Esempio n. 1
def test__api__parse_fail():
    """Basic failure mode of parse functionality."""
        sqlfluff.parse("Select (1 + 2 +++) FROM mytable as blah blah")"sqlfluff.parse should have raised an exception.")
    except Exception as err:
        # Check it's the right kind of exception
        assert isinstance(err, sqlfluff.api.APIParsingError)
        # Check there are two violations in there.
        assert len(err.violations) == 2
        # Check it prints nicely.
        assert (str(err) == """Found 2 issues while parsing string.
Line 1, Position 14: Found unparsable section: ' +++'
Line 1, Position 41: Found unparsable section: 'blah'""")
Esempio n. 2
 def _sqlfluff_extract_table_refs(self, relations, updated_at):
     table_refs = []
     for relation in relations:
         if relation['type'] == 'text':
             if relation['text']:
                 dialect = infer_dialect(relation)
                 query = clean_tableau_sql(relation['text'])
                 # Parse SQL using SQLFluff
                     parsed = sqlfluff.parse(query)
                     external_tables = parsed.tree.get_table_references()
                     for ref in external_tables:
                                 'wb_id': relation['wb_id'],
                                 'ds_id': relation['ds_id'],
                                 'conn_id': relation['conn_id'],
                                 'rel_id': relation['id'],
                                 'id': f"{relation['wb_id']}:{relation['ds_id']}:{relation['conn_id']}:{relation['id']}:{uuid.uuid4()}",
                                 'ref': ref,
                                 'updated_at': updated_at
                 except sqlfluff.core.SQLBaseError as e:
                     logger.error(f"Falied to parse table refs: {e}")
     return table_refs
Esempio n. 3
def test__api__invalid_dialect():
    """Test that SQLFluffUserError is raised for a bad dialect."""
    # Load test SQL file.
    with open("test/fixtures/api/config_path_test/config_path_test.sql",
              "r") as f:
        sql =

    # Pass a fake dialect to the API and test the correct error is raised.
    with pytest.raises(SQLFluffUserError) as err:

    assert str(err.value) == "Error: Unknown dialect 'not_a_real_dialect'"
Esempio n. 4
def test__api__parse_string():
    """Basic checking of parse functionality."""
    parsed = sqlfluff.parse(my_bad_query)
    # Check we can call `to_tuple` on the result
    assert isinstance(parsed.to_tuple(), tuple)
    # Check we can iterate objects within it
    keywords = [keyword.raw for keyword in parsed.recursive_crawl("keyword")]
    assert keywords == ["SeLEct", "as", "from"]
Esempio n. 5
def test__api__parse_string():
    """Basic checking of parse functionality."""
    parsed = sqlfluff.parse(my_bad_query)

    # Check a JSON object is returned.
    assert isinstance(parsed, dict)

    # Load in expected result.
    with open("test/fixtures/api/parse_test/parse_test.json", "r") as f:
        expected_parsed = json.load(f)

    # Compare JSON from parse to expected result.
    assert parsed == expected_parsed
Esempio n. 6
def test__api__parse_string():
    """Basic checking of parse functionality."""
    parsed = sqlfluff.parse(my_bad_query)
    # Check we can call `to_tuple` on the result
    assert isinstance(parsed.to_tuple(), tuple)
    # Check we can iterate objects within it
    keywords = [keyword.raw for keyword in parsed.recursive_crawl("keyword")]
    assert keywords == ["SeLEct", "as", "from"]
    # Check we can get columns from it
    col_refs = [
        col_ref.raw for col_ref in parsed.recursive_crawl("column_reference")
    assert col_refs == ["blah"]
    # Check we can get table from it
    tbl_refs = [
        tbl_ref.raw for tbl_ref in parsed.recursive_crawl("table_reference")
    assert tbl_refs == ["myTable"]
Esempio n. 7
def test__api__config_path():
    """Test that we can load a specified config file in the Simple API."""
    # Load test SQL file.
    with open("test/fixtures/api/config_path_test/config_path_test.sql",
              "r") as f:
        sql =

