Kill_Modification = [mod_1, mod_2, mod_3, mod_4]

# Story Results
One = StoryNode("MurderBlackmailer_Request_from_Invoker", {"Node_Type" : "Info"}, A)
Two = StoryNode("Go_To_Victim", {"Node_Type" : "Go_To"}, B)
Three = StoryNode("Kill_Victim", {"Node_Type" : "MurderBlackmailer"}, B)
Four = StoryNode("Return_to_Invoker", {"Node_Type" : "Return"}, A)

MurderBlackmailer_Story = StoryGraph("MurderBlackmailer_Story", [One, Two, Three, Four])
MurderBlackmailer_Story.connect(One, {}, Two)
MurderBlackmailer_Story.connect(Two, {}, Three)
MurderBlackmailer_Story.connect(Three, {}, Four)

MurderBlackmailer_Rule = RewriteRule(None, MurderBlackmailer, MurderBlackmailer_Story, None, "Murder_Blackmailer")

# GiveGift Skeleton

# Social Condition
A = SocialNode("Invoker", {"type" : "NPC", "alive" : True})
B = SocialNode("Recipient", {"type" : "NPC", "alive" : True})
Esempio n. 2
# Social Modification
# Story Condition
Murder = StoryNode("Give_Gift", {"Node_Type" : "Give_Item"}, Recipient)
Ambush_Story_Condition = StoryGraph("Stolen_Gift_Condition", [Murder])

# Story Outcome
Spare = StoryNode("Stolen_Gift", {"Node_Type" : "Robbery", "Additional" : "Branched_Node"}, Monster)
Foigh = StoryNode("Fight_For_Gift", {"Node_Type" : "Fight", "Additional" : "Branched_Node"}, Monster)
Ambush_Story_Outcome = StoryGraph("Stolen_Gift_Story_Outcome", [Murder, Foigh, Spare])
Ambush_Story_Outcome.connect(Spare, {}, Foigh)
Ambush_Rule = RewriteRule(Ambush_Story_Condition, Ambush_Social_Condition, Ambush_Story_Outcome, None, "Stolen_Gift", True)
## Ambush Skeleton
## Social Condition
#Lover = SocialNode("Lover", {"alive" : True})
#Target = SocialNode("Victim", {"alive" : True})
#Ambush_Social_Condition = Graph("Ambush_Social_Condition", [Target, Lover])
#Ambush_Social_Condition.connect(Lover, {"Loves" : "N/A"}, Target)
Esempio n. 3
    def readGraph(self):

        tree = ET.parse(self._filename)
        root = tree.getroot()

        #Get our graph name
        graph_name = root.attrib.get('name')

        #Process the nodes
        node_list = []
        for node in root.iter('node'):

            story_node_name = node.attrib['name']
            node_attributes = {}

            #Get the target
            node_target = node.find('target').text

            #Get the node type
            node_attributes['Node_Type'] = node.find('nodetype').text

            #Get the attributes
            for attribute in node.findall('attr'):
                attribute_type = attribute.attrib.get('type')
                attribute_name = attribute.attrib.get('name')
                attribute_value = attribute.find('value').text
                if attribute_type == 'bool':
                    node_attributes[attribute_name] = (
                        attribute_value == "True")
                elif attribute_type == 'int':
                    node_attributes[attribute_name] = int(attribute_value)
                elif attribute_type == 'float':
                    node_attributes[attribute_name] = float(attribute_value)
                    node_attributes[attribute_name] = attribute_value

            new_node = StoryNode(story_node_name, node_attributes,

            if not node.attrib['modification'] == 'None':
                modification_filename = self._path + "Modifications/" + node.attrib[
                modification_reader = XMLModificationReader(
                modification = modification_reader.readModification()


        #Create the Return Graph
        returnGraph = StoryGraph(graph_name, node_list)

        #Begin Making the connections
        for connection in root.iter('connection'):
            connect_from = connection.attrib.get('from')
            from_node = returnGraph.get_node_from_name(connect_from)

            connect_to = connection.attrib.get('to')
            to_node = returnGraph.get_node_from_name(connect_to)

            relation = connection.find('relation').attrib

            if relation.keys()[0] == "none":
                relation = {}

            returnGraph.connect(from_node, relation, to_node)

        return returnGraph
Esempio n. 4
    def readGraph(self):
        tree = ET.parse(self._filename)
        root = tree.getroot()
        #Get our graph name
        graph_name = root.attrib.get('name')
        #Process the nodes
        node_list = []
        for node in root.iter('node'):
            story_node_name = node.attrib['name']
            node_attributes = {}
            #Get the target
            node_target = node.find('target').text

            #Get the node type
            node_attributes['Node_Type'] = node.find('nodetype').text
            #Get the attributes
            for attribute in node.findall('attr'):
                attribute_type = attribute.attrib.get('type')
                attribute_name = attribute.attrib.get('name')
                attribute_value = attribute.find('value').text
                if attribute_type == 'bool':
                    node_attributes[attribute_name] = (attribute_value == "True")
                elif attribute_type == 'int':
                    node_attributes[attribute_name] = int(attribute_value)
                elif attribute_type == 'float':
                    node_attributes[attribute_name] = float(attribute_value)
                    node_attributes[attribute_name] = attribute_value
            new_node = StoryNode(story_node_name, node_attributes, self._graph.get_node_from_name(node_target))
            if not node.attrib['modification'] == 'None':
                modification_filename = self._path + "Modifications/" + node.attrib['modification']
                modification_reader = XMLModificationReader(modification_filename)
                modification = modification_reader.readModification()        

        #Create the Return Graph
        returnGraph = StoryGraph(graph_name, node_list)
        #Begin Making the connections
        for connection in root.iter('connection'):
            connect_from = connection.attrib.get('from')
            from_node = returnGraph.get_node_from_name(connect_from)
            connect_to = connection.attrib.get('to')
            to_node= returnGraph.get_node_from_name(connect_to)
            relation = connection.find('relation').attrib
            if relation.keys()[0] == "none":
                relation = {}
            returnGraph.connect(from_node, relation, to_node)
        return returnGraph