def test_non_empty_handler_is_true(self): #arrange err = ErrorHandler() #act err.push(1, "foo") #assert self.assertTrue(bool(err))
def test_reset_results_in_false_handler(self): #arrange err = ErrorHandler(1) #act err.push(1, "foo") err.reset() #assert self.assertFalse(bool(err))
def test_attempt_push_on_non_full_queue_is_true(self): #arrange err = ErrorHandler(2) #act err.push(1, "foo") status = err.push(2, "SUT") #assert self.assertTrue(status)
def test_pushed_error_is_recovered_on_iteration(self): #arrange msg = "line 1: test error" err = ErrorHandler() #act err.push(1, "test error") #assert for i in err: self.assertEqual(msg, i)
def test_reset_then_push_results_in_true_handler(self): #arrange err = ErrorHandler(1) #act err.push(1, "foo") err.reset() err.push(1, "bar") #assert self.assertTrue(bool(err))
def test_pushed_mulitple_errors_are_recovered_on_iteration(self): #arrange msgs = ["line 1: test error 1", "line 2: test error 2"] err = ErrorHandler() #act err.push(1, "test error 1") err.push(2, "test error 2") #assert for i, val in enumerate(err): self.assertEqual(msgs[i], val)
class Parser(): def __init__(self): """\ convert a list of tokens to an abstract syntax tree @i: tokens index @ast: abstract syntax tree generated by self.expression() """ self.err = ErrorHandler() self.tokens = [] self.i = 0 self.ast = None def parse(self, tokens, limit=10): """\ recursive descent entry point @tokens: list of tokens provided by lexical analysis, tokens[-1] == EOF @limit: internal ErrorHandler limit Returns: abstract syntax tree, top level is a list of statements """ self.err = ErrorHandler(limit) self.tokens = tokens self.i = 0 try: return (self.program(), self.err) except ParseError: return (None, self.err) def curr_type(self): """\ helper function: returns token type of token at current list index """ token = self.tokens[self.i] return token.type def curr_token(self): """\ helper function: syntactic sugar to fetch current token """ return self.tokens[self.i] def advance(self): """\ helper function: syntactic sugar for iteration over the tokens list """ assert (self.i + 1 < len(self.tokens)) self.i += 1 def prev_token(self): """\ helper function: syntactic sugar to fetch previous token """ assert (self.i - 1 >= 0) return self.tokens[self.i - 1] def check_semicolon(self): if self.curr_type() == TokenType.SEMICOLON: self.advance() return True else: tok = self.curr_token() if tok.type == TokenType.EOF: self.trap("expected ';' at end of file") else: self.trap("expected ';' before {}".format(tok.lexeme)) return False def program(self): """\ <program> := <declaration>* EOF """ tree = [] while self.curr_type() != TokenType.EOF: tree.append(self.declaration()) assert (self.curr_type() == TokenType.EOF) return tree def declaration(self): """\ <declaration> := <variable declaration> | <statement> """ if self.curr_type() == TokenType.VAR: self.advance() return self.var_declaration() return self.statement() def var_declaration(self): """\ <var_declaration> := "var" IDENTIFIER ("=" <expression>)? ";" """ name = None #if no initializer is present, assume that there was actually #an intializer to nil, i.e., var x = nil; instead of var x; initializer = Literal(Token(TokenType.NIL, -1, "nil", None)) if self.curr_type() == TokenType.IDENTIFIER: name = self.curr_token() self.advance() if self.curr_type() == TokenType.EQUAL: self.advance() initializer = self.expression() self.check_semicolon() else: self.trap("missing variable identifier") return VariableDeclaration(name, initializer) def statement(self): """\ <statement> := <expression statement> | <print statement> | <block statement> | <if statement> | <while statement> | <for statement> """ # this isn't the world's fastest code, a jump table or dictionary-based # switch would be better, but hey we're writing an interpreter in # python! This is hardly the bottleneck! if self.curr_type() == TokenType.PRINT: self.advance() stmt = self.print_stmt() elif self.curr_type() == TokenType.LEFT_BRACE: self.advance() stmt_list = self.block_stmt() stmt = Block(stmt_list) elif self.curr_type() == TokenType.IF: self.advance() stmt = self.branch_stmt() elif self.curr_type() == TokenType.WHILE: self.advance() stmt = self.while_stmt() elif self.curr_type() == TokenType.FOR: self.advance() stmt = self.for_stmt() else: stmt = self.generic_stmt() return stmt def print_stmt(self): """\ <print statement> := "print" <expression> ";" """ stmt = Printer(self.expression()) self.check_semicolon() return stmt def block_stmt(self): """\ <block statement> := "{" <declaration>* "}" this method returns a list of statements rather than a block node, b/c it is used for both generic block statements and function blocks. The caller must wrap the list into the appropriate node class. """ stmt_list = [] while self.curr_type() != TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE: expr = self.declaration() stmt_list.append(expr) if self.curr_type() == TokenType.EOF: self.trap("expected '}' at end of file") elif self.curr_type() != TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE: tok = self.curr_token() self.trap("expected '}' at {}".format(tok.lexeme)) else: self.advance() return stmt_list def branch_stmt(self): """\ <branch> := "if" "(" <expr> ")" <stmt> ("else" <stmt>)? """ if self.curr_type() != TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: self.trap("expected open parenthesis after 'if'") return Branch(None, None, None) self.advance() condition = self.expression() if self.curr_type() != TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: self.trap("expected close parenthesis after condition") return Branch(None, None, None) self.advance() then_branch = self.statement() else_branch = None if self.curr_type() == TokenType.ELSE: self.advance() else_branch = self.statement() return Branch(condition, then_branch, else_branch) def while_stmt(self): """ <while> := "while" "(" <expression> ")" <statement> """ if self.curr_type() != TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: self.trap("expected open parenthesis after 'if'") return Loop(None, None) self.advance() condition = self.expression() if self.curr_type() != TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: self.trap("expected close parenthesis after condition") return Loop(None, None) self.advance() body = self.statement() return Loop(condition, body) def for_stmt(self): """\ <for statement> := "for" "(" (<var decl> | <expr stmt> | ";") <expression>? ";" <expression>? ")" <statement> for statements are desugared into an equivalent while statement. """ if self.curr_type() != TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: self.trap("expected '(' after 'for'") return Loop(None, None) self.advance() initializer = None if self.curr_type() == TokenType.SEMICOLON: self.advance() elif self.curr_type() == TokenType.VAR: self.advance() initializer = self.var_declaration() else: initializer = self.generic_stmt() condition = None if self.curr_type() == TokenType.SEMICOLON: self.advance() else: condition = self.expression() if not self.check_semicolon(): return Loop(None, None) increment = None if self.curr_type() != TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: increment = self.expression() if self.curr_type() == TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: self.advance() else: self.trap("expected ')' after a for loop clause") return Loop(None, None) body = self.statement() #desugar the for loop by nesting the disjoint nodes into blocks if increment is not None: body = Block([body, increment]) if condition is not None: body = Loop(condition, body) else: #a little different from standard lox #if you want an infinite loop, make it clear with a while(true) #so in reality, this isn't a by-the-book lox implementation self.trap("infinite loop detected, use while(true) instead") return Loop(None, None) if initializer is not None: body = Block([initializer, body]) return body def generic_stmt(self): """\ <expression statement> := <expression> ";" """ stmt = Generic(self.expression()) self.check_semicolon() return stmt def expression(self): """\ dummy method used to encode the lox grammar explicity in the source. <expression> := <assignment> """ return self.assignment() def assignment(self): """\ assign rvalue to lvalue <assignment> := (IDENTIFIER "=" <assignment>) | <logical or> """ lval = self.logical_or() if self.curr_type() == TokenType.EQUAL: self.advance() rval = self.assignment() if isinstance(lval, Variable): #extract token from variable node as a valid lvalue return Assignment(, rval) self.trap("assignment target is not an l-value") #if trap was initiated, this return node