Esempio n. 1
    def retrieve_inventory_count(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/inventory/{catalog_object_id}.

        Retrieves the current calculated stock count for a given
        [CatalogObject](#type-catalogobject) at a given set of
        [Location](#type-location)s. Responses are paginated and unsorted.
        For more sophisticated queries, use a batch endpoint.

            catalog_object_id (string): ID of the
                [CatalogObject](#type-catalogobject) to retrieve.
            location_ids (string, optional): The [Location](#type-location)
                IDs to look up as a comma-separated list. An empty list
                queries all locations.
            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the
                next set of results for the original query.  See the
                ith-apis/pagination) guide for more information.

            RetrieveInventoryCountResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/inventory/{catalog_object_id}'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'catalog_object_id': catalog_object_id})
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {'location_ids': location_ids, 'cursor': cursor}
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
    def list_invoices(self, location_id, cursor=None, limit=None):
        """Does a GET request to /v2/invoices.

        Returns a list of invoices for a given location. The response 
        is paginated. If truncated, the response includes a `cursor` that you 
                use in a subsequent request to fetch the next set of invoices.

            location_id (string): The ID of the location for which to list
            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint.  Provide this cursor to
                retrieve the next set of results for your original query.  For
                more information, see
            limit (int, optional): The maximum number of invoices to return
                (200 is the maximum `limit`).  If not provided, the server 
                uses a default limit of 100 invoices.

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/invoices'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'location_id': location_id,
            'cursor': cursor,
            'limit': limit
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 3
    def list_employee_wages(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/labor/employee-wages.

        Returns a paginated list of `EmployeeWage` instances for a business.

            employee_id (string, optional): Filter wages returned to only
                those that are associated with the specified employee.
            limit (int, optional): Maximum number of Employee Wages to return
                per page. Can range between 1 and 200. The default is the
                maximum at 200.
            cursor (string, optional): Pointer to the next page of Employee
                Wage results to fetch.

            ListEmployeeWagesResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/labor/employee-wages'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'employee_id': employee_id,
            'limit': limit,
            'cursor': cursor
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 4
    def retrieve_cash_drawer_shift(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/cash-drawers/shifts/{shift_id}.

        Provides the summary details for a single cash drawer shift. See
        for a list of cash drawer shift events.

            location_id (string): The ID of the location to retrieve cash
                drawer shifts from.
            shift_id (string): The shift ID.

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/cash-drawers/shifts/{shift_id}'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(_url_path, {
            'shift_id': {'value': shift_id, 'encode': True}
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'location_id': location_id
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 5
    def list_device_codes(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/devices/codes.

        Lists all DeviceCodes associated with the merchant.

            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the
                next set of results for your original query.  See [Paginating
                results](#paginatingresults) for more information.
            location_id (string, optional): If specified, only returns
                DeviceCodes of the specified location. Returns DeviceCodes of
                all locations if empty.
            product_type (ProductType, optional): If specified, only returns
                DeviceCodes targeting the specified product type. Returns
                DeviceCodes of all product types if empty.

            ListDeviceCodesResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/devices/codes'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'cursor': cursor,
            'location_id': location_id,
            'product_type': product_type
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
    def list_employees(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/employees.


            location_id (string, optional): Filter employees returned to only
                those that are associated with the specified location.
            status (EmployeeStatus, optional): Specifies the EmployeeStatus to
                filter the employee by.
            limit (int, optional): The number of employees to be returned on
                each page.
            cursor (string, optional): The token required to retrieve the
                specified page of results.

            ListEmployeesResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/employees'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'location_id': location_id,
            'status': status,
            'limit': limit,
            'cursor': cursor
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 7
    def list_merchants(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/merchants.

        Returns `Merchant` information for a given access token.
        If you don't know a `Merchant` ID, you can use this endpoint to
        retrieve the merchant ID for an access token.
        You can specify your personal access token to get your own merchant
        information or specify an OAuth token
        to get the information for the  merchant that granted you access.
        If you know the merchant ID, you can also use the
        endpoint to get the merchant information.

            cursor (int, optional): The cursor generated by the previous

            ListMerchantsResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/merchants'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'cursor': cursor
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
    def delete_invoice(self, invoice_id, version=None):
        """Does a DELETE request to /v2/invoices/{invoice_id}.

