def fit_mres_bs(psql,params,mq,gv_mp,gv_pp): print 'fitting mres', mq tag = params['decay_ward_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['decay_ward_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['decay_ward_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['decay_ward_fit']['mbs'] mresp = params[tag]['mres'][mq] T = len(gv_pp) boot0gv = gv_mp/gv_pp # plot mres if params['flags']['plot_data']: c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(boot0gv)), boot0gv, '%s mres' %str(mq)) # read priors prior = mresp['priors'] # read trange trange = mresp['trange'] # fit boot0 boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.mres_fitfcn) if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'mres',str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['mres'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['mres'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['sdev'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['mres'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = [mresp['meta_id']['mp'],mresp['meta_id']['pp']] fit_id = c51.select_fitid('mres',params) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit,t) psql.submit_boot0('jmu',corr_lst,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) if len(boot0fit['tmin'])!=1 or len(boot0fit['tmax'])!=1: print "sweeping over time range" print "skipping bootstrap" return 0 else: pass if False: #params['flags']['write']: bsresult = [] psql.chkbsprior(tag,stream,Nbs,boot0fit['prior'][0]) for g in tqdm.tqdm(range(Nbs)): # make bs gvar dataset n = g+1 bs_id,draw = psql.fetchonebs(nbs=n,Mbs=Mbs,ens=tag,stream=stream) bootn = boot0[draw] bootngv = c51.make_gvars(bootn) # read randomized priors bsprior_id,bsp = psql.bspriorid(tag,stream,g,boot0fit['prior'][0]) bsp = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(bsp) # read initial guess init = {"mres":boot0fit['pmean'][0]['mres']} #Fit bsfit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange,T,bootngv,bsp,fitfcn.mres_fitfcn,init) tmin = bsfit['tmin'][0] tmax = bsfit['tmax'][0] boot0_id = psql.select_boot0('jmu',corr_lst,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id) bsinit_id = psql.initid(bsfit['p0'][0]) result = c51.make_result(bsfit,0) #"""{"mres":%s, "chi2":%s, "dof":%s}""" %(bsfit['pmean'][t]['mres'],bsfit['chi2'][t],bsfit['dof'][t]) psql.submit_bs('jmu_bs',boot0_id,bs_id,Mbs,bsinit_id,bsprior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) return {'mres_fit': boot0fit['rawoutput'][0]}
def gA_bs(psql,params): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] fhbp = params[tag]['gA'][mq] print "fitting for gA mq %s, basak %s, ens %s%s, Nbs %s, Mbs %s" %(str(mq),str(basak),str(tag),str(stream),str(Nbs),str(Mbs)) # read two point SSl = np.array(['dwhisq_corr_baryon',idx) for idx in [barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in basak]]) PSl = np.array(['dwhisq_corr_baryon',idx) for idx in [barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in basak]]) T = len(SSl[0,0]) # read fh correlator fhSSl = np.array(['dwhisq_fhcorr_baryon',idx) for idx in [fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in basak]]) fhPSl = np.array(['dwhisq_fhcorr_baryon',idx) for idx in [fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in basak]]) # concatenate and make gvars to preserve correlations SS = SSl[0] PS = PSl[0] for i in range(len(SSl)-1): # loop over basak operators SS = np.concatenate((SS,SSl[i+1]),axis=1) PS = np.concatenate((PS,PSl[i+1]),axis=1) fhSS = fhSSl[0] fhPS = fhPSl[0] for i in range(len(fhSSl)-1): fhSS = np.concatenate((fhSS,fhSSl[i+1]),axis=1) fhPS = np.concatenate((fhPS,fhPSl[i+1]),axis=1) boot0 = np.concatenate((SS, PS, fhSS, fhPS), axis=1) # make gvars gvboot0 = c51.make_gvars(boot0) spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0)/2] fh = gvboot0[len(gvboot0)/2:] # R(t) Rl = fh/spec # dmeff [R(t+tau) - R(t)] / tau dM = (np.roll(Rl,-tau)-Rl)/float(tau) # plot data if params['flags']['plot_data']: for b in range(len(basak)): SS = SSl[b] PS = PSl[b] # raw correlator c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(SS[0])), c51.make_gvars(SS), '%s %s ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(PS[0])), c51.make_gvars(PS), '%s %s ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(SS), 1, 'log') meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(PS), 1, 'log') xlim = [2, len(meff_ss)/3-2] ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, '%s %s ss effective mass' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, '%s %s ps effective mass' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) # scaled correlator E0 = barp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] scaled_ss = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(SS), E0, phase=1.0) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(PS), E0, phase=1.0) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, '%s %s ss scaled correlator (take sqrt to get Z0_s)' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, '%s %s ps scaled correlator (divide by Z0_s to get Z0_p)' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) if params['flags']['fit_twopt']: # data already concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'],basak,nstates) ## read trange trange = barp['trange'] ## fit boot0 boot0gv = spec boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T,nstates) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.twopt_baryon_ss_ps,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'E0','%s' %str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dE0'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] blist = [] for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: blist.append(b[2:]) blist.append(b[:2]) blist = np.unique(blist) for b in blist: tbl_print['%s_Z0s' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s'%b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_Z0p' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array([[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon',nstates=nstates,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit,t) psql.submit_boot0('proton',corr_lst,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) # plot fh correlator if params['flags']['plot_fhdata']: for b in range(len(basak)): # raw correlator dC_lambda/dlambda fhSS = fhSSl[b] fhPS = fhPSl[b] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhSS[0])), c51.make_gvars(fhSS), '%s %s fh ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhPS[0])), c51.make_gvars(fhPS), '%s %s fh ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) # R(t) RSS = (Rl[:len(Rl)/2])[b*len(Rl)/(2*len(basak)):(b+1)*len(Rl)/(2*len(basak))] RPS = (Rl[len(Rl)/2:])[b*len(Rl)/(2*len(basak)):(b+1)*len(Rl)/(2*len(basak))] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(RSS)), RSS, '%s %s R(t) ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(RPS)), RPS, '%s %s R(t) ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) # dmeff R(t+tau) - R(t) dMSS = (dM[:len(dM)/2])[b*len(dM)/(2*len(basak)):(b+1)*len(dM)/(2*len(basak))] dMPS = (dM[len(dM)/2:])[b*len(dM)/(2*len(basak)):(b+1)*len(dM)/(2*len(basak))] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMSS)), dMSS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ss' %(basak[b],str(mq),str(tau),str(tau))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMPS)), dMPS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ps' %(basak[b],str(mq),str(tau),str(tau))) # fit fh correlator if params['flags']['fit_gA']: # data concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.fhbaryon_priors(barp['priors'],fhbp['priors'],basak,nstates) print prior # read trange trange = barp['trange'] fhtrange = fhbp['trange'] # fit boot0 boot0gv = np.concatenate((spec, dM)) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T,nstates,tau) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v3(trange,fhtrange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.baryon_fhbaryon_ss_ps,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) #print {k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n+1].keys()]} if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'E0','%s' %str(mq)) c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'gA00','%s' %str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['fhtmin'] = boot0fit['fhtmin'] tbl_print['fhtmax'] = boot0fit['fhtmax'] #tbl_print['E0'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] #tbl_print['dE0'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['gA00'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dgA00'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] #blist = [] #for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: # blist.append(b[2:]) # blist.append(b[:2]) #blist = np.unique(blist) #for b in blist: # tbl_print['%s_Z0s' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s'%b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_Z0p' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['chi2'] = boot0fit['chi2'] tbl_print['chi2f'] = boot0fit['chi2f'] tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array([[fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('fhbaryon',nstates=nstates,tau=params['gA_fit']['tau']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): baryon_corr_lst = np.array([[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() baryon_fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon',nstates=nstates,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) baryon_tmin = trange['tmin'][0] baryon_tmax = trange['tmax'][0] baryon_p0 = {k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n+1].keys()]} baryon_init_id = psql.initid(baryon_p0) baryon_prior_id = psql.priorid(c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'],basak,nstates))) baryon_id = psql.select_boot0("proton", baryon_corr_lst, baryon_fit_id, baryon_tmin, baryon_tmax, baryon_init_id, baryon_prior_id) init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['fhtmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['fhtmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit,t) print tmin, tmax psql.submit_fhboot0('fhproton',corr_lst,baryon_id,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) if params['flags']['csvformat']: for t in range(len(boot0fit['fhtmin'])): print nstates,',',boot0fit['tmin'][t],',',boot0fit['tmax'][t],',',boot0fit['fhtmin'][t],',',boot0fit['fhtmax'][t],',',boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'],',',boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'],',',(np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']))[t],',',(np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['chi2f']))[t],',',boot0fit['logGBF'][t]
