def non_showdown(self): if len(self.active_players) > 1: print('Error in non_showdown, ' + str(len(self.active_players)) + ' active players left') elif len(self.active_players) == 0 and len(self.pot.allin_players) != 1: print('Error in non_showdown, active players: ' + str(len(self.active_players)) + ', allins: ' + str( len(self.pot.allin_players))) elif len(self.active_players) == 1 and len(self.pot.allin_players) > 0: print('Error in non_showdown, active players: ' + str(len(self.active_players)) + ', allins: ' + str( len(self.pot.allin_players))) else: winner = None if self.active_players: winner = self.active_players[0] elif self.pot.allin_players: winner = self.pot.allin_players[0] active_bet = winner.street_investment previous_bet = 0 for p in self.players: if p is not winner: if p.street_investment > previous_bet: previous_bet = p.street_investment self.pot.return_chips(winner, active_bet - previous_bet) print(Debug.log_str_win_non_showdown(winner, self.pot)) self.hand_log.add_str(Debug.log_str_win_non_showdown(winner, self.pot)) self.pot.return_chips(winner,
def record_robot(self, robot, function, args): """ Record movements of robot and positions of blocks. :param robot: handler of robot :type robot: RobotHandler :param function: bound function to robot handler object :type function: method :param args: arguments of function :type args: list """ #New code for the challenge: Update block # Update position if function == robot.position_new: self.__coordinates[0] = args[0] self.__coordinates[1] = args[1] # Update height elif function == robot.height_new: self.__coordinates[2] = args[0] # Check blocks before putting the pump on elif function == robot.pump_on: self.__challenge.pump_on(self.__coordinates) elif function == robot.pump_off: coordinates = self.__coordinates.copy() Debug.msg('Der Block wird auf der Koordinate {} abgelegt'.format(coordinates[:])) self.__challenge.pump_off(coordinates) elif function == robot.drehen: Debug.msg('Der Block wird um {} Grad gedreht'.format(args[0])) self.__challenge.rotate_man_block(args[0])
def collect_blinds(self, hand_log): #self.pot_size() print('*** collecting blinds ***') if self.players[0].stack_size <= self.table.small_blind: hand_log.add_str( Debug.log_str_blinds_allin(self.players[0]) + '\n') = + self.players[0].stack_size self.players[0].move_all_in() else: hand_log.add_str( Debug.log_str_post_sb(self.players[0], self.table.small_blind) + '\n') self.players[0].invest_chips(self.table.small_blind) = + self.table.small_blind if self.players[1].stack_size <= self.table.big_blind: hand_log.add_str( Debug.log_str_blinds_allin(self.players[1]) + '\n') = + self.players[1].stack_size self.players[1].move_all_in else: hand_log.add_str( Debug.log_str_post_bb(self.players[1], self.table.big_blind) + '\n') self.players[1].invest_chips(self.table.big_blind) = + self.table.big_blind
def deal_community_cards(self): new_cards_str = '' for c in range(self.community_cards_num[self.street]):[self.street].append(self.deck.get_card()) if c > 0: new_cards_str += ', ' new_cards_str += str([self.street][c]) # print(self.streets[self.street] + ': ' + new_cards_str) Debug.print_community(self, new_cards_str) self.hand_log.add_line(Debug.log_str_community(self))
def run(self): """Executes parsing process """ Debug.printd("Parser -> START") try: self.__load_source() self.__parse_source() Debug.pprintd(self._instruction_list) except InterpreterError: raise
def __add_instructions(self): """Loops through instructions in file """ for instr in self._program_root: Debug.printd("Processing instruction '{}'".format( instr.get("opcode"))) try: self.__add_instruction(instr) except InterpreterError: raise
def run(self): """Runs the interpreter """ Debug.printd("Interpreter -> START") try: self.__parse() self.__process() except InterpreterError: raise
