Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, eeg_training, eeg_test, n_components=2):
     n_components : int
         The number of components to use as relevant features in the CSP algorithm
     eeg_training : Eeg
         The Eeg object that contains the raw training eeg data separated by class (left and right)
     eeg_test : Eeg
         The Eeg object that contains the raw test eeg data separated by class (left and right)
     self.n_components = n_components
     self.__bands = range(QUANTITY_BANDS)
     self.__csp_by_band = [
         CSP(average_trial_covariance=False, n_components=self.n_components)
         for _ in self.__bands
     self.training_labels = eeg_training.labels
     self.test_labels = eeg_test.labels
     self.training_features = self.extract_features(eeg_training)
     self.test_features = self.extract_features(eeg_test)
     self.n_features = self.training_features.shape[1]
     if self.n_features != self.test_features.shape[1]:
         raise Exception(
             "The number of features extracted from the training and test dataset's should be equal"
    right_data_file = f"{DATA_FOLDER}/{subject}-right.csv"
    data = read_eeg_file(left_data_file, right_data_file, TIME_LENGTH,
                         TIME_WINDOW, EPOCH_SIZE)

    # Pre-processing
    print("Pre-processing ...")
    print("Applying 5º order Butterworth bandpass filter (7-30 Hz)")
    b, a = signal.butter(5, [7, 30], btype="bandpass", fs=FS)

    data.left_data = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data.left_data, axis=1)
    data.right_data = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data.right_data, axis=1)

    print("Spatial-filtering ...")
    data.X = np.concatenate((data.left_data, data.right_data))

    csp = CSP(average_trial_covariance=True, n_components=CSP_COMPONENTS), data.right_data)
    data.Z = np.array([csp.project(x) for x in data.X])

    #    print(data.Z.shape) #(399,700,2)

    #    첫번째 trial의 채널 1
    #    plot.specgram(pd.DataFrame(data.Z[0]).iloc[:,0], NFFT=64, Fs=250, noverlap=32) # 기존
    #    plot.specgram(pd.DataFrame(data.Z[0]).iloc[:,0], NFFT=32, Fs=250, noverlap=16)

    # Feature extraction
    print("Extracting features ...")
    data.F = np.zeros((data.X.shape[0], 2, CSP_COMPONENTS))
    for n_epoch in range(0, data.X.shape[0]):
        epoch = data.Z[n_epoch]
Esempio n. 3

        train_left_index = [index for index in train_index if index < trials]
        train_right_index = [index - trials for index in train_index if index >= trials]
        X_left_train, X_right_train = data.left_data[train_left_index], data.right_data[train_right_index]

        test_left_index = [index for index in test_index if index < trials]
        test_right_index = [index - trials for index in test_index if index >= trials]
        X_left_test, X_right_test = data.left_data[test_left_index], data.right_data[test_right_index]

        y_train, y_test = data.labels[train_index], data.labels[test_index]

        # Feature extraction
        N_CSP_COMPONENTS = 2
        csp_by_band = [CSP(average_trial_covariance=False, n_components=N_CSP_COMPONENTS)
                       for _ in bands]

        left_bands_training = filter_bank(X_left_train)
        right_bands_training = filter_bank(X_right_train)
        left_bands_test = filter_bank(X_left_test)
        right_bands_test = filter_bank(X_right_test)

        features_train = None
        features_test = None
        for n_band in range(quantity_bands):
            left_band_training = left_bands_training[n_band]
            right_band_training = right_bands_training[n_band]
            left_band_test = left_bands_test[n_band]
            right_band_test = right_bands_test[n_band]
Esempio n. 4
    data = read_eeg_file(left_data_file, right_data_file, TIME_LENGTH,
                         TIME_WINDOW, EPOCH_SIZE)

    # Pre-processing
    print("Pre-processing ...")
    print("Applying 5º order Butterworth bandpass filter (7-30 Hz)")
    b, a = signal.butter(5, [7, 30], btype="bandpass", fs=FS)

    # left_data2, right_data2 전달된 상태
    data.left_data = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data.left_data, axis=1)
    data.right_data = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data.right_data, axis=1)

    print("Spatial-filtering ...")
    data.X = np.concatenate((data.left_data, data.right_data))

    csp = CSP(average_trial_covariance=True, n_components=CSP_COMPONENTS), data.right_data)

    #    print(csp.W.shape) #(3,2)

    #    print(data.left_data.shape)  #(159, 500, 3)
    #    print(data.right_data.shape)# (165, 500, 3)

    #    print(data.X.shape)
    #    counts=0
    counts = 303
    imgtype = 'left'
    print("왼쪽 데이터 이미지 생성 시작")
    for i in data.X:
        counts += 1
Esempio n. 5

# Load training data
print("Loading data ...")
left_data_file = f"{DATA_FOLDER}/left-hand-subject-{subject}.csv"
right_data_file = f"{DATA_FOLDER}/right-hand-subject-{subject}.csv"
eeg = read_eeg_file(left_data_file, right_data_file, TIME_LENGTH, TIME_WINDOW,

n_epoch = 25

left_epoch = eeg.left_data[n_epoch, :, :]
right_epoch = eeg.right_data[n_epoch, :, :]

ch_names = ["FC1", "FC2", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "CP1", "CP2"]
# plot_topomap(ch_names, left_epoch)
# plot_topomap(ch_names, right_epoch)

csp = CSP(average_trial_covariance=True, n_components=8), eeg.right_data)

left_epoch_projected = csp.project(left_epoch)
right_epoch_projected = csp.project(right_epoch)

plot_topomap(ch_names, left_epoch_projected)
plot_topomap(ch_names, right_epoch_projected)