    # Pass a config path to the Simple API.
    parsed = sqlfluff.parse(

    # Load in expected result.
    with open("test/fixtures/api/config_path_test/config_path_test.json",
              "r") as f:
        expected_parsed = json.load(f)

    # Compare JSON from parse to expected result.
    assert parsed == expected_parsed
Esempio n. 8
# Fix the given string and get a string back which has been fixed.
fix_result_1 = sqlfluff.fix(my_bad_query, dialect="bigquery")
# fix_result_1 = 'SELECT  *, 1, blah AS  foo  FROM myschema.mytable\n'

# We can also fix just specific rules.
fix_result_2 = sqlfluff.fix(my_bad_query, rules=["L010"])
# fix_result_2 = 'SELECT  *, 1, blah AS  fOO  FROM mySchema.myTable'

# Or a subset of rules...
fix_result_3 = sqlfluff.fix(my_bad_query, rules=["L010", "L014"])
# fix_result_3 = 'SELECT  *, 1, blah AS  fOO  FROM myschema.mytable'

#  -------- PARSING ----------

# Parse the given string and return a JSON representation of the parsed tree.
parse_result = sqlfluff.parse(my_bad_query)
# parse_result = {'file': {'statement': {...}, 'newline': '\n'}}

# This JSON structure can then be parsed as required.
# An example usage is shown below:

def get_json_segment(
    parse_result: Dict[str, Any], segment_type: str
) -> Iterator[Union[str, Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]]:
    """Recursively search JSON parse result for specified segment type.

        parse_result (Dict[str, Any]): JSON parse result from `sqlfluff.fix`.
        segment_type (str): The segment type to search for.
Esempio n. 9
result = sqlfluff.fix(my_bad_query, dialect="bigquery")
# result = 'SELECT  *, 1, blah AS  foo  FROM mytable\n'

# We can also fix just specific rules.
result = sqlfluff.fix(my_bad_query, rules="L010")
# result = 'SELECT  *, 1, blah AS  fOO  FROM myTable'

# Or a subset of rules...
result = sqlfluff.fix(my_bad_query, rules=["L010", "L014"])
# result = 'SELECT  *, 1, blah AS  fOO  FROM mytable'

#  -------- PARSING ----------
# NOTE: sqlfluff is still in a relatively early phase of its
# development and so until version 1.0.0 will offer no guarantee
# that the names and structure of the objects returned by these
# parse commands won't change between releases. Use with care
# and keep updated with the changelog for the project for any
# changes in this space.

parsed = sqlfluff.parse(my_bad_query)

# Get the structure of the query
structure = parsed.tree.to_tuple(show_raw=True, code_only=True)
# structure = ('file', (('statement', (('select_statement', (('select_clause', (('keyword', 'SeLEct'), ...

# Extract certain elements
keywords = [keyword.raw for keyword in parsed.tree.recursive_crawl("keyword")]
# keywords = ['SeLEct', 'as', 'from']
tbl_refs = [tbl_ref.raw for tbl_ref in parsed.tree.recursive_crawl("table_reference")]
# tbl_refs == ["myTable"]
"""This is an example of how to extract table names."""

import sqlfluff

query_with_ctes = """
baz AS (SELECT * FROM bap)
INNER JOIN baz USING (user_id)
INNER JOIN ban USING (user_id)

#  -------- PARSING ----------
parsed = sqlfluff.parse(query_with_ctes)

#  -------- EXTRACTION ----------
# Under the hood we look for all of the table references
# which aren't also CTE aliases.
external_tables = parsed.tree.get_table_references()
# external_tables == {'', 'bap', 'ban'}
Esempio n. 11
def test__api__util_get_table_references(sql, table_refs):
    """Basic checking of lint functionality."""
    parsed = sqlfluff.parse(sql)
    external_tables = parsed.tree.get_table_references()
    assert external_tables == table_refs