def determine_winners(self, pot): winners = [] hand_ranks = {} for p in pot.players: hand_ranks[p] = self.rank_hand_py(p) for k in hand_ranks.keys(): if not winners or hand_ranks[k] > hand_ranks[winners[0]]: winners = [k] elif hand_ranks[k] == hand_ranks[winners[0]]: winners.append(k) Debug.print_winners(winners) return winners
def award_pot(self, pot, winners): if len(winners) > 1: amount_won = int( / len(winners)) leftover = - (amount_won * len(winners)) for p in winners: pot.return_chips(p, amount_won) self.hand_log.add_str(Debug.log_str_win_showdown(p, amount_won)) r = random.choice(winners) pot.return_chips(r, leftover) self.hand_log.add_str(Debug.log_str_win_leftover(r, leftover)) else: self.hand_log.add_str(Debug.log_str_win_showdown(winners[0], pot.return_chips(winners[0],
def isBlock(self,coordinates): #Checks if there is a block at coordinates check = False if coordinates[2] >= 0: Debug.msg('Is block on coordinate check: {}'.format(coordinates[:])) for block in self.blocks: if block.is_on_position(coordinates): Debug.msg('Block found on {}'.format(coordinates)) check = True break return check else: return False
def __process(self): """Interpreter loop executes parsed instructions """ Debug.printd("Interpreter -> PROCESSING..") instr_count = len(self._instr_order_list) while self._instr_index < instr_count: try: self.__execute_instr() except InterpreterError: raise self._instr_index += 1
def showdown(self): print('Got to showdown. Number of sidepots = ' + str(len(self.pot.side_pots))) if self.street != 3: while self.street + 1 <= 3: self.street += 1 self.deal_community_cards() Debug.print_final_board( # handle side pots first while len(self.pot.side_pots) > 0: side_pot = self.pot.side_pots.pop() winners = self.determine_winners(side_pot) self.award_pot(side_pot, winners) # award main pot winners = self.determine_winners(self.pot) self.award_pot(self.pot, winners)
def bet(self, player, amount): print(Debug.log_str_bet(player, amount)) if amount == player.stack_size: self.pot.move_all_in(player) self.active_players.remove(player) else: self.pot.invest_chips(player, amount)
def __parse(self): """Parses and sets up interpreter variables """ Debug.printd("Interpreter -> PARSING..") parser = Parser(self._source_file) try: except InterpreterError: raise self._instr_list = parser.instruction_list self._jump_label_list = parser.jump_label_list self._instr_order_list = list(self._instr_list.keys()) self._instr_order_list.sort()
def reraise(self, player, amount): print(Debug.log_str_raise(player, amount)) if amount == player.stack_size + player.street_investment: self.pot.move_all_in(player) self.active_players.remove(player) else: self.pot.invest_chips(player, amount - player.street_investment)
def update_coordinates(self): #print('origin: {} dim[0]: {}, range(x_b {}'.format(self.pos, self.dimension[0],range(self.dimension[0]))) if self.dimension: self.coordinates = [] for x_b in range(self.dimension[0]): for y_b in range(self.dimension[1]): x = x_b - (self.dimension[0]-1)/2 y = y_b - (self.dimension[1]-1)/2 r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) angle = math.atan2(y,x) # Debug.msg('x {},y{},r{},angle{}, rotation {}'.format(x,y,r,angle,self.rotation)) angle = math.radians(self.rotation) + angle self.coordinates.append([int(round(self.pos_center[0]+ r*math.cos(angle),1)),int(round(self.pos_center[1] + r*math.sin(angle),1)),int(self.pos_center[2])]) else: self.coordinates = [self.pos_center] Debug.msg('Transformed coordinates: {}'.format(self.coordinates[:]))
def call(self, player, total_bet): print(Debug.log_str_call(player, total_bet)) if player.stack_size <= total_bet - player.street_investment: self.pot.move_all_in(player) self.active_players.remove(player) else: self.pot.invest_chips(player, total_bet - player.street_investment)