def fit_decay_bs(psql,params,meson, gv_SS, gv_PS): if meson=='pion': mq1 = params['decay_ward_fit']['ml'] mq2 = mq1 elif meson == 'kaon': mq1 = params['decay_ward_fit']['ml'] mq2 = params['decay_ward_fit']['ms'] elif meson == 'etas': mq1 = params['decay_ward_fit']['ms'] mq2 = mq1 print 'fitting two point', mq1, mq2 tag = params['decay_ward_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['decay_ward_fit']['ens']['stream'] nstates = params['decay_ward_fit']['nstates'] mesp = params[tag][meson]['%s_%s' %(str(mq1),str(mq2))] T = len(gv_SS) # plot effective mass / scaled correlator if params['flags']['plot_data']: # unfolded correlator data c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(gv_SS)), gv_SS, '%s_%s ss folded' %(str(mq1),str(mq2))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(gv_PS)), gv_PS, '%s_%s ps folded' %(str(mq1),str(mq2))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(gv_SS, 1, 'cosh') meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(gv_PS, 1, 'cosh') xlim = [3, len(meff_ss)/2-2] ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, '%s_%s ss effective mass' %(str(mq1),str(mq2)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, '%s_%s ps effective mass' %(str(mq1),str(mq2)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) # scaled correlator E0 = mesp['priors']['1']['E0'][0] scaled_ss = eff.scaled_correlator(gv_SS, E0, phase=1.0) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator(gv_PS, E0, phase=1.0) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, '%s_%s ss scaled correlator (take sqrt to get Z0_s)' %(str(mq1),str(mq2)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, '%s_%s ps scaled correlator (divide by Z0_s to get Z0_p)' %(str(mq1),str(mq2)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) # concatenate data boot0gv = np.concatenate((gv_SS, gv_PS)) # read priors prior = c51.meson_priors(mesp['priors'],nstates) # read trange trange = mesp['trange'] # fit boot0 boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T,params['decay_ward_fit']['nstates']) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.twopt_fitfcn_ss_ps) if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'E0','%s_%s' %(str(mq1),str(mq2))) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dE0'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['Z0_s'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['Z0_s'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dZ0_s'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['Z0_s'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['Z0_p'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['Z0_p'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dZ0_p'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['Z0_p'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = [mesp['meta_id']['SS'],mesp['meta_id']['PS']] fit_id = c51.select_fitid('meson',params) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit,t) psql.submit_boot0('meson',corr_lst,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) if len(boot0fit['tmin'])!=1 or len(boot0fit['tmax'])!=1: print "sweeping over time range" print "skipping bootstrap" return 0 else: pass if False: #params['flags']['write']: bsresult = [] psql.chkbsprior(tag,stream,Nbs,boot0fit['prior'][0]) for g in tqdm.tqdm(range(Nbs)): # make bs gvar dataset n = g+1 bs_id,draw = psql.fetchonebs(nbs=n,Mbs=Mbs,ens=tag,stream=stream) bootn = boot0[draw] bootngv = c51.make_gvars(bootn) # read randomized priors bsprior_id,bsp = psql.bspriorid(tag,stream,g,boot0fit['prior'][0]) bsp = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(bsp) # read initial guess init = c51.read_init(boot0fit,0) #{"mres":boot0fit['pmean'][0]['mres']} #Fit bsfit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange,T,bootngv,bsp,fitfcn.twopt_fitfcn_ss_ps,init) tmin = bsfit['tmin'][0] tmax = bsfit['tmax'][0] boot0_id = psql.select_boot0('meson',corr_lst,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id) bsinit_id = psql.initid(bsfit['p0'][0]) result = c51.make_result(bsfit,0) #"""{"mres":%s, "chi2":%s, "dof":%s}""" %(bsfit['pmean'][t]['mres'],bsfit['chi2'][t],bsfit['dof'][t]) psql.submit_bs('meson_bs',boot0_id,bs_id,Mbs,bsinit_id,bsprior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) return {'meson_fit': boot0fit['rawoutput'][0]}
def decay_bs(psql, params, meson): if meson == "pion": mq1 = params["decay_ward_fit"]["ml"] mq2 = mq1 elif meson == "kaon": mq1 = params["decay_ward_fit"]["ml"] mq2 = params["decay_ward_fit"]["ms"] elif meson == "etas": mq1 = params["decay_ward_fit"]["ms"] mq2 = mq1 print "fitting twopoint", mq1, mq2 tag = params["decay_ward_fit"]["ens"]["tag"] stream = params["decay_ward_fit"]["ens"]["stream"] Nbs = params["decay_ward_fit"]["nbs"] Mbs = params["decay_ward_fit"]["mbs"] mesp = params[tag][meson]["%s_%s" % (str(mq1), str(mq2))] # read data SS = c51.fold("dwhisq_corr_meson", mesp["meta_id"]["SS"])) PS = c51.fold("dwhisq_corr_meson", mesp["meta_id"]["PS"])) T = len(SS[0]) # plot effective mass / scaled correlator if params["flags"]["plot_data"]: # unfolded correlator data c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(SS[0])), c51.make_gvars(SS), "%s_%s ss folded" % (str(mq1), str(mq2))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(PS[0])), c51.make_gvars(PS), "%s_%s ps folded" % (str(mq1), str(mq2))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(SS), 1, "cosh") meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(PS), 1, "cosh") xlim = [3, len(meff_ss) / 2 - 2] ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, "%s_%s ss effective mass" % (str(mq1), str(mq2)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim ) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, "%s_%s ps effective mass" % (str(mq1), str(mq2)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim ) # scaled correlator E0 = mesp["priors"]["E0"][0] scaled_ss = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(SS), E0, phase=1.0) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(PS), E0, phase=1.0) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, "%s_%s ss scaled correlator (take sqrt to get Z0_s)" % (str(mq1), str(mq2)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, "%s_%s ps scaled correlator (divide by Z0_s to get Z0_p)" % (str(mq1), str(mq2)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ) # concatenate data boot0 = np.concatenate((SS, PS), axis=1) # read priors prior = mesp["priors"] # read trange trange = mesp["trange"] # fit boot0 boot0gv = c51.make_gvars(boot0) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T, params["decay_ward_fit"]["nstates"]) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.twopt_fitfcn_ss_ps) if params["flags"]["stability_plot"]: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, "E0", "%s_%s" % (str(mq1), str(mq2))) if params["flags"]["tabulate"]: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print["tmin"] = boot0fit["tmin"] tbl_print["tmax"] = boot0fit["tmax"] tbl_print["E0"] = [boot0fit["pmean"][t]["E0"] for t in range(len(boot0fit["pmean"]))] tbl_print["dE0"] = [boot0fit["psdev"][t]["E0"] for t in range(len(boot0fit["pmean"]))] tbl_print["Z0_s"] = [boot0fit["pmean"][t]["Z0_s"] for t in range(len(boot0fit["pmean"]))] tbl_print["dZ0_s"] = [boot0fit["psdev"][t]["Z0_s"] for t in range(len(boot0fit["pmean"]))] tbl_print["Z0_p"] = [boot0fit["pmean"][t]["Z0_p"] for t in range(len(boot0fit["pmean"]))] tbl_print["dZ0_p"] = [boot0fit["psdev"][t]["Z0_p"] for t in range(len(boot0fit["pmean"]))] tbl_print["chi2/dof"] = np.array(boot0fit["chi2"]) / np.array(boot0fit["dof"]) tbl_print["logGBF"] = boot0fit["logGBF"] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers="keys") # submit boot0 to db if params["flags"]["write"]: corr_lst = [mesp["meta_id"]["SS"], mesp["meta_id"]["PS"]] fit_id = c51.select_fitid("meson", params) for t in range(len(boot0fit["tmin"])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit["p0"][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit["prior"][t]) tmin = boot0fit["tmin"][t] tmax = boot0fit["tmax"][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) psql.submit_boot0( "meson", corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params["flags"]["update"] ) if len(boot0fit["tmin"]) != 1 or len(boot0fit["tmax"]) != 1: print "sweeping over time range" print "skipping bootstrap" return 0 else: pass if params["flags"]["write"]: bsresult = [] psql.chkbsprior(tag, stream, Nbs, boot0fit["prior"][0]) for g in tqdm.tqdm(range(Nbs)): # make bs gvar dataset n = g + 1 bs_id, draw = psql.fetchonebs(nbs=n, Mbs=Mbs, ens=tag, stream=stream) bootn = boot0[draw] bootngv = c51.make_gvars(bootn) # read randomized priors bsprior_id, bsp = psql.bspriorid(tag, stream, g, boot0fit["prior"][0]) bsp = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(bsp) # read initial guess init = c51.read_init(boot0fit, 0) # {"mres":boot0fit['pmean'][0]['mres']} # Fit bsfit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, bootngv, bsp, fitfcn.twopt_fitfcn_ss_ps, init) tmin = bsfit["tmin"][0] tmax = bsfit["tmax"][0] boot0_id = psql.select_boot0("meson", corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id) bsinit_id = psql.initid(bsfit["p0"][0]) result = c51.make_result( bsfit, 0 ) # """{"mres":%s, "chi2":%s, "dof":%s}""" %(bsfit['pmean'][t]['mres'],bsfit['chi2'][t],bsfit['dof'][t]) psql.submit_bs("meson_bs", boot0_id, bs_id, Mbs, bsinit_id, bsprior_id, result, params["flags"]["update"]) return 0
