def test_validate_int_float(self, mock_conn): with mock.patch.dict('src.etl.rds.CONFIG', self.config): rds = RDS() mock_conn.assert_called_once() with self.assertRaises(ValidationException, msg="Should throw exception on a variable that is not an integer."): rds.validate_int("Variable", "100.1", 100, 200)
def test_validate_int(self, mock_conn): with mock.patch.dict('src.etl.rds.CONFIG', self.config): rds = RDS() rds.validate_int("Variable", "100", 100, 200) mock_conn.assert_called_once() self.assertTrue( True, "Should not throw exception on a variable that is an integer.")
def test_validate_int_outside_range(self, mock_conn): rds = RDS() mock_conn.assert_called_once() with self.assertRaises( ValidationException, msg= "Should throw exception on a variable that is not an integer in range." ): rds.validate_int("Variable", "99", 100, 200)
def test_validate_int_float(self): rds = RDS() with self.assertRaises(ValidationException, msg="Should throw exception on a variable that is not an integer."): rds.validate_int("Variable", "100.1", 100, 200)
def test_validate_int(self): rds = RDS() rds.validate_int("Variable", "100", 100, 200) self.assertTrue(True, "Should not throw exception on a variable that is an integer.")