def postflop(self): print('\n*** beginning postflop action ***') self.street += 1 # for loop for postflop while self.street <= 3: self.deal_community_cards() # print('*** beginning ' + self.streets[self.street] + ' action ***') Debug.print_remaining_active_players(self.active_players) is_hand_finished = self.betting_round(0, 0) if is_hand_finished: return is_hand_finished else: self.reset_current_street_investment() # print('*** end of ' + self.streets[self.street] + ' action ***') self.street += 1 self.showdown() return is_hand_finished
def add_options(self, options): # Adds all options of the challenge file to the challenge # @options: dict containing the options key = 'type' if key in options: if options['type'] == 'test': self.success_on = False self.load_final_block = False Debug.msg('Test on') elif options['type'] == 'challenge': self.challenge = True elif options['type'] == 'other': pass key = 'info_text' if key in options: self.info_text = options['info_text']
def __handle(self): """Handle passed arguments Validates arguments and takes corresponding actions """ if self.args['help']: if len(argv) > 2: raise ArgumentsError("invalid combination") print(Arguments.helpMessage) exit(0) if self.args['source'] == "": raise ArgumentsError("source file is required") if self.args['debug']:
def __init__(self, class_name): if LoggerFactory.log_dir is None: cur_path = path.dirname(__file__) parent_path = os.path.dirname(cur_path) # 获得d所在的目录,即d的父级目录 LoggerFactory.log_dir = parent_path + "/logs" self.debug_path = LoggerFactory.log_dir + "/debug.log" self.info_path = LoggerFactory.log_dir + "/info.log" self.warn_path = LoggerFactory.log_dir + "/warn.log" self.error_path = LoggerFactory.log_dir + "/error.log" self.critical_path = LoggerFactory.log_dir + "/critical.log" self.__debug = Debug(class_name, self.debug_path) self.__info = Info(class_name, self.info_path) self.__warn = Warn(class_name, self.warn_path) self.__error = Error(class_name, self.error_path) self.__critical = Critical(class_name, self.critical_path)
def rank_hand_c(self, player): print('Player ' + + ' hand: ' + player.hole_cards_str()) # convert hand and community cards to int keys for SKPokerEval cards = [player.hole_cards[0], player.hole_cards[1],[1][0],[1][1],[1][2],[2][0],[3][0]] card_keys = [] for card in cards: int_value = 4 * (14 - card.rank) + self.deck.suit_key[card.suit] card_keys.append(int_value) Debug.print_card_list(cards) Debug.print_card_keys(card_keys) # run hand ranker executable shell_cmd = './bin/hand_ranker ' + str(card_keys[0]) + ' ' + str(card_keys[1]) + ' ' + str(card_keys[2]) + ' ' shell_cmd += str(card_keys[3]) + ' ' + str(card_keys[4]) + ' ' + str(card_keys[5]) + ' ' + str(card_keys[6]) p = Popen(shell_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) output_str = p.stdout.readline().strip().decode('utf-8') rank = int(output_str) if Debug.mode == 'debug': print('Player ' + + ' hand rank: ' + output_str) return rank
def run_script(self, robot_handler): """ Run script functions on robot. :return: True if script was sucessful :rtype: bool """ # run functions for function_call in self.__function_calls: function = function_call["function"] argument = function_call["args"] # call unbound function if len(argument) != 0: function(argument) else: function() # update user challenge self.__user_challenge.record_robot(robot_handler, function, argument) Debug.msg( "All commands executed. Reseting arm and checking challenge victory conditions" ) robot_handler.reset() return self.__user_challenge.success()
def getBlock(self,coordinates): #CHecks if there is a block at coordinates check = False Debug.msg('Get block at: {}'.format(coordinates[:])) if coordinates[2] == 0: Debug.msg("There is only the floor there ") return False for i in range(len(self.blocks)): if self.blocks[i].is_on_position(coordinates): Debug.msg('We got a block!') self.block_manipulating = self.blocks[i] self.block_manipulating.getBlock(coordinates) del self.blocks[i] return True Debug.msg('We dont got a block!') return check