        Deletes the specified invoice. When an invoice is deleted, the 
        associated Order status changes to CANCELED. You can only delete a
        invoice (you cannot delete an invoice scheduled for publication, or a
                published invoice).

            invoice_id (string): The ID of the invoice to delete.
            version (int, optional): The version of the
                [invoice](#type-invoice) to delete. If you do not know the
                version, you can call
                [GetInvoice](#endpoint-Invoices-GetInvoice) or 

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/invoices/{invoice_id}'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'invoice_id': {
                'value': invoice_id,
                'encode': True
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {'version': version}
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.delete(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 9
    def list_customers(self, cursor=None, sort_field=None, sort_order=None):
        """Does a GET request to /v2/customers.

        Lists a business's customers.

            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the
                next set of results for your original query.  See the
                gination) for more information.
            sort_field (CustomerSortField, optional): Indicates how Customers
                should be sorted.  Default: `DEFAULT`.
            sort_order (SortOrder, optional): Indicates whether Customers
                should be sorted in ascending (`ASC`) or descending (`DESC`)
                order.  Default: `ASC`.

            ListCustomersResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/customers'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'cursor': cursor,
            'sort_field': sort_field,
            'sort_order': sort_order
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 10
    def list_employee_roles(self, order=None, limit=None, batch_token=None):
        """Does a GET request to /v1/me/roles.

        Provides summary information for all of a business's employee roles.

            order (SortOrder, optional): The order in which employees are
                listed in the response, based on their created_at
                field.Default value: ASC
            limit (int, optional): The maximum integer number of employee
                entities to return in a single response. Default 100, maximum
            batch_token (string, optional): A pagination cursor to retrieve
                the next set of results for your original query to the

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v1/me/roles'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'order': order,
            'limit': limit,
            'batch_token': batch_token
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 11
    def list_customer_groups(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/customers/groups.

        Retrieves the list of customer groups of a business.

            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this cursor to
                retrieve the next set of results for your original query.  For
                more information, see

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/customers/groups'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'cursor': cursor
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 12
    def list_workweek_configs(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/labor/workweek-configs.

        Returns a list of `WorkweekConfig` instances for a business.

            limit (int, optional): Maximum number of Workweek Configs to
                return per page.
            cursor (string, optional): Pointer to the next page of Workweek
                Config results to fetch.

            ListWorkweekConfigsResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/labor/workweek-configs'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'limit': limit,
            'cursor': cursor
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
    def add_query_parameter(self, name, value):
        """ Add a query parameter to the HttpRequest.

            name (string): The name of the query parameter.
            value (string): The value of the query parameter.

        self.query_url = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            self.query_url, {name: value})
        self.query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(self.query_url)
Esempio n. 14
    def list_customer_segments(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/customers/segments.

        Retrieves the list of customer segments of a business.

            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by
                previous calls to __ListCustomerSegments__. Used to retrieve
                the next set of query results.  See the [Pagination
                is/pagination) for more information.

            ListCustomerSegmentsResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/customers/segments'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'cursor': cursor
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 15
    def list_cash_drawer_shifts(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v1/{location_id}/cash-drawer-shifts.

        Provides the details for all of a location's cash drawer shifts during
        a date range. The date range you specify cannot exceed 90 days.

            location_id (string): The ID of the location to list cash drawer
                shifts for.
            order (SortOrder, optional): The order in which cash drawer shifts
                are listed in the response, based on their created_at field.
                Default value: ASC
            begin_time (string, optional): The beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in ISO 8601 format. Default value: The
                current time minus 90 days.
            end_time (string, optional): The beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in ISO 8601 format. Default value: The
                current time.

            list of V1CashDrawerShift: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v1/{location_id}/cash-drawer-shifts'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(_url_path, {
            'location_id': location_id
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'order': order,
            'begin_time': begin_time,
            'end_time': end_time
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 16
    def list_timecards(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v1/me/timecards.

