def __init__(self): """ initialise all sub classes """ # initialise Variables class Variables.__init__(self) self._ = Variables() # initialise Info class Info.__init__(self) # initialise Passwd class Passwd.__init__(self) # initialise Wire class Wire.__init__(self) # initialise Exp class Exp.__init__(self) # initialise Snif class Snif.__init__(self) # initialise Webhack class Webhack.__init__(self) # initialise PostExploit class PostExploit.__init__(self)
def main(self): """ The core of the script """ self._.logo() input("Press any key to continue ...") print(""" Select from the menu: 1 : Information Gathering 2 : Password Attacks 3 : Wireless Testing 4 : Exploitation Tools 5 : Sniffing & Spoofing 6 : Web Hacking 7 : Private Tools 8 : Post Exploitation 9 : Recon 99: Exit\n""") user_input = input("Please enter a number: ") while True: if user_input == '1': Info.__init__(self) print(""" 1- Nmap 2- Setoolkit 3- Port Scanning 4- Host to IP 5- Wordpress user enumeration 6- CMS Scanner 7- XSStracer - checks remote web servers for Clickjacking, Cross-Frame Scripting, \ Cross-Site Tracing and Host Header Injection 8- Doork - Google Dorks Passive Vulnerability Auditor 9- Scan A server's Users 99- Back To Main Menu """) user_input2 = input("Enter a number: ") while True: if user_input2 == '1': Info.nmap(self) break elif user_input2 == '2': Info.setoolkit(self) break elif user_input2 == '3': Info.ports(self) break elif user_input2 == '4': Info.h2ip(self) break elif user_input2 == '5': Info.wpue(self) break elif user_input2 == '6': Info.cmsscan(self) break elif user_input2 == '7': Info.xsstracer(self) break elif user_input2 == '8': Info.doork(self) break elif user_input2 == '9': Info.scanusers(self) break elif user_input2 == '99': self.main() else: user_input2 = input( "Please enter a valid number between [1..9] or 99 to back to the main menu: " ) elif user_input == '2': print(""" 1- Cupp 2- Ncrack 99- Back to main menu """) user_input3 = input("Enter a number: ") while True: if user_input3 == '1': Passwd.cupp(self) break if user_input3 == '2': Passwd.ncrack(self) break if user_input3 == '99': self.main() else: user_input3 = input( "Please enter a valid number between [1,2] or 99 to back to main menu: " ) elif user_input == '3': print(""" 1- Reaver 2- Pixiewps 3- Bluetooth Honeypot Gui Framework 99- Back to main menu """) user_input4 = input("Enter a number: ") while True: if user_input4 == '1': Wire.reaver(self) break elif user_input4 == '2': Wire.pixiewps(self) break elif user_input4 == '3': Wire.bluepot(self) break elif user_input4 == '99': self.main() else: user_input4 = input( "Please enter a valid number between [1..3] or 99 to back to the main menu: " ) elif user_input == '4': print(""" 1- Venom 2- SQLmap 3- Shellnoob 4- Commix 5- FTP Auto Bypass 6- Jboss-autopwn 7- Blind SQL Automatic Injection and Exploit 8- Brutefoce Android Passcode (AndroidPINCrack) 9- Joomla, Mambo, PHP-Nuke, and XOOPS CMS SQL injection Scanner 99- Back to the main menu """) user_input5 = input("Enter a number: ") while True: if user_input5 == '1': Exp.venom(self) break elif user_input5 == '2': Exp.sqlmap(self) break elif user_input5 == '3': Exp.shellnoob(self) break elif user_input5 == '4': Exp.commix(self) break elif user_input5 == '5': Exp.gabriel(self) break elif user_input5 == '6': Exp.jboss(self) break elif user_input5 == '7': Exp.bsqlbf(self) break elif user_input5 == '8': Exp.androidhash(self) break elif user_input5 == '9': Exp.cmsfew(self) break elif user_input5 == '99': self.main() else: user_input5 = input( "Please enter a number between [1..9] or 99 to back to the main meun: " ) elif user_input == '5': print(""" 1- Setoolkit 2- SSLTrip 3- pyPisher 4- SMTP Mailer 99- Back to main menu """) user_input6 = input("Enter a number: ") while True: if user_input6 == '1': Snif.setoolkit(self) break elif user_input6 == '2': Snif.ssls(self) break elif user_input6 == '3': Snif.pisher(self) break elif user_input6 == '4': Snif.smtpsend(self) break elif user_input6 == '99': self.main() else: user_input6 = input( "Please enter a number between [1..4] of 99 to back to the main menu: " ) elif user_input == '6': print(""" 1- Drupal 2- Inurlbr 3- Wordpress & Joomla Scanner 4- Gravity Form Scanner 5- File Upload Checker 6- Wordpress Exploit Scanner 7- Wordpress Plugins Scanner 8- Shell and Directory Finder 9- Joomla! 1.5 - 3.4.5 remote code execution 10- Vbulletin 5.X remote code execution 11- BruteX - Automatically brute force all services running on a target 12- Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework 13- Sub-domain Scanning 14- Wordpress Scanning 15- Wordpress Username Enumeration 16- Wordpress Backup Grabbing 17- Sensitive File Detection 18- Same-Site Scripting Scanning 19- Click Jacking Detection 20- Powerful XSS vulnerability scanning 21- SQL Injection vulnerability scanning 99- Back to the main menu """) user_input7 = input("Enter a number: ") while True: if user_input7 == '1': Webhack.drupal_main(self) break elif user_input7 == '2': Webhack.inurlbr(self) break elif user_input7 == '3': Webhack.wppjmla(self) break elif user_input7 == '4': Webhack.gravity(self) break elif user_input7 == '5': Webhack.sqlscan(self) break elif user_input7 == '6': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '7': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '8': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '9': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '10': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '11': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '12': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '13': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '14': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '15': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '16': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '17': pass elif user_input7 == '18': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '19': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '20': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '21': print("@FIXME") break elif user_input7 == '99': self.main() else: user_input7 == input( "Please enter a number between [1..21] or 99 to back to the main menu: " ) elif user_input == '7': print("\t@FIXEME") break elif user_input == '8': print(""" 1- Shell Checker 2- POET - Post-Exploitation Tool 3- Weeman - Phishing Framework 99- Back to the main menu """) user_input8 = input("Enter a number: ") while True: if user_input8 == '1': PostExploit.sitechecker(self) break elif user_input8 == '2': PostExploit.poet(self) break elif user_input8 == '3': PostExploit.weeman(self) break elif user_input8 == '99': self.main() else: user_input8 = input( "Enter a valid number between [1..3] or 99 to back to the main menu: " ) elif user_input == '9': # initialise Sn1per class Sn1per.__init__(self) break elif user_input == '99': print("Exit...") exit() else: user_input = input( "Please enter a valid number between [1..9] or 99 to exit this script: " )