def load_challenges(self): ''' Loads all challenges in the challenge/challenges_init folder with an .ini ending. ''' _,challenge_paths = self.challenge_name_path() for path in challenge_paths: parser = configparser.ConfigParser() # Generate a challenge template challenge = Challenge(parser['challenge']['name']) # Load block types block_types = parser['challenge']['block_types'] block_types = block_types.replace('[','') block_types = block_types.replace(']','') block_types = block_types.split(",") block_types = [i.lower() for i in block_types] #Load generall options options = {} keys = ['type','info_text'] for key in keys: if parser.has_option('challenge',key): option = parser['challenge'][key] else: option = '' options[key] = option challenge.add_options(options) # Load block dimensions for block_type in parser['Block_Dimensions']: dim = parser['Block_Dimensions'][block_type] dim = dim.replace('[','') dim = dim.replace(']','') dim = dim.split(',') dim = [int(i) for i in dim] block_type = block_type.lower() if block_type in block_types: challenge.add_block_type(BlockType(block_type,dim)) #Debug.msg("Added Dimensions: {} type: {}".format(dim,block_type)) else: Debug.error("There is no block type {} (see [Block_Dimensions] in {})".format(block_type,path)) challenge.init[2] = True # Load start positions for key in parser['Start_Position']: start_pos = parser['Start_Position'][key] start_pos= start_pos.replace('[','') start_pos = start_pos.replace(']','') start_pos = start_pos.split(",") # ToDo: Check i if len(start_pos) == 4: angle = 0 elif len(start_pos) == 5: angle = int(start_pos[3]) else: print("Wrong start_position length. Example name = [x,y,z],rotation,type] or name = [x,y,z], type ") if challenge.valid_block_type(start_pos[-1]): dim = challenge.get_dim(start_pos[-1]) #print('dim:' ,dim) challenge.add_start_position(Block([int(i) for i in start_pos[:3]],start_pos[-1].lower(),dim,_rotation=angle)) #Debug.msg("Added start positions: {} type: {}".format(start_pos[:3],start_pos[3].lower())) else: Debug.error("invalid key of start block: {}".format(start_pos[3] )) challenge.reset() challenge.init[0] = True # Load final positions for key in parser['Final_Position']: final_pos = parser['Final_Position'][key] final_pos= final_pos.replace('[','') final_pos = final_pos.replace(']','') final_pos = final_pos.split(",") if len(final_pos) == 4: angle = 0 elif len(final_pos) == 5: angle = int(final_pos[3]) else: print("Wrong start_position length. Example name = [x,y,z],rotation,type] or name = [x,y,z], type ") if challenge.valid_block_type(final_pos[-1]): dim = challenge.get_dim(final_pos[-1]) #print('dim:' ,dim) challenge.add_final_position(Block([int(i) for i in final_pos[:3]],final_pos[-1].lower(),dim,_rotation=angle)) #Debug.msg("Added final positions: {} type: {}".format(final_pos[:3],final_pos[3].lower())) else: Debug.error("invalid key of final block: {}".format(final_pos[3] )) challenge.init[1] = True #challenge.debug_function() #Prints out the current blocks: only for debugging #Add the new challenge to the class self.__all_challenges.append(challenge)
def challenge_name_path(): ''' Returns the path and other basics of the challenge config file ''' parent_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__))) path = os.path.join(parent_path,"challenges/challenges_init") path_challenges = [] file_ending = 'ini' challenge_names_unsorted = [] # names of the challenge challenge_names = [] sample_text_unsorted = [] # text in the challenge textbox sample_text = [] description_unsorted = [] # Info in the challenge description description = [] priorities = [] # Priority of the challenge in the dropdown menu: A low number means that the challenge is higher up. for file in os.listdir(path): if file.endswith(file_ending): path_challenge = os.path.join(path,file) path_challenges.append(path_challenge) parser = configparser.ConfigParser() if