def corrfit(psql, params, meson): mq = params['a13_fit']['ml'] print 'fitting a13', mq tag = params['a13_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['a13_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['a13_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['a13_fit']['mbs'] mesp = params[tag][meson][mq] # read data SS = c51.fold('dwhisq_corr_meson', mesp['meta_id']['SS'])) PS = c51.fold('dwhisq_corr_meson', mesp['meta_id']['PS'])) T = len(SS[0]) # plot effective mass / scaled correlator if params['flags']['plot_data']: # unfolded correlator data c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(SS[0])), c51.make_gvars(SS), '%s ss folded' % (str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(PS[0])), c51.make_gvars(PS), '%s ps folded' % (str(mq))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(SS), 1, 'cosh') meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(PS), 1, 'cosh') xlim = [2, 12] ylim = [0, 2] #c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, '%s ss effective mass' % (str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, '%s ps effective mass' % (str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) # scaled correlator E0 = mesp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] scaled_ss = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(SS), E0, phase=1.0) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(PS), E0, phase=1.0) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, '%s ss scaled correlator (take sqrt to get Z0_s)' % (str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, '%s ps scaled correlator (divide by Z0_s to get Z0_p)' % (str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) # concatenate data boot0 = np.concatenate((SS, PS), axis=1) # read priors prior = mesp['priors'] # read trange trange = mesp['trange'] # fit boot0 boot0gv = c51.make_gvars(boot0) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T, params['decay_ward_fit']['nstates']) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.twopt_fitfcn_ss_ps) if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'E0', '%s_%s' % (str(mq1), str(mq2))) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dE0'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['Z0_s'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['Z0_s'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dZ0_s'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['Z0_s'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['Z0_p'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['Z0_p'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dZ0_p'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['Z0_p'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array( boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = [mesp['meta_id']['SS'], mesp['meta_id']['PS']] fit_id = c51.select_fitid('meson', params) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) psql.submit_boot0('meson', corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params['flags']['update']) if len(boot0fit['tmin']) != 1 or len(boot0fit['tmax']) != 1: print "sweeping over time range" print "skipping bootstrap" return 0 else: pass if params['flags']['write']: bsresult = [] psql.chkbsprior(tag, stream, Nbs, boot0fit['prior'][0]) for g in tqdm.tqdm(range(Nbs)): # make bs gvar dataset n = g + 1 bs_id, draw = psql.fetchonebs(nbs=n, Mbs=Mbs, ens=tag, stream=stream) bootn = boot0[draw] bootngv = c51.make_gvars(bootn) # read randomized priors bsprior_id, bsp = psql.bspriorid(tag, stream, g, boot0fit['prior'][0]) bsp = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(bsp) # read initial guess init = c51.read_init(boot0fit, 0) #{"mres":boot0fit['pmean'][0]['mres']} #Fit bsfit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, bootngv, bsp, fitfcn.twopt_fitfcn_ss_ps, init) tmin = bsfit['tmin'][0] tmax = bsfit['tmax'][0] boot0_id = psql.select_boot0('meson', corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id) bsinit_id = psql.initid(bsfit['p0'][0]) result = c51.make_result( bsfit, 0 ) #"""{"mres":%s, "chi2":%s, "dof":%s}""" %(bsfit['pmean'][t]['mres'],bsfit['chi2'][t],bsfit['dof'][t]) psql.submit_bs('meson_bs', boot0_id, bs_id, Mbs, bsinit_id, bsprior_id, result, params['flags']['update']) return 0
def fit_proton(psql,params,gvboot0): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] # make gvars spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0)/2] T = len(spec)/(2*len(basak)) # plot data if params['flags']['plot_data']: SSl = spec[:len(spec)/2].reshape((len(basak),T)) PSl = spec[len(spec)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T)) for b in range(len(basak)): SS = SSl[b] PS = PSl[b] # raw correlator c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(SS)), SS, '%s %s ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(PS)), PS, '%s %s ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(SS, 1, 'log') meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(PS, 1, 'log') xlim = [2, len(meff_ss)/3] ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, '%s %s ss effective mass' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, '%s %s ps effective mass' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) #print stuff #print 'meff_ss' #f_meff = open('/Users/cchang5/Documents/Papers/FH/c51_p1/paper/figures/meff_ss.csv', 'w+') #string = 't_meff, meff, +-\n' #for t in range(len(meff_ss)): # string += '%s, %s, %s\n' %(str(t), str(meff_ss[t].mean), str(meff_ss[t].sdev)) #f_meff.write(string) #f_meff.flush() #f_meff.close() #print 'meff_ps' #for t in range(len(meff_ps)): # print t, meff_ps[t].mean, meff_ps[t].sdev # scaled correlator E0 = barp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] scaled_ss = np.sqrt(eff.scaled_correlator_v2(SS, E0, phase=1.0)) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator_v2(PS, E0, phase=1.0)/scaled_ss ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, '%s %s ss scaled correlator (Z0_s)' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, '%s %s ps scaled correlator (Z0_p)' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) #print stuff #print 'scaled_ss' #f_scaled = open('/Users/cchang5/Documents/Papers/FH/c51_p1/paper/figures/scaled_ss.csv', 'w+') #string = 't_scaled, scaled_corr, +-\n' #for t in range(len(scaled_ss)): # string += '%s, %s, %s\n' %(str(t), str(scaled_ss[t].mean), str(scaled_ss[t].sdev)) #f_scaled.write(string) #f_scaled.flush() #f_scaled.close() #print 'scaled_ps' #for t in range(len(meff_ps)): # print t, scaled_ps[t].mean, scaled_ps[t].sdev if params['flags']['fit_twopt']: # data already concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'],basak,nstates) ## read trange trange = barp['trange'] ## fit boot0 boot0gv = spec boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T,nstates) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.dwhisq_twopt_ss_ps,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) print boot0fit['rawoutput'][0] if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'E0','%s' %str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dE0'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] blist = [] for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: blist.append(b[2:]) blist.append(b[:2]) blist = np.unique(blist) for b in blist: tbl_print['%s_Z0s' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s'%b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_Z0p' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] tbl_print['Q'] = boot0fit['Q'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') print "tmax, E0, +-, chi2dof, Q, logGBF" for i in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): print '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' %(str(boot0fit['tmax'][i]), str(boot0fit['pmean'][i]['E0']), str(boot0fit['psdev'][i]['E0']), boot0fit['chi2'][i]/boot0fit['dof'][i], boot0fit['Q'][i], boot0fit['logGBF'][i]) # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array([[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon',nstates=nstates,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit,t) psql.submit_boot0('proton',corr_lst,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) return {'nucleon_fit': boot0fit['rawoutput'][0]} return 0
def mres_bs(psql, params, mq): print "fitting mres", mq tag = params["decay_ward_fit"]["ens"]["tag"] stream = params["decay_ward_fit"]["ens"]["stream"] Nbs = params["decay_ward_fit"]["nbs"] Mbs = params["decay_ward_fit"]["mbs"] mresp = params[tag]["mres"][mq] # read data mp ="dwhisq_corr_jmu", mresp["meta_id"]["mp"]) pp ="dwhisq_corr_jmu", mresp["meta_id"]["pp"]) T = len(pp[0]) boot0 = mp / pp # plot mres if params["flags"]["plot_data"]: c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(boot0[0])), c51.make_gvars(boot0), "%s mres" % str(mq)) # read priors prior = mresp["priors"] # read trange trange = mresp["trange"] # fit boot0 boot0gv = c51.make_gvars(boot0) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.mres_fitfcn) if params["flags"]["stability_plot"]: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, "mres", str(mq)) if params["flags"]["tabulate"]: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print["tmin"] = boot0fit["tmin"] tbl_print["tmax"] = boot0fit["tmax"] tbl_print["mres"] = [boot0fit["pmean"][t]["mres"] for t in range(len(boot0fit["pmean"]))] tbl_print["sdev"] = [boot0fit["psdev"][t]["mres"] for t in range(len(boot0fit["pmean"]))] tbl_print["chi2/dof"] = np.array(boot0fit["chi2"]) / np.array(boot0fit["dof"]) tbl_print["logGBF"] = boot0fit["logGBF"] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers="keys") # submit boot0 to db if params["flags"]["write"]: corr_lst = [mresp["meta_id"]["mp"], mresp["meta_id"]["pp"]] fit_id = c51.select_fitid("mres", params) for t in range(len(boot0fit["tmin"])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit["p0"][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit["prior"][t]) tmin = boot0fit["tmin"][t] tmax = boot0fit["tmax"][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) psql.submit_boot0("jmu", corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params["flags"]["update"]) if len(boot0fit["tmin"]) != 1 or len(boot0fit["tmax"]) != 1: print "sweeping over time range" print "skipping bootstrap" return 0 else: pass if params["flags"]["write"]: bsresult = [] psql.chkbsprior(tag, stream, Nbs, boot0fit["prior"][0]) for g in tqdm.tqdm(range(Nbs)): # make bs gvar dataset n = g + 1 bs_id, draw = psql.fetchonebs(nbs=n, Mbs=Mbs, ens=tag, stream=stream) bootn = boot0[draw] bootngv = c51.make_gvars(bootn) # read randomized priors bsprior_id, bsp = psql.bspriorid(tag, stream, g, boot0fit["prior"][0]) bsp = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(bsp) # read initial guess init = {"mres": boot0fit["pmean"][0]["mres"]} # Fit bsfit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, bootngv, bsp, fitfcn.mres_fitfcn, init) tmin = bsfit["tmin"][0] tmax = bsfit["tmax"][0] boot0_id = psql.select_boot0("jmu", corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id) bsinit_id = psql.initid(bsfit["p0"][0]) result = c51.make_result( bsfit, 0 ) # """{"mres":%s, "chi2":%s, "dof":%s}""" %(bsfit['pmean'][t]['mres'],bsfit['chi2'][t],bsfit['dof'][t]) psql.submit_bs("jmu_bs", boot0_id, bs_id, Mbs, bsinit_id, bsprior_id, result, params["flags"]["update"]) return 0