        Provides summary information for all of a business's employee

            order (SortOrder, optional): The order in which timecards are
                listed in the response, based on their created_at field.
            employee_id (string, optional): If provided, the endpoint returns
                only timecards for the employee with the specified ID.
            begin_clockin_time (string, optional): If filtering results by
                their clockin_time field, the beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in ISO 8601 format.
            end_clockin_time (string, optional): If filtering results by their
                clockin_time field, the end of the requested reporting period,
                in ISO 8601 format.
            begin_clockout_time (string, optional): If filtering results by
                their clockout_time field, the beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in ISO 8601 format.
            end_clockout_time (string, optional): If filtering results by
                their clockout_time field, the end of the requested reporting
                period, in ISO 8601 format.
            begin_updated_at (string, optional): If filtering results by their
                updated_at field, the beginning of the requested reporting
                period, in ISO 8601 format.
            end_updated_at (string, optional): If filtering results by their
                updated_at field, the end of the requested reporting period,
                in ISO 8601 format.
            deleted (bool, optional): If true, only deleted timecards are
                returned. If false, only valid timecards are returned.If you
                don't provide this parameter, both valid and deleted timecards
                are returned.
            limit (int, optional): The maximum integer number of employee
                entities to return in a single response. Default 100, maximum
            batch_token (string, optional): A pagination cursor to retrieve
                the next set of results for your original query to the

            list of V1Timecard: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v1/me/timecards'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'order': order,
            'employee_id': employee_id,
            'begin_clockin_time': begin_clockin_time,
            'end_clockin_time': end_clockin_time,
            'begin_clockout_time': begin_clockout_time,
            'end_clockout_time': end_clockout_time,
            'begin_updated_at': begin_updated_at,
            'end_updated_at': end_updated_at,
            'deleted': deleted,
            'limit': limit,
            'batch_token': batch_token
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 17
    def retrieve_catalog_object(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/catalog/object/{object_id}.

        Returns a single [CatalogItem](#type-catalogitem) as a
        [CatalogObject](#type-catalogobject) based on the provided ID. The
        object includes all of the relevant [CatalogItem](#type-catalogitem)
        information including:
        children, references to its
        [CatalogModifierList](#type-catalogmodifierlist) objects, and the ids
        any [CatalogTax](#type-catalogtax) objects that apply to it.

            object_id (string): The object ID of any type of catalog objects
                to be retrieved.
            include_related_objects (bool, optional): If `true`, the response
                will include additional objects that are related to the
                requested object, as follows:  If the `object` field of the
                response contains a `CatalogItem`, its associated
                `CatalogCategory`, `CatalogTax`, `CatalogImage` and
                `CatalogModifierList` objects will be returned in the
                `related_objects` field of the response. If the `object` field
                of the response contains a `CatalogItemVariation`, its parent
                `CatalogItem` will be returned in the `related_objects` field
                of the response.  Default value: `false`

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/catalog/object/{object_id}'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'object_id': {
                'value': object_id,
                'encode': True
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'include_related_objects': include_related_objects
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 18
    def list_catalog(self, cursor=None, types=None):
        """Does a GET request to /v2/catalog/list.

        Returns a list of [CatalogObject](#type-catalogobject)s that includes
        all objects of a set of desired types (for example, all
        and [CatalogTax](#type-catalogtax) objects) in the catalog. The
        `types` parameter
        is specified as a comma-separated list of valid
        [CatalogObject](#type-catalogobject) types:
        `DISCOUNT`, `TAX`, `IMAGE`.
        __Important:__ ListCatalog does not return deleted catalog items. To
        deleted catalog items, use SearchCatalogObjects and set
        to `true`.

            cursor (string, optional): The pagination cursor returned in the
                previous response. Leave unset for an initial request. See
                pagination) for more information.
            types (string, optional): An optional case-insensitive,
                comma-separated list of object types to retrieve, for example
                `ITEM,ITEM_VARIATION,CATEGORY,IMAGE`.  The legal values are
                taken from the CatalogObjectType enum: `ITEM`,
                `MODIFIER_LIST`, or `IMAGE`.

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/catalog/list'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {'cursor': cursor, 'types': types}
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 19
    def list_disputes(self, cursor=None, states=None, location_id=None):
        """Does a GET request to /v2/disputes.

        Returns a list of disputes associated with a particular account.

            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this cursor to
                retrieve the next set of results for the original query. For
                more information, see
            states (DisputeState, optional): The dispute states to filter the
                result. If not specified, the endpoint returns all open
                disputes (the dispute status is not `INQUIRY_CLOSED`, `WON`,
                or `LOST`).
            location_id (string, optional): The ID of the location for which
                to return a list of disputes. If not specified, the endpoint
                returns all open disputes (the dispute status is not
                `INQUIRY_CLOSED`, `WON`, or `LOST`) associated with all

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/disputes'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'cursor': cursor,
            'states': states,
            'location_id': location_id
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 20
    def list_customers(self, cursor=None, sort_field=None, sort_order=None):
        """Does a GET request to /v2/customers.

