def previews_callback(): if not verify_preview_service_authorization( request.headers.get('authorization')): raise UnauthorizedRequestError( 'Missing or invalid authorization header.') params = request.form if not (params.get('id', None) and params.get('status', None)): raise BadRequestError('Id and status fields required.') metadata = None try: if params.get('metadata'): metadata = json.loads(params['metadata']) except Exception as e: app.logger.error('Failed to parse JSON preview metadata.') app.logger.exception(e) raise BadRequestError('Could not parse JSON metadata.') asset = Asset.find_by_id(params['id']) if not asset: raise BadRequestError(f"Asset {params['id']} not found.") if asset.update_preview( preview_status=params.get('status'), thumbnail_url=params.get('thumbnail'), image_url=params.get('image'), pdf_url=params.get('pdf'), metadata=metadata, ): return tolerant_jsonify({'status': 'success'}) else: raise InternalServerError( f"Unable to update preview data (asset_id={params['id']}.")
def get_comments(asset_id): asset = Asset.find_by_id(asset_id=asset_id) if asset and can_view_asset(asset=asset, user=current_user): return tolerant_jsonify( _decorate_comments(Comment.get_comments( else: raise ResourceNotFoundError( 'Asset is either unavailable or non-existent.')
def _get_asset_for_like(asset_id): asset = Asset.find_by_id(asset_id=asset_id) if not asset or not can_view_asset(asset=asset, user=current_user): raise ResourceNotFoundError(f'No asset found with id: {asset_id}') elif current_user.user in asset.users: raise BadRequestError('You cannot like your own asset.') else: return asset
def get_asset(asset_id): asset = Asset.find_by_id(asset_id=asset_id) if asset and can_view_asset(asset=asset, user=current_user): if current_user.user not in asset.users: asset.increment_views(current_user.user) return tolerant_jsonify( asset.to_api_json(user_id=current_user.get_id())) else: raise ResourceNotFoundError(f'No asset found with id: {asset_id}')
def delete_asset(asset_id): asset = Asset.find_by_id(asset_id) if asset_id else None if not asset: raise ResourceNotFoundError('Asset not found.') if not can_update_asset(asset=asset, user=current_user): raise BadRequestError( 'To delete this asset you must own it or be a teacher in the course.' ) Asset.delete(asset_id=asset_id) return tolerant_jsonify({'message': f'Asset {asset_id} deleted'}), 200
def download(asset_id): asset = Asset.find_by_id(asset_id) s3_url = asset.download_url if asset and s3_url and can_view_asset(asset=asset, user=current_user): stream = stream_object(s3_url) if stream: now ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', asset.title) extension = s3_url.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] return Response( stream, headers={ 'Content-disposition': f'attachment; filename="{name}_{now}.{extension}"', }, ) raise ResourceNotFoundError(f'Asset {asset_id} not found.')
def create_comment(): params = request.get_json() asset_id = params.get('assetId') asset = Asset.find_by_id(asset_id=asset_id) if asset and can_view_asset(asset=asset, user=current_user): body = params.get('body', '').strip() if not body: raise BadRequestError('Comment body is required.') parent_id = params.get('parentId') comment = Comment.create( asset=asset, user_id=current_user.user_id, body=body, parent_id=parent_id and int(parent_id), ) return tolerant_jsonify(_decorate_comments([comment.to_api_json()])[0]) else: raise ResourceNotFoundError( 'Asset is either unavailable or non-existent.')
def update_asset(): params = request.get_json() asset_id = params.get('assetId') category_id = params.get('categoryId') description = params.get('description') title = params.get('title') asset = Asset.find_by_id(asset_id) if asset_id else None if not asset or not title: raise BadRequestError('Asset update requires a valid ID and title.') if not can_update_asset(asset=asset, user=current_user): raise BadRequestError( 'To update an asset you must own it or be a teacher in the course.' ) asset = Asset.update( asset_id=asset_id, categories=category_id and [Category.find_by_id(category_id)], description=description, title=title, ) return tolerant_jsonify(asset.to_api_json(user_id=current_user.get_id()))