id = Column(String(ID_LEN, **COLLATION_ARGS), primary_key=True)
    dag_id = Column(String(ID_LEN, **COLLATION_ARGS), primary_key=True)
    execution_date = Column(UtcDateTime, primary_key=True)
    task_state = Column(PickleType(pickler=dill))

    def __init__(self, task_id, dag_id, execution_date, task_state=None):
        self.dag_id = dag_id
        self.task_id = task_id
        self.execution_date = execution_date
        self._log = logging.getLogger("airflow.task")
        if task_state:
            self.task_state = task_state

    def get_task_state(dag_id: str,
                       task_id: str,
                       executor_date: datetime,
                       session: Session = None) -> TaskState:
        return session.query(TaskState).filter(
            TaskState.dag_id == dag_id, TaskState.task_id == task_id,
            TaskState.execution_date == executor_date).first()

    def update_task_state(self, session: Session = None):
Esempio n. 21
class GlobalResult(Base):
    epoch = Column(Integer)
    node = Column(Integer)
    hashv = Column(String(64))
    data = Column(PickleType(pickler=CompressedPickler))
    time = Column(DateTime)
    technique = Column(Enum('seed',
    result = Column(Float)
    was_the_best = Column(Boolean)

    def get(cls, session, hashv, datav):
            return (session.query(GlobalResult).filter_by(hashv=hashv).first())
        except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
            return None

    def extract(cls, session, node, epoch):
            return (session.query(GlobalResult).filter(
                GlobalResult.node != node).filter(
                    GlobalResult.epoch == epoch).all())
        except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
            return None
class BookItem(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'book_item'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    title = Column(String(100), nullable=False)

    author = Column(PickleType(), nullable=False)

    description = Column(String(1000))

    imgURL = Column(String(1000))

    genre_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)

    genre = relationship(Genre)

    user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)

    user = relationship(User)

    # We added this serialize function to be able to send JSON objects in a
    # serializable format
    def serialize(self):

        return {
            'title': self.title,
            'description': self.description,
            'image_URL': self.imgURL,
Esempio n. 23
class ORMJob(Base):
    The DB representation of a common.classes.Job object,
    storing the relevant details needed by the job storage

    __tablename__ = "jobs"

    # The hex UUID given to the job upon first creation
    id = Column(String, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False)

    # The job's state. Inflated here for easier querying to the job's state.
    state = Column(String, index=True)

    # The job's order in the entire global queue of jobs.
    queue_order = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True)

    # The queue name passed to the client when the job is scheduled.
    queue = Column(String, index=True)

    # The original Job object, pickled here for so we can easily access it.
    obj = Column(PickleType(protocol=OPTIONS["Python"]["PICKLE_PROTOCOL"]))

    time_created = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
    time_updated = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
Esempio n. 24
class DbConfigTable(Base):
    __tablename__ = "config_data"

    unique_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    timestamp = Column(DateTime)
    config = Column(PickleType(pickler=pickle))

    master_table_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("master.unique_id"))
    parent = relationship("DBMasterTable", back_populates="children_config")

    def from_sqlite(cls, row):
        this = DbConfigTable()
        this.unique_id = row["unique_id"]
        this.timestamp = row["timestamp"]
        this.strat = row["config"]
        this.master_table_id = row["master_table_id"]

        return this

    def __repr__(self):
        return (f"<DbStratTable(unique_id={self.unique_id})"
                f", timestamp={self.timestamp} "
                f", master_table_id={self.master_table_id})>")

    def update(engine):"DbConfigTable : update called")

    def requires_update(engine):
        return False
Esempio n. 25
class ScheduledJob(Base):
    The DB representation of a scheduled job,
    storing the relevant details needed to schedule jobs.

    __tablename__ = "scheduledjobs"

    # The hex UUID given to the job upon first creation
    id = Column(String, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False)

    # Repeat interval in seconds.
    interval = Column(Integer, default=0)

    # Number of times to repeat - None means repeat forever.
    repeat = Column(Integer, nullable=True)

    # The app name passed to the client when the job is scheduled.
    queue = Column(String, index=True)

    # The original Job object, pickled here for so we can easily access it.
    obj = Column(PickleType(protocol=OPTIONS["Python"]["PICKLE_PROTOCOL"]))

    scheduled_time = Column(DateTime())

    __table_args__ = (Index("queue__scheduled_time", "queue",
                            "scheduled_time"), )
Esempio n. 26
class CachedResult(Base):
  Class for storing one tuning result

    # Name of associated SQL table for storing tuning results.
    __tablename__ = "results"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # Unique number of object
    cfg = Column(PickleType(pickler=CompressedPickler))  # Configuration
    cfg_hash = Column(String(64))  # Hash of configuration for quick lookup
    state = Column(String(7))  # Result code
    msg = Column(String(128))  # Human-readible result message
    presynth_time = Column(
        Float, default=float('inf'))  # Time needed for presynthesis
    synth_time = Column(Float,
                        default=float('inf'))  # Time needed for synthesis
    impl_time = Column(Float,
                       default=float('inf'))  # Time needed for implementation
    run_time = Column(
        Float, default=float('inf'))  # Time needed for running application
    accuracy = Column(Float)  # Accuracy of application
    energy = Column(Float)  # Energy of application
    size = Column(Float)  # Size of application
    confidence = Column(Float)  # Confidence of result
Esempio n. 27
class Event(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'events'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    event_name = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
    event_date = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
    event_hour = Column(String(100), nullable=True)
    event_location = Column(String(100), nullable=True)
    event_description = Column(String(1000), nullable=True)
    event_chat = Column(PickleType(), nullable=False)

    def __init__(self, event_name=None, event_date=None, event_hour=None, event_location=None, event_description=None,
        self.event_name = event_name
        self.event_date = event_date
        self.event_hour = event_hour
        self.event_location = event_location
        self.event_description = event_description
        self.event_chat = event_chat

    def inform(self):
        return self.event_name + \
               '\n' + self.event_date + \
               '\n' + self.event_hour + \
               '\n' + self.event_location + \
               '\n' + self.event_description

    def dump(self):
        return 'event_name:' + self.event_name + \
               '\nevent_date:' + self.event_date + \
               '\nevent_hour:' + self.event_hour + \
               '\nevent_location:' + self.event_location + \
               '\nevent_description:' + self.event_description + \
               '\nevent_chat:' + self.event_chat.dump()
Esempio n. 28
 def define_tables(cls, metadata):
         "data", metadata,
         Column('data', PickleType(comparator=operator.eq)))
Esempio n. 29
def orm_load_basedata(man):
    man.basedata_table = Table('basedata', man.metadata,
                               Column('basedata_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                               Column('type', String(30), nullable=False),
                               Column('meta', PickleType(comparator=operator.eq)),
                               Column('history', String(4096))
    mapper(BaseData, man.basedata_table, polymorphic_on=man.basedata_table.c.type, polymorphic_identity='basedata')
Esempio n. 30
class ImageLocation(BASE, ModelBase):
    """Represents an image location in the datastore"""
    __tablename__ = 'image_locations'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    image_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
    image = relationship(Image, backref=backref('locations'))
    value = Column(Text(), nullable=False)
    meta_data = Column(PickleType(), default={})
Esempio n. 31
 def __init__(self, mutable=True, comparator=None):
     return PickleType.__init__(self, pickler=self.JsonPickler,
                                mutable=mutable, comparator=comparator)