Esempio n. 1
                def OnClick(self,event):       
                    #Extract parameters for simulation run:
                    cubefile = str(self.INPUTCUBEVAL.GetPath())
                    ditval = float(self.DITVAL.GetValue())
                    nditval = float(self.NDITVAL.GetValue())
                    xspaxval = float(self.XSPAXVAL.GetValue())
                    yspaxval = float(self.YSPAXVAL.GetValue())
                    photoband = str(self.PHOTOBANDVAL.GetStringSelection()).split(' ')[0]
                    telescopeval = str(self.TELESCOPEVAL.GetStringSelection())
                    aomodeval = str(self.AOMODEVAL.GetStringSelection())
                    seeingval = float(self.SEEINGVAL.GetValue())
                    zenithaval = float(self.ZENITHAVAL.GetValue())
                    resjitval = float(self.RESJITVAL.GetValue())
                    sitetempval = float(self.SITETEMPVAL.GetValue())
                    noiseseedval = self.NOISESEEDVAL.GetStringSelection()
                    if noiseseedval == 'Random':
                        noiseseedval = 0.
                    setrchoice = self.SETRVAL.GetValue()
                    if setrchoice:
                        spec_nyq = False
                        setrval = float(setrchoice)
                    elif not setrchoice:
                        spec_nyq = True
                        setrval = 1.
                    remove_bgval = str(self.REMOVE_BGVAL.GetValue())
                    return_obval = str(self.OUTPUT_OBVAL.GetValue())
                    return_tsval = str(self.OUTPUT_TSVAL.GetValue())
                    return_adrval = str(self.ADRVAL.GetValue())
                    nprocs = int(self.N_PROCVAL.GetValue())
                    odir = str(self.DIRVAL.GetPath())
                    user_PSF = str(self.USERPSFVAL.GetPath())

                    print 'Filename: ', cubefile
                    print 'DIT = ', ditval
                    print 'NINT = ', nditval
                    print 'X spaxels = ', xspaxval
                    print 'Y spaxels = ', yspaxval
                    print 'Grating = ', photoband
                    print 'Telescope: ', telescopeval
                    print 'AO = ', aomodeval
                    print 'Seeing = ', seeingval
                    print 'Zenith angle = ', zenithaval
                    print 'Residual jitter = ', resjitval
                    print 'Temperature = ', sitetempval
                    print 'Noise seed = ', noiseseedval
                    print 'Spectral Nyquist sampling? ', spec_nyq
                    print 'Subtract background? ', remove_bgval
                    print 'User PSF? ' , user_PSF
                    print 'Return object cube? ', return_obval
                    print 'Return transmission? ', return_tsval
                    print 'ADR off? ', return_adrval
                    print 'No. of processors = ', nprocs
                    print 'Output directory = ', odir
                    #start main program
                    main(cubefile, odir, ditval, nditval, photoband, (xspaxval, yspaxval),
                         seeingval, zenithaval, telescopeval, user_PSF, aomodeval, resjitval,
                         sitetempval, combnditsval, spec_nyq, setrval, noiseseedval, remove_bgval,
                         return_obval, return_tsval, return_adrval, ver, nprocs)
Esempio n. 2
                def OnClick(self, event):
                    #Extract parameters for simulation run:
                    cubefile = str(self.INPUTCUBEVAL.GetPath())
                    ditval = float(self.DITVAL.GetValue())
                    nditval = float(self.NDITVAL.GetValue())
                    xspaxval = float(self.XSPAXVAL.GetValue())
                    yspaxval = float(self.YSPAXVAL.GetValue())
                    photoband = str(
                        self.PHOTOBANDVAL.GetStringSelection()).split(' ')[0]
                    telescopeval = str(self.TELESCOPEVAL.GetStringSelection())
                    aomodeval = str(self.AOMODEVAL.GetStringSelection())
                    seeingval = float(self.SEEINGVAL.GetValue())
                    zenithaval = float(self.ZENITHAVAL.GetValue())
                    resjitval = float(self.RESJITVAL.GetValue())
                    sitetempval = float(self.SITETEMPVAL.GetValue())
                    noiseseedval = self.NOISESEEDVAL.GetStringSelection()
                    if noiseseedval == 'Random':
                        noiseseedval = 0.
                    setrchoice = self.SETRVAL.GetValue()
                    if setrchoice:
                        spec_nyq = False
                        setrval = float(setrchoice)
                    elif not setrchoice:
                        spec_nyq = True
                        setrval = 1.
                    remove_bgval = str(self.REMOVE_BGVAL.GetValue())
                    return_obval = str(self.OUTPUT_OBVAL.GetValue())
                    return_tsval = str(self.OUTPUT_TSVAL.GetValue())
                    return_adrval = str(self.ADRVAL.GetValue())
                    nprocs = int(self.N_PROCVAL.GetValue())
                    odir = str(self.DIRVAL.GetPath())
                    user_PSF = str(self.USERPSFVAL.GetPath())
                    combnditsval = True

