Esempio n. 1
    def sub(self, uri, prefix=''):
        subscribe the web client to this socket

        ident = self.ident(uri, prefix)
        idents = self.recievers.iterkeys()
        self.log('subscribe:', 'requested', ident)

        # we don't need to actually create more filtered sockets if we
        # already have a general one on the books.
        # the javascript end will handle choosing the most specific
        # subscriber callback for any message we send over the wire
        if ident in self.recievers or self.any_has_prefix(ident, idents):
            # already subscribed
            self.write_message({'success': 'already subscribed'})
            self.log('subscribe:', 'already has', ident)

        # create a new reciever and a callback for it
        self.log('subscribe:', 'subscribing to prefix', repr(prefix), 'at uri', uri)
        rcvr = AsyncReciever(sub(uri), prefix)
        self.recievers[ident] = rcvr

        self.write_message({'success': 'subscribed {}'.format(ident)})
Esempio n. 2
    def sub(self, uri, prefix=''):
        subscribe the web client to this socket

        ident = self.ident(uri, prefix)
        idents = self.recievers.iterkeys()
        self.log('subscribe:', 'requested', ident)

        # we don't need to actually create more filtered sockets if we
        # already have a general one on the books.
        # the javascript end will handle choosing the most specific
        # subscriber callback for any message we send over the wire
        if ident in self.recievers or self.any_has_prefix(ident, idents):
            # already subscribed
            self.write_message({'success': 'already subscribed'})
            self.log('subscribe:', 'already has', ident)

        # create a new reciever and a callback for it
        self.log('subscribe:', 'subscribing to prefix', repr(prefix), 'at uri',
        rcvr = AsyncReciever(sub(uri), prefix)
        self.recievers[ident] = rcvr

        self.write_message({'success': 'subscribed {}'.format(ident)})
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    run the app!
    currently very hairy. starts with dummy data
    conf = Config('squidwork.web.monitor')
    conf.option('cache-size', type=int, help='numer of elements to store')
    conf.option('display-size', type=int, help='numer of elements to store')

    settings = dict(debug=conf.debug,
    port = conf.port

    # the message buffer stores the last N mesages
    cache = MessageCache(conf.cache_size)

    # subscribe to all services!
    uris = Service.all_uris()
    recvr = AsyncReciever(sub(*uris))

    # generate some dummy data to pre-populate the cache with
    dummy = [dummy_message() for i in range(0, 20)]

    # we include the api_handlers from squidwork.web so we can use the
    # squidwork web<--WebSocket-->ZeroMq bridge
    all_handlers = api_handlers(conf.raw_config, debug=conf.debug) + [

        # the index page is totally static -- all it does is request javascript
        (r"/", TemplateRenderer, dict(source='templates/index.html')),

        # JSON view of whatever is currently in our cache. this is how the
        # app gets its initial data on page load
        (r"/data.json", JSONHandler, dict(encoder=MessageEncoder, data=(
            lambda: {'latest': cache.cache, 'types': cache.by_origin}))),

        # big coffeescript app written with Mithril.js. All HTML structure on
        # the page is produced by view functions in
        (r"/app.js", CoffeescriptHandler,
            dict(source='templates/', count=conf.display_size)),

        # static, plain-jane scss
        (r"/style.css", ScssHandler, dict(source='templates/style.scss')),

    # spin up the app!
    app = tornado.web.Application(all_handlers, **settings)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print ' keyboard interrupt: exiting.'