def fit_proton(psql, params, gvboot0): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] # make gvars spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0) / 2] T = len(spec) / (2 * len(basak)) # plot data if params['flags']['plot_data']: SSl = spec[:len(spec) / 2].reshape((len(basak), T)) PSl = spec[len(spec) / 2:].reshape((len(basak), T)) for b in range(len(basak)): SS = SSl[b] PS = PSl[b] # raw correlator c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(SS)), SS, '%s %s ss' % (basak[b], str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(PS)), PS, '%s %s ps' % (basak[b], str(mq))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(SS, 1, 'log') meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(PS, 1, 'log') xlim = [2, len(meff_ss) / 3] ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, '%s %s ss effective mass' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, '%s %s ps effective mass' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) #print stuff #print 'meff_ss' #f_meff = open('/Users/cchang5/Documents/Papers/FH/c51_p1/paper/figures/meff_ss.csv', 'w+') #string = 't_meff, meff, +-\n' #for t in range(len(meff_ss)): # string += '%s, %s, %s\n' %(str(t), str(meff_ss[t].mean), str(meff_ss[t].sdev)) #f_meff.write(string) #f_meff.flush() #f_meff.close() #print 'meff_ps' #for t in range(len(meff_ps)): # print t, meff_ps[t].mean, meff_ps[t].sdev # scaled correlator E0 = barp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] scaled_ss = np.sqrt(eff.scaled_correlator_v2(SS, E0, phase=1.0)) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator_v2(PS, E0, phase=1.0) / scaled_ss ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, '%s %s ss scaled correlator (Z0_s)' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, '%s %s ps scaled correlator (Z0_p)' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) #print stuff #f_scaled = open('/Users/cchang5/Documents/Papers/FH/c51_p1/paper/figures/scaled_corr.csv', 'w+') #string = 't_scaled, scaled_ss, +-, scaled_ps, +-\n' #for t in range(len(scaled_ss)): # string += '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' %(t, scaled_ss[t].mean, scaled_ss[t].sdev, scaled_ps[t].mean, scaled_ps[t].sdev) #f_scaled.write(string) #f_scaled.flush() #f_scaled.close() if params['flags']['fit_twopt']: # data already concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates) ## read trange trange = barp['trange'] ## fit boot0 boot0gv = spec boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T, nstates) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.dwhisq_twopt_ss_ps, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) print boot0fit['rawoutput'][0] if params['flags']['fitline_plot']: p = boot0fit['rawoutput'][0].p t = np.linspace(0, T / 2, 100 * T / 2) b = params['gA_fit']['basak'][0] # output fit curve ss = fitfcn.dwhisq_twopt(t, p, b, 's', 's') ps = fitfcn.dwhisq_twopt(t, p, b, 'p', 's') scaled_ss = np.sqrt(ss * np.exp(p['E0'] * t)) scaled_ps = ps * np.exp(p['E0'] * t) / scaled_ss meffss = np.log(ss / np.roll(ss, -100)) / t[100] meffps = np.log(ps / np.roll(ps, -100)) / t[100] f_plot = open('./fh_fitline/%s_twopt.csv' % (tag), 'w+') string = 't, css, +-, cps, +-\n' for i in range(len(t)): string += '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % ( t[i], meffss[i].mean, meffss[i].sdev, meffps[i].mean, meffps[i].sdev) f_plot.write(string) f_plot.flush() f_plot.close() f_plot = open('./fh_fitline/%s_scaled2pt.csv' % (tag), 'w+') # data scaled two point: propagate E0 error SSl = spec[:len(spec) / 2].reshape((len(basak), T))[0] PSl = spec[len(spec) / 2:].reshape((len(basak), T))[0] t = np.linspace(0, T - 1, T) scaled_ss = np.sqrt(SSl * np.exp(p['E0'] * t)) scaled_ps = PSl * np.exp(p['E0'] * t) / scaled_ss string = 't, zss, +-, zps, +-\n' for i in range(len(t)): string += '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % ( t[i], scaled_ss[i].mean, scaled_ss[i].sdev, scaled_ps[i].mean, scaled_ps[i].sdev) f_plot = open( '/Users/cchang5/Documents/Papers/FH/c51_p1/paper/figures/scaled_corr.csv', 'w+') f_plot.write(string) f_plot.flush() f_plot.close() if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'E0', '%s' % str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dE0'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] blist = [] for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: blist.append(b[2:]) blist.append(b[:2]) blist = np.unique(blist) for b in blist: tbl_print['%s_Z0s' % b] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' % b] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_Z0p' % b] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' % b] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array( boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] tbl_print['Q'] = boot0fit['Q'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') print "tmin, E0%s, +-, chi2dof%s, Q%s, logGBF%s" % ( nstates, nstates, nstates, nstates) for i in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): print '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % ( str(boot0fit['tmin'][i]), str(boot0fit['pmean'][i]['E0']), str(boot0fit['psdev'][i]['E0']), boot0fit['chi2'][i] / boot0fit['dof'][i], boot0fit['Q'][i], boot0fit['logGBF'][i]) # submit boot0 to db if False: #params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array( [[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']], [barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon', nstates=nstates, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) psql.submit_boot0('proton', corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params['flags']['update']) return {'nucleon_fit': boot0fit['rawoutput'][0]} return 0
def fit_gA(psql,params,gvboot0): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] fhstates = params['gA_fit']['fhstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] fhbp = params[tag]['gA'][mq] print "nstates: %s" %nstates print "fhstates: %s" %fhstates # make gvars spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0)/2] fh = gvboot0[len(gvboot0)/2:] T = len(fh)/(2*len(basak)) # R(t) Rl = fh/spec # dmeff [R(t+tau) - R(t)] / tau #dM = Rl dM = (np.roll(Rl,-tau)-Rl)/float(tau) #This is needed to plot gA correctly in the effective plots, but will give wrong data to fit with. # plot fh correlator if params['flags']['plot_fhdata']: fhSSl = fh[:len(fh)/2].reshape((len(basak),T)) fhPSl = fh[len(fh)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T)) RSSl = Rl[:len(Rl)/2].reshape((len(basak),T)) RPSl = Rl[len(Rl)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T)) dM_plot = (np.roll(Rl,-tau)-Rl)/float(tau) dMSSl = dM_plot[:len(dM_plot)/2].reshape((len(basak),T)) dMPSl = dM_plot[len(dM_plot)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T)) for b in range(len(basak)): # ground state nucleon mass prior central value E0 = barp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] # raw correlator dC_lambda/dlambda fhSS = fhSSl[b] fhPS = fhPSl[b] #c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhSS)), fhSS, '%s %s fh ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) #c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhPS)), fhPS, '%s %s fh ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) print "%s fhSS[1]*exp(E0):" %basak[b], fhSS[1]*np.exp(E0) #, "fhSS[1]:", fhSS[1] print "%s fhPS[1]*exp(E0):" %basak[b], fhPS[1]*np.exp(E0) #, "fhPS[1]:", fhPS[1] # dmeff R(t+tau) - R(t) dMSS = dMSSl[b] dMPS = dMPSl[b] xlim = [0, 20] ylim = [0.5, 2.0] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMSS)), dMSS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ss' %(basak[b],str(mq),str(tau),str(tau)),xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMPS)), dMPS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ps' %(basak[b],str(mq),str(tau),str(tau)),xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim) if False: for i in range(len(dMSS)): print i,',',dMSS[i].mean,',',dMSS[i].sdev,',',dMPS[i].mean,',',dMPS[i].sdev # fit fh correlator if params['flags']['fit_gA']: # data concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.fhbaryon_priors(barp['priors'],fhbp['priors'],basak,nstates,fhstates) print prior # read trange trange = barp['trange'] fhtrange = fhbp['trange'] # fit boot0 boot0gv = gvboot0 #np.concatenate((spec, fh)) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T,nstates,fhstates,tau) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v3(trange,fhtrange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.dwhisq_fh_ss_ps,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) print boot0fit['rawoutput'][0] #print {k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n+1].keys()]} if False: # plot R(t+1) - R(t) posterior = boot0fit['post'][0] x = np.arange(20) ssline, psline = fitfcn.baryon_rt_fitline(x,posterior) for i in range(len(ssline)): print x[i],',',ssline[i].mean,',',ssline[i].sdev,',',psline[i].mean,',',psline[i].sdev if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'E0','%s' %str(mq)) c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'gA00','%s' %str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['fhtmin'] = boot0fit['fhtmin'] tbl_print['fhtmax'] = boot0fit['fhtmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dE0'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['gA00'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dgA00'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] #blist = [] #for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: # blist.append(b[2:]) # blist.append(b[:2]) #blist = np.unique(blist) #for b in blist: # tbl_print['%s_Z0s' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s'%b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_Z0p' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['chi2'] = boot0fit['chi2'] tbl_print['chi2f'] = boot0fit['chi2f'] tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] tbl_print['Q'] = boot0fit['Q'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') print "tmin, E0, +-, gA, +-, chi2dof, Q, logGBF" for i in range(len(boot0fit['fhtmin'])): print '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' %(str(boot0fit['fhtmin'][i]), str(boot0fit['pmean'][i]['E0']), str(boot0fit['psdev'][i]['E0']), str(boot0fit['pmean'][i]['gA00']), str(boot0fit['psdev'][i]['gA00']), boot0fit['chi2'][i]/boot0fit['dof'][i], boot0fit['Q'][i], boot0fit['logGBF'][i]) # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array([[fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('fhbaryon',nstates=nstates,tau=params['gA_fit']['tau']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): baryon_corr_lst = np.array([[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() baryon_fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon',nstates=nstates,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) baryon_tmin = trange['tmin'][0] baryon_tmax = trange['tmax'][0] baryon_p0 = {k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n+1].keys()]} baryon_init_id = psql.initid(baryon_p0) baryon_prior_id = psql.priorid(c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'],basak,nstates))) baryon_id = psql.select_boot0("proton", baryon_corr_lst, baryon_fit_id, baryon_tmin, baryon_tmax, baryon_init_id, baryon_prior_id) init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['fhtmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['fhtmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit,t) print tmin, tmax psql.submit_fhboot0('fhproton',corr_lst,baryon_id,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) if params['flags']['csvformat']: for t in range(len(boot0fit['fhtmin'])): print nstates,',',boot0fit['tmin'][t],',',boot0fit['tmax'][t],',',boot0fit['fhtmin'][t],',',boot0fit['fhtmax'][t],',',boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'],',',boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'],',',(np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']))[t],',',(np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['chi2f']))[t],',',boot0fit['logGBF'][t] return {'gA_fit': boot0fit['rawoutput'][0]} return 0
def fit_gA(psql, params, gvboot0): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] fhstates = params['gA_fit']['fhstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] fhbp = params[tag]['gA'][mq] #print "nstates: %s" %nstates #print "fhstates: %s" %fhstates # make gvars spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0) / 2] fh = gvboot0[len(gvboot0) / 2:] T = len(fh) / (2 * len(basak)) # R(t) Rl = fh / spec dM = (np.roll(Rl, -tau) - Rl) / float( tau ) #This is needed to plot gA correctly in the effective plots, but will give wrong data to fit with. # plot fh correlator if params['flags']['plot_fhdata']: fhSSl = fh[:len(fh) / 2].reshape((len(basak), T)) fhPSl = fh[len(fh) / 2:].reshape((len(basak), T)) RSSl = Rl[:len(Rl) / 2].reshape((len(basak), T)) RPSl = Rl[len(Rl) / 2:].reshape((len(basak), T)) dM_plot = (np.roll(Rl, -tau) - Rl) / float(tau) dMSSl = dM_plot[:len(dM_plot) / 2].reshape((len(basak), T)) dMPSl = dM_plot[len(dM_plot) / 2:].reshape((len(basak), T)) for b in range(len(basak)): # ground state nucleon mass prior central value E0 = barp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] # raw correlator dC_lambda/dlambda fhSS = fhSSl[b] fhPS = fhPSl[b] #c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhSS)), fhSS, '%s %s fh ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) #c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhPS)), fhPS, '%s %s fh ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) print "%s fhSS[1]*exp(E0):" % basak[b], fhSS[1] * np.exp( E0) #, "fhSS[1]:", fhSS[1] print "%s fhPS[1]*exp(E0):" % basak[b], fhPS[1] * np.exp( E0) #, "fhPS[1]:", fhPS[1] # dmeff R(t+tau) - R(t) dMSS = dMSSl[b] dMPS = dMPSl[b] xlim = [0, 20] ylim = [0.5, 2.0] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMSS)), dMSS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ss' % (basak[b], str(mq), str(tau), str(tau)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMPS)), dMPS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ps' % (basak[b], str(mq), str(tau), str(tau)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if False: for i in range(len(dMSS)): print i, ',', dMSS[i].mean, ',', dMSS[i].sdev, ',', dMPS[ i].mean, ',', dMPS[i].sdev # fit fh correlator if params['flags']['fit_gA']: # data concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.fhbaryon_priors(barp['priors'], fhbp['priors'], basak, nstates, fhstates) # read init try: #print "found init file" f_init = open('./fh_posterior/%s.yml' % (tag), 'r') init = yaml.load(f_init) f_init.close() except: init = None #print prior # read trange trange = barp['trange'] fhtrange = fhbp['trange'] # fit boot0 boot0gv = gvboot0 #np.concatenate((spec, fh)) #boot0gv = np.concatenate((spec,dM)) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T, nstates, fhstates, tau) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v3(trange, fhtrange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.dwhisq_fh_ss_ps, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak'], init=None, bayes=params['flags']['bayes']) #boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v3(trange,fhtrange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.dwhisq_dm_ss_ps,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak'],init=None,bayes=params['flags']['bayes']) print boot0fit['rawoutput'][0] if params['flags']['fitline_plot']: p = boot0fit['rawoutput'][0].p t = np.linspace(0, T / 2, 100 * T / 2) b = params['gA_fit']['basak'][0] # output fit curve ss = fitfcn.dwhisq_twopt(t, p, b, 's', 's') ps = fitfcn.dwhisq_twopt(t, p, b, 'p', 's') fhss = fitfcn.dwhisq_fh(t, p, b, 's', 's', False) fhps = fitfcn.dwhisq_fh(t, p, b, 'p', 's', False) rss = fhss / ss rps = fhps / ps yss = (np.roll(rss, -100) - rss) / t[100] yps = (np.roll(rps, -100) - rps) / t[100] #f_plot = open('./fh_fitline/%s.csv' %(tag), 'w+') f_plot = open('./fh_fitline/%s_fh.csv' % (tag), 'w+') string = 't, yss, +-, yps, +-\n' for i in range(len(t)): #string += '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' %(t[i], yss[i].mean, yss[i].sdev, yps[i].mean, yps[i].sdev) string += '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (t[i], fhss[i].mean, fhss[i].sdev, fhps[i].mean, fhps[i].sdev) f_plot.write(string) f_plot.flush() f_plot.close() meffss = np.log(ss / np.roll(ss, -100)) / t[100] meffps = np.log(ps / np.roll(ps, -100)) / t[100] f_plot = open('./fh_fitline/%s_twopt.csv' % (tag), 'w+') string = 't, css, +-, cps, +-\n' for i in range(len(t)): string += '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % ( t[i], meffss[i].mean, meffss[i].sdev, meffps[i].mean, meffps[i].sdev) f_plot.write(string) f_plot.flush() f_plot.close() # output data dMSSl = fh[:len(fh) / 2].reshape((len(basak), T))[0] dMPSl = fh[len(fh) / 2:].reshape((len(basak), T))[0] #dMSSl = dM[:len(dM)/2].reshape((len(basak),T))[0] #dMPSl = dM[len(dM)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T))[0] t = np.linspace(0, 30, 31) f_data = open('./fh_fitline/%s_fh_dat.csv' % (tag), 'w+') #f_data = open('./fh_fitline/%s_dat.csv' %(tag), 'w+') string = 't_dat, yss_dat, +-, yps_dat, +-\n' for i in range(len(t)): string += '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % ( t[i], dMSSl[i].mean, dMSSl[i].sdev, dMPSl[i].mean, dMPSl[i].sdev) f_data.write(string) f_data.flush() f_data.close() SSl = spec[:len(spec) / 2].reshape((len(basak), T))[0] PSl = spec[len(spec) / 2:].reshape((len(basak), T))[0] meffSS = np.log(SSl / np.roll(SSl, -1)) meffPS = np.log(PSl / np.roll(PSl, -1)) f_data = open('./fh_fitline/%s_twopt_dat.csv' % (tag), 'w+') string = 't_dat, ss_dat, +-, ps_dat, +-\n' for i in range(len(t)): string += '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % ( t[i], meffSS[i].mean, meffSS[i].sdev, meffPS[i].mean, meffPS[i].sdev) f_data.write(string) f_data.flush() f_data.close() if params['flags']['boot0_update']: fh_post = boot0fit['rawoutput'][0].pmean fh_dump = dict() for k in fh_post.keys(): fh_dump[k] = float(fh_post[k]) f_dump = open('./fh_posterior/%s.yml' % (tag), 'w+') yaml.dump(fh_dump, f_dump) f_dump.flush() f_dump.close() if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'E0', '%s' % str(mq)) c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'gA00', '%s' % str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['fhtmin'] = boot0fit['fhtmin'] tbl_print['fhtmax'] = boot0fit['fhtmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dE0'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['gA00'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dgA00'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] #blist = [] #for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: # blist.append(b[2:]) # blist.append(b[:2]) #blist = np.unique(blist) #for b in blist: # tbl_print['%s_Z0s' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s'%b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_Z0p' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array( boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['chi2'] = boot0fit['chi2'] tbl_print['chi2f'] = boot0fit['chi2f'] tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] tbl_print['Q'] = boot0fit['Q'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') print "tmin, %sE0%s, +-, %sgA%s, +-, %schi2dof%s, %sQ%s, %slogGBF%s" % ( fhstates, nstates, fhstates, nstates, fhstates, nstates, fhstates, nstates, fhstates, nstates) for i in range(len(boot0fit['fhtmin'])): print '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % ( str(boot0fit['fhtmin'][i]), str( boot0fit['pmean'][i]['E0']), str(boot0fit['psdev'][i]['E0']), str(boot0fit['pmean'][i]['gA00']), str(boot0fit['psdev'][i]['gA00']), boot0fit['chi2'][i] / boot0fit['dof'][i], boot0fit['Q'][i], boot0fit['logGBF'][i]) # submit boot0 to db if False: #params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array( [[fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']], [fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('fhbaryon', nstates=nstates, tau=params['gA_fit']['tau']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): baryon_corr_lst = np.array([[ barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak'] ], [ barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak'] ]]).flatten() baryon_fit_id = c51.select_fitid( 'baryon', nstates=nstates, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) baryon_tmin = trange['tmin'][0] baryon_tmax = trange['tmax'][0] baryon_p0 = { k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [ bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n + 1].keys() ] } baryon_init_id = psql.initid(baryon_p0) baryon_prior_id = psql.priorid( c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar( c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates))) baryon_id = psql.select_boot0("proton", baryon_corr_lst, baryon_fit_id, baryon_tmin, baryon_tmax, baryon_init_id, baryon_prior_id) init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['fhtmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['fhtmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) print tmin, tmax psql.submit_fhboot0('fhproton', corr_lst, baryon_id, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params['flags']['update']) if params['flags']['csvformat']: for t in range(len(boot0fit['fhtmin'])): print nstates, ',', boot0fit['tmin'][t], ',', boot0fit['tmax'][ t], ',', boot0fit['fhtmin'][t], ',', boot0fit['fhtmax'][ t], ',', boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'], ',', boot0fit[ 'psdev'][t]['gA00'], ',', ( np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array(boot0fit['dof']))[t], ',', ( np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array(boot0fit['chi2f']) )[t], ',', boot0fit['logGBF'][t] return {'gA_fit': boot0fit['rawoutput'][0]} return 0