parser['CONFIG']['filetype'] == "challenge": challenge_names_unsorted.append(parser['challenge']['name']) if parser.has_option('challenge','sample_text'): text = parser['challenge']['sample_text'] text = text.split('\\n') new_text = '' for line in text: new_text = new_text + line + '\n' sample_text_unsorted.append(new_text) else: sample_text_unsorted.append('') if parser.has_option('challenge','description'): text = parser['challenge']['description'] text = text.split('\\n') new_text = '' for line in text: new_text = new_text + line + '\n' description_unsorted.append(new_text) else: description_unsorted.append('') if parser.has_option('challenge','priority'): priorities.append(parser['challenge']['priority']) else: priorities.append(9999) else: Debug.error(path_challenge, 'is no valid challenge file. The file is not loaded. Please add challenge to the name in the challenge section.') #Sorting the lists index_of_list = list(range(len(priorities))) # This will be used as a sorted index list range_len = len(priorities)-1 while range_len > 0: for idx in range(range_len): if priorities[idx] > priorities[idx+1]: tmp_priority = priorities[idx] tmp_idx= index_of_list[idx] priorities[idx] = priorities[idx+1] index_of_list[idx] = index_of_list[idx+1] priorities[idx+1] = tmp_priority index_of_list[idx+1] = tmp_idx range_len -= 1 new_list_position = index_of_list # For clarity, we are now sorting the list according to the priorities for idx in new_list_position: challenge_names.append(challenge_names_unsorted[idx]) description.append(description_unsorted[idx]) sample_text.append(sample_text_unsorted[idx]) challenge_infos = {'names':challenge_names,'sample_text' : sample_text, 'description' : description, 'priorities' : priorities} return [challenge_infos,path_challenges]
def z(self): if self.pos_center[2] == None: Debug.error("Coordinate x not set yet") return False else: return self.pos_center[2]
def placeBlock(self,coordinates): # Checks whether the block can be placed check = False bottom_coordinates = coordinates.copy() bottom_coordinates[2] -= 1 if self.isBlock(coordinates): message = 'There is already a block there' Debug.msg(message) Debug.error(message) raise RobotError(ErrorCode.E0015, message) return False elif coordinates[2] == 1: Debug.msg("The block is placed on the floor") self.block_manipulating.placeBlock(coordinates) self.blocks.append(self.block_manipulating) self.block_manipulating = [] return True elif self.isBlock(bottom_coordinates): Debug.msg("The block is placed on another block") self.block_manipulating.placeBlock(coordinates) self.blocks.append(self.block_manipulating) self.block_manipulating = [] return True else: # Implement method for bridge block test_block = self.block_manipulating # Used to test whether the block can be placed on two points test_block.placeBlock(bottom_coordinates) possible_coordinates = test_block.get_positions #print('Possible coordinates {}'.format(possible_coordinates)) blocks_below = 0 for cord in possible_coordinates: #print('Coordinates to check : {}'.format(cord)) if self.isBlock(cord): blocks_below +=1 Debug.msg('There is a block below but not in the center') if blocks_below >= 2: Debug.msg("The block is placed on multiple other blocks") self.block_manipulating.placeBlock(coordinates) self.blocks.append(self.block_manipulating) self.block_manipulating = [] return True else: message = "Der Block kann nicht in der Luft losgelassen werden. Platziere den Block auf dem Boden oder auf einem anderen Block" Debug.error(message) raise RobotError(ErrorCode.E0015, message) return check
def action(self, total_bet, raise_amount, big_blind, closing_action): action_prompt = Debug.create_action_prompt(self) action_str = input(action_prompt) return action_str
def deal_cards(self): for c in range(2): for p in self.players: p.get_card(self.deck.get_card()) Debug.print_cards(self.players)