Esempio n. 1
 def Verification(self, currentheight, aipdic):
     ##1 the protocol name should be the same
     if self.aipname.value != "aip1.aip1_0.Input":
         return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Input, item 1, False"
     if not aiptool.IsAipLegalForCurrentHeight(self.aipname.value,
                                               currentheight, aipdic):
         return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Input, item 1.1, False"
     return True, "aip1.aip1_0.Input, True"
Esempio n. 2
 def Verification(self, currentheight, aipdic):
     if self.aipname.value != "aip1.aip1_0.Output":
         return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Output, item 1, False"
     if not aiptool.IsAipLegalForCurrentHeight(self.aipname.value,
                                               currentheight, aipdic):
         return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Output, item 1.1, False"
     ##verify aoc address
     if not aiptool.GetObj("aip0.aip0_0.Wallet").VerifyAddress(
         return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Output, item 2, False"
     return True, "aip1.aip1_0.Output, True"
Esempio n. 3
    def Verification(self, currentheight, aipdic):
        if self.aipname.value != "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate":
            return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 1, False"
        if not aiptool.IsAipLegalForCurrentHeight(self.aipname.value,
                                                  currentheight, aipdic):
            return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 1.1, False"

        for inputi in self.withdraw:
            if inputi.aipname.value != "aip1.aip1_0.Input":
                return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 2, False"
            if inputi.pubkey.value != self.ownerpubkey.value:
                return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 2.1, False"
            re, msg = inputi.Verification(currentheight, aipdic)
            if not re:
                return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 2.2, False"

        for outputi in self.deposit:
            if outputi.aipname.value != "aip1.aip1_0.Output":
                return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 3, False"
            re, msg = outputi.Verification(currentheight, aipdic)
            if not re:
                return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 3.1, False"

        if self.token.value.lower() == "aoc":
            return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 4, False"

        if self.agreement.value != "this service is offered by aocpay, the ownerpubkey is responsible for any real law issue caused by this record":
            return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 5, False"

        msg1, msg2 = self.GetMsgSig()

        wallet = aiptool.GetObj("aip0.aip0_0.Wallet")
            re = wallet.VerifyMsg(self.ownerpubkey.value, msg1, self.sig.value)
            re = False
        if not re:
            return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 6, False"

        for os in self.ownerships:
            if os.aipname.value != "aip0.aip0_0.Ownership":
                return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 7.1, False"
            if msg2 != os.msg.value:
                return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 7.2, False"
            re, msg = os.Verification(currentheight, aipdic)
            if not re:
                return False, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, item 7.3, False " + msg

        return True, "aip2.aip2_0.Transaction_Gate, True"
Esempio n. 4
    def Verification(self, currentheight, aipdic):
        ##1 the protocol name should be the same
        if self.aipname.value != "aip0.aip0_0.Block":
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 1, False"
        ##1.1 the protocol valid range
        if not aiptool.IsAipLegalForCurrentHeight(self.aipname.value,
                                                  currentheight, aipdic):
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 1.1, False"

        ##2 protocol type
        if self.blocktype.value not in (0, 1, 2):
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 2, False"

        ##3 check payloads
        for payload in self.payloads:
            if self.blocktype.value in (0, 1):
                if payload.aipname.value != "aip0.aip0_0.Law":
                    return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 3.1.1, False"
                if self.blocktype.value == 1 and payload.LawType.value == 0:
                    return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 3.1.2, False"
            if payload.expiretime.value <= self.timestamp.value:
                return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 3.2, False"
            re, msg = payload.Verification(currentheight, aipdic)
            if not re:
                return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 3.3, False " + msg

        ##4 check ownership
        osmsg = self._osmsg if hasattr(self, '_osmsg') else VariBytes().parse(
        if len(self.ownerships) == 0:
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 4.0, False"
        for os in self.ownerships:
            if os.aipname.value != "aip0.aip0_0.Ownership":
                return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 4.1, False"
            if osmsg != os.msg.value:
                return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 4.2, False"
            re, msg = os.Verification(currentheight, aipdic)
            if not re:
                return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, item 4.3, False " + msg

        return True, "aip0.aip0_0.Block, True"
Esempio n. 5
    def Verification(self, currentheight, aipdic):
        ##1 the protocol name should be the same
        if self.aipname.value != "aip0.aip0_0.Ownership":
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Ownership, item 1, False"

        if not aiptool.IsAipLegalForCurrentHeight(self.aipname.value,
                                                  currentheight, aipdic):
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Ownership, item 1.1, False"

        #2 the msg should be verified
        wallet = aiptool.GetObj("aip0.aip0_0.Wallet")
            re = wallet.VerifyMsg(self.pubkey.value, self.msg.value,
            re = False
        if not re:
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Ownership, item 2, False"

        return True, "aip0.aip0_0.Ownership, True"
Esempio n. 6
    def Verification(self, currentheight, aipdic):
        ##1. the protocol name should be the same
        if self.aipname.value != "aip0.aip0_0.Law":
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Law, item 1, False"

        if not aiptool.IsAipLegalForCurrentHeight(self.aipname.value,
                                                  currentheight, aipdic):
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Law, item 1.1, False"

        if self.LawName.value.rstrip() == "" or self.LawContent.value.rstrip(
        ) == "":
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Law, item 2, False"

        ##2. The law name should obey the rule
        if not aiptool.VerifyAipPathRule(self.LawName.value):
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Law, item 3, False"
        ##3. law type
        if self.LawType.value not in (0, 1):
            return False, "aip0.aip0_0.Law, item 4, False"
        return True, "aip0.aip0_0.Law, True"
Esempio n. 7
    def Verification(self, currentheight, aipdic):
        if self.aipname.value != "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay":
            return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 1, False"
        if not aiptool.IsAipLegalForCurrentHeight(self.aipname.value,
                                                  currentheight, aipdic):
            return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 1.1, False"
        ##3 Length of inputs and sigs should equal, integration or normal transaction
        txid = self.GetTxType()
        if txid == 0:
            return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 2, False"
        for outputi in self.outputs:
            if outputi.aipname.value != "aip1.aip1_0.Output":
                return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 3, False"
            re, msg = outputi.Verification(currentheight, aipdic)
            if not re:
                return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 3.1, False"
        msgsig = self.GetMsgSig()
        wallet = aiptool.GetObj("aip0.aip0_0.Wallet")
        #"""if is normal transaction or integration transaction"""
        for idd, inputi in enumerate(self.inputs):
            if inputi.aipname.value != "aip1.aip1_0.Input":
                return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 4, False"
            re, msg = inputi.Verification(currentheight, aipdic)
            if not re:
                return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 4.1, False"
            if txid == 1:
                sig = self.sigs.value[idd].value
            elif txid == 2:
                sig = self.sigs.value[0].value
                rew = wallet.VerifyMsg(inputi.pubkey.value, msgsig, sig)
                rew = False
            if not rew:
                return False, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, item 4.2, False"

        return True, "aip1.aip1_0.Transaction_Pay, True"