Esempio n. 1
def remove_stopwords(text):
    """Remove stopwords from word token list"""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If text is not tokenize, tokenize text.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = text
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(text, 'whitespace')
    # Create stopwords list.
    stop_set = set(stopwords.words('english'))
    rem_word = ['very', 'not', 'nor', 'no', 'same', 'more']
    for word in rem_word:
        'amp', 'would', 'one', 'get', 'make', 'buy', 'time', 'use', 'go',
        'think', 'first', 'old', 'put', 'two', 'even', 'look', 'come', 'year',
        'also', 'time', 'way', 'give', 'quotation', 'work', 'say', 'could',
        'take', 'back', 'want', 'find', 'new', 'try', 'money', 'fill', 'hear',
        'know', 'thing', 'see', 'seem', 'day', 'another', 'month'
    # Filter stopwords from text.
    normalized_text = [
        token for token in normalized_text if token not in stop_set
    # If text was not tokenize, merge tokens.
    if not was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(normalized_text)
    # Return normalized text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 2
def remove_numbers(text):
    """Remove numbers from text."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If texts is tokenized, merge tokens.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(text)
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = text
    # Remove all tailing white spaces.
    normalized_text = normalized_text.strip()
    # Replace all special characters with spaces.
    normalized_text = sub(get_number_pattern(), r' ', normalized_text)
    # Then remove multiple adjacent spaces.
    normalized_text = sub(' +', ' ', normalized_text)
    # Strip text.
    normalized_text = normalized_text.strip()
    # If text was tokenized, re-tokenize text.
    if was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(normalized_text)
    # Return normalized text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 3
def remove_end_characters(text):
    """Removes end characters from word token list."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If text is not tokenize, tokenize text.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(text)
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = text
    normalized_text += ' '
    # Replace stopwords with spaces.
    normalized_text = sub(get_end_characters_pattern(), r' ', normalized_text)
    # Then remove multiple adjacent spaces.
    normalized_text = sub(' +', ' ', normalized_text)
    # Then strip text.
    normalized_text = normalized_text.strip()
    if normalized_text[-1] == r'.':
        normalized_text = normalized_text[:-1]
    # If text was tokenized, then re-tokenize.
    if was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(normalized_text)
    # Return normalized text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 4
def convert_case(text, to_lower=True):
    """Converts text to defined case."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If texts is tokenized, merge tokens.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(text)
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = text

    # If to lower, convert to lower case. Else, convert to upper case.
    if to_lower:
        normalized_text = normalized_text.lower()
        normalized_text = normalized_text.upper()

    # If text was tokenized, re-tokenize text.
    if was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(normalized_text)

    # Return normalized text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 5
def expand_abbreviations(text):
    """Expands contractions in text."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If texts is tokenized, merge tokens.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(text)
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = text
    # If last character is not space, add space.
        if normalized_text[-1] != ' ':
            normalized_text += ' '
    except IndexError:
    # Creates abbreviations pattern.
    abbreviations_pattern = compile('({})'.format(r'\.?\s|'.join(
                                    flags=IGNORECASE | DOTALL)

    def expand_match(abbreviation):
        """Expands matched contraction."""

        # Retrieves matched contraction from string.
        match =
        # If last character is space, remove space.
        if match[-1] == " ":
            match = match[:-1]
            remove_space = True
            remove_space = False
        # If last character is dot, remove dot.
        if match[-1] == r'.':
            match = match[:-1]
        # Find expanded contraction in dictionary, based on contraction key.
        expanded_contraction = get_abbreviation_dict().get(match.lower())
        if not expanded_contraction:
        if remove_space:
            expanded_contraction += " "
        # Add first character to expanded contraction.
        return expanded_contraction

    # Replaces contractions with expanded contractions in text.
    normalized_text = abbreviations_pattern.sub(expand_match, normalized_text)
    # Strip text.
    normalized_text = normalized_text.strip()
    # If text was tokenized, re-tokenize text.
    if was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(normalized_text)

    # Return expanded text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 6
def lemmatize_text(text):
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = text
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(text, 'whitespace')
        was_tokenized = False

    pos_tagged_text = pos_tag_text(normalized_text)
    lemmatized_text = [
        WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(word, pos_tag) if pos_tag else word
        for word, pos_tag in pos_tagged_text
    if not was_tokenized:
        lemmatized_text = merge_tokens(lemmatized_text)
    return lemmatized_text
Esempio n. 7
def emoticon_expand(text):
    """Expands emoticon in text."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If texts is tokenized, merge tokens.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(text)
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = text

    # Creates emoticon pattern.
    emoticon_pattern = compile('({})'.format('r|'.join(
                               flags=IGNORECASE | DOTALL)

    def expand_match(emoticon):
        """Expands matched emoticon."""

        # Retrieves matched emoticon from string.
        match =
        # Stores first character for case sensitivity.
        first_char = match[0]
        # Find expanded emoticon in dictionary, based on emoticon key.
        expanded_emoticon = get_emoticon_dict().get(match)
        # If the emoticon could not be found, try again with lower case.
        if not expanded_emoticon:
            expanded_emoticon = get_emoticon_dict().get(match.lower())
        # Add first character to expanded emoticon.
        expanded_emoticon = first_char + expanded_emoticon[1:]
        return expanded_emoticon

    # Replaces emoticon with expanded emoticon in text.
    normalized_text = emoticon_pattern.sub(expand_match, normalized_text)
    # Strip text.
    normalized_text = normalized_text.strip()
    # If text was tokenized, re-tokenize text.
    if was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(normalized_text)

    # Return expanded text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 8
def correct_spelling(text):
    """Correct spelling."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If is not tokenized, tokenize text.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = text
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = was_tokenized(text, 'whitespace')
    # Correct words.
    normalized_text = [correct_word(word) for word in normalized_text]
    # If was tokenized, merge text.
    if not was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(normalized_text)
    # Return normalized text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 9
def replace_apostrophes(text):
    """Replaces apostrophe pattern with '."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If texts is tokenized, merge tokens.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(text)
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = text
    # Replaces apostrophe pattern with '.
    normalized_text = sub(get_apostrophe_pattern(), "'", normalized_text)
    # Strip text.
    normalized_text = normalized_text.strip()
    # If was tokenized, re-tokenize text.
    if was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(normalized_text)
    # Return normalized text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 10
def replace_multiple_stopwords(text):
    """Replaces multiple stopwords with single stopwords."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If texts is tokenized, merge tokens.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(text)
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = text
    # Replaces apostrophe pattern with '.
    normalized_text = sub('[.!?]+', _get_single_match, normalized_text)
    # Strip text.
    normalized_text = normalized_text.strip()
    # If was tokenized, re-tokenize text.
    if was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(normalized_text)
    # Return normalized text.
    return normalized_text
Esempio n. 11
def remove_hyperlinks(text):
    """Remove hyperlinks from text."""

    # If text is empty, return None.
    if not text: return None
    # If is tokenized, merge tokens.
    if is_tokenized(text):
        was_tokenized = True
        normalized_text = merge_tokens(text)
        was_tokenized = False
        normalized_text = text
    # Replace hyperlinks with space.
    normalized_text = sub(get_hyperlink_pattern(), r' ', normalized_text)
    # Then remove multiple adjacent spaces.
    normalized_text = sub(' +', ' ', normalized_text)
    # Strip text.
    normalized_text = normalized_text.strip()
    # If text was tokenized, re-tokenize text.
    if was_tokenized:
        normalized_text = word_tokenize(normalized_text)
    # Return normalized text.
    return normalized_text