        Lists customer profiles associated with a Square account.
        Under normal operating conditions, newly created or updated customer
        profiles become available
        for the listing operation in well under 30 seconds. Occasionally,
        propagation of the new or updated
        profiles can take closer to one minute or longer, especially during
        network incidents and outages.

            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this cursor to
                retrieve the next set of results for your original query.  For
                more information, see
            sort_field (CustomerSortField, optional): Indicates how customers
                should be sorted.  Default: `DEFAULT`.
            sort_order (SortOrder, optional): Indicates whether customers
                should be sorted in ascending (`ASC`) or descending (`DESC`)
                order.  Default: `ASC`.

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/customers'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'cursor': cursor,
            'sort_field': sort_field,
            'sort_order': sort_order
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 21
    def list_settlements(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v1/{location_id}/settlements.

        Provides summary information for all deposits and withdrawals
        initiated by Square to a linked bank account during a date range.
        ranges cannot exceed one year in length.
        *Note**: the ListSettlements endpoint does not provide entry

            location_id (string): The ID of the location to list settlements
                for. If you specify me, this endpoint returns settlements
                aggregated from all of the business's locations.
            order (SortOrder, optional): The order in which settlements are
                listed in the response.
            begin_time (string, optional): The beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in ISO 8601 format. If this value is before
                January 1, 2013 (2013-01-01T00:00:00Z), this endpoint returns
                an error. Default value: The current time minus one year.
            end_time (string, optional): The end of the requested reporting
                period, in ISO 8601 format. If this value is more than one
                year greater than begin_time, this endpoint returns an error.
                Default value: The current time.
            limit (int, optional): The maximum number of settlements to return
                in a single response. This value cannot exceed 200.
            status (V1ListSettlementsRequestStatus, optional): Provide this
                parameter to retrieve only settlements with a particular
                status (SENT or FAILED).
            batch_token (string, optional): A pagination cursor to retrieve
                the next set of results for your original query to the

            list of V1Settlement: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v1/{location_id}/settlements'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'location_id': location_id})
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'order': order,
            'begin_time': begin_time,
            'end_time': end_time,
            'limit': limit,
            'status': status,
            'batch_token': batch_token
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 22
    def list_refunds(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v1/{location_id}/refunds.

        Provides the details for all refunds initiated by a merchant or any of
        the merchant's mobile staff during a date range. Date ranges cannot
        exceed one year in length.

            location_id (string): The ID of the location to list refunds for.
            order (SortOrder, optional): TThe order in which payments are
                listed in the response.
            begin_time (string, optional): The beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in ISO 8601 format. If this value is before
                January 1, 2013 (2013-01-01T00:00:00Z), this endpoint returns
                an error. Default value: The current time minus one year.
            end_time (string, optional): The end of the requested reporting
                period, in ISO 8601 format. If this value is more than one
                year greater than begin_time, this endpoint returns an error.
                Default value: The current time.
            limit (int, optional): The approximate number of refunds to return
                in a single response. Default: 100. Max: 200. Response may
                contain more results than the prescribed limit when refunds
                are made simultaneously to multiple tenders in a payment or
                when refunds are generated in an exchange to account for the
                value of returned goods.
            batch_token (string, optional): A pagination cursor to retrieve
                the next set of results for your original query to the

            list of V1Refund: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v1/{location_id}/refunds'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'location_id': location_id})
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'order': order,
            'begin_time': begin_time,
            'end_time': end_time,
            'limit': limit,
            'batch_token': batch_token
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 23
    def list_refunds(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/locations/{location_id}/refunds.

        Lists refunds for one of a business's locations.
        In addition to full or partial tender refunds processed through Square
        refunds may result from itemized returns or exchanges through
        Point of Sale applications.
        Refunds with a `status` of `PENDING` are not currently included in
        endpoint's response.
        Max results per [page](#paginatingresults): 50

            location_id (string): The ID of the location to list refunds for.
            begin_time (string, optional): The beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.  See [Date
                ranges](#dateranges) for details on date
                inclusivity/exclusivity.  Default value: The current time
                minus one year.
            end_time (string, optional): The end of the requested reporting
                period, in RFC 3339 format.  See [Date ranges](#dateranges)
                for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity.  Default value:
                The current time.
            sort_order (SortOrder, optional): The order in which results are
                listed in the response (`ASC` for oldest first, `DESC` for
                newest first).  Default value: `DESC`
            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the
                next set of results for your original query.  See [Paginating
                results](#paginatingresults) for more information.

            ListRefundsResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/locations/{location_id}/refunds'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(_url_path, {
            'location_id': location_id
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'begin_time': begin_time,
            'end_time': end_time,
            'sort_order': sort_order,
            'cursor': cursor
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {
            'accept': 'application/json'

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 24
    def retrieve_inventory_changes(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/inventory/{catalog_object_id}/changes.

        Returns a set of physical counts and inventory adjustments for the
        provided [CatalogObject](#type-catalogobject) at the requested
        Results are paginated and sorted in descending order according to
        `occurred_at` timestamp (newest first).
        There are no limits on how far back the caller can page. This endpoint
        can be 
        used to display recent changes for a specific item. For more
        sophisticated queries, use a batch endpoint.

            catalog_object_id (string): ID of the
                [CatalogObject](#type-catalogobject) to retrieve.
            location_ids (string, optional): The [Location](#type-location)
                IDs to look up as a comma-separated list. An empty list
                queries all locations.
            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the
                next set of results for the original query.  See the
                pis/pagination) guide for more information.

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/inventory/{catalog_object_id}/changes'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {
                'catalog_object_id': {
                    'value': catalog_object_id,
                    'encode': True
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {'location_ids': location_ids, 'cursor': cursor}
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 25
    def delete_customer(self, customer_id, version=None):
        """Does a DELETE request to /v2/customers/{customer_id}.

        Deletes a customer profile from a business, including any linked cards
        on file. 
        As a best practice, you should include the `version` field in the
        request to enable [optimistic
        mistic-concurrency) control. The value must be set to the current
        version of the customer profile. 
        To delete a customer profile that was created by merging existing
        profiles, you must use the ID of the newly created profile.

            customer_id (string): The ID of the customer to delete.
            version (long|int, optional): The current version of the customer
                profile.   As a best practice, you should include this
                parameter to enable [optimistic
                pis/optimistic-concurrency) control.  For more information,
                see [Delete a customer

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/customers/{customer_id}'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'customer_id': {
                'value': customer_id,
                'encode': True
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {'version': version}
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.delete(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 26
    def list_payments(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/payments.

        Retrieves a list of payments taken by the account making the request.
        Max results per page: 100

            begin_time (string, optional): Timestamp for the beginning of the
                reporting period, in RFC 3339 format. Inclusive. Default: The
                current time minus one year.
            end_time (string, optional): Timestamp for the end of the
                requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.  Default: The
                current time.
            sort_order (string, optional): The order in which results are
                listed. - `ASC` - oldest to newest - `DESC` - newest to oldest
            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the
                next set of results for the original query.  See
                pagination) for more information.
            location_id (string, optional): ID of location associated with
            total (long|int, optional): The exact amount in the total_money
                for a `Payment`.
            last_4 (string, optional): The last 4 digits of `Payment` card.
            card_brand (string, optional): The brand of `Payment` card. For
                example, `VISA`

            ListPaymentsResponse: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/payments'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'begin_time': begin_time,
            'end_time': end_time,
            'sort_order': sort_order,
            'cursor': cursor,
            'location_id': location_id,
            'total': total,
            'last_4': last_4,
            'card_brand': card_brand
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 27
    def list_orders(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v1/{location_id}/orders.

        Provides summary information for a merchant's online store orders.

            location_id (string): The ID of the location to list online store
                orders for.
            order (SortOrder, optional): TThe order in which payments are
                listed in the response.
            limit (int, optional): The maximum number of payments to return in
                a single response. This value cannot exceed 200.
            batch_token (string, optional): A pagination cursor to retrieve
                the next set of results for your original query to the

            list of V1Order: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v1/{location_id}/orders'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'location_id': location_id})
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'order': order,
            'limit': limit,
            'batch_token': batch_token
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 28
    def list_payments(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v1/{location_id}/payments.

