Esempio n. 1
def generate_config_string():
    """ Generates a configuration string with mock values and  returns it """

    initializer = Initialize()
    test_directory = os.path.join(initializer.BASE_DIRECTORY, "tests", "test_directory")
    test_locations = {
        'ext_dir_1': os.path.join(test_directory, "hs_manage", "extn_dir_1"),
        'ext_dir_2': os.path.join(test_directory, "hs_manage", "extn_dir_2"),
        'music_dir_1': os.path.join(test_directory, "hs_music"),
        'wallpaper_dir_1': os.path.join(test_directory, "hs_wallpaper"),

    test_config = """[hs-backup]
    purge            = 1
    retries          = 10
    backup_location  = D:/
    directory1       = C:/Sample_Dir1
    directory2       = C:/Sample_Dir2

    url1 =
    url2 =

    extension_set_1  = .txt, .pptx
    location_1       = %(ext_dir_1)s
    extension_set_2  = .jpg, .png
    location_2       = %(ext_dir_2)s

    directory1 = %(music_dir_1)s

    program1 = C:/Sample_Dir1/Sample_Prog1.exe

    directory1 = %(wallpaper_dir_1)s

    editor   = C:/Sample_Editor1.exe
    project1 = C:/Sample_Dir1
    """ % test_locations
    return test_config
Esempio n. 2
hs-manage -d <directory> :: Directory to organize files of
hs-manage -c or <none>   :: Manage files in current directory

# Python imports
import argparse
import os
import sys

# Local imports
from src import help
from src.errors import *
from src.initialize import Initialize
from src.configreader import ConfigReader

initializer = Initialize()
white_space = initializer.white_space
config_file = initializer.config_file
config_reader = ConfigReader(config_file)
# Gets the path to Desktop
desktop = os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE'], "Desktop")

# Paths/Directories for different file types
paths = config_reader.read_config("hs-desktop")

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
    parser.add_argument('--help', '-help', action='store_true')

    args = parser.parse_args()