is just a dummy. #trap synchronized to the next statement anyways so its no risk. #on the other hand, if the branch was skipped entirely, then lval #is just some expression. return lval def logical_or(self): """\ <logical or> := <logical and> ("or" <logical and>)* """ expr = self.logical_and() if self.curr_type() == TokenType.OR: self.advance() left = expr tok = self.prev_token() right = self.logical_and() return Logical(left, tok, right) return expr def logical_and(self): """\ <logical and> := <equality> ("and" <equality>)* """ expr = self.equality() if self.curr_type() == TokenType.AND: self.advance() left = expr tok = self.prev_token() right = self.logical_and() return Logical(left, tok, right) return expr def equality(self): """\ <equality> := <comparison> (("==" | "!=") <comparison>)* """ expr = self.comparison() types = set([TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL, TokenType.BANG_EQUAL]) while self.curr_type() in types: self.advance() left = expr operator = self.prev_token() right = self.comparison() expr = Binary(left, operator, right) return expr def comparison(self): """\ <comparison> := <term> ((">" | "<" | "<=" | ">=") <term>)* """ expr = self.term() types = set([TokenType.GREATER, TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL, \ TokenType.LESS, TokenType.LESS_EQUAL]) while self.curr_type() in types: self.advance() left = expr operator = self.prev_token() right = self.term() expr = Binary(left, operator, right) return expr def term(self): """\ <term> := <factor> (("+" | "-") <factor>)* """ expr = self.factor() while self.curr_type() in set([TokenType.PLUS, TokenType.MINUS]): self.advance() left = expr operator = self.prev_token() right = self.factor() expr = Binary(left, operator, right) return expr def factor(self): """\ <factor> := <unary> (("*" | "/") <unary>)* """ expr = self.unary() while self.curr_type() in set([TokenType.STAR, TokenType.SLASH]): self.advance() left = expr operator = self.prev_token() right = self.unary() expr = Binary(left, operator, right) return expr def unary(self): """\ <unary> := ("!" | "-") <unary> | <primary> """ if self.curr_type() in set([TokenType.BANG, TokenType.MINUS]): self.advance() return Unary(self.prev_token(), self.unary()) return self.primary() def primary(self): """\ <primary> := NUMBER | STRING | "true" | "false" | "nil" <primary> := "(" <expression> ")" """ types = set([TokenType.NUMBER, TokenType.STRING, TokenType.NIL, \ TokenType.TRUE, TokenType.FALSE]) if self.curr_type() in types: expr = Literal(self.curr_token()) self.advance() elif self.curr_type() == TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: self.advance() expr = Grouping(self.expression()) if self.curr_type() == TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: self.advance() else: self.trap("missing right parenthesis for grouped expression") elif self.curr_type() == TokenType.IDENTIFIER: expr = Variable(self.curr_token()) self.advance() elif self.curr_type() == TokenType.EOF: #this situation occurs when the user has a grammar error at the #end of file such as "3-". In this situation, the parser has been #passing the EOF token along the call stack. The else branch can #handle this issue, but its not user friendly because it presents #a EOF:"None" lexeme to the user. # #trap is at EOF so no need to create a dummy expr for return tok = self.prev_token() self.trap("misplaced symbol '{}' at end of file".format( tok.lexeme)) else: lexeme = (self.tokens[self.i]).lexeme self.trap("misplaced symbol '{}'".format(lexeme)) #dummy statement will be added to program tree expr = None return expr def trap(self, msg): """\ push parameters to error handler then enter panic mode to reset at the next sequence point. """ tok = self.tokens[self.i] line = tok.line if not self.err.push(line, msg): self.err.grow(1) self.error.push(line, "additional errors found (hidden)") #synchronize parser to continue at next program statement types = set([TokenType.CLASS, TokenType.FUN, TokenType.VAR, \ TokenType.FOR, TokenType.IF, TokenType.WHILE, \ TokenType.PRINT, TokenType.RETURN]) while self.curr_type() not in types: if self.curr_type() == TokenType.EOF: #no statements left in program so no need to continue parsing #unwind call stack back to self.program and let it handle return raise ParseError else: self.advance()