        Provides summary information for all payments taken for a given
        Square account during a date range. Date ranges cannot exceed 1 year
        length. See Date ranges for details of inclusive and exclusive dates.
        *Note**: Details for payments processed with Square Point of Sale
        in offline mode may not be transmitted to Square for up to 72 hours.
        Offline payments have a `created_at` value that reflects the time the
        payment was originally processed, not the time it was subsequently
        transmitted to Square. Consequently, the ListPayments endpoint might
        list an offline payment chronologically between online payments that
        were seen in a previous request.

            location_id (string): The ID of the location to list payments for.
                If you specify me, this endpoint returns payments aggregated
                from all of the business's locations.
            order (SortOrder, optional): The order in which payments are
                listed in the response.
            begin_time (string, optional): The beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in ISO 8601 format. If this value is before
                January 1, 2013 (2013-01-01T00:00:00Z), this endpoint returns
                an error. Default value: The current time minus one year.
            end_time (string, optional): The end of the requested reporting
                period, in ISO 8601 format. If this value is more than one
                year greater than begin_time, this endpoint returns an error.
                Default value: The current time.
            limit (int, optional): The maximum number of payments to return in
                a single response. This value cannot exceed 200.
            batch_token (string, optional): A pagination cursor to retrieve
                the next set of results for your original query to the
            include_partial (bool, optional): Indicates whether or not to
                include partial payments in the response. Partial payments
                will have the tenders collected so far, but the itemizations
                will be empty until the payment is completed.

            list of V1Payment: Response from the API. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v1/{location_id}/payments'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'location_id': location_id})
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'order': order,
            'begin_time': begin_time,
            'end_time': end_time,
            'limit': limit,
            'batch_token': batch_token,
            'include_partial': include_partial
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 29
    def list_payment_refunds(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/refunds.

        Retrieves a list of refunds for the account making the request.
        The maximum results per page is 100.

            begin_time (string, optional): The timestamp for the beginning of
                the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.  Default:
                The current time minus one year.
            end_time (string, optional): The timestamp for the end of the
                requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.  Default: The
                current time.
            sort_order (string, optional): The order in which results are
                listed: - `ASC` - Oldest to newest. - `DESC` - Newest to
                oldest (default).
            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this cursor to
                retrieve the next set of results for the original query.  For
                more information, see
            location_id (string, optional): Limit results to the location
                supplied. By default, results are returned for all locations
                associated with the seller.
            status (string, optional): If provided, only refunds with the
                given status are returned. For a list of refund status values,
                see [PaymentRefund](#type-paymentrefund).  Default: If
                omitted, refunds are returned regardless of their status.
            source_type (string, optional): If provided, only refunds with the
                given source type are returned. - `CARD` - List refunds only
                for payments where `CARD` was specified as the payment source.
                Default: If omitted, refunds are returned regardless of the
                source type.
            limit (int, optional): The maximum number of results to be
                returned in a single page.  It is possible to receive fewer
                results than the specified limit on a given page.  If the
                supplied value is greater than 100, no more than 100 results
                are returned.  Default: 100

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/refunds'
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'begin_time': begin_time,
            'end_time': end_time,
            'sort_order': sort_order,
            'cursor': cursor,
            'location_id': location_id,
            'status': status,
            'source_type': source_type,
            'limit': limit
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result
Esempio n. 30
    def list_transactions(self,
        """Does a GET request to /v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions.

        Lists transactions for a particular location.
        Transactions include payment information from sales and exchanges and
        information from returns and exchanges.
        Max results per
        ): 50

            location_id (string): The ID of the location to list transactions
            begin_time (string, optional): The beginning of the requested
                reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.  See [Date
                g-with-dates) for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity. 
                Default value: The current time minus one year.
            end_time (string, optional): The end of the requested reporting
                period, in RFC 3339 format.  See [Date
                g-with-dates) for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity. 
                Default value: The current time.
            sort_order (SortOrder, optional): The order in which results are
                listed in the response (`ASC` for oldest first, `DESC` for
                newest first).  Default value: `DESC`
            cursor (string, optional): A pagination cursor returned by a
                previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the
                next set of results for your original query.  See [Paginating
                pagination) for more information.

            ApiResponse: An object with the response value as well as other
                useful information such as status codes and headers. Success

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.


        # Prepare query URL
        _url_path = '/v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions'
        _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(
            _url_path, {'location_id': {
                'value': location_id,
                'encode': True
        _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri()
        _query_builder += _url_path
        _query_parameters = {
            'begin_time': begin_time,
            'end_time': end_time,
            'sort_order': sort_order,
            'cursor': cursor
        _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(
            _query_builder, _query_parameters)
        _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}

        # Prepare and execute request
        _request = self.config.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers)
        OAuth2.apply(self.config, _request)
        _response = self.execute_request(_request)

        decoded = APIHelper.json_deserialize(_response.text)
        if type(decoded) is dict:
            _errors = decoded.get('errors')
            _errors = None
        _result = ApiResponse(_response, body=decoded, errors=_errors)
        return _result