                    print 'Filename: ', cubefile
                    print 'DIT = ', ditval
                    print 'NINT = ', nditval
                    print 'X spaxels = ', xspaxval
                    print 'Y spaxels = ', yspaxval
                    print 'Grating = ', photoband
                    print 'Telescope: ', telescopeval
                    print 'AO = ', aomodeval
                    print 'Seeing = ', seeingval
                    print 'Zenith angle = ', zenithaval
                    print 'Residual jitter = ', resjitval
                    print 'Temperature = ', sitetempval
                    print 'Noise seed = ', noiseseedval
                    print 'Spectral Nyquist sampling? ', spec_nyq
                    print 'Subtract background? ', remove_bgval
                    print 'User PSF? ', user_PSF
                    print 'Return object cube? ', return_obval
                    print 'Return transmission? ', return_tsval
                    print 'ADR off? ', return_adrval
                    print 'No. of processors = ', nprocs
                    print 'Output directory = ', odir

                    #start main program
                    main(cubefile, odir, ditval, nditval, photoband,
                         (xspaxval, yspaxval), seeingval, zenithaval,
                         telescopeval, user_PSF, aomodeval, resjitval,
                         sitetempval, combnditsval, spec_nyq, setrval,
                         noiseseedval, remove_bgval, return_obval,
                         return_tsval, return_adrval, ver, nprocs)
Esempio n. 3
            site_temp = float(args[12])
            combine_ndits = True
            spec_Nyquist = args[13]
            if spec_Nyquist == 'True':
                spec_N = True
            elif spec_Nyquist == 'False':
                spec_N = False
            Spec_samp = float(args[14])
            noise_force_seed = int(float(args[15]))
            remove_background = args[16]
            return_obj = args[17]
            return_tra = args[18]
            return_adr = args[19]
            #Start main function
            main(datacube, odir, DIT, NDIT, grat, spax, seeing, zenith_ang, telescope,
                 user_PSF, AO, res_jitter, site_temp, combine_ndits, spec_N, Spec_samp,
                 noise_force_seed, remove_background, return_obj, return_tra, return_adr,
                 ver, nprocs)
##    else:
##        print""
##        print 'HARMONI Simulator'
##        print""
##        print "Unknown option keys. Use either -h for help, or -c for command line usage"
##        print""
##        sys.exit()

    #Use GUI interface if no command line option
    wxfound = 0
    if len(optlist) == 0 and len(args) == 0:
Esempio n. 4
            combine_ndits = True
            spec_Nyquist = args[13]
            if spec_Nyquist == 'True':
                spec_N = True
            elif spec_Nyquist == 'False':
                spec_N = False
            Spec_samp = float(args[14])
            noise_force_seed = int(float(args[15]))
            remove_background = args[16]
            return_obj = args[17]
            return_tra = args[18]
            return_adr = args[19]
            #Start main function

            main(datacube, odir, DIT, NDIT, grat, spax, seeing, zenith_ang,
                 telescope, user_PSF, AO, res_jitter, site_temp, combine_ndits,
                 spec_N, Spec_samp, noise_force_seed, remove_background,
                 return_obj, return_tra, return_adr, ver, nprocs)

##    else:
##        print""
##        print 'HARMONI Simulator'
##        print""
##        print "Unknown option keys. Use either -h for help, or -c for command line usage"
##        print""
##        sys.exit()

#Use GUI interface if no command line option
    wxfound = 0
    if len(optlist) == 0 and len(args) == 0:
            import wx