def fit_proton(psql,params,gvboot0): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] fhbp = params[tag]['gA'][mq] # make gvars spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0)/2] fh = gvboot0[len(gvboot0)/2:] T = len(fh)/(2*len(basak)) # R(t) Rl = fh/spec # dmeff [R(t+tau) - R(t)] / tau #dM = Rl dM = (np.roll(Rl,-tau)-Rl)/float(tau) #This is needed to plot gA correctly in the effective plots, but will give wrong data to fit with. # plot data if params['flags']['plot_data']: SSl = spec[:len(spec)/2].reshape((len(basak),T)) PSl = spec[len(spec)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T)) for b in range(len(basak)): SS = SSl[b] PS = PSl[b] # raw correlator c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(SS)), SS, '%s %s ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(PS)), PS, '%s %s ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(SS, 1, 'log') meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(PS, 1, 'log') xlim = [2, len(meff_ss)/3] ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, '%s %s ss effective mass' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, '%s %s ps effective mass' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) #print stuff #print 'meff_ss' #for t in range(len(meff_ss)): # print t, meff_ss[t].mean, meff_ss[t].sdev #print 'meff_ps' #for t in range(len(meff_ps)): # print t, meff_ps[t].mean, meff_ps[t].sdev # scaled correlator E0 = barp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] scaled_ss = eff.scaled_correlator(SS, E0, phase=1.0) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator(PS, E0, phase=1.0) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, '%s %s ss scaled correlator (take sqrt to get Z0_s)' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, '%s %s ps scaled correlator (divide by Z0_s to get Z0_p)' %(basak[b],str(mq)), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) #print stuff #print 'scaled_ss' #for t in range(len(scaled_ss)): # print t, scaled_ss[t].mean, scaled_ss[t].sdev #print 'scaled_ps' #for t in range(len(meff_ps)): # print t, scaled_ps[t].mean, scaled_ps[t].sdev if params['flags']['fit_twopt']: # data already concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'],basak,nstates) ## read trange trange = barp['trange'] ## fit boot0 boot0gv = spec boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T,nstates) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.twopt_baryon_ss_ps,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) print boot0fit['rawoutput'][0] if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'E0','%s' %str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dE0'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] blist = [] for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: blist.append(b[2:]) blist.append(b[:2]) blist = np.unique(blist) for b in blist: tbl_print['%s_Z0s' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s'%b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_Z0p' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array([[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon',nstates=nstates,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit,t) psql.submit_boot0('proton',corr_lst,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) return {'nucleon_fit': boot0fit['rawoutput'][0]} return 0
def fit_gA(psql,params,gvboot0): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] fhbp = params[tag]['gA'][mq] # make gvars spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0)/2] fh = gvboot0[len(gvboot0)/2:] T = len(fh)/(2*len(basak)) # R(t) Rl = fh/spec # dmeff [R(t+tau) - R(t)] / tau #dM = Rl dM = (np.roll(Rl,-tau)-Rl)/float(tau) #This is needed to plot gA correctly in the effective plots, but will give wrong data to fit with. # plot fh correlator if params['flags']['plot_fhdata']: fhSSl = fh[:len(fh)/2].reshape((len(basak),T)) fhPSl = fh[len(fh)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T)) RSSl = Rl[:len(Rl)/2].reshape((len(basak),T)) RPSl = Rl[len(Rl)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T)) dM_plot = (np.roll(Rl,-tau)-Rl)/float(tau) dMSSl = dM_plot[:len(dM_plot)/2].reshape((len(basak),T)) dMPSl = dM_plot[len(dM_plot)/2:].reshape((len(basak),T)) for b in range(len(basak)): # raw correlator dC_lambda/dlambda fhSS = fhSSl[b] fhPS = fhPSl[b] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhSS)), fhSS, '%s %s fh ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhPS)), fhPS, '%s %s fh ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) # R(t) RSS = RSSl[b] RPS = RPSl[b] #c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(RSS)), RSS, '%s %s R(t) ss' %(basak[b],str(mq))) #c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(RPS)), RPS, '%s %s R(t) ps' %(basak[b],str(mq))) # dmeff R(t+tau) - R(t) dMSS = dMSSl[b] dMPS = dMPSl[b] xlim = [0, 20] ylim = [0.5, 2.0] #c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMSS)), dMSS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ss' %(basak[b],str(mq),str(tau),str(tau)),xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim) #c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMPS)), dMPS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ps' %(basak[b],str(mq),str(tau),str(tau)),xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim) if False: for i in range(len(dMSS)): print i,',',dMSS[i].mean,',',dMSS[i].sdev,',',dMPS[i].mean,',',dMPS[i].sdev # fit fh correlator if params['flags']['fit_gA']: # data concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.fhbaryon_priors(barp['priors'],fhbp['priors'],basak,nstates) #print prior # read trange trange = barp['trange'] fhtrange = fhbp['trange'] # fit boot0 boot0gv = np.concatenate((spec, dM)) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T,nstates,tau) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v3(trange,fhtrange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.baryon_dm_ss_ps,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) print boot0fit['rawoutput'][0] #print {k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n+1].keys()]} if False: # plot R(t+1) - R(t) posterior = boot0fit['post'][0] x = np.arange(20) ssline, psline = fitfcn.baryon_rt_fitline(x,posterior) for i in range(len(ssline)): print x[i],',',ssline[i].mean,',',ssline[i].sdev,',',psline[i].mean,',',psline[i].sdev if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'E0','%s' %str(mq)) c51.stability_plot(boot0fit,'gA00','%s' %str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['fhtmin'] = boot0fit['fhtmin'] tbl_print['fhtmax'] = boot0fit['fhtmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dE0'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['gA00'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['dgA00'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] #blist = [] #for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: # blist.append(b[2:]) # blist.append(b[:2]) #blist = np.unique(blist) #for b in blist: # tbl_print['%s_Z0s' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s'%b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_Z0p' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['chi2'] = boot0fit['chi2'] tbl_print['chi2f'] = boot0fit['chi2f'] tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array([[fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('fhbaryon',nstates=nstates,tau=params['gA_fit']['tau']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): baryon_corr_lst = np.array([[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']],[barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() baryon_fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon',nstates=nstates,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) baryon_tmin = trange['tmin'][0] baryon_tmax = trange['tmax'][0] baryon_p0 = {k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n+1].keys()]} baryon_init_id = psql.initid(baryon_p0) baryon_prior_id = psql.priorid(c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'],basak,nstates))) baryon_id = psql.select_boot0("proton", baryon_corr_lst, baryon_fit_id, baryon_tmin, baryon_tmax, baryon_init_id, baryon_prior_id) init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['fhtmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['fhtmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit,t) print tmin, tmax psql.submit_fhboot0('fhproton',corr_lst,baryon_id,fit_id,tmin,tmax,init_id,prior_id,result,params['flags']['update']) if params['flags']['csvformat']: for t in range(len(boot0fit['fhtmin'])): print nstates,',',boot0fit['tmin'][t],',',boot0fit['tmax'][t],',',boot0fit['fhtmin'][t],',',boot0fit['fhtmax'][t],',',boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'],',',boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'],',',(np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['dof']))[t],',',(np.array(boot0fit['chi2'])/np.array(boot0fit['chi2f']))[t],',',boot0fit['logGBF'][t] return {'gA_fit': boot0fit['rawoutput'][0]} return 0
def gA_bs(psql, params): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] fhbp = params[tag]['gA'][mq] print "fitting for gA mq %s, basak %s, ens %s%s, Nbs %s, Mbs %s" % ( str(mq), str(basak), str(tag), str(stream), str(Nbs), str(Mbs)) # read two point SSl = np.array(['dwhisq_corr_baryon', idx) for idx in [barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in basak] ]) PSl = np.array(['dwhisq_corr_baryon', idx) for idx in [barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in basak] ]) T = len(SSl[0, 0]) # read fh correlator fhSSl = np.array(['dwhisq_fhcorr_baryon', idx) for idx in [fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in basak] ]) fhPSl = np.array(['dwhisq_fhcorr_baryon', idx) for idx in [fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in basak] ]) # check outliers if False: # corr [basak, config, time] temp = [SSl, PSl, fhSSl, fhPSl] ntemp = ['SSl', 'PSl', 'fhSSl', 'fhPSl'] for j in range(len(temp)): print ntemp[j] corr = temp[j] for i in range(len(corr[0, 0])): corrt = corr[0, :, i] #00 ss 30 ps minimum = np.amin(corrt) argmin = np.argmin(corrt) * 5 + 300 median = np.median(corrt) maximum = np.amax(corrt) argmax = np.argmax(corrt) * 5 + 300 print i, median - minimum, maximum - median, argmin, argmax # concatenate and make gvars to preserve correlations SS = SSl[0] PS = PSl[0] for i in range(len(SSl) - 1): # loop over basak operators SS = np.concatenate((SS, SSl[i + 1]), axis=1) PS = np.concatenate((PS, PSl[i + 1]), axis=1) fhSS = fhSSl[0] fhPS = fhPSl[0] for i in range(len(fhSSl) - 1): fhSS = np.concatenate((fhSS, fhSSl[i + 1]), axis=1) fhPS = np.concatenate((fhPS, fhPSl[i + 1]), axis=1) boot0 = np.concatenate((SS, PS, fhSS, fhPS), axis=1) # make gvars gvboot0 = c51.make_gvars(boot0) spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0) / 2] fh = gvboot0[len(gvboot0) / 2:] # R(t) Rl = fh / spec # dmeff [R(t+tau) - R(t)] / tau dM = (np.roll(Rl, -tau) - Rl) / float(tau) # plot data if params['flags']['plot_data']: for b in range(len(basak)): SS = SSl[b] PS = PSl[b] # raw correlator c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(SS[0])), c51.make_gvars(SS), '%s %s ss' % (basak[b], str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(PS[0])), c51.make_gvars(PS), '%s %s ps' % (basak[b], str(mq))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(SS), 1, 'log') meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(PS), 1, 'log') xlim = [2, len(meff_ss) / 3 - 2] ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, '%s %s ss effective mass' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, '%s %s ps effective mass' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) # scaled correlator E0 = barp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] scaled_ss = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(SS), E0, phase=1.0) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(PS), E0, phase=1.0) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, '%s %s ss scaled correlator (take sqrt to get Z0_s)' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, '%s %s ps scaled correlator (divide by Z0_s to get Z0_p)' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if params['flags']['fit_twopt']: # data already concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates) ## read trange trange = barp['trange'] ## fit boot0 #boot0gv = spec boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T, nstates) #boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange,T,boot0gv,boot0p,fitfcn.twopt_baryon_ss_ps,basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) # fit two point for b in range(len(basak)): SSspec = (spec[:len(spec) / 2])[b * T:(b + 1) * T] PSspec = (spec[len(spec) / 2:])[b * T:(b + 1) * T] boot0gv = np.concatenate((SSspec, PSspec)) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.twopt_baryon_ss_ps, basak=[basak[b]]) boot0p = boot0fit['rawoutput'][0].p if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'E0', '%s' % str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dE0'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] blist = [] for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: blist.append(b[2:]) blist.append(b[:2]) blist = np.unique(blist) for b in blist: tbl_print['%s_Z0s' % b] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' % b] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_Z0p' % b] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' % b] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array( boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array( [[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']], [barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon', nstates=nstates, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid( c51.baryon_initpriors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates)) prior_id = psql.priorid( c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar( c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates))) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) psql.submit_boot0('proton', corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params['flags']['update']) # plot fh correlator if params['flags']['plot_fhdata']: for b in range(len(basak)): # raw correlator dC_lambda/dlambda fhSS = fhSSl[b] fhPS = fhPSl[b] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhSS[0])), c51.make_gvars(fhSS), '%s %s fh ss' % (basak[b], str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhPS[0])), c51.make_gvars(fhPS), '%s %s fh ps' % (basak[b], str(mq))) # R(t) RSS = (Rl[:len(Rl) / 2])[b * len(Rl) / (2 * len(basak)):(b + 1) * len(Rl) / (2 * len(basak))] RPS = (Rl[len(Rl) / 2:])[b * len(Rl) / (2 * len(basak)):(b + 1) * len(Rl) / (2 * len(basak))] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(RSS)), RSS, '%s %s R(t) ss' % (basak[b], str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(RPS)), RPS, '%s %s R(t) ps' % (basak[b], str(mq))) # dmeff R(t+tau) - R(t) dMSS = (dM[:len(dM) / 2])[b * len(dM) / (2 * len(basak)):(b + 1) * len(dM) / (2 * len(basak))] dMPS = (dM[len(dM) / 2:])[b * len(dM) / (2 * len(basak)):(b + 1) * len(dM) / (2 * len(basak))] c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(dMSS)), dMSS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ss' % (basak[b], str(mq), str(tau), str(tau))) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(dMPS)), dMPS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ps' % (basak[b], str(mq), str(tau), str(tau))) # fit fh correlator if params['flags']['fit_gA']: # data concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.fhbaryon_priors(barp['priors'], fhbp['priors'], basak, nstates) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T, nstates, tau) # read trange trange = barp['trange'] fhtrange = fhbp['trange'] # fit two point for b in range(len(basak)): SSspec = (spec[:len(spec) / 2])[b * T:(b + 1) * T] PSspec = (spec[len(spec) / 2:])[b * T:(b + 1) * T] boot0gv = np.concatenate((SSspec, PSspec)) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.twopt_baryon_ss_ps, basak=[basak[b]]) boot0p = boot0fit['rawoutput'][0].p # fit fhcorr for b in range(len(basak)): SSdM = (dM[:len(dM) / 2])[b * T:(b + 1) * T] PSdM = (dM[len(dM) / 2:])[b * T:(b + 1) * T] boot0gv = np.concatenate((SSdM, PSdM)) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(fhtrange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.fhbaryon_ss_ps, basak=[basak[b]]) boot0p = boot0fit['rawoutput'][0].p if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'E0', '%s' % str(mq)) c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'gA00', '%s' % str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] #tbl_print['fhtmin'] = boot0fit['fhtmin'] #tbl_print['fhtmax'] = boot0fit['fhtmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dE0'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['gA00'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dgA00'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] blist = [] for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: blist.append(b[2:]) blist.append(b[:2]) blist = np.unique(blist) for b in blist: tbl_print['%s_Z0s' % b] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' % b] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_Z0p' % b] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' % b] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array( boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array( [[fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']], [fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('fhbaryon', nstates=nstates, tau=params['gA_fit']['tau']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): baryon_corr_lst = np.array([[ barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak'] ], [ barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak'] ]]).flatten() baryon_fit_id = c51.select_fitid( 'baryon', nstates=nstates, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) baryon_tmin = trange['tmin'][0] baryon_tmax = trange['tmax'][0] baryon_init_id = psql.initid( c51.baryon_initpriors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates)) baryon_prior_id = psql.priorid( c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar( c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates))) baryon_id = psql.select_boot0("proton", baryon_corr_lst, baryon_fit_id, baryon_tmin, baryon_tmax, baryon_init_id, baryon_prior_id) init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) psql.submit_fhboot0('fhproton', corr_lst, baryon_id, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params['flags']['update'])
def gA_bs(psql, params): # read data mq = params['gA_fit']['ml'] basak = copy.deepcopy(params['gA_fit']['basak']) tag = params['gA_fit']['ens']['tag'] stream = params['gA_fit']['ens']['stream'] Nbs = params['gA_fit']['nbs'] Mbs = params['gA_fit']['mbs'] nstates = params['gA_fit']['nstates'] tau = params['gA_fit']['tau'] barp = params[tag]['proton'][mq] fhbp = params[tag]['gA'][mq] print "fitting for gA mq %s, basak %s, ens %s%s, Nbs %s, Mbs %s" % ( str(mq), str(basak), str(tag), str(stream), str(Nbs), str(Mbs)) # read two point SSl = np.array(['dwhisq_corr_baryon', idx) for idx in [barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in basak] ]) PSl = np.array(['dwhisq_corr_baryon', idx) for idx in [barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in basak] ]) T = len(SSl[0, 0]) # read fh correlator fhSSl = np.array(['dwhisq_fhcorr_baryon', idx) for idx in [fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in basak] ]) fhPSl = np.array(['dwhisq_fhcorr_baryon', idx) for idx in [fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in basak] ]) # concatenate and make gvars to preserve correlations SS = SSl[0] PS = PSl[0] for i in range(len(SSl) - 1): # loop over basak operators SS = np.concatenate((SS, SSl[i + 1]), axis=1) PS = np.concatenate((PS, PSl[i + 1]), axis=1) fhSS = fhSSl[0] fhPS = fhPSl[0] for i in range(len(fhSSl) - 1): fhSS = np.concatenate((fhSS, fhSSl[i + 1]), axis=1) fhPS = np.concatenate((fhPS, fhPSl[i + 1]), axis=1) boot0 = np.concatenate((SS, PS, fhSS, fhPS), axis=1) # make gvars gvboot0 = c51.make_gvars(boot0) spec = gvboot0[:len(gvboot0) / 2] fh = gvboot0[len(gvboot0) / 2:] # R(t) Rl = fh / spec # dmeff [R(t+tau) - R(t)] / tau #dM = Rl dM = (np.roll(Rl, -tau) - Rl) / float( tau ) #This is needed to plot gA correctly in the effective plots, but will give wrong data to fit with. # plot data if params['flags']['plot_data']: for b in range(len(basak)): SS = SSl[b] PS = PSl[b] # raw correlator c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(SS[0])), c51.make_gvars(SS), '%s %s ss' % (basak[b], str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(PS[0])), c51.make_gvars(PS), '%s %s ps' % (basak[b], str(mq))) # effective mass eff = c51.effective_plots(T) meff_ss = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(SS), 1, 'log') meff_ps = eff.effective_mass(c51.make_gvars(PS), 1, 'log') xlim = [2, len(meff_ss) / 3 - 2] ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ss)), meff_ss, '%s %s ss effective mass' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(meff_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(meff_ps)), meff_ps, '%s %s ps effective mass' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) # scaled correlator E0 = barp['priors'][1]['E0'][0] scaled_ss = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(SS), E0, phase=1.0) scaled_ps = eff.scaled_correlator(c51.make_gvars(PS), E0, phase=1.0) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ss, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(scaled_ss)), scaled_ss, '%s %s ss scaled correlator (take sqrt to get Z0_s)' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = c51.find_yrange(scaled_ps, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot( np.arange(len(scaled_ps)), scaled_ps, '%s %s ps scaled correlator (divide by Z0_s to get Z0_p)' % (basak[b], str(mq)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if params['flags']['fit_twopt']: # data already concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates) ## read trange trange = barp['trange'] ## fit boot0 boot0gv = spec boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T, nstates) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v2(trange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.twopt_baryon_ss_ps, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'E0', '%s' % str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['E0'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dE0'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] blist = [] for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: blist.append(b[2:]) blist.append(b[:2]) blist = np.unique(blist) for b in blist: tbl_print['%s_Z0s' % b] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' % b] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_Z0p' % b] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' % b] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' % b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array( boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array( [[barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']], [barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('baryon', nstates=nstates, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['tmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['tmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) psql.submit_boot0('proton', corr_lst, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params['flags']['update']) # plot fh correlator if params['flags']['plot_fhdata']: for b in range(len(basak)): # raw correlator dC_lambda/dlambda fhSS = fhSSl[b] fhPS = fhPSl[b] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhSS[0])), c51.make_gvars(fhSS), '%s %s fh ss' % (basak[b], str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(fhPS[0])), c51.make_gvars(fhPS), '%s %s fh ps' % (basak[b], str(mq))) # R(t) RSS = (Rl[:len(Rl) / 2])[b * len(Rl) / (2 * len(basak)):(b + 1) * len(Rl) / (2 * len(basak))] RPS = (Rl[len(Rl) / 2:])[b * len(Rl) / (2 * len(basak)):(b + 1) * len(Rl) / (2 * len(basak))] c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(RSS)), RSS, '%s %s R(t) ss' % (basak[b], str(mq))) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(RPS)), RPS, '%s %s R(t) ps' % (basak[b], str(mq))) # dmeff R(t+tau) - R(t) dMSS = (dM[:len(dM) / 2])[b * len(dM) / (2 * len(basak)):(b + 1) * len(dM) / (2 * len(basak))] dMPS = (dM[len(dM) / 2:])[b * len(dM) / (2 * len(basak)):(b + 1) * len(dM) / (2 * len(basak))] xlim = [2, 15] ylim = [0.5, 2] #c51.find_yrange(dMSS, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMSS)), dMSS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ss' % (basak[b], str(mq), str(tau), str(tau)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ylim = [0.5, 2] #c51.find_yrange(dMPS, xlim[0], xlim[1]) c51.scatter_plot(np.arange(len(dMPS)), dMPS, '%s %s [R(t+%s)-R(t)]/%s ps' % (basak[b], str(mq), str(tau), str(tau)), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if True: for i in range(len(dMSS)): print i, ',', dMSS[i].mean, ',', dMSS[i].sdev, ',', dMPS[ i].mean, ',', dMPS[i].sdev # fit fh correlator if params['flags']['fit_gA']: # data concatenated previously # read priors prior = c51.fhbaryon_priors(barp['priors'], fhbp['priors'], basak, nstates) print prior # read trange trange = barp['trange'] fhtrange = fhbp['trange'] # fit boot0 boot0gv = np.concatenate((spec, dM)) boot0p = c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar(prior) fitfcn = c51.fit_function(T, nstates, tau) boot0fit = c51.fitscript_v3(trange, fhtrange, T, boot0gv, boot0p, fitfcn.baryon_dm_ss_ps, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) print boot0fit['rawoutput'][0] #print {k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n+1].keys()]} if False: # plot R(t+1) - R(t) posterior = boot0fit['post'][0] x = np.arange(20) ssline, psline = fitfcn.baryon_rt_fitline(x, posterior) for i in range(len(ssline)): print x[i], ',', ssline[i].mean, ',', ssline[ i].sdev, ',', psline[i].mean, ',', psline[i].sdev if params['flags']['stability_plot']: c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'E0', '%s' % str(mq)) c51.stability_plot(boot0fit, 'gA00', '%s' % str(mq)) if params['flags']['tabulate']: tbl_print = collections.OrderedDict() tbl_print['tmin'] = boot0fit['tmin'] tbl_print['tmax'] = boot0fit['tmax'] tbl_print['fhtmin'] = boot0fit['fhtmin'] tbl_print['fhtmax'] = boot0fit['fhtmax'] #tbl_print['E0'] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] #tbl_print['dE0'] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['E0'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['gA00'] = [ boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] tbl_print['dgA00'] = [ boot0fit['psdev'][t]['gA00'] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean'])) ] #blist = [] #for b in params['gA_fit']['basak']: # blist.append(b[2:]) # blist.append(b[:2]) #blist = np.unique(blist) #for b in blist: # tbl_print['%s_Z0s' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0s'%b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0s' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0s' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_Z0p' %b] = [boot0fit['pmean'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] # tbl_print['%s_dZ0p' %b] = [boot0fit['psdev'][t]['%s_Z0p' %b] for t in range(len(boot0fit['pmean']))] tbl_print['chi2/dof'] = np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array( boot0fit['dof']) tbl_print['chi2'] = boot0fit['chi2'] tbl_print['chi2f'] = boot0fit['chi2f'] tbl_print['logGBF'] = boot0fit['logGBF'] print tabulate(tbl_print, headers='keys') # submit boot0 to db if params['flags']['write']: corr_lst = np.array( [[fhbp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']], [fhbp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak']]]).flatten() fit_id = c51.select_fitid('fhbaryon', nstates=nstates, tau=params['gA_fit']['tau']) for t in range(len(boot0fit['tmin'])): baryon_corr_lst = np.array([[ barp['meta_id']['SS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak'] ], [ barp['meta_id']['PS'][i] for i in params['gA_fit']['basak'] ]]).flatten() baryon_fit_id = c51.select_fitid( 'baryon', nstates=nstates, basak=params['gA_fit']['basak']) baryon_tmin = trange['tmin'][0] baryon_tmax = trange['tmax'][0] baryon_p0 = { k: boot0fit['p0'][0][k] for k in [ bk for n in range(nstates) for bk in barp['priors'][n + 1].keys() ] } baryon_init_id = psql.initid(baryon_p0) baryon_prior_id = psql.priorid( c51.dict_of_tuple_to_gvar( c51.baryon_priors(barp['priors'], basak, nstates))) baryon_id = psql.select_boot0("proton", baryon_corr_lst, baryon_fit_id, baryon_tmin, baryon_tmax, baryon_init_id, baryon_prior_id) init_id = psql.initid(boot0fit['p0'][t]) prior_id = psql.priorid(boot0fit['prior'][t]) tmin = boot0fit['fhtmin'][t] tmax = boot0fit['fhtmax'][t] result = c51.make_result(boot0fit, t) print tmin, tmax psql.submit_fhboot0('fhproton', corr_lst, baryon_id, fit_id, tmin, tmax, init_id, prior_id, result, params['flags']['update']) if params['flags']['csvformat']: for t in range(len(boot0fit['fhtmin'])): print nstates, ',', boot0fit['tmin'][t], ',', boot0fit['tmax'][ t], ',', boot0fit['fhtmin'][t], ',', boot0fit['fhtmax'][ t], ',', boot0fit['pmean'][t]['gA00'], ',', boot0fit[ 'psdev'][t]['gA00'], ',', ( np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array(boot0fit['dof']))[t], ',', ( np.array(boot0fit['chi2']) / np.array(boot0fit['chi2f']) )[t], ',', boot0